Miscellaneous Writings

by Mary Baker Eddy

Table of Contents

Chapter I. Introductory

Chapter II.

Chapter III.

Chapter IV. Addresses

Chapter V. Letters

Chapter VI. Sermons

Chapter VII.

Chapter VIII. Precept Upon Precept

Chapter IX. The Fruit Of Spirit

Chapter X.

Chapter XI. Poems

Chapter XII.

Dedication and Epigrams

 Loyal Christian Scientists
 In This And Every Land
 I Lovingly Dedicate These Practical Teachings
 Indispensable To The Culture And Achievements Which
 Constitute The Success Of A Student
 And Demonstrate The Ethics
 Of Christian Science

 Mary Baker Eddy

 Pray thee, take care, that tak’st my book in hand,
 To read it well; that is, to understand.

 BEN JONSON: Epigram 1

 When I would know thee … my thought looks
 Upon thy well made choice of friends and books;
 Then do I love thee, and behold thy ends
 In making thy friends books, and thy books friends.

 BEN JONSON: Epigram 86

 If worlds were formed by matter,
 And mankind from the dust;
 Till time shall end more timely,
 There’s nothing here to trust.

 Thenceforth to evolution’s
 Geology, we say, —
 Nothing have we gained therefrom,
 And nothing have to pray:

 My world has sprung from Spirit,
 In everlasting day;
 Whereof, I’ve more to glory,
 Wherefor, have much to pay.



Page ix

1 A certain apothegm of a Talmudical philosopher
 suits my sense of doing good. It reads thus: “The
 noblest charity is to prevent a man from accepting
 charity; and the best alms are to show and to enable a
5 man to dispense with alms.”

 In the early history of Christian Science, among my
 thousands of students few were wealthy. Now, Christian
 Scientists are not indigent; and their comfortable fortunes
 are acquired by healing mankind morally, physically,
10 spiritually. The easel of time presents pictures — once
 fragmentary and faint — now rejuvenated by the touch
 of God’s right hand. Where joy, sorrow, hope, disap-
 pointment, sigh, and smile commingled, now hope sits

15 To preserve a long course of years still and uniform,
 amid the uniform darkness of storm and cloud and
 tempest, requires strength from above, — deep draughts
 from the fount of divine Love. Truly may it be said:
 There is an old age of the heart, and a youth that never
20 grows old; a Love that is a boy, and a Psyche who is
 ever a girl. The fleeting freshness of youth, however,
 is not the evergreen of Soul; the coloring glory of

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1 perpetual bloom; the spiritual glow and grandeur of
 a consecrated life wherein dwelleth peace, sacred and
 sincere in trial or in triumph.

 The opportunity has at length offered itself for me to
5 comply with an oft-repeated request; namely, to collect
 my miscellaneous writings published in The Christian
 Science Journal
, since April, 1883, and republish them
 in book form, — accessible as reference, and reliable as
 old landmarks. Owing to the manifold demands on my
10 time in the early pioneer days, most of these articles
 were originally written in haste, without due preparation.
 To those heretofore in print, a few articles are herein
 appended. To some articles are affixed data, where these
 are most requisite, to serve as mile-stones measuring the
15 distance, — or the difference between then and now,—
 in the opinions of men and the progress of our Cause.

 My signature has been slightly changed from my
 Christian name, Mary Morse Baker. Timidity in early
 years caused me, as an author, to assume various noms
20 de plume
. After my first marriage, to Colonel Glover
 of Charleston, South Carolina, I dropped the name of
 Morse to retain my maiden name, — thinking that other-
 wise the name would be too long.

 In 1894, I received from the Daughters of the American
25 Revolution a certificate of membership made out to Mary
 Baker Eddy, and thereafter adopted that form of signa-
 ture, except in connection with my published works.

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1 The first edition of Science and Health having been
 copyrighted at the date of its issue, 1875, in my name
 of Glover, caused me to retain the initial “G” on my
 subsequent books.

5 These pages, although a reproduction of what has
 been written, are still in advance of their time; and are
 richly rewarded by what they have hitherto achieved for
 the race. While no offering can liquidate one’s debt of
 gratitude to God, the fervent heart and willing hand are
10 not unknown to nor unrewarded by Him.

 May this volume be to the reader a graphic guide-
 book, pointing the path, dating the unseen, and enabling
 him to walk the untrodden in the hitherto unexplored
 fields of Science. At each recurring holiday the Christian
15 Scientist will find herein a “canny” crumb; and thus
 may time’s pastimes become footsteps to joys eternal.

 Realism will at length be found to surpass imagination,
 and to suit and savor all literature. The shuttlecock of
 religious intolerance will fall to the ground, if there be
20 no battledores to fling it back and forth. It is reason for
 rejoicing that the vox populi is inclined to grant us peace,
 together with pardon for the preliminary battles that
 purchased it.

 With tender tread, thought sometimes walks in memory,
25 through the dim corridors of years, on to old battle-
 grounds, there sadly to survey the fields of the slain and
 the enemy’s losses. In compiling this work, I have tried

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1 to remove the pioneer signs and ensigns of war, and to
 retain at this date the privileged armaments of peace.

 With armor on, I continue the march, command and
 countermand; meantime interluding with loving thought
5 this afterpiece of battle. Supported, cheered, I take my
 pen and pruning-hook, to “learn war no more,” and with
 strong wing to lift my readers above the smoke of conflict
 into light and liberty.

 Mary Baker Eddy

 Concord, N.H.
 January, 1897

Chapter 1 — Introductory


Page 1

1 The ancient Greek looked longingly for the Olym-
 piad. The Chaldee watched the appearing of a
 star; to him, no higher destiny dawned on the dome
5 of being than that foreshadowed by signs in the heav-
 ens. The meek Nazarene, the scoffed of all scoffers,
 said, “Ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye
 not discern the signs of the times?” — for he forefelt
 and foresaw the ordeal of a perfect Christianity, hated
10 by sinners.

 To kindle all minds with a gleam of gratitude, the
 new idea that comes welling up from infinite Truth needs
 to be understood. The seer of this age should be a

15 Humility is the stepping-stone to a higher recognition
 of Deity. The mounting sense gathers fresh forms and
 strange fire from the ashes of dissolving self, and drops
 the world. Meekness heightens immortal attributes
 only by removing the dust that dims them. Goodness
20 reveals another scene and another self seemingly rolled
 up in shades, but brought to light by the evolutions of

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1 advancing thought, whereby we discern the power of
 Truth and Love to heal the sick.

 Pride is ignorance; those assume most who have the
 least wisdom or experience; and they steal from their
5 neighbor, because they have so little of their own.

 The signs of these times portend a long and strong
 determination of mankind to cleave to the world, the
 flesh, and evil, causing great obscuration of Spirit.
 When we remember that God is just, and admit the
10 total depravity of mortals, alias mortal mind, — and that
 this Adam legacy must first be seen, and then must be
 subdued and recompensed by justice, the eternal attri-
 bute of Truth, — the outlook demands labor, and the
 laborers seem few. To-day we behold but the first
15 faint view of a more spiritual Christianity, that embraces
 a deeper and broader philosophy and a more rational and
 divine healing. The time approaches when divine Life,
 Truth, and Love will be found alone the remedy for sin,
 sickness, and death; when God, man’s saving Principle,
20 and Christ, the spiritual idea of God, will be revealed.

 Man’s probation after death is the necessity of his
 immortality; for good dies not and evil is self-destruc-
 tive, therefore evil must be mortal and self-destroyed.
 If man should not progress after death, but should re-
25 main in error, he would be inevitably self-annihilated.
 Those upon whom “the second death hath no power”
 are those who progress here and hereafter out of evil,
 their mortal element, and into good that is immortal;
 thus laying off the material beliefs that war against
30 Spirit, and putting on the spiritual elements in divine

 While we entertain decided views as to the best method

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1 for elevating the race physically, morally, and spiritu-
 ally, and shall express these views as duty demands, we
 shall claim no especial gift from our divine origin, no
 supernatural power. If we regard good as more natural
5 than evil, and spiritual understanding — the true knowl-
 edge of God — as imparting the only power to heal the
 sick and the sinner, we shall demonstrate in our lives the
 power of Truth and Love.

 The lessons we learn in divine Science are applica-
10 ble to all the needs of man. Jesus taught them for this
 very purpose; and his demonstration hath taught us
 that “through his stripes” — his life-experience — and
 divine Science, brought to the understanding through
 Christ, the Spirit-revelator, is man healed and saved.
15 No opinions of mortals nor human hypotheses enter this
 line of thought or action. Drugs, inert matter, never are
 needed to aid spiritual power. Hygiene, manipulation,
 and mesmerism are not Mind’s medicine. The Prin-
 ciple of all cure is God, unerring and immortal Mind.
20 We have learned that the erring or mortal thought holds
 in itself all sin, sickness, and death, and imparts these
 states to the body; while the supreme and perfect Mind,
 as seen in the truth of being, antidotes and destroys these
 material elements of sin and death.

25 Because God is supreme and omnipotent, materia
 medica, hygiene, and animal magnetism are impotent;
 and their only supposed efficacy is in apparently delud-
 ing reason, denying revelation, and dethroning Deity.
 The tendency of mental healing is to uplift mankind; but
30 this method perverted, is “Satan let loose.” Hence the
 deep demand for the Science of psychology to meet sin,
 and uncover it; thus to annihilate hallucination.

Page 4

1 Thought imbued with purity, Truth, and Love, in-
 structed in the Science of metaphysical healing, is the
 most potent and desirable remedial agent on the earth.
 At this period there is a marked tendency of mortal
5 mind to plant mental healing on the basis of hypnotism,
 calling this method “mental science.” All Science is
 Christian Science; the Science of the Mind that is God,
 and of the universe as His idea, and their relation to each
 other. Its only power to heal is its power to do good,
 not evil.

Chapter 1

A Timely Issue

Page 4

 At this date, 1883, a newspaper edited and published
 by the Christian Scientists has become a necessity. Many
 questions important to be disposed of come to the Col-
15 lege and to the practising students, yet but little time
 has been devoted to their answer. Further enlight-
 enment is necessary for the age, and a periodical de-
 voted to this work seems alone adequate to meet the
 requirement. Much interest is awakened and expressed
20 on the subject of metaphysical healing, but in many
 minds it is confounded with isms, and even infidelity, so
 that its religious specialty and the vastness of its worth
 are not understood.

 It is often said, “You must have a very strong will-
25 power to heal,” or, “It must require a great deal of faith
 to make your demonstrations.” When it is answered
 that there is no will-power required, and that something
 more than faith is necessary, we meet with an expression
 of incredulity. It is not alone the mission of Christian
30 Science to heal the sick, but to destroy sin in mortal

Page 5

1 thought. This work well done will elevate and purify
 the race. It cannot fail to do this if we devote our best
 energies to the work.

 Science reveals man as spiritual, harmonious, and eter-
5 nal. This should be understood. Our College should
 be crowded with students who are willing to consecrate
 themselves to this Christian work. Mothers should be
 able to produce perfect health and perfect morals in their
 children — and ministers, to heal the sick — by study-
10 ing this scientific method of practising Christianity.
 Many say, “I should like to study, but have not suffi-
 cient faith that I have the power to heal.” The healing
 power is Truth and Love, and these do not fail in the
 greatest emergencies.

15 Materia medica says, “I can do no more. I have
 done all that can be done. There is nothing to build
 upon. There is no longer any reason for hope.” Then
 metaphysics comes in, armed with the power of Spirit,
 not matter, takes up the case hopefully and builds on
20 the stone that the builders have rejected, and is suc-

 Metaphysical therapeutics can seem a miracle and a
 mystery to those only who do not understand the grand
 reality that Mind controls the body. They acknowledge
25 an erring or mortal mind, but believe it to be brain mat-
 ter. That man is the idea of infinite Mind, always perfect
 in God, in Truth, Life, and Love, is something not easily
 accepted, weighed down as is mortal thought with mate-
 rial beliefs. That which never existed, can seem solid
30 substance to this thought. It is much easier for people
 to believe that the body affects the mind, than that the
 mind affects the body.

Page 6

1 We hear from the pulpits that sickness is sent as a
 discipline to bring man nearer to God, — even though
 sickness often leaves mortals but little time free from
 complaints and fretfulness, and Jesus cast out disease as
5 evil.

 The most of our Christian Science practitioners have
 plenty to do, and many more are needed for the ad-
 vancement of the age. At present the majority of the
 acute cases are given to the M. D.’s, and only those
10 cases that are pronounced incurable are passed over to
 the Scientist. The healing of such cases should cer-
 tainly prove to all minds the power of metaphysics over
 physics; and it surely does, to many thinkers, as the
 rapid growth of the work shows. At no distant day,
15 Christian healing will rank far in advance of allopathy
 and homœopathy; for Truth must ultimately succeed
 where error fails.

 Mind governs all. That we exist in God, perfect,
 there is no doubt, for the conceptions of Life, Truth, and
20 Love must be perfect; and with that basic truth we con-
 quer sickness, sin, and death. Frequently it requires
 time to overcome the patient’s faith in drugs and mate-
 rial hygiene; but when once convinced of the uselessness
 of such material methods, the gain is rapid.

25 It is a noticeable fact, that in families where laws
 of health are strictly enforced, great caution is observed
 in regard to diet, and the conversation chiefly confined
 to the ailments of the body, there is the most sickness.
 Take a large family of children where the mother has
 all that she can attend to in keeping them clothed and
 fed, and health is generally the rule; whereas, in small
 families of one or two children, sickness is by no means

Page 7

1 the exception. These children must not be allowed to
 eat certain food, nor to breathe the cold air, because
 there is danger in it; when they perspire, they must be
 loaded down with coverings until their bodies become
5 dry, — and the mother of one child is often busier than
 the mother of eight.

 Great charity and humility is necessary in this work
 of healing. The loving patience of Jesus, we must
 strive to emulate. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
10 thyself” has daily to be exemplified; and, although
 skepticism and incredulity prevail in places where
 one would least expect it, it harms not; for if serving
 Christ, Truth, of what can mortal opinion avail? Cast
 not your pearls before swine; but if you cannot bring
15 peace to all, you can to many, if faithful laborers in His

 Looking over the newspapers of the day, one naturally
 reflects that it is dangerous to live, so loaded with disease
 seems the very air. These descriptions carry fears to
20 many minds, to be depicted in some future time upon
 the body. A periodical of our own will counteract to
 some extent this public nuisance; for through our paper,
 at the price at which we shall issue it, we shall be able
 to reach many homes with healing, purifying thought.
25 A great work already has been done, and a greater work
 yet remains to be done. Oftentimes we are denied the
 results of our labors because people do not understand
 the nature and power of metaphysics, and they think
 that health and strength would have returned natu-
30 rally without any assistance. This is not so much from
 a lack of justice, as it is that the mens populi is not suffi-
 ciently enlightened on this great subject. More thought

Page 8

1 is given to material illusions than to spiritual facts. If
 we can aid in abating suffering and diminishing sin,
 we shall have accomplished much; but if we can bring
 to the general thought this great fact that drugs do not,
5 cannot, produce health and harmony, since “in Him
 [Mind] we live, and move, and have our being,” we shall
 have done more.

Love Your Enemies

Page 8

 Who is thine enemy that thou shouldst love him? Is
10 it a creature or a thing outside thine own creation?

 Can you see an enemy, except you first formulate this
 enemy and then look upon the object of your own con-
 ception? What is it that harms you? Can height, or
 depth, or any other creature separate you from the
15 Love that is omnipresent good, — that blesses infinitely
 one and all?

 Simply count your enemy to be that which defiles,
 defaces, and dethrones the Christ-image that you should
 reflect. Whatever purifies, sanctifies, and consecrates
20 human life, is not an enemy, however much we suffer in
 the process. Shakespeare writes: “Sweet are the uses
 of adversity.” Jesus said: “Blessed are ye, when men
 shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all
 manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake; … for
25 so persecuted they the prophets which were before

 The Hebrew law with its “Thou shalt not,” its de-
 mand and sentence, can only be fulfilled through the
 gospel’s benediction. Then, “Blessed are ye,” inso-

Page 9

1 much as the consciousness of good, grace, and peace,
 comes through affliction rightly understood, as sanctified
 by the purification it brings to the flesh, — to pride, self-
 ignorance, self-will, self-love, self-justification. Sweet,
5 indeed, are these uses of His rod! Well is it that the
 Shepherd of Israel passes all His flock under His rod
 into His fold; thereby numbering them, and giving them
 refuge at last from the elements of earth.

 “Love thine enemies” is identical with “Thou hast
10 no enemies.” Wherein is this conclusion relative to
 those who have hated thee without a cause? Simply, in
 that those unfortunate individuals are virtually thy best
 friends. Primarily and ultimately, they are doing thee
 good far beyond the present sense which thou canst enter-
15 tain of good.

 Whom we call friends seem to sweeten life’s cup and
 to fill it with the nectar of the gods. We lift this cup
 to our lips; but it slips from our grasp, to fall in frag-
 ments before our eyes. Perchance, having tasted its
20 tempting wine, we become intoxicated; become lethar-
 gic, dreamy objects of self-satisfaction; else, the con-
 tents of this cup of selfish human enjoyment having lost
 its flavor, we voluntarily set it aside as tasteless and
 unworthy of human aims.

25 And wherefore our failure longer to relish this fleet-
 ing sense, with its delicious forms of friendship,
 wherewith mortals become educated to gratification in
 personal pleasure and trained in treacherous peace?
 Because it is the great and only danger in the path
30 that winds upward. A false sense of what consti-
 tutes happiness is more disastrous to human progress
 than all that an enemy or enmity can obtrude upon

Page 10

1 the mind or engraft upon its purposes and achievements
 wherewith to obstruct life’s joys and enhance its sor-

 We have no enemies. Whatever envy, hatred, revenge
5  — the most remorseless motives that govern mortal mind
  — whatever these try to do, shall “work together for good
 to them that love God.”


 Because He has called His own, armed them, equipped
10 them, and furnished them defenses impregnable. Their
 God will not let them be lost; and if they fall they shall
 rise again, stronger than before the stumble. The good
 cannot lose their God, their help in times of trouble.
 If they mistake the divine command, they will recover
15 it, countermand their order, retrace their steps, and
 reinstate His orders, more assured to press on safely.
 The best lesson of their lives is gained by crossing
 swords with temptation, with fear and the besetments
 of evil; insomuch as they thereby have tried their
20 strength and proven it; insomuch as they have found
 their strength made perfect in weakness, and their fear
 is self-immolated.

 This destruction is a moral chemicalization, wherein
 old things pass away and all things become new. The
25 worldly or material tendencies of human affections and
 pursuits are thus annihilated; and this is the advent of
 spiritualization. Heaven comes down to earth, and
 mortals learn at last the lesson, “I have no enemies.”

 Even in belief you have but one (that, not in reality),
30 and this one enemy is yourself — your erroneous belief
 that you have enemies; that evil is real; that aught but
 good exists in Science. Soon or late, your enemy will

Page 11

1 wake from his delusion to suffer for his evil intent; to
 find that, though thwarted, its punishment is tenfold.

 Love is the fulfilling of the law: it is grace, mercy,
 and justice. I used to think it sufficiently just to abide
5 by our State statutes; that if a man should aim a ball at
 my heart, and I by firing first could kill him and save
 my own life, that this was right. I thought, also, that
 if I taught indigent students gratuitously, afterwards
 assisting them pecuniarily, and did not cease teach-
10 ing the wayward ones at close of the class term, but
 followed them with precept upon precept; that if my
 instructions had healed them and shown them the sure way
 of salvation, — I had done my whole duty to students.

 Love metes not out human justice, but divine mercy.
15 If one’s life were attacked, and one could save it only
 in accordance with common law, by taking another’s,
 would one sooner give up his own? We must love our
 enemies in all the manifestations wherein and whereby
 we love our friends; must even try not to expose their
20 faults, but to do them good whenever opportunity
 occurs. To mete out human justice to those who per-
 secute and despitefully use one, is not leaving all retribu-
 tion to God and returning blessing for cursing. If special
 opportunity for doing good to one’s enemies occur not,
25 one can include them in his general effort to benefit the
 race. Because I can do much general good to such as
 hate me, I do it with earnest, special care — since they
 permit me no other way, though with tears have I striven
 for it. When smitten on one cheek, I have turned the
30 other: I have but two to present.

 I would enjoy taking by the hand all who love me not,
 and saying to them, “I love you, and would not know-

Page 12

1 ingly harm you.” Because I thus feel, I say to others:
 Hate no one; for hatred is a plague-spot that spreads
 its virus and kills at last. If indulged, it masters us;
 brings suffering upon suffering to its possessor, through-
5 out time and beyond the grave. If you have been badly
 wronged, forgive and forget: God will recompense this
 wrong, and punish, more severely than you could, him
 who has striven to injure you. Never return evil for evil;
 and, above all, do not fancy that you have been wronged
10 when you have not been.

 The present is ours; the future, big with events.
 Every man and woman should be to-day a law to him-
 self, herself, — a law of loyalty to Jesus’ Sermon on the
 Mount. The means for sinning unseen and unpunished
15 have so increased that, unless one be watchful and stead-
 fast in Love, one’s temptations to sin are increased a
 hundredfold. Mortal mind at this period mutely works
 in the interest of both good and evil in a manner least
 understood; hence the need of watching, and the danger
20 of yielding to temptation from causes that at former
 periods in human history were not existent. The action
 and effects of this so-called human mind in its silent argu-
 ments, are yet to be uncovered and summarily dealt with
 by divine justice.

25 In Christian Science, the law of Love rejoices the heart;
 and Love is Life and Truth. Whatever manifests aught
 else in its effects upon mankind, demonstrably is not Love.
 We should measure our love for God by our love for man;
 and our sense of Science will be measured by our obedience
30 to God, — fulfilling the law of Love, doing good to all;
 imparting, so far as we reflect them, Truth, Life, and Love
 to all within the radius of our atmosphere of thought.

Page 13

1 The only justice of which I feel at present capable,
 is mercy and charity toward every one, — just so far as
 one and all permit me to exercise these sentiments toward
 them, — taking special care to mind my own business.

5 The falsehood, ingratitude, misjudgment, and sharp
 return of evil for good — yea, the real wrongs (if wrong
 can be real) which I have long endured at the hands of
 others — have most happily wrought out for me the law
 of loving mine enemies. This law I now urge upon the
10 solemn consideration of all Christian Scientists. Jesus
 said, “If ye love them which love you, what thank have
 ye? for sinners also love those that love them.”

Christian Theism

Page 13

 Scholastic theology elaborates the proposition that
15 evil is a factor of good, and that to believe in the reality
 of evil is essential to a rounded sense of the existence of

 This frail hypothesis is founded upon the basis of mate-
 rial and mortal evidence — only upon what the shifting
20 mortal senses confirm and frail human reason accepts.
 The Science of Soul reverses this proposition, overturns
 the testimony of the five erring senses, and reveals in
 clearer divinity the existence of good only; that is, of
 God and His idea.

25 This postulate of divine Science only needs to be con-
 ceded, to afford opportunity for proof of its correctness
 and the clearer discernment of good.

 Seek the Anglo-Saxon term for God, and you will
 find it to be good; then define good as God, and you
30 will find that good is omnipotence, has all power; it fills

Page 14

1 all space, being omnipresent; hence, there is neither place
 nor power left for evil. Divest your thought, then, of
 the mortal and material view which contradicts the ever-
 presence and all-power of good; take in only the immor-
5 tal facts which include these, and where will you see or
 feel evil, or find its existence necessary either to the origin
 or ultimate of good?

 It is urged that, from his original state of perfec-
 tion, man has fallen into the imperfection that requires
10 evil through which to develop good. Were we to
 admit this vague proposition, the Science of man could
 never be learned; for in order to learn Science, we
 begin with the correct statement, with harmony and
 its Principle; and if man has lost his Principle and
15 its harmony, from evidences before him he is inca-
 pable of knowing the facts of existence and its con-
 comitants: therefore to him evil is as real and eternal
 as good, God! This awful deception is evil’s umpire
 and empire, that good, God, understood, forcibly
20 destroys.

 What appears to mortals from their standpoint to be
 the necessity for evil, is proven by the law of opposites
 to be without necessity. Good is the primitive Princi-
 ple of man; and evil, good’s opposite, has no Principle,
25 and is not, and cannot be, the derivative of good.
 Thus evil is neither a primitive nor a derivative, but
 is suppositional; in other words, a lie that is incapable
 of proof — therefore, wholly problematical.

 The Science of Truth annihilates error, deprives evil
30 of all power, and thereby destroys all error, sin, sickness,
 disease, and death. But the sinner is not sheltered from
 suffering from sin: he makes a great reality of evil, iden-

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1 tifies himself with it, fancies he finds pleasure in it, and
 will reap what he sows; hence the sinner must endure
 the effects of his delusion until he awakes from it.

The New Birth

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5 St. Paul speaks of the new birth as “waiting for the
 adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.” The
 great Nazarene Prophet said, “Blessed are the pure in
 heart: for they shall see God.” Nothing aside from the
 spiritualization — yea, the highest Christianization — of
10 thought and desire, can give the true perception of God
 and divine Science, that results in health, happiness, and

 The new birth is not the work of a moment. It begins
 with moments, and goes on with years; moments of sur-
15 render to God, of childlike trust and joyful adoption
 of good; moments of self-abnegation, self-consecration,
 heaven-born hope, and spiritual love.

 Time may commence, but it cannot complete, the
 new birth: eternity does this; for progress is the law
20 of infinity. Only through the sore travail of mortal mind
 shall soul as sense be satisfied, and man awake in His
 likeness. What a faith-lighted thought is this! that
 mortals can lay off the “old man,” until man is found
 to be the image of the infinite good that we name God,
25 and the fulness of the stature of man in Christ appears.

 In mortal and material man, goodness seems in em-
 bryo. By suffering for sin, and the gradual fading out
 of the mortal and material sense of man, thought is de-
 veloped into an infant Christianity; and, feeding at first
30 on the milk of the Word, it drinks in the sweet revealings

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1 of a new and more spiritual Life and Love. These nourish
 the hungry hope, satisfy more the cravings for immor-
 tality, and so comfort, cheer, and bless one, that he saith:
 In mine infancy, this is enough of heaven to come down
5 to earth.

 But, as one grows into the manhood or womanhood
 of Christianity, one finds so much lacking, and so very
 much requisite to become wholly Christlike, that one
 saith: The Principle of Christianity is infinite: it is
10 indeed God; and this infinite Principle hath infinite
 claims on man, and these claims are divine, not human;
 and man’s ability to meet them is from God; for, being
 His likeness and image, man must reflect the full
 dominion of Spirit — even its supremacy over sin, sick-
15 ness, and death.

 Here, then, is the awakening from the dream of life
 in matter, to the great fact that God is the only Life;
 that, therefore, we must entertain a higher sense of both
 God and man. We must learn that God is infinitely
20 more than a person, or finite form, can contain; that
 God is a divine Whole, and All, an all-pervading in-
 telligence and Love, a divine, infinite Principle; and
 that Christianity is a divine Science. This newly
 awakened consciousness is wholly spiritual; it emanates
25 from Soul instead of body, and is the new birth begun
 in Christian Science.

 Now, dear reader, pause for a moment with me, earn-
 estly to contemplate this new-born spiritual altitude; for
 this statement demands demonstration.

30 Here you stand face to face with the laws of infinite
 Spirit, and behold for the first time the irresistible con-
 flict between the flesh and Spirit. You stand before the

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1 awful detonations of Sinai. You hear and record the
 thunderings of the spiritual law of Life, as opposed to
 the material law of death; the spiritual law of Love, as
 opposed to the material sense of love; the law of om-
5 nipotent harmony and good, as opposed to any supposi-
 titious law of sin, sickness, or death. And, before the
 flames have died away on this mount of revelation, like
 the patriarch of old, you take off your shoes — lay aside
 your material appendages, human opinions and doc-
10 trines, give up your more material religion with its rites
 and ceremonies, put off your materia medica and hygiene
 as worse than useless — to sit at the feet of Jesus. Then,
 you meekly bow before the Christ, the spiritual idea
 that our great Master gave of the power of God to heal
15 and to save. Then it is that you behold for the first
 time the divine Principle that redeems man from under
 the curse of materialism, — sin, disease, and death.
 This spiritual birth opens to the enraptured understand-
 ing a much higher and holier conception of the supremacy
20 of Spirit, and of man as His likeness, whereby man reflects
 the divine power to heal the sick.

 A material or human birth is the appearing of a mor-
 tal, not the immortal man. This birth is more or less
 prolonged and painful, according to the timely or un-
25 timely circumstances, the normal or abnormal material
 conditions attending it.

 With the spiritual birth, man’s primitive, sinless,
 spiritual existence dawns on human thought, — through
 the travail of mortal mind, hope deferred, the perishing
30 pleasure and accumulating pains of sense, — by which
 one loses himself as matter, and gains a truer sense of
 Spirit and spiritual man.

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1 The purification or baptismals that come from Spirit,
 develop, step by step, the original likeness of perfect man,
 and efface the mark of the beast. “Whom the Lord
 loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom
5 He receiveth;” therefore rejoice in tribulation, and wel-
 come these spiritual signs of the new birth under the law
 and gospel of Christ, Truth.

 The prominent laws which forward birth in the divine
 order of Science, are these: “Thou shalt have no other
10 gods before me;” “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
 These commands of infinite wisdom, translated into
 the new tongue, their spiritual meaning, signify: Thou
 shalt love Spirit only, not its opposite, in every God-
 quality, even in substance; thou shalt recognize thy-
15 self as God’s spiritual child only, and the true man
 and true woman, the all-harmonious “male and female,”
 as of spiritual origin, God’s reflection, — thus as chil-
 dren of one common Parent, — wherein and whereby
 Father, Mother, and child are the divine Principle and
20 divine idea, even the divine “Us” — one in good, and
 good in One.

 With this recognition man could never separate him-
 self from good, God; and he would necessarily entertain
 habitual love for his fellow-man. Only by admitting
25 evil as a reality, and entering into a state of evil
 thoughts, can we in belief separate one man’s interests
 from those of the whole human family, or thus attempt
 to separate Life from God. This is the mistake that
 causes much that must be repented of and overcome.
30 Not to know what is blessing you, but to believe that
 aught that God sends is unjust, — or that those whom
 He commissions bring to you at His demand that which

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1 is unjust, — is wrong and cruel. Envy, evil thinking,
 evil speaking, covetousness, lust, hatred, malice, are
 always wrong, and will break the rule of Christian
 Science and prevent its demonstration; but the rod of
5 God, and the obedience demanded of His servants in
 carrying out what He teaches them, — these are never
 unmerciful, never unwise.

 The task of healing the sick is far lighter than that
 of so teaching the divine Principle and rules of Chris-
10 tian Science as to lift the affections and motives of men
 to adopt them and bring them out in human lives. He
 who has named the name of Christ, who has virtually
 accepted the divine claims of Truth and Love in divine
 Science, is daily departing from evil; and all the wicked
15 endeavors of suppositional demons can never change the
 current of that life from steadfastly flowing on to God,
 its divine source.

 But, taking the livery of heaven wherewith to cover
 iniquity, is the most fearful sin that mortals can commit.
20 I should have more faith in an honest drugging-doctor,
 one who abides by his statements and works upon as
 high a basis as he understands, healing me, than I could
 or would have in a smooth-tongued hypocrite or mental

25 Between the centripetal and centrifugal mental forces
 of material and spiritual gravitations, we go into or we
 go out of materialism or sin, and choose our course and
 its results. Which, then, shall be our choice, — the sin-
 ful, material, and perishable, or the spiritual, joy-giving,
30 and eternal?

 The spiritual sense of Life and its grand pursuits is
 of itself a bliss, health-giving and joy-inspiring. This

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1 sense of Life illumes our pathway with the radiance of
 divine Love; heals man spontaneously, morally and
 physically, — exhaling the aroma of Jesus’ own words,
 “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,
5 and I will give you rest.”

Chapter 2 — One Cause And Effect

Page 21

1 Christian Science begins with the First Com-
 mandment of the Hebrew Decalogue, “Thou
 shalt have no other gods before me.” It goes on in
 perfect unity with Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, and
5 in that age culminates in the Revelation of St. John,
 who, while on earth and in the flesh, like ourselves,
 beheld “a new heaven and a new earth,” — the spiritual
 universe, whereof Christian Science now bears testimony.

 Our Master said, “The works that I do shall ye do
10 also;” and, “The kingdom of God is within you.” This
 makes practical all his words and works. As the ages
 advance in spirituality, Christian Science will be seen
 to depart from the trend of other Christian denomina-
 tions in no wise except by increase of spirituality.

15 My first plank in the platform of Christian Science
 is as follows: “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor
 substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite
 manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal
 Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and
20 eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is
 God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man
 is not material; he is spiritual.”1

 1 The order of this sentence has been conformed to the text of
 of the 1908 edition of Science and Health.

Page 22

1 I am strictly a theist — believe in one God, one Christ
 or Messiah.

 Science is neither a law of matter nor of man. It is
 the unerring manifesto of Mind, the law of God, its
5 divine Principle. Who dare say that matter or
 mortals can evolve Science? Whence, then, is it, if not
 from the divine source, and what, but the contempor-
 ary of Christianity, so far in advance of human knowl-
 edge that mortals must work for the discovery of even a
10 portion of it? Christian Science translates Mind, God,
 to mortals. It is the infinite calculus defining the line,
 plane, space, and fourth dimension of Spirit. It abso-
 lutely refutes the amalgamation, transmigration, absorp-
 tion, or annihilation of individuality. It shows the
15 impossibility of transmitting human ills, or evil, from one
 individual to another; that all true thoughts revolve
 in God’s orbits: they come from God and return to
 Him, — and untruths belong not to His creation, there-
 fore these are null and void. It hath no peer, no comp-
20 petitor, for it dwelleth in Him besides whom “there is
 none other.”

 That Christian Science is Christian, those who have
 demonstrated it, according to the rules of its divine
 Principle, — together with the sick, the lame, the deaf, and
25 the blind, healed by it, — have proven to a waiting world.
 He who has not tested it, is incompetent to condemn it;
 and he who is a willing sinner, cannot demonstrate it.

 A falling apple suggested to Newton more than the
 simple fact cognized by the senses, to which it seemed
30 to fall by reason of its own ponderosity; but the primal
 cause, or Mind-force, invisible to material sense, lay
 concealed in the treasure-troves of Science. True,

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1 Newton named it gravitation, having learned so much;
 but Science, demanding more, pushes the question:
 Whence or what is the power back of gravitation, — the
 intelligence that manifests power? Is pantheism true?
5 Does mind “sleep in the mineral, or dream in the
 animal, and wake in man”? Christianity answers this
 question. The prophets, Jesus, and the apostles, demon-
 strated a divine intelligence that subordinates so-called
 material laws; and disease, death, winds, and waves,
10 obey this intelligence. Was it Mind or matter that spake
 in creation, “and it was done”? The answer is self-
 evident, and the command remains, “Thou shalt have
 no other gods before me.”

 It is plain that the Me spoken of in the First Com-
15 mandment, must be Mind; for matter is not the Chris-
 tian’s God, and is not intelligent. Matter cannot even
 talk; and the serpent, Satan, the first talker in its behalf,
 lied. Reason and revelation declare that God is both
 noumenon and phenomena, — the first and only cause.
20 The universe, including man, is not a result of atomic
 action, material force or energy; it is not organized dust.
 God, Spirit, Mind, are terms synonymous for the one
 God, whose reflection is creation, and man is His image
 and likeness. Few there are who comprehend what Chris-
25 tian Science means by the word reflection. God is seen
 only in that which reflects good, Life, Truth, Love —
 yea, which manifests all His attributes and power, even
 as the human likeness thrown upon the mirror repeats
 precisely the looks and actions of the object in front of it.
30 All must be Mind and Mind’s ideas; since, according to
 natural science, God, Spirit, could not change its species
 and evolve matter.

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1 These facts enjoin the First Commandment; and
 knowledge of them makes man spiritually minded. St.
 Paul writes: “For to be carnally minded is death; but to
 be spiritually minded is life and peace.” This knowl-
5 edge came to me in an hour of great need; and I give it
 to you as death-bed testimony to the daystar that dawned
 on the night of material sense. This knowledge is
 practical, for it wrought my immediate recovery from
 an injury caused by an accident, and pronounced fatal
10 by the physicians. On the third day thereafter, I called
 for my Bible, and opened it at Matthew ix. 2. As I
 read, the healing Truth dawned upon my sense; and
 the result was that I rose, dressed myself, and ever after
 was in better health than I had before enjoyed. That
15 short experience included a glimpse of the great fact
 that I have since tried to make plain to others, namely,
 Life in and of Spirit; this Life being the sole reality of
 existence. I learned that mortal thought evolves a sub-
 jective state which it names matter, thereby shutting
20 out the true sense of Spirit. Per contra, Mind and man
 are immortal; and knowledge gained from mortal sense
 is illusion, error, the opposite of Truth; therefore it
 cannot be true. A knowledge of both good and evil
 (when good is God, and God is All) is impossible. Speak-
25 ing of the origin of evil, the Master said: “When he
 speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar,
 and the father of it.” God warned man not to believe
 the talking serpent, or rather the allegory describing
 it. The Nazarene Prophet declared that his followers
30 should handle serpents; that is, put down all subtle falsi-
 ties or illusions, and thus destroy any supposed effect
 arising from false claims exercising their supposed power

Page 25

1 on the mind and body of man against his holiness and

 That there is but one God or Life, one cause and
 one effect, is the multum in parvo of Christian Science;
5 and to my understanding it is the heart of Christianity,
 the religion that Jesus taught and demonstrated. In
 divine Science it is found that matter is a phase of
 error, and that neither one really exists, since God is
 Truth, and All-in-all. Christ’s Sermon on the Mount,
10 in its direct application to human needs, confirms this

 Science, understood, translates matter into Mind,
 rejects all other theories of causation, restores the spir-
 itual and original meaning of the Scriptures, and ex-
15 plains the teachings and life of our Lord. It is religion’s
 “new tongue,” with “signs following,” spoken of by
 St. Mark. It gives God’s infinite meaning to mankind,
 healing the sick, casting out evil, and raising the spirit-
 ually dead. Christianity is Christlike only as it re-
20 iterates the word, repeats the works, and manifests the
 spirit of Christ.

 Jesus’ only medicine was omnipotent and omniscient
 Mind. As omni is from the Latin word meaning all,
 this medicine is all-power; and omniscience means as
25 well, all-science. The sick are more deplorably situated
 than the sinful, if the sick cannot trust God for help and
 the sinful can. If God created drugs good, they cannot be
 harmful; if He could create them otherwise, then they
 are bad and unfit for man; and if He created drugs for
30 healing the sick, why did not Jesus employ them and
 recommend them for that purpose?

 No human hypotheses, whether in philosophy, medi-

Page 26

1 cine, or religion, can survive the wreck of time; but
 whatever is of God, hath life abiding in it, and ulti-
 mately will be known as self-evident truth, as demonstra-
 ble as mathematics. Each successive period of progress
5 is a period more humane and spiritual. The only logical
 conclusion is that all is Mind and its manifestation, from
 the rolling of worlds, in the most subtle ether, to a potato-

 The agriculturist ponders the history of a seed, and
10 believes that his crops come from the seedling and the
 loam; even while the Scripture declares He made “every
 plant of the field before it was in the earth.” The Scien-
 tist asks, Whence came the first seed, and what made
 the soil? Was it molecules, or material atoms? Whence
15 came the infinitesimals, — from infinite Mind, or from
 matter? If from matter, how did matter originate? Was
 it self-existent? Matter is not intelligent, and thus able
 to evolve or create itself: it is the very opposite of Spirit,
 intelligent, self-creative, and infinite Mind. The belief
20 of mind in matter is pantheism. Natural history shows
 that neither a genus nor a species produces its opposite.
 God is All, in all. What can be more than All? Noth-
 ing: and this is just what I call matter, nothing. Spirit,
 God, has no antecedent; and God’s consequent is the
25 spiritual cosmos. The phrase, “express image,” in the
 common version of Hebrews i. 3, is, in the Greek Tes-
 tament, character.

 The Scriptures name God as good, and the Saxon
 term for God is also good. From this premise comes
30 the logical conclusion that God is naturally and divinely
 infinite good. How, then, can this conclusion change,
 or be changed, to mean that good is evil, or the creator

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1 of evil? What can there be besides infinity? Nothing!
 Therefore the Science of good calls evil nothing. In
 divine Science the terms God and good, as Spirit, are
 synonymous. That God, good, creates evil, or aught
5 that can result in evil, — or that Spirit creates its oppo-
 site, named matter, — are conclusions that destroy their
 premise and prove themselves invalid. Here is where
 Christian Science sticks to its text, and other systems
 of religion abandon their own logic. Here also is found
10 the pith of the basal statement, the cardinal point in
 Christian Science, that matter and evil (including all
 inharmony, sin, disease, death) are unreal. Mortals
 accept natural science, wherein no species ever pro-
 duces its opposite. Then why not accept divine Sci-
15 ence on this ground? since the Scriptures maintain
 this fact by parable and proof, asking, “Do men
 gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” “Doth a
 fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and

20 According to reason and revelation, evil and matter
 are negation: for evil signifies the absence of good, God,
 though God is ever present; and matter claims some-
 thing besides God, when God is really All. Creation,
 evolution, or manifestation, — being in and of Spirit,
25 Mind, and all that really is, — must be spiritual and
 mental. This is Science, and is susceptible of proof.

 But, say you, is a stone spiritual?

 To erring material sense, No! but to unerring spiritual
 sense, it is a small manifestation of Mind, a type of spirit-
30 ual substance, “the substance of things hoped for.”
 Mortals can know a stone as substance, only by first ad-
 mitting that it is substantial. Take away the mortal sense

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1 of substance, and the stone itself would disappear, only
 to reappear in the spiritual sense thereof. Matter can
 neither see, hear, feel, taste, nor smell; having no sen-
 sation of its own. Perception by the five personal senses
5 is mental, and dependent on the beliefs that mortals
 entertain. Destroy the belief that you can walk, and
 volition ceases; for muscles cannot move without mind.
 Matter takes no cognizance of matter. In dreams, things
 are only what mortal mind makes them; and the phe-
10 nomena of mortal life are as dreams; and this so-called
 life is a dream soon told. In proportion as mortals turn
 from this mortal and material dream, to the true sense
 of reality, everlasting Life will be found to be the only
 Life. That death does not destroy the beliefs of the flesh,
15 our Master proved to his doubting disciple, Thomas. Also,
 he demonstrated that divine Science alone can overbear
 materiality and mortality; and this great truth was shown
 by his ascension after death, whereby he arose above
 the illusion of matter.

20 The First Commandment, “Thou shalt have no other
 gods before me,” suggests the inquiry, What meaneth
 this Me, — Spirit, or matter? It certainly does not
 signify a graven idol, and must mean Spirit. Then
 the commandment means, Thou shalt recognize no
25 intelligence nor life in matter; and find neither pleasure
 nor pain therein. The Master’s practical knowledge
 of this grand verity, together with his divine Love,
 healed the sick and raised the dead. He literally
 annulled the claims of physique and of physical law,
30 by the superiority of the higher law; hence his decla-
 ration, “These signs shall follow them that believe; …
 if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;

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1 they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

 Do you believe his words? I do, and that his prom-
 ise is perpetual. Had it been applicable only to his
5 immediate disciples, the pronoun would be you, not them.
 The purpose of his life-work touches universal human-
 ity. At another time he prayed, not for the twelve
 only, but “for them also which shall believe on me through
 their word.”

10 The Christ-healing was practised even before the Chris-
 tian era; “the Word was with God, and the Word was
 God.” There is, however, no analogy between Christian
 Science and spiritualism, or between it and any specu-
 lative theory.

15 In 1867, I taught the first student in Christian Science.
 Since that date I have known of but fourteen deaths
 in the ranks of my about five thousand students. The
 census since 1875 (the date of the first publication of
 my work, “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-
20 tures”) shows that longevity has increased. Daily letters
 inform me that a perusal of my volume is healing the
 writers of chronic and acute diseases that had defied medi-
 cal skill.

 Surely the people of the Occident know that esoteric
25 magic and Oriental barbarisms will neither flavor Chris-
 tianity nor advance health and length of days.

 Miracles are no infraction of God’s laws; on the
 contrary, they fulfil His laws; for they are the signs fol-
 lowing Christianity, whereby matter is proven power-
30 less and subordinate to Mind. Christians, like students
 in mathematics, should be working up to those higher
 rules of Life which Jesus taught and proved. Do we

Page 30

1 really understand the divine Principle of Christianity
 before we prove it, in at least some feeble demonstra-
 tion thereof, according to Jesus’ example in healing the
 sick? Should we adopt the “simple addition” in Chris-
5 tian Science and doubt its higher rules, or despair of
 ultimately reaching them, even though failing at first to
 demonstrate all the possibilities of Christianity?

 St. John spiritually discerned and revealed the sum
 total of transcendentalism. He saw the real earth and
10 heaven. They were spiritual, not material; and they
 were without pain, sin, or death. Death was not the
 door to this heaven. The gates thereof he declared were
 inlaid with pearl, — likening them to the priceless under-
 standing of man’s real existence, to be recognized here
15 and now.

 The great Way-shower illustrated Life unconfined, un-
 contaminated, untrammelled, by matter. He proved the
 superiority of Mind over the flesh, opened the door to
 the captive, and enabled man to demonstrate the law of
20 Life, which St. Paul declares “hath made me free from
 the law of sin and death.”

 The stale saying that Christian Science “is neither
 Christian nor science!” is to-day the fossil of wisdom-
 less wit, weakness, and superstition. “The fool hath
25 said in his heart, There is no God.”

 Take courage, dear reader, for any seeming mysti-
 cism surrounding realism is explained in the Scripture,
 “There went up a mist from the earth [matter];” and
 the mist of materialism will vanish as we approach spirit-
30 uality, the realm of reality; cleanse our lives in Christ’s
 righteousness; bathe in the baptism of Spirit, and awake
 in His likeness.

Chapter 3 — Questions And Answers

Page 31

 What do you consider to be mental malpractice?

 Mental malpractice is a bland denial of Truth,
 and is the antipode of Christian Science. To
 mentally argue in a manner that can disastrously
5 affect the happiness of a fellow-being — harm him
 morally, physically, or spiritually — breaks the Golden
 Rule and subverts the scientific laws of being. This,
 therefore, is not the use but the abuse of mental treat-
 ment, and is mental malpractice. It is needless to
10 say that such a subversion of right is not scientific. Its
 claim to power is in proportion to the faith in evil, and
 consequently to the lack of faith in good. Such false
 faith finds no place in, and receives no aid from, the
 Principle or the rules of Christian Science; for it denies
15 the grand verity of this Science, namely, that God, good,
 has all power.

 This leaves the individual no alternative but to re-
 linquish his faith in evil, or to argue against his own
 convictions of good and so destroy his power to be or
20 to do good, because he has no faith in the omnipotence
 of God, good. He parts with his understanding of good,
 in order to retain his faith in evil and so succeed with his

Page 32

1 wrong argument, — if indeed he desires success in this
 broad road to destruction.

 How shall we demean ourselves towards the students
 of disloyal students? And what about that clergyman’s
5 remarks on “Christ and Christmas”?

 From this question, I infer that some of my students
 seem not to know in what manner they should act towards
 the students of false teachers, or such as have strayed
 from the rules and divine Principle of Christian Science.
10 The query is abnormal, when “precept upon precept;
 line upon line” are to be found in the Scriptures, and in
 my books, on this very subject.

 In Mark, ninth chapter, commencing at the thirty-
 third verse, you will find my views on this subject; love
15 alone is admissible towards friend and foe. My sym-
 pathies extend to the above-named class of students more
 than to many others. If I had the time to talk with all
 students of Christian Science, and correspond with them,
 I would gladly do my best towards helping those un-
20 fortunate seekers after Truth whose teacher is straying
 from the straight and narrow path. But I have not mo-
 ments enough in which to give to my own flock all the
 time and attention that they need, — and charity must
 begin at home.

25 Distinct denominational and social organizations and
 societies are at present necessary for the individual,
 and for our Cause. But all people can and should be
 just, merciful; they should never envy, elbow, slander,
 hate, or try to injure, but always should try to bless their
30 fellow-mortals.

 To the query in regard to some clergyman’s com-

Page 33

1 ments on my illustrated poem, I will say: It is the righteous
 prayer that avails with God. Whatever is wrong will
 receive its own reward. The high priests of old caused
 the crucifixion of even the great Master; and thereby
5 they lost, and he won, heaven. I love all ministers and
 ministries of Christ, Truth.

 All clergymen may not understand the illustrations
 in “Christ and Christmas;” or that these refer not to
 personality, but present the type and shadow of Truth’s
10 appearing in the womanhood as well as in the manhood
 of God, our divine Father and Mother.

 Must I have faith in Christian Science in order to be
 healed by it?

 This is a question that is being asked every day. It
15 has not proved impossible to heal those who, when they
 began treatment, had no faith whatever in the Science,
 — other than to place themselves under my care, and
 follow the directions given. Patients naturally gain con-
 fidence in Christian Science as they recognize the help
20 they derive therefrom.

 What are the advantages of your system of healing, over
 the ordinary methods of healing disease?

 Healing by Christian Science has the following advantages: —

25 First: It does away with all material medicines, and
 recognizes the fact that, as mortal mind is the cause of
 all “the ills that flesh is heir to,” the antidote for sickness,
 as well as for sin, may and must be found in mortal mind’s
 opposite, — the divine Mind.

30 Second: It is more effectual than drugs; curing where

Page 34

1 these fail, and leaving none of the harmful “after effects”
 of these in the system; thus proving that metaphysics
 is above physics.

 Third: One who has been healed by Christian Sci-
5 ence is not only healed of the disease, but is improved
 morally. The body is governed by mind; and mortal
 mind must be improved, before the body is renewed
 and harmonious, — since the physique is simply thought
 made manifest.

10 Is spiritualism or mesmerism included in Christian

 They are wholly apart from it. Christian Science is
 based on divine Principle; whereas spiritualism, so far
 as I understand it, is a mere speculative opinion and
15 human belief. If the departed were to communicate
 with us, we should see them as they were before death,
 and have them with us; after death, they can no more
 come to those they have left, than we, in our present state
 of existence, can go to the departed or the adult can re-
20 turn to his boyhood. We may pass on to their state
 of existence, but they cannot return to ours. Man is
 im-mortal, and there is not a moment when he ceases to
 exist. All that are called “communications from spirits,”
 lie within the realm of mortal thought on this present plane
25 of existence, and are the antipodes of Christian Science;
 the immortal and mortal are as direct opposites as light
 and darkness.

 Who is the Founder of mental healing?

 The author of “Science and Health with Key to the
30 Scriptures,” who discovered the Science of healing em-

Page 35

1 bodied in her works. Years of practical proof, through
 homœopathy, revealed to her the fact that Mind, in-
 stead of matter, is the Principle of pathology; and
 subsequently her recovery, through the supremacy of
5 Mind over matter, from a severe casualty pronounced
 by the physicians incurable, sealed that proof with the
 signet of Christian Science. In 1883, a million of peo-
 ple acknowledge and attest the blessings of this mental
 system of treating disease. Perhaps the following
10 words of her husband, the late Dr. Asa G. Eddy,
 afford the most concise, yet complete, summary of the
 matter: —

 “Mrs, Eddy’s works are the outgrowths of her life.
 I never knew so unselfish an individual.”

15 Will the book Science and Health, that you offer for sale
 at three dollars, teach its readers to heal the sick, — or is
 one obliged to become a student under your personal in-
 struction? And if one is obliged to study under you, of
 what benefit is your book?

20 Why do we read the Bible, and then go to church to
 hear it expounded? Only because both are important.
 Why do we read moral science, and then study it at

 You are benefited by reading Science and Health, but
25 it is greatly to your advantage to be taught its Science
 by the author of that work, who explains it in detail.

 What is immortal Mind?

 In reply, we refer you to “Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures,”1 Vol. I. page 14: “That which

 1 See editions prior to thaat of January, 1886.

Page 36

1 is erring, sinful, sick, and dying, termed material or
 mortal man, is neither God’s man nor Mind; but to be
 understood, we shall classify evil and error as mortal
 mind, in contradistinction to good and Truth, or the
5 Mind which is immortal.”

 Do animals and beasts have a mind?

 Beasts, as well as men, express Mind as their origin;
 but they manifest less of Mind. The first and only
 cause is the eternal Mind, which is God, and there is
10 but one God. The ferocious mind seen in the beast is
 mortal mind, which is harmful and proceeds not from
 God; for His beast is the lion that lieth down with
 the lamb. Appetites, passions, anger, revenge, subtlety,
 are the animal qualities of sinning mortals; and the
15 beasts that have these propensities express the lower
 qualities of the so-called animal man; in other words,
 the nature and quality of mortal mind, — not immortal

 What is the distinction between mortal mind and im-
20 mortal Mind?

 Mortal mind includes all evil, disease, and death;
 also, all beliefs relative to the so-called material laws,
 and all material objects, and the law of sin and death.

 The Scripture says, “The carnal mind [in other words,
25 mortal mind] is enmity against God; for it is not sub-
 ject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Mortal
 mind is an illusion; as much in our waking moments
 as in the dreams of sleep. The belief that intelligence,
 Truth, and Love, are in matter and separate from God,
30 is an error; for there is no intelligent evil, and no power

Page 37

1 besides God, good. God would not be omnipotent if
 there were in reality another mind creating or governing
 man or the universe.

 Immortal Mind is God; and this Mind is made
5 manifest in all thoughts and desires that draw man-
 kind toward purity, health, holiness, and the spiritual
 facts of being.

 Jesus recognized this relation so clearly that he said,
 “I and my Father are one.” In proportion as we oppose
10 the belief in material sense, in sickness, sin, and death,
 and recognize ourselves under the control of God,
 spiritual and immortal Mind, shall we go on to leave the
 animal for the spiritual, and learn the meaning of those
 words of Jesus, “Go ye into all the world … heal the
15 sick.”

 Can your Science cure intemperance?

 Christian Science lays the axe at the root of the tree.
 Its antidote for all ills is God, the perfect Mind, which
 corrects mortal thought, whence cometh all evil. God
20 can and does destroy the thought that leads to moral
 or physical death. Intemperance, impurity, sin of every
 sort, is destroyed by Truth. The appetite for alcohol
 yields to Science as directly and surely as do sickness
 and sin.

25 Does Mrs. Eddy take patients?

 She now does not. Her time is wholly devoted to in-
 struction, leaving to her students the work of healing;
 which, at this hour, is in reality the least difficult of the
 labor that Christian Science demands.

Page 38

1 Why do you charge for teaching Christian Science, when
 all the good we can do must be done freely?

 When teaching imparts the ability to gain and main-
 tain health, to heal and elevate man in every line of
5 life, — as this teaching certainly does, — is it un-
 reasonable to expect in return something to support
 one’s self and a Cause? If so, our whole system
 of education, secular and religious, is at fault, and the
 instructors and philanthropists in our land should ex-
10 pect no compensation. “If we have sown unto you
 spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your
 carnal things?”

 How happened you to establish a college to instruct in
 metaphysics, when other institutions find little interest in
15 such a dry and abstract subject?

 Metaphysics, as taught by me at the Massachusetts
 Metaphysical College, is far from dry and abstract. It
 is a Science that has the animus of Truth. Its practical
 application to benefit the race, heal the sick, enlighten
20 and reform the sinner, makes divine metaphysics need-
 ful, indispensable. Teaching metaphysics at other col-
 leges means, mainly, elaborating a man-made theory,
 or some speculative view too vapory and hypothetical
 for questions of practical import.

25 Is it necessary to study your Science in order to be healed
 by it and keep well?

 It is not necessary to make each patient a student
 in order to cure his present disease, if this is what
 you mean. Were it so, the Science would be of less

Page 39

1 practical value. Many who apply for help are not
 prepared to take a course of instruction in Christian

 To avoid being subject to disease, would require the
5 understanding of how you are healed. In 1885, this
 knowledge can be obtained in its genuineness at the
 Massachusetts Metaphysical College. There are abroad
 at this early date some grossly incorrect and false
 teachers of what they term Christian Science; of such
10 beware. They have risen up in a day to make this claim;
 whereas the Founder of genuine Christian Science has
 been all her years in giving it birth.

 Can you take care of yourself?

 God giveth to every one this puissance; and I have
15 faith in His promise, “Lo, I am with you alway” —
 all the way. Unlike the M. D.’s, Christian Scientists
 are not afraid to take their own medicine, for this
 medicine is divine Mind; and from this saving, ex-
 haustless source they intend to fill the human mind with
20 enough of the leaven of Truth to leaven the whole lump.
 There may be exceptional cases, where one Christian
 Scientist who has more to meet than others needs support
 at times; then, it is right to bear “one another’s burdens,
 and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

25 In what way is a Christian Scientist an instrument by
 which God reaches others to heal them, and what most
 obstructs the way?

 A Christian, or a Christian Scientist, assumes no more
 when claiming to work with God in healing the sick,
 than in converting the sinner. Divine help is as neces-

Page 40

1 sary in the one case as in the other. The scientific Prin-
 ciple of healing demands such cooperation; but this
 unison and its power would be arrested if one were to
 mix material methods with the spiritual, — were to min-
5 gle hygienic rules, drugs, and prayers in the same pro-
 cess, — and thus serve “other gods.” Truth is as
 effectual in destroying sickness as in the destruction
 of sin.

 It is often asked, “If Christian Science is the same
10 method of healing that Jesus and the apostles used,
 why do not its students perform as instantaneous cures
 as did those in the first century of the Christian era?”

 In some instances the students of Christian Science
 equal the ancient prophets as healers. All true healing
15 is governed by, and demonstrated on, the same Princi-
 ple as theirs; namely, the action of the divine Spirit,
 through the power of Truth to destroy error, discord
 of whatever sort. The reason that the same results fol-
 low not in every case, is that the student does not in
20 every case possess sufficiently the Christ-spirit and its
 power to cast out the disease. The Founder of Chris-
 tian Science teaches her students that they must possess
 the spirit of Truth and Love, must gain the power
 over sin in themselves, or they cannot be instantaneous
25 healers.

 In this Christian warfare the student or practitioner
 has to master those elements of evil too common to other
 minds. If it is hate that is holding the purpose to kill
 his patient by mental means, it requires more divine
30 understanding to conquer this sin than to nullify either
 the disease itself or the ignorance by which one unin-
 tentionally harms himself or another. An element of

Page 41

1 brute-force that only the cruel and evil can send forth, is
 given vent in the diabolical practice of one who, having
 learned the power of liberated thought to do good, per-
 verts it, and uses it to accomplish an evil purpose. This
5 mental malpractice would disgrace Mind-healing, were it
 not that God overrules it, and causes “the wrath of man”
 to praise Him. It deprives those who practise it of the
 power to heal, and destroys their own possibility of

10 The honest student of Christian Science is purged
 through Christ, Truth, and thus is ready for victory in
 the ennobling strife. The good fight must be fought by
 those who keep the faith and finish their course. Mental
 purgation must go on: it promotes spiritual growth,
15 scales the mountain of human endeavor, and gains the
 summit in Science that otherwise could not be reached,
  — where the struggle with sin is forever done.

 Can all classes of disease be healed by your method?

 We answer, Yes. Mind is the architect that builds
20 its own idea, and produces all harmony that appears.
 There is no other healer in the case. If mortal mind,
 through the action of fear, manifests inflammation and a
 belief of chronic or acute disease, by removing the cause
 in that so-called mind the effect or disease will disappear
25 and health will be restored; for health, alias harmony,
 is the normal manifestation of man in Science. The
 divine Principle which governs the universe, including
 man, if demonstrated, is sufficient for all emergencies.
 But the practitioner may not always prove equal to
30 bringing out the result of the Principle that he knows to
 be true.

Page 42

1 After the change called death takes place, do we meet
 those gone before? — or does life continue in thought only
 as in a dream?

 Man is not annihilated, nor does he lose his identity,
5 by passing through the belief called death. After the
 momentary belief of dying passes from mortal mind, this
 mind is still in a conscious state of existence; and the in-
 dividual has but passed through a moment of extreme
 mortal fear, to awaken with thoughts, and being, as
10 material as before. Science and Health clearly states
 that spiritualization of thought is not attained by the death
 of the body, but by a conscious union with God. When
 we shall have passed the ordeal called death, or destroyed
 this last enemy, and shall have come upon the same plane
15 of conscious existence with those gone before, then we
 shall be able to communicate with and to recognize them.

 If, before the change whereby we meet the dear de-
 parted, our life-work proves to have been well done, we
 shall not have to repeat it; but our joys and means of ad-
20 vancing will be proportionately increased.

 The difference between a belief of material existence
 and the spiritual fact of Life is, that the former is a dream
 and unreal, while the latter is real and eternal. Only
 as we understand God, and learn that good, not evil,
25 lives and is immortal, that immortality exists only in
 spiritual perfection, shall we drop our false sense of Life
 in sin or sense material, and recognize a better state of

 Can I be treated without being present during treatment?

30 Mind is not confined to limits; and nothing but our
 own false admissions prevent us from demonstrating this

Page 43

1 great fact. Christian Science, recognizing the capabili-
 ties of Mind to act of itself, and independent of matter,
 enables one to heal cases without even having seen the
 individual, — or simply after having been made ac-
5 quainted with the mental condition of the patient.

 Do all who at present claim to be teaching Christian
 Science, teach it correctly?

 By no means: Christian Science is not sufficiently un-
 derstood for that. The student of this Science who under-
10 stands it best, is the one least likely to pour into other
 minds a trifling sense of it as being adequate to make safe
 and successful practitioners. The simple sense one gains
 of this Science through careful, unbiased, contemplative
 reading of my books, is far more advantageous to the
15 sick and to the learner than is or can be the spurious
 teaching of those who are spiritually unqualified. The
 sad fact at this early writing is, that the letter is gained
 sooner than the spirit of Christian Science: time is re-
 quired thoroughly to qualify students for the great ordeal
20 of this century.

 If one student tries to undermine another, such sinister
 rivalry does a vast amount of injury to the Cause. To
 fill one’s pocket at the expense of his conscience, or to
 build on the downfall of others, incapacitates one to
25 practise or teach Christian Science. The occasional tem-
 porary success of such an one is owing, in part, to the im-
 possibility for those unacquainted with the mighty Truth
 of Christian Science to recognize, as such, the barefaced
 errors that are taught — and the damaging effects these
30 leave on the practice of the learner, on the Cause, and
 on the health of the community.

Page 44

1 Honest students speak the truth “according to the
 pattern showed to thee in the mount,” and live it: these
 are not working for emoluments, and may profitably
 teach people, who are ready to investigate this subject,
5 the rudiments of Christian Science.

 Can Christian Science cure acute cases where there is
 necessity for immediate relief, as in membranous croup?

 The remedial power of Christian Science is positive,
 and its application direct. It cannot fail to heal in
10 every case of disease, when conducted by one who un-
 derstands this Science sufficiently to demonstrate its
 highest possibilities.

 If I have the toothache, and nothing stops it until I
 have the tooth extracted, and then the pain ceases, has
15 the mind, or extracting, or both, caused the pain to


 What you thought was pain in the bone or nerve, could
 only have been a belief of pain in matter; for matter
 has no sensation. It was a state of mortal thought made
20 manifest in the flesh. You call this body matter, when
 awake, or when asleep in a dream. That matter can re-
 report pain, or that mind is in matter, reporting sensa-
 tions, is but a dream at all times. You believed that if
 the tooth were extracted, the pain would cease: this de-
25 mand of mortal thought once met, your belief assumed
 a new form, and said, There is no more pain. When
 your belief in pain ceases, the pain stops; for matter
 has no intelligence of its own. By applying this men-
 tal remedy or antidote directly to your belief, you scien-

Page 45

1 tifically prove the fact that Mind is supreme. This is not
 done by will-power, for that is not Science but mesmerism.
 The full understanding that God is Mind, and that mat-
 ter is but a belief, enables you to control pain. Chris-
5 tian Science, by means of its Principle of metaphysical
 healing, is able to do more than to heal a toothache;
 although its power to allay fear, prevent inflammation,
 and destroy the necessity for ether — thereby avoiding
 the fatal results that frequently follow the use of that
10 drug — render this Science invaluable in the practice
 of dentistry.

 Can an atheist or a profane man be cured by metaphysics,
 or Christian Science?

 The moral status of the man demands the remedy of
15 Truth more in this than in most cases; therefore, under
 the deific law that supply invariably meets demand, this
 Science is effectual in treating moral ailments. Sin is
 not the master of divine Science, but vice versa; and
 when Science in a single instance decides the conflict,
20 the patient is better both morally and physically.

 If God made all that was made, and it was good, where
 did evil originate?

 It never originated or existed as an entity. It is but a
 false belief; even the belief that God is not what the
25 Scriptures imply Him to be, All-in-all, but that there
 is an opposite intelligence or mind termed evil. This
 error of belief is idolatry, having “other gods before me.”
 In John i. 3 we read, “All things were made by Him;
 and without Him was not anything made that was made.”

Page 46

1 The admission of the reality of evil perpetuates the belief
 or faith in evil. The Scriptures declare, “To whom ye
 yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are.”
 The leading self-evident proposition of Christian Science
5 is: good being real, evil, good’s opposite, is unreal. This
 truism needs only to be tested scientifically to be found
 true, and adapted to destroy the appearance of evil to an
 extent beyond the power of any doctrine previously

10 Do you teach that you are equal with God?

 A reader of my writings would not present this ques-
 tion. There are no such indications in the premises or
 conclusions of Christian Science, and such a misconcep-
 tion of Truth is not scientific. Man is not equal with
15 his Maker; that which is formed is not cause, but effect,
 and has no power underived from its creator. It is pos-
 sible, and it is man’s duty, so to throw the weight of his
 thoughts and acts on the side of Truth, that he be ever
 found in the scale with his creator; not weighing
20 equally with Him, but comprehending at every point, in
 divine Science, the full significance of what the apostle
 meant by the declaration, “The Spirit itself beareth wit-
 ness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and
 if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with
25 Christ.” In Science, man represents his divine Prin-
 ciple, — the Life and Love that are God, — even as the
 idea of sound, in tones, represents harmony; but thought
 has not yet wholly attained unto the Science of being,
 wherein man is perfect even as the Father, his divine
30 Principle, is perfect.

Page 47

1 How can I believe that there is no such thing as matter,
 when I weigh over two hundred pounds and carry about
 this weight daily?

 By learning that matter is but manifest mortal mind.
5 You entertain an adipose belief of yourself as substance;
 whereas, substance means more than matter: it is the
 glory and permanence of Spirit: it is that which is
 hoped for but unseen, that which the material senses
 cannot take in. Have you never been so preoccupied in
10 thought when moving your body, that you did this with-
 out consciousness of its weight? If never in your waking
 hours, you have been in your night-dreams; and these
 tend to elucidate your day-dream, or the mythical nature
 of matter, and the possibilities of mind when let loose
15 from its own beliefs. In sleep, a sense of the body ac-
 companies thought with less impediment than when
 awake, which is the truer sense of being. In Science,
 body is the servant of Mind, not its master: Mind is
 supreme. Science reverses the evidence of material
20 sense with the spiritual sense that God, Spirit, is the only
 substance; and that man, His image and likeness, is
 spiritual, not material. This great Truth does not de-
 stroy but substantiates man’s identity, — together with
 his immortality and preexistence, or his spiritual co-
25 existence with his Maker. That which has a beginning
 must have an ending.

 What should one conclude as to Professor Carpenter’s
 exhibitions of mesmerism?

 That largely depends upon what one accepts as either
30 useful or true. I have no knowledge of mesmerism,

Page 48

1 practically or theoretically, save as I measure its demon-
 strations as a false belief, and avoid all that works ill. If
 mesmerism has the power attributed to it by the gentle-
 man referred to, it should neither be taught nor practised,
5 but should be conscientiously condemned. One thing
 is quite apparent; namely, that its so-called power is
 despotic, and Mr. Carpenter deserves praise for his public
 exposure of it. If such be its power, I am opposed to it,
 as to every form of error, — whether of ignorance or
10 fanaticism, prompted by money-making or malice. It
 is enough for me to know that animal magnetism is neither
 of God nor Science.

 It is alleged that at one of his recent lectures in Bos-
 ton Mr. Carpenter made a man drunk on water, and
15 then informed his audience that he could produce the
 effect of alcohol, or of any drug, on the human system,
 through the action of mind alone. This honest declara-
 tion as to the animus of animal magnetism and the pos-
 sible purpose to which it can be devoted, has, we trust,
20 been made in season to open the eyes of the people to the
 hidden nature of some tragic events and sudden deaths
 at this period.

 Was ever a person made insane by studying meta-

25 Such an occurrence would be impossible, for the
 proper study of Mind-healing would cure the insane.
 That persons have gone away from the Massachusetts
 Metaphysical College “made insane by Mrs. Eddy’s
 teachings,” like a hundred other stories, is a baseless
30 fabrication offered solely to injure her or her school.
 The enemy is trying to make capital out of the follow-

Page 49

1 ing case. A young lady entered the College class who,
 I quickly saw, had a tendency to monomania, and re-
 quested her to withdraw before its close. We are cred-
 ibly informed that, before entering the College, this
5 young lady had manifested some mental unsoundness,
 and have no doubt she could have been restored by
 Christian Science treatment. Her friends employed a
 homœopathist, who had the skill and honor to state, as his
 opinion given to her friends, that “Mrs. Eddy’s teach-
10 ings had not produced insanity.” This is the only case
 that could be distorted into the claim of insanity ever
 having occurred in a class of Mrs. Eddy’s; while ac-
 knowledged and notable cases of insanity have been
 cured in her class.

15 If all that is mortal is a dream or error, is not
 our capacity for formulating a dream, real; is it not
 God-made; and if God-made, can it be wrong, sinful, or
 an error?

 The spirit of Truth leads into all truth, and enables
20 man to discern between the real and the unreal. Enter-
 taining the common belief in the opposite of goodness,
 and that evil is as real as good, opposes the leadings of
 the divine Spirit that are helping man Godward: it pre-
 vents a recognition of the nothingness of the dream, or
25 belief, that Mind is in matter, intelligence in non-intel-
 ligence, sin, and death. This belief presupposes not
 only a power opposed to God, and that God is not All-
 in-all, as the Scriptures imply Him to be, but that the
 capacity to err proceeds from God.

30 That God is Truth, the Scriptures aver; that Truth
 never created error, or such a capacity, is self-evident;

Page 50

1 that God made all that was made, is again Scriptural;
 therefore your answer is, that error is an illusion of
 mortals; that God is not its author, and it cannot be

5 Does “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures”
 explain the entire method of metaphysical healing, or is
 there a secret back of what is contained in that book, as
 some say?

 “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures”
10 is a complete textbook of Christian Science; and its
 metaphysical method of healing is as lucid in presenta-
 tion as can be possible, under the necessity to express
 the metaphysical in physical terms. There is absolutely
 no additional secret outside of its teachings, or that gives
15 one the power to heal; but it is essential that the student
 gain the spiritual understanding of the contents of this
 book, in order to heal.

 Do you believe in change of heart?

 We do believe, and understand — which is more —
20 that there must be a change from human affections, de-
 sires, and aims, to the divine standard, “Be ye therefore
 perfect;” also, that there must be a change from the be-
 lief that the heart is matter and sustains life, to the
 understanding that God is our Life, that we exist in
25 Mind, live thereby, and have being. This change of
 heart would deliver man from heart-disease, and ad-
 vance Christianity a hundredfold. The human affections
 need to be changed from self to benevolence and love
 for God and man; changed to having but one God and
30 loving Him supremely, and helping our brother man.

Page 51

1 This change of heart is essential to Christianity, and
 will have its effect physically as well as spiritually,
 healing disease. Burnt offerings and drugs, God does
 not require.

5 Is a belief of nervousness, accompanied by great mental
 depression, mesmerism?

 All mesmerism is of one of three kinds; namely, the
 ignorant, the fraudulent, or the malicious workings of
 error or mortal mind. We have not the particulars of
10 the case to which you may refer, and for this reason can-
 not answer your question professionally.

 How can I govern a child metaphysically? Doesn’t the
 use of the rod teach him life in matter?

 The use of the rod is virtually a declaration to the
15 child’s mind that sensation belongs to matter. Motives
 govern acts, and Mind governs man. If you make clear
 to the child’s thought the right motives for action, and
 cause him to love them, they will lead him aright: if you
 educate him to love God, good, and obey the Golden
20 Rule, he will love and obey you without your having to
 resort to corporeal punishment.

 “When from the lips of Truth one mighty breath
 Shall, like a whirlwind, scatter in its breeze
 The whole dark pile of human mockeries;
25 Then shall the reign of Mind commence on earth,
 And starting fresh, as from a second birth,
 Man in the sunshine of the world’s new spring,
 Shall walk transparent like some holy thing.”

 Are both prayer and drugs necessary to heal?

30 The apostle James said, “Ye ask, and receive not,
 because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your

Page 52

1 lusts.” This text may refer to such as seek the material
 to aid the spiritual, and take drugs to support God’s
 power to heal them. It is difficult to say how much
 one can do for himself, whose faith is divided be-
5 tween catnip and Christ; but not so difficult to know
 that if he were to serve one master, he could do vastly
 more. Whosoever understands the power of Spirit, has
 no doubt of God’s power, — even the might of Truth, —
 to heal, through divine Science, beyond all human means
10 and methods.

 What do you think of marriage?

 That it is often convenient, sometimes pleasant, and
 occasionally a love affair. Marriage is susceptible of
 many definitions. It sometimes presents the most
15 wretched condition of human existence. To be normal,
 it must be a union of the affections that tends to lift
 mortals higher.

 If this life is a dream not dispelled, but only changed,
 by death, — if one gets tired of it, why not commit
20 suicide?

 Man’s existence is a problem to be wrought in divine
 Science. What progress would a student of science
 make, if, when tired of mathematics or failing to dem-
 onstrate one rule readily, he should attempt to work
25 out a rule farther on and more difficult — and this,
 because the first rule was not easily demonstrated? In
 that case he would be obliged to turn back and work
 out the previous example, before solving the advanced
 problem. Mortals have the sum of being to work out,
30 and up, to its spiritual standpoint. They must work

Page 53

1 out of this dream or false claim of sensation and life
 in matter, and up to the spiritual realities of existence,
 before this false claim can be wholly dispelled. Com-
 mitting suicide to dodge the question is not working
5 it out. The error of supposed life and intelligence in
 matter, is dissolved only as we master error with Truth.
 Not through sin or suicide, but by overcoming tempta-
 tion and sin, shall we escape the weariness and wicked-
 ness of mortal existence, and gain heaven, the harmony
10 of being.

 Do you sometimes find it advisable to use medicine to
 assist in producing a cure, when it is difficult to start the
 patient’s recovery?

 You only weaken your power to heal through Mind,
15 by any compromise with matter; which is virtually ac-
 knowledging that under difficulties the former is not equal
 to the latter. He that resorts to physics, seeks what is
 below instead of above the standard of metaphysics;
 showing his ignorance of the meaning of the term and
20 of Christian Science.

 If Christian Science is the same as Jesus taught, why is
 it not more simple, so that all can readily understand it?

 The teachings of Jesus were simple; and yet he found
 it difficult to make the rulers understand, because of
25 their great lack of spirituality. Christian Science is
 simple, and readily understood by the children; only
 the thought educated away from it finds it abstract or
 difficult to perceive. Its seeming abstraction is the
 mystery of godliness; and godliness is simple to the
30 godly; but to the unspiritual, the ungodly, it is dark

Page 54

1 and difficult. The carnal mind cannot discern spiritual

 Has Mrs. Eddy lost her power to heal?

 Has the sun forgotten to shine, and the planets to
5 revolve around it? Who is it that discovered, dem-
 onstrated, and teaches Christian Science? That one,
 whoever it be, does understand something of what can-
 not be lost. Thousands in the field of metaphysical
 healing, whose lives are worthy testimonials, are her
10 students, and they bear witness to this fact. Instead
 of losing her power to heal, she is demonstrating the
 power of Christian Science over all obstacles that envy
 and malice would fling in her path. The reading of her
 book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,”
15 is curing hundreds at this very time; and the sick, un-
 asked, are testifying thereto.

 Must I study your Science in order to keep well all my
 life? I was healed of a chronic trouble after one month’s
 treatment by one of your students.

20 When once you are healed by Science, there is no rea-
 son why you should be liable to a return of the disease
 that you were healed of. But not to be subject again to
 any disease whatsoever, would require an understanding
 of the Science by which you were healed.

25 Because none of your students haw been able to perform
 as great miracles in healing as Jesus and his disciples did,
 does it not suggest the possibility that they do not heal on
 the same basis?

 You would not ask the pupil in simple equations to
30 solve a problem involving logarithms; and then, because

Page 55

1 he failed to get the right answer, condemn the pupil
 and the science of numbers. The simplest problem
 in Christian Science is healing the sick, and the least
 understanding and demonstration thereof prove all its
5 possibilities. The ability to demonstrate to the extent
 that Jesus did, will come when the student possesses as
 much of the divine Spirit as he shared, and utilizes its
 power to overcome sin.

 Opposite to good, is the universal claim of evil that
10 seeks the proportions of good. There may be those
 who, having learned the power of the unspoken thought,
 use it to harm rather than to heal, and who are using
 that power against Christian Scientists. This giant sin
 is the sin against the Holy Ghost spoken of in Matt.
15 xii. 31, 32.

 Is Christian Science based on the facts of both Spirit
 and matter?

 Christian Science is based on the facts of Spirit and
 its forms and representations, but these facts are the
20 direct antipodes of the so-called facts of matter; and
 the eternal verities of Spirit assert themselves over their
 opposite, or matter, in the final destruction of all that
 is unlike Spirit.

 Man knows that he can have one God only, when
25 he regards God as the only Mind, Life, and substance.
 If God is Spirit, as the Scriptures declare, and All-in-
 all, matter is mythology, and its laws are mortal

 If Mind is in matter and beneath a skull bone, it is
30 in something unlike Him; hence it is either a godless and
 material Mind, or it is God in matter, — which are theo-

Page 56

1 ries of agnosticism and pantheism, the very antipodes
 of Christian Science

 What is organic life?

 Life is inorganic, infinite Spirit; if Life, or Spirit,
5 were organic, disorganization would destroy Spirit and
 annihilate man.

 If Mind is not substance, form, and tangibility, God
 is substanceless; for the substance of Spirit is divine
 Mind. Life is God, the only creator, and Life is im-
10 mortal Mind, not matter.

 Every indication of matter’s constituting life is mortal,
 the direct opposite of immortal Life, and infringes the
 rights of Spirit. Then, to conclude that Spirit consti-
 tutes or ever has constituted laws to that effect, is a mor-
15 tal error, a human conception opposed to the divine
 government. Mind and matter mingling in perpetual
 warfare is a kingdom divided against itself, that shall be
 brought to desolation. The final destruction of this
 false belief in matter will appear at the full revelation
20 of Spirit, — one God, and the brotherhood of man.
 Organic life is an error of statement that Truth destroys.
 The Science of Life needs only to be understood; its dem-
 onstration proves the correctness of my statements, and
 brings blessings infinite.

25 Why did God command, “Be fruitful, and multiply,
 and replenish the earth,” if all minds (men) have existed
 from the beginning, and have had successive stages of
 existence to the present time?

 Your question implies that Spirit, which first spirit-
30 ually created the universe, including man, created man

Page 57

1 over again materially; and, by the aid of mankind, all
 was later made which He had made. If the first record
 is true, what evidence have you — apart from the evi-
 dence of that which you admit cannot discern spiritual
5 things — of any other creation? The creative “Us”
 made all, and Mind was the creator. Man originated
 not from dust, materially, but from Spirit, spiritually.
 This work had been done; the true creation was finished,
 and its spiritual Science is alluded to in the first chapter
10 of Genesis.

 Jesus said of error, “That thou doest, do quickly.”
 By the law of opposites, after the truth of man had been
 demonstrated, the postulate of error must appear. That
 this addendum was untrue, is seen when Truth, God,
15 denounced it, and said: “I will greatly multiply thy
 sorrow.” “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt
 surely die.” The opposite error said, “I am true,” and
 declared, “God doth know … that your eyes shall be
 opened, and ye shall be as gods,” creators. This was false;
20 and the Lord God never said it. This history of a falsity
 must be told in the name of Truth, or it would have no
 seeming. The Science of creation is the universe with man
 created spiritually. The false sense and error of creation
 is the sense of man and the universe created materially.

25 Why does the record make man a creation of the sixth
 and last day, if he was coexistent with God?

 In its genesis, the Science of creation is stated in mathe-
 matical order, beginning with the lowest form and ascend-
 ing the scale of being up to man. But all that really is,
30 always was and forever is; for it existed in and of the Mind
 that is God, wherein man is foremost.

Page 58

1 If one has died of consumption, and he has no remem-
 brance of that disease or dream, does that disease have any
 more power over him?

 Waking from a dream, one learns its unreality; then
5 it has no power over one. Waking from the dream of
 death, proves to him who thought he died that it was a
 dream, and that he did not die; then he learns that con-
 sumption did not kill him. When the belief in the power
 of disease is destroyed, disease cannot return.

10 How does Mrs. Eddy know that she has read and studied
 correctly, if one must deny the evidences of the senses?
 She had to use her eyes to read.

 Jesus said, “Having eyes, see ye not?” I read the in-
 spired page through a higher than mortal sense. As
15 matter, the eye cannot see; and as mortal mind, it is a
 belief that sees. I may read the Scriptures through a
 belief of eyesight; but I must spiritually understand
 them to interpret their Science.

 Does the theology of Christian Science aid its heal-
20 ing?

 Without its theology there is no mental science, no
 order that proceeds from God. All Science is divine,
 not human, in origin and demonstration. If God does
 not govern the action of man, it is inharmonious: if He
25 does govern it, the action is Science. Take away the
 theology of mental healing and you take away its science,
 leaving it a human “mind-cure,” nothing more nor less,
  — even one human mind governing another; by which,
 if you agree that God is Mind, you admit that there is

Page 59

1 more than one government and God. Having no true
 sense of the healing theology of Mind, you can neither
 understand nor demonstrate its Science, and will prac-
 tise your belief of it in the name of Truth. This is the
5 mortal “mind-cure” that produces the effect of mes-
 merism. It is using the power of human will, instead
 of the divine power understood, as in Christian Science;
 and without this Science there had better be no “mind-
 cure,” — in which the last state of patients is worse than
10 the first.

 Is it wrong to pray for the recovery of the sick?

 Not if we pray Scripturally, with the understanding
 that God has given all things to those who love Him;
 but pleading with infinite Love to love us, or to restore
15 health and harmony, and then to admit that it has been
 lost under His government, is the prayer of doubt and
 mortal belief that is unavailing in divine Science.

 Is not all argument mind over mind?

 The Scriptures refer to God as saying, “Come now, and
20 let us reason together.” There is but one right Mind, and
 that one should and does govern man. Any copartnership
 with that Mind is impossible; and the only benefit in
 speaking often one to another, arises from the success that
 one individual has with another in leading his thoughts
25 away from the human mind or body, and guiding them
 with Truth. That individual is the best healer who as-
 serts himself the least, and thus becomes a transparency
 for the divine Mind, who is the only physician; the divine
 Mind is the scientific healer.

Page 60

1 How can you believe there is no sin, and that God does
 not recognize any, when He sent His Son to save from
 sin, and the Bible is addressed to sinners? How can you
 believe there is no sickness, when Jesus came healing the

 To regard sin, disease, and death with less deference,
 and only as the woeful unrealities of being, is the only
 way to destroy them; Christian Science is proving this by
 healing cases of disease and sin after all other means have
10 failed. The Nazarene Prophet could make the unreality
 of both apparent in a moment.

 Does it not limit the power of Mind to deny the possi-
 bility of communion with departed friends — dead only in

15 Does it limit the power of Mind to say that addition
 is not subtraction in mathematics? The Science of Mind
 reveals the impossibility of two individual sleepers, in
 different phases of thought, communicating, even if touch-
 ing each other corporeally; or for one who sleeps to
20 communicate with another who is awake. Mind’s possi-
 bilities are not lessened by being confined and conformed
 to the Science of being.

 If mortal mind and body are myths, what is the con-
 nection between them and real identity, and why are there
25 as many identities as mortal bodies?

 Evil in the beginning claimed the power, wisdom, and
 utility of good; and every creation or idea of Spirit has
 its counterfeit in some matter belief. Every material be-
 lief hints the existence of spiritual reality; and if mortals
30 are instructed in spiritual things, it will be seen that ma-

Page 61

1 terial belief, in all its manifestations, reversed, will be
 found the type and representative of verities priceless,
 eternal, and just at hand.

 The education of the future will be instruction, in spir-
5 itual Science, against the material symbolic counterfeit
 sciences. All the knowledge and vain strivings of mortal
 mind, that lead to death, — even when aping the wisdom
 and magnitude of immortal Mind, — will be swallowed
 up by the reality and omnipotence of Truth over error,
10 and of Life over death.

 Dear Mrs. Eddy: — In the October Journal I read
 the following: “But the real man, who was created in the
 image of God, does not commit sin.” What then does sin?
 What commits theft? Or who does murder?
For instance,
15 the man is held responsible for the crime; for I went once
 to a place where a man was said to be “hanged for mur-
 der” — and certainly I saw him, or his effigy, dangling
 at the end of a rope. This “man” was held responsible
 for the ‘sin.’ ”

20 What sins?

 According to the Word, man is the image and likeness
 of God. Does God’s essential likeness sin, or dangle at
 the end of a rope? If not, what does? A culprit, a sinner,
  — anything but a man! Then, what is a sinner? A
25 mortal; but man is immortal.

 Again: mortals are the embodiments (or bodies, if
 you please) of error, not of Truth; of sickness, sin, and
 death. Naming these His embodiment, can neither make
 them so nor overthrow the logic that man is God’s like-
30 ness. Mortals seem very material; man in the likeness

Page 62

1 of Spirit is spiritual. Holding the right idea of man in my
 mind, I can improve my own, and other people’s individ-
 uality, health, and morals; whereas, the opposite image
 of man, a sinner, kept constantly in mind, can no more
5 improve health or morals, than holding in thought the
 form of a boa-constrictor can aid an artist in painting a

 Man is seen only in the true likeness of his Maker.
 Believing a lie veils the truth from our vision; even as
10 in mathematics, in summing up positive and negative
 quantities, the negative quantity offsets an equal positive
 quantity, making the aggregate positive, or true quantity,
 by that much, less available.

 Why do Christian Scientists hold that their theology is
15 essential to heal the sick, when the mind-cure claims to heal

 without it?

 The theology of Christian Science is Truth; opposed
 to which is the error of sickness, sin, and death, that
 Truth destroys.

20 A “mind-cure” is a matter-cure. An adherent to this
 method honestly acknowledges this fact in her work
 entitled “Mind-cure on a Material Basis.” In that
 work the author grapples with Christian Science, attempts
 to solve its divine Principle by the rule of human mind,
25 fails, and ends in a parody on this Science which is amus-
 ing to astute readers, — especially when she tells them
 that she is practising this Science.

 The theology of Christian Science is based on the action
 of the divine Mind over the human mind and body;
30 whereas, “mind-cure” rests on the notion that the human
 mind can cure its own disease, or that which it causes,

Page 63

1 and the sickness of matter, — which is infidel in the one
 case, and anomalous in the other. It was said of old by
 Truth-traducers, that Jesus healed through Beelzebub;
 but the claim that one erring mind cures another one was
5 at first gotten up to hinder his benign influence and to hide
 his divine power.

 Our Master understood that Life, Truth, Love are the
 triune Principle of all pure theology; also, that this divine
 trinity is one infinite remedy for the opposite triad, sick-
10 ness, sin, and death.

 If there is no sin, why did Jesus come to save sinners?

 If there is no reality in sickness, why does a Chris-
 tian Scientist go to the bedside and address himself to
 the healing of disease, on the basis of its unreality?
15 Jesus came to seek and to save such as believe in the
 reality of the unreal; to save them from this false belief;
 that they might lay hold of eternal Life, the great reality
 that concerns man, and understand the final fact, — that
 God is omnipotent and omnipresent; yea, “that the Lord
20 He is God; there is none else beside Him,” as the Scrip-
 tures declare.

 If Christ was God, why did Jesus cry out, “My God,
 why hast Thou forsaken me?”

 Even as the struggling heart, reaching toward a higher
25 goal, appeals to its hope and faith, Why failest thou
 me? Jesus as the son of man was human: Christ as
 the Son of God was divine. This divinity was reaching
 humanity through the crucifixion of the human, — that
 momentous demonstration of God, in which Spirit proved
30 its supremacy over matter. Jesus assumed for mortals the

Page 64

1 weakness of flesh, that Spirit might be found “All-in-all.”
 Hence, the human cry which voiced that struggle;
 thence, the way he made for mortals’ escape. Our
 Master bore the cross to show his power over death;
5 then relinquished his earth-task of teaching and dem-
 onstrating the nothingness of sickness, sin, and death,
 and rose to his native estate, man’s indestructible eternal
 life in God.

 What can prospective students of the College take for
10 preliminary studies? Do you regard the study of litera-

 ture and languages as objectionable?

 Persons contemplating a course at the Massachusetts
 Metaphysical College, can prepare for it through no
 books except the Bible, and “Science and Health with
15 Key to the Scriptures.” Man-made theories are nar-
 row, else extravagant, and are always materialistic.
 The ethics which guide thought spiritually must bene-
 fit every one; for the only philosophy and religion that
 afford instruction are those which deal with facts and
20 resist speculative opinions and fables.

 Works on science are profitable; for science is not
 human. It is spiritual, and not material. Literature
 and languages, to a limited extent, are aids to a student
 of the Bible and of Christian Science.

25 Is it possible to know why we are put into this condition
 of mortality?

 It is quite as possible to know wherefore man is thus
 conditioned, as to be certain that he is in a state of
 mortality. The only evidence of the existence of a mor-
30 tal man, or of a material state and universe, is gathered

Page 65

1 from the five personal senses. This delusive evidence,
 Science has dethroned by repeated proofs of its falsity.

 We have no more proof of human discord, — sin,
 sickness, disease, or death, — than we have that the
5 earth’s surface is flat, and her motions imaginary. If
 man’s ipse dixit as to the stellar system is correct, this
 is because Science is true, and the evidence of the senses
 is false. Then why not submit to the affirmations of
 Science concerning the greater subject of human weal
10 and woe? Every question between Truth and error,
 Science must and will decide. Left to the decision of
 Science, your query concerns a negative which the posi-
 tive Truth destroys; for God’s universe and man are
 immortal. We must not consider the false side of exist-
15 ence in order to gain the true solution of Life and its
 great realities.

 Have you changed your instructions as to the right way
 of treating disease?

 I have not; and this important fact must be, and al-
20 ready is, apprehended by those who understand my in-
 structions on this question. Christian Science demands
 both law and gospel, in order to demonstrate healing,
 and I have taught them both in its demonstration, and
 with signs following. They are a unit in restoring the
25 equipoise of mind and body, and balancing man’s ac-
 count with his Maker. The sequence proves that strict
 adherence to one is inadequate to compensate for the
 absence of the other, since both constitute the divine law
 of healing.

30 The Jewish religion demands that “whoso sheddeth
 man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.” But this

Page 66

1 law is not infallible in wisdom; and obedience thereto
 may be found faulty, since false testimony or mistaken
 evidence may cause the innocent to suffer for the guilty.
 Hence the gospel that fulfils the law in righteousness,
5 the genius whereof is displayed in the surprising wisdom
 of these words of the New Testament: “Whatsoever
 a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” No possible
 injustice lurks in this mandate, and no human mis-
 judgment can pervert it; for the offender alone suffers,
10 and always according to divine decree. This sacred,
 solid precept is verified in all directions in Mind-
 healing, and is supported in the Scripture by parallel

 The law and gospel of Truth and Love teach, through
15 divine Science, that sin is identical with suffering, and
 that suffering is the lighter affliction. To reach the sum-
 mit of Science, whence to discern God’s perfect ways
 and means, the material sense must be controlled by
 the higher spiritual sense, and Truth be enthroned,
20 while “we look not at the things which are seen, but at
 the things which are not seen.”

 Cynical critics misjudge my meaning as to the sci-
 entific treatment of the sick. Disease that is superin-
 duced by sin is not healed like the more physical
25 ailment. The beginner in sin-healing must know this, or
 he never can reach the Science of Mind-healing, and
 so “overcome evil with good.” Error in premise is met
 with error in practice; yea, it is “the blind leading the
 blind.” Ignorance of the cause of disease can neither
30 remove that cause nor its effect.

 I endeavor to accommodate my instructions to the
 present capability of the learner, and to support the

Page 67

1 liberated thought until its altitude reaches beyond the
 mere alphabet of Mind-healing. Above physical wants,
 lie the higher claims of the law and gospel of healing.
 First is the law, which saith: —

5 “Thou shalt not commit adultery;” in other words,
 thou shalt not adulterate Life, Truth, or Love, — men-
 tally, morally, or physically. “Thou shalt not steal;”
 that is, thou shalt not rob man of money, which is but
 trash, compared with his rights of mind and character.
10 “Thou shalt not kill;” that is, thou shalt not strike at the
 eternal sense of Life with a malicious aim, but shalt
 know that by doing thus thine own sense of Life shall be
 forfeited. “Thou shalt not bear false witness;” that is,
 thou shalt not utter a lie, either mentally or audibly, nor
15 cause it to be thought. Obedience to these command-
 ments is indispensable to health, happiness, and length
 of days.

 The gospel of healing demonstrates the law of Love.
 Justice uncovers sin of every sort; and mercy demands
20 that if you see the danger menacing others, you shall,
 Deo volente, inform them thereof. Only thus is the right
 practice of Mind-healing achieved, and the wrong prac-
 tice discerned, disarmed, and destroyed.

 Do you believe in translation?

25 If your question refers to language, whereby one ex-
 presses the sense of words in one language by equiva-
 lent words in another, I do. If you refer to the removal
 of a person to heaven, without his subjection to death,
 I modify my affirmative answer. I believe in this
30 removal being possible after all the footsteps requisite
 have been taken up to the very throne, up to the

Page 68

1 spiritual sense and fact of divine substance, intelligence,
 Life, and Love. This translation is not the work of mo-
 ments; it requires both time and eternity. It means more
 than mere disappearance to the human sense; it must
5 include also man’s changed appearance and diviner form
 visible to those beholding him here.

 The Rev. —— said in a sermon: A true Christian
 would protest against metaphysical healing being called
 Christian Science. He also maintained that pain and
10 disease are not illusions but realities; and that it is not

 Christian to believe they are illusions. Is this so?

 It is unchristian to believe that pain and sickness are
 anything but illusions. My proof of this is, that the
 penalty for believing in their reality is the very pain and
15 disease. Jesus cast out a devil, and the dumb spake;
 hence it is right to know that the works of Satan are the
 illusion and error which Truth casts out.

 Does the gentleman above mentioned know the
 meaning of divine metaphysics, or of metaphysical
20 theology?

 According to Webster, metaphysics is defined thus:
 “The science of the conceptions and relations which are
 necessary to thought and knowledge; science of the
 mind.” Worcester defines it as “the philosophy of mind,
25 as distinguished from that of matter; a science of which
 the object is to explain the principles and causes of
 all things existing,” Brande calls metaphysics “the
 science which regards the ultimate grounds of being, as
 distinguished from its phenomenal modifications.” “A
30 speculative science, which soars beyond the bounds of
 experience,” is a further definition.

Page 69

1 Divine metaphysics is that which treats of the exist-
 ence of God, His essence, relations, and attributes. A
 sneer at metaphysics is a scoff at Deity; at His goodness,
 mercy, and might.

5 Christian Science is the unfolding of true metaphysics;
 that is, of Mind, or God, and His attributes. Science rests
 on Principle and demonstration. The Principle of Chris-
 tian Science is divine. Its rule is, that man shall utilize
 the divine power.

10 In Genesis i. 26, we read: “Let us make man in
 our image, after our likeness: and let them have
 dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of
 the air.”

 I was once called to visit a sick man to whom the
15 regular physicians had given three doses of Croton
 oil, and then had left him to die. Upon my arrival I
 found him barely alive, and in terrible agony. In one
 hour he was well, and the next day he attended to his
 business. I removed the stoppage, healed him of en-
20 teritis, and neutralized the bad effects of the poison-
 ous oil. His physicians had failed even to move his
 bowels, — though the wonder was, with the means
 used in their effort to accomplish this result, that
 they had not quite killed him. According to their
25 diagnosis, the exciting cause of the inflammation and
 stoppage was — eating smoked herring. The man is
 living yet; and I will send his address to any one
 who may wish to apply to him for information about
 his case.

30 Now comes the question: Had that sick man dominion
 over the fish in his stomach?

 His want of control over “the fish of the sea” must

Page 70

1 have been an illusion, or else the Scriptures misstate
 man’s power. That the Bible is true I believe, not
 only, but I demonstrated its truth when I exercised
 my power over the fish, cast out the sick man’s illu-
5 sion, and healed him. Thus it was shown that the
 healing action of Mind upon the body has its only ex-
 planation in divine metaphysics. As a man “thinketh
 in his heart, so is he.” When the mortal thought, or be-
 lief, was removed, the man was well.

10 What did Jesus mean when he said to the dying thief,
 “To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise”?

 Paradisaical rest from physical agony would come to
 the criminal, if the dream of dying should startle him
 from the dream of suffering. The paradise of Spirit
15 would come to Jesus, in a spiritual sense of Life and
 power. Christ Jesus lived and reappeared. He was too
 good to die; for goodness is immortal. The thief was
 not equal to the demands of the hour; but sin was de-
 stroying itself, and had already begun to die, — as
20 the poor thief’s prayer for help indicated. The dy-
 ing malefactor and our Lord were inevitably sepa-
 rated through Mind. The thief’s body, as matter,
 must dissolve into its native nothingness; whereas the
 body of the holy Spirit of Jesus was eternal. That
25 day the thief would be with Jesus only in a finite
 and material sense of relief; while our Lord would
 soon be rising to the supremacy of Spirit, working
 out, even in the silent tomb, those wonderful demon-
 strations of divine power, in which none could equal his
30 glory.

Page 71

1 Is it right for me to treat others, when I am not entirely
 well myself?

 The late John B. Gough is said to have suffered from
 an appetite for alcoholic drink until his death; yet he
5 saved many a drunkard from this fatal appetite. Paul
 had a thorn in the flesh: one writer thinks that he was
 troubled with rheumatism, and another that he had sore
 eyes; but this is certain, that he healed others who were
 sick. It is unquestionably right to do right; and heal-
10 ing the sick is a very right thing to do.

 Does Christian Science set aside the law of transmission,
 prenatal desires, and good or bad influences on the unborn

 Science never averts law, but supports it. All actual
15 causation must interpret omnipotence, the all-knowing
 Mind. Law brings out Truth, not error; unfolds divine
 Principle, — but neither human hypothesis nor matter.
 Errors are based on a mortal or material formation; they
 are suppositional modes, not the factors of divine presence
20 and power.

 Whatever is humanly conceived is a departure from
 divine law; hence its mythical origin and certain end.
 According to the Scriptures, — St. Paul declares astutely,
 “For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all
25 things,” — man is incapable of originating; nothing can
 be formed apart from God, good, the all-knowing Mind.
 What seems to be of human origin is the counterfeit
 of the divine, — even human concepts, mortal shadows
 flitting across the dial of time.

30 Whatever is real is right and eternal; hence the im-
 mutable and just law of Science, that God is good only,

Page 72

1 and can transmit to man and the universe nothing evil,
 or unlike Himself. For the innocent babe to be born a
 lifelong sufferer because of his parents’ mistakes or sins,
 were sore injustice. Science sets aside man as a creator,
5 and unfolds the eternal harmonies of the only living and
 true origin, God.

 According to the beliefs of the flesh, both good and
 bad traits of the parents are transmitted to their help-
 less offspring, and God is supposed to impart to man
10 this fatal power. It is cause for rejoicing that this belief
 is as false as it is remorseless. The immutable Word
 saith, through the prophet Ezekiel, “What mean ye, that
 ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying,
 The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s
15 teeth are set on edge? As I live, saith the Lord God,
 ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb
 in Israel.”

 Are material things real when they are harmonious, and
 do they disappear only to the natural sense? Does this
20 Scripture, “Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have
 need of all these things” imply that Spirit takes note of

 The Science of Mind, as well as the material uni-
 verse, shows that nothing which is material is in
35 perpetual harmony. Matter is manifest mortal mind,
 and it exists only to material sense. Real sensation
 is not material; it is, and must be, mental: and Mind
 is not mortal, it is immortal. Being is God, infinite
 Spirit; therefore it cannot cognize aught material, or
30 outside of infinity.

 The Scriptural passage quoted affords no evidence of

Page 73

1 the reality of matter, or that God is conscious of it.
 The so-called material body is said to suffer, but this
 supposition is proven erroneous when Mind casts out
 the suffering. The Scripture saith, “Whom the Lord
5 loveth He chasteneth;” and again, “He doth not
 afflict willingly.” Interpreted materially, these pas-
 sages conflict; they mingle the testimony of immor-
 tal Science with mortal sense; but once discern their
 spiritual meaning, and it separates the false sense from
10 the true, and establishes the reality of what is spiritual,
 and the unreality of materiality.

 Law is never material: it is always mental and moral,
 and a commandment to the wise. The foolish disobey
 moral law, and are punished. Human wisdom therefore
15 can get no farther than to say, He knoweth that we have
 need of experience. Belief fulfils the conditions of a be-
 lief, and these conditions destroy the belief. Hence the
 verdict of experience: We have need of these things; we
 have need to know that the so-called pleasures and pains
20 of matter — yea, that all subjective states of false sensa-
 tion — are unreal.

 “And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you,
 That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when
 the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory,
25 ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the
 twelve tribes of Israel.” (Matt. xix. 28.) What is meant
 by regeneration?

 It is the appearing of divine law to human under-
 standing; the spiritualization that comes from spiritual
30 sense in contradistinction to the testimony of the so-
 called material senses. The phenomena of Spirit in

Page 74

1 Christian Science, and the divine correspondence of
 noumenon and phenomenon understood, are here signi-
 fied. This new-born sense subdues not only the false
 sense of generation, but the human will, and the un-
5 natural enmity of mortal man toward God. It quickly
 imparts a new apprehension of the true basis of being,
 and the spiritual foundation for the affections which en-
 throne the Son of man in the glory of his Father; and
 judges, through the stern mandate of Science, all human
10 systems of etiology and teleology.

 If God does not recognize matter, how did Jesus, who was
 “the way, the truth, and the life,” cognize it?

 Christ Jesus’ sense of matter was the opposite of that
 which mortals entertain: his nativity was a spiritual and
15 immortal sense of the ideal world. His earthly mission
 was to translate substance into its original meaning,
 Mind. He walked upon the waves; he turned the water
 into wine; he healed the sick and the sinner; he raised
 the dead, and rolled away the stone from the door of his
20 own tomb. His demonstration of Spirit virtually van-
 quished matter and its supposed laws. Walking the
 wave, he proved the fallacy of the theory that matter is
 substance; healing through Mind, he removed any sup-
 position that matter is intelligent, or can recognize or
25 express pain and pleasure. His triumph over the grave
 was an everlasting victory for Life; it demonstrated the
 lifelessness of matter, and the power and permanence
 of Spirit. He met and conquered the resistance of the

30 If you will admit, with me, that matter is neither
 substance, intelligence, nor Life, you may have all that

Page 75

1 is left of it; and you will have touched the hem of the
 garment of Jesus’ idea of matter, Christ was “the way;”
 since Life and Truth were the way that gave us, through
 a human person, a spiritual revelation of man’s possible
5 earthly development.

 Why do you insist that there is but one Soul, and that
 Soul is not in the body?

 First: I urge this fundamental fact and grand verity
 of Christian Science, because it includes a rule that must
10 be understood, or it is impossible to demonstrate the Sci-
 ence. Soul is a synonym of Spirit, and God is Spirit.
 There is but one God, and the infinite is not within the
 finite; hence Soul is one, and is God; and God is not in
 matter or the mortal body.

15 Second: Because Soul is a term for Deity, and this
 term should seldom be employed except where the word
 God can be used and make complete sense. The word
 Soul may sometimes be used metaphorically; but if this
 term is warped to signify human quality, a substitution
20 of sense for soul clears the meaning, and assists one to
 understand Christian Science. Mary’s exclamation,
 “My soul doth magnify the Lord,” is rendered in Sci-
 ence, “My spiritual sense doth magnify the Lord;”
 for the name of Deity used in that place does not bring
25 out the meaning of the passage. It was evidently an
 illuminated sense through which she discovered the
 spiritual origin of man. “The soul that sinneth, it shall
 die,” means, that mortal man (alias material sense) that
 sinneth, shall die; and the commonly accepted view is
30 that soul is deathless. Soul is the divine Mind, — for
 Soul cannot be formed or brought forth by human

Page 76

1 thought, — and must proceed from God; hence it must
 be sinless, and destitute of self-created or derived capacity
 to sin.

 Third: Jesus said, “If a man keep my saying, he
5 shall never see death.” This statement of our Master
 is true, and remains to be demonstrated; for it is the
 ultimatum of Christian Science; but this immortal saying
 can never be tested or proven true upon a false premise,
 such as the mortal belief that soul is in body, and life
10 and intelligence are in matter. That doctrine is not
 theism, but pantheism. According to human belief the
 bodies of mortals are mortal, but they contain immortal
 souls! hence these bodies must die for these souls to
 escape and be immortal. The theory that death must
15 occur, to set a human soul free from its environments,
 is rendered void by Jesus’ divine declaration, who spake
 as never man spake, — and no man can rationally reject
 his authority on this subject and accept it on other topics
 less important.

20 Now, exchange the term soul for sense whenever this
 word means the so-called soul in the body, and you will
 find the right meaning indicated. The misnamed human
 soul is material sense, which sinneth and shall die; for
 it is an error or false sense of mentality in matter, and
25 matter has no sense. You will admit that Soul is the
 Life of man. Now if Soul sinned, it would die; for “the
 wages of sin is death.” The Scripture saith, “When
 Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also
 appear with him in glory.” The Science of Soul, Spirit,
30 involves this appearing, and is essential to the fulfilment
 of this glorious prophecy of the master Metaphysician,
 who overcame the last enemy, death.

Page 77

1 Did the salvation of the eunuch depend merely on his
 believing that Jesus Christ was the Son of God?

 It did; but this believing was more than faith in the
 fact that Jesus was the Messiah. Here the verb believe
5 took its original meaning, namely, to be firm, — yea, to
 understand those great truths asserted of the Messiah:
 it meant to discern and consent to that infinite demand
 made upon the eunuch in those few words of the apostle.
 Philip’s requirement was, that he should not only ac-
10 knowledge the incarnation, — God made manifest through
 man, — but even the eternal unity of man and God, as
 the divine Principle and spiritual idea; which is the in-
 dissoluble bond of union, the power and presence, in
 divine Science, of Life, Truth, and Love, to support their
15 ideal man. This is the Father’s great Love that He
 hath bestowed upon us, and it holds man in endless
 Life and one eternal round of harmonious being. It
 guides him by Truth that knows no error, and with
 supersensual, impartial, and unquenchable Love. To
20 believe is to be firm. In adopting all this vast idea of
 Christ Jesus, the eunuch was to know in whom he be-
 lieved. To believe thus was to enter the spiritual sanctuary
 of Truth, and there learn, in divine Science, somewhat
 of the All-Father-Mother God. It was to understand
25 God and man: it was sternly to rebuke the mortal
 belief that man has fallen away from his first estate; that
 man, made in God’s own likeness, and reflecting Truth,
 could fall into mortal error; or, that man is the father
 of man. It was to enter unshod the Holy of Holies, where
30 the miracle of grace appears, and where the miracles of
 Jesus had their birth, — healing the sick, casting out
 evils, and resurrecting the human sense to the belief

Page 78

1 that Life, God, is not buried in matter. This is the spirit-
 ual dawn of the Messiah, and the overture of the
 angels. This is when God is made manifest in the
 flesh, and thus it destroys all sense of sin, sickness, and
5 death, — when the brightness of His glory encompasseth
 all being.

 Can Christian Science Mind-healing be taught to those
 who are absent?

 The Science of Mind-healing can no more be taught
10 thus, than can science in any other direction. I know
 not how to teach either Euclid or the Science of Mind
 silently; and never dreamed that either of these partook
 of the nature of occultism, magic, alchemy, or necro-
 mancy. These “ways that are vain” are the inventions
15 of animal magnetism, which would deceive, if possible,
 the very elect. We will charitably hope, however, that
 some people employ the et cetera of ignorance and self-
 conceit unconsciously, in their witless ventilation of false
 statements and claims. Misguiding the public mind and
20 taking its money in exchange for this abuse, has become
 too common: we will hope it is the froth of error passing
 off; and that Christian Science will some time appear all
 the clearer for the purification of the public thought con-
 cerning it.

25 Has man fallen from a state of perfection?

 If God is the Principle of man (and He is), man is the
 idea of God; and this idea cannot fail to express the ex-
 act nature of its Principle, — any more than goodness,
 to present the quality of good. Human hypotheses are
30 always human vagaries, formulated views antagonistic

Page 79

1 to the divine order and the nature of Deity. All these
 mortal beliefs will be purged and dissolved in the cru-
 cible of Truth, and the places once knowing them will
 know them no more forever, having been swept clean
5 by the winds of history. The grand verities of Science
 will sift the chaff from the wheat, until it is clear to hu-
 man comprehension that man was, and is, God’s perfect
 likeness, that reflects all whereby we can know God. In
 Him we live, move, and have being. Man’s origin and
10 existence being in Him, man is the ultimatum of per-
 fection, and by no means the medium of imperfection.
 Immortal man is the eternal idea of Truth, that cannot
 lapse into a mortal belief or error concerning himself
 and his origin: he cannot get out of the focal distance of
15 infinity. If God is upright and eternal, man as His like-
 ness is erect in goodness and perpetual in Life, Truth,
 and Love. If the great cause is perfect, its effect is per-
 fect also; and cause and effect in Science are immutable
 and immortal. A mortal who is sinning, sick, and dying,
20 is not immortal man; and never was, and never can be,
 God’s image and likeness, the true ideal of immortal
 man’s divine Principle. The spiritual man is that per-
 fect and unfallen likeness, coexistent and coeternal with
 God. “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be
25 made alive.”

 What course should Christian Scientists take in regard
 to aiding persons brought before the courts for violation of
 medical statutes?

 Beware of joining any medical league which in any
30 way obligates you to assist — because they chance to be
 under arrest — vendors of patent pills, mesmerists,

Page 80

1 occultists, sellers of impure literature, and authors of
 spurious works on mental healing. By rendering error
 such a service, you lose much more than can be gained
 by mere unity on the single issue of opposition to unjust
5 medical laws.

 A league which obligates its members to give money
 and influence in support and defense of medical char-
 latans in general, and possibly to aid individual rights
 in a wrong direction — which Christian Science eschews
10  — should be avoided. Anybody and everybody, who
 will fight the medical faculty, can join this league. It is
 better to be friendly with cultured and conscientious
 medical men, who leave Christian Science to rise or fall
 on its own merit or demerit, than to affiliate with a wrong
15 class of people.

 Unconstitutional and unjust coercive legislation and
 laws, infringing individual rights, must be “of few days,
 and full of trouble.” The vox populi, through the provi-
 dence of God, promotes and impels all true reform; and,
20 at the best time, will redress wrongs and rectify injus-
 tice. Tyranny can thrive but feebly under our Govern-
 ment. God reigns, and will “turn and overturn” until
 right is found supreme.

 In a certain sense, we should commiserate the lot of
25 regular doctors, who, in successive generations for cen-
 turies, have planted and sown and reaped in the fields
 of what they deem pathology, hygiene, and therapeutics,
 but are now elbowed by a new school of practitioners,
 outdoing the healing of the old. The old will not patronize
30 the new school, at least not until it shall come to understand
 the medical system of the new.

 Christian Science Mind-healing rests demonstrably on

Page 81

1 the broad and sure foundation of Science; and this is
 not the basis of materia medica, as some of the most skil-
 ful and scholarly physicians openly admit.

 To prevent all unpleasant and unchristian action — as
5 we drift, by right of God’s dear love, into more spiritual
 lines of life — let each society of practitioners, the matter-
 physicians and the metaphysicians, agree to disagree, and
 then patiently wait on God to decide, as surely He will,
 which is the true system of medicine.

10 Do we not see in the commonly accepted teachings of the
 day, the Christ-idea mingled with the teachings of John
 the Baptist? or, rather, Are not the last eighteen centuries
 but the footsteps of Truth being baptized of John, and com-
 ing up straightway out of the ceremonial (or ritualistic)
15 waters to receive the benediction of an honored Father, and

 afterwards to go up into the wilderness, in order to over-
 come mortal sense, before it shall go forth into all the cities
 and towns of Judea, or see many of the people from beyond
 Jordan? Now, if all this be a fair or correct view of this
20 question, why does not John hear this voice, or see the

 dove, — or has not Truth yet reached the shore?

 Every individual character, like the individual John
 the Baptist, at some date must cry in the desert of
 earthly joy; and his voice be heard divinely and
25 humanly. In the desolation of human understanding,
 divine Love hears and answers the human call for help;
 and the voice of Truth utters the divine verities of being
 which deliver mortals out of the depths of ignorance
 and vice. This is the Father’s benediction. It gives
30 lessons to human life, guides the understanding, peoples

Page 82

1 the mind with spiritual ideas, reconstructs the Judean
 religion, and reveals God and man as the Principle and
 idea of all good.

 Understanding this fact in Christian Science, brings
5 the peace symbolized by a dove; and this peace floweth
 as a river into a shoreless eternity. He who knew the
 foretelling Truth, beheld the forthcoming Truth, as it
 came up out of the baptism of Spirit, to enlighten and
 redeem mortals. Such Christians as John cognize the
10 symbols of God, reach the sure foundations of time, stand
 upon the shore of eternity, and grasp and gather — in all
 glory — what eye hath not seen.

 Is there infinite progression with man after the destruc-
 tion of mortal mind?

15 Man is the offspring and idea of the Supreme Being,
 whose law is perfect and infinite. In obedience to this
 law, man is forever unfolding the endless beatitudes of
 Being; for he is the image and likeness of infinite Life,
 Truth, and Love.

20 Infinite progression is concrete being, which finite
 mortals see and comprehend only as abstract glory. As
 mortal mind, or the material sense of life, is put off,
 the spiritual sense and Science of being is brought to

25 Mortal mind is a myth; the one Mind is immortal.
 A mythical or mortal sense of existence is consumed
 as a moth, in the treacherous glare of its own flame —
 the errors which devour it. Immortal Mind is God,
 immortal good; in whom the Scripture saith “we live,
30 and move, and have our being.” This Mind, then, is not
 subject to growth, change, or diminution, but is the divine

Page 83

1 intelligence, or Principle, of all real being; holding
 man forever in the rhythmic round of unfolding bliss,
 as a living witness to and perpetual idea of inexhaustible

5 In your book, Science and Health,1 page 181, you
 say: “Every sin is the author of itself, and every
 invalid the cause of his own sufferings.” On page
 182 you say: “Sickness is a growth of illusion, spring-
 ing from a seed of thought, — either your own thought
10 or another’s.” Will you please explain this seeming

 No person can accept another’s belief, except it be
 with the consent of his own belief. If the error which
 knocks at the door of your own thought originated in
15 another’s mind, you are a free moral agent to reject or
 to accept this error; hence, you are the arbiter of your
 own fate, and sin is the author of sin. In the words
 of our Master, you are “a liar, and the father of it
 [the lie].”

20 Why did Jesus call himself “the Son of man”?

 In the life of our Lord, meekness was as conspicuous
 as might. In John xvii. he declared his sonship with
 God: “These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his
 eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come;
25 glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee.”
 The hour had come for the avowal of this great truth,
 and for the proof of his eternal Life and sonship. Jesus’

 1 Quoted from the sixteenth edition.

Page 84

1 wisdom ofttimes was shown by his forbearing to speak,
 as well as by speaking, the whole truth. Haply he waited
 for a preparation of the human heart to receive start-
 ling announcements. This wisdom, which character-
5 ized his sayings, did not prophesy his death, and thereby
 hasten or permit it.

 The disciples and prophets thrust disputed points on
 minds unprepared for them. This cost them their lives,
 and the world’s temporary esteem; but the prophecies
10 were fulfilled, and their motives were rewarded by
 growth and more spiritual understanding, which dawns
 by degrees on mortals. The spiritual Christ was infal-
 lible; Jesus, as material manhood, was not Christ. The
 “man of sorrows” knew that the man of joys, his spiritual
15 self, or Christ, was the Son of God; and that the mor-
 tal mind, not the immortal Mind, suffered. The human
 manifestation of the Son of God was called the Son of
 man, or Mary’s son.

 Please explain Paul’s meaning in the text, “For to me
20 to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

 The Science of Life, overshadowing Paul’s sense of
 life in matter, so far extinguished the latter as forever
 to quench his love for it. The discipline of the flesh is
 designed to turn one, like a weary traveller, to the home
25 of Love. To lose error thus, is to live in Christ, Truth.
 A true sense of the falsity of material joys and sorrows,
 pleasures and pains, takes them away, and teaches Life’s
 lessons aright. The transition from our lower sense of
 Life to a new and higher sense thereof, even though it be
30 through the door named death, yields a clearer and
 nearer sense of Life to those who have utilized the present,

Page 85

1 and are ripe for the harvest-home. To the battle-
 worn and weary Christian hero, Life eternal brings

 Is a Christian Scientist ever sick, and has he who is
5 sick been regenerated?

 The Christian Scientist learns spiritually all that he
 knows of Life, and demonstrates what he understands.
 God is recognized as the divine Principle of his being,
 and of every thought and act leading to good. His pur-
10 pose must be right, though his power is temporarily lim-
 ited. Perfection, the goal of existence, is not won in a
 moment; and regeneration leading thereto is gradual,
 for it culminates in the fulfilment of this divine rule in
 Science: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father
15 which is in heaven is perfect.”

 The last degree of regeneration rises into the rest of
 perpetual, spiritual, individual existence. The first
 feeble fluttering of mortals Christward are infantile
 and more or less imperfect. The new-born Christian
20 Scientist must mature, and work out his own salvation.
 Spirit and flesh antagonize. Temptation, that mist of
 mortal mind which seems to be matter and the environ-
 ment of mortals, suggests pleasure and pain in matter;
 and, so long as this temptation lasts, the warfare is not
25 ended and the mortal is not regenerated. The pleas-
 ures — more than the pains — of sense, retard regenera-
 tion; for pain compels human consciousness to escape
 from sense into the immortality and harmony of Soul.
 Disease in error, more than ease in it, tends to destroy
30 error: the sick often are thereby led to Christ, Truth,
 and to learn their way out of both sickness and sin.

Page 86

1 The material and physical are imperfect. The in-
 dividual and spiritual are perfect; these have no fleshly
 nature. This final degree of regeneration is saving, and
 the Christian will, must, attain it; but it doth not yet
5 appear. Until this be attained, the Christian Scientist
 must continue to strive with sickness, sin, and death —
 though in lessening degrees — and manifest growth at
 every experience.

 Is it correct to say of material objects, that they are noth-
10 ing and exist only in imagination?

 Nothing and something are words which need correct
 definition. They either mean formations of indefinite
 and vague human opinions, or scientific classifications
 of the unreal and the real. My sense of the beauty of
15 the universe is, that beauty typifies holiness, and is some-
 thing to be desired. Earth is more spiritually beautiful
 to my gaze now than when it was more earthly to the
 eyes of Eve. The pleasant sensations of human belief,
 of form and color, must be spiritualized, until we gain the
20 glorified sense of substance as in the new heaven and
 earth, the harmony of body and Mind.

 Even the human conception of beauty, grandeur, and
 utility is something that defies a sneer. It is more than
 imagination. It is next to divine beauty and the gran-
25 deur of Spirit. It lives with our earth-life, and is
 the subjective state of high thoughts. The atmos-
 phere of mortal mind constitutes our mortal envi-
 ronment. What mortals hear, see, feel, taste, smell,
 constitutes their present earth and heaven: but we must
30 grow out of even this pleasing thraldom, and find wings
 to reach the glory of supersensible Life; then we shall

Page 87

1 soar above, as the bird in the clear ether of the blue tem-
 poral sky.

 To take all earth’s beauty into one gulp of vacuity
 and label beauty nothing, is ignorantly to caricature
5 God’s creation, which is unjust to human sense and
 to the divine realism. In our immature sense of spirit-
 ual things, let us say of the beauties of the sensuous
 universe: “I love your promise; and shall know, some
 time, the spiritual reality and substance of form, light,
10 and color, of what I now through you discern dimly; and
 knowing this, I shall be satisfied. Matter is a frail con-
 ception of mortal mind; and mortal mind is a poorer
 representative of the beauty, grandeur, and glory of the
 immortal Mind.”

15 Please inform us through your Journal; if you sent
 Mrs. —— to ——. She said that you sent her there to look
 after the students; and also, that no one there was working
 in Science, — which is certainly a mistake.

 I never commission any one to teach students of mine.
20 After class teaching, he does best in the investigation of
 Christian Science who is most reliant on himself and
 God. My students are taught the divine Principle and
 rules of the Science of Mind-healing. What they need
 thereafter is to study thoroughly the Scriptures and
25 “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” To
 watch and pray, to be honest, earnest, loving, and truth-
 ful, is indispensable to the demonstration of the truth
 they have been taught.

 If they are haunted by obsequious helpers, who, un-
30 called for, imagine they can help anybody and steady
 God’s altar — this interference prolongs the struggle

Page 88

1 and tends to blight the fruits of my students. A faith-
 ful student may even sometimes feel the need of
 physical help, and occasionally receive it from others;
 but the less this is required, the better it is for that
5 student.

 Please give us, through your Journal, the name of
 the author of that genuine critique in the September
 number, “What Quibus Thinks.”

 I am pleased to inform this inquirer, that the author
10 of the article in question is a Boston gentleman whose
 thought is appreciated by many liberals. Patience, ob-
 servation, intellectual culture, reading, writing, exten-
 sive travel, and twenty years in the pulpit, have equipped
 him as a critic who knows whereof he speaks. His allu-
15 sion to Christian Science in the following paragraph,
 glows in the shadow of darkling criticism like a mid-
 night sun. Its manly honesty follows like a benediction
 after prayer, and closes the task of talking to deaf ears
 and dull debaters.

20 “We have always insisted that this Science is natural,
 spiritually natural; that Jesus was the highest type of
 real nature; that Christian healing is supernatural, or
 extra-natural, only to those who do not enter into its
 sublimity or understand its modes — as imported ice
25 was miraculous to the equatorial African, who had never
 seen water freeze.”

 Is it right for a Scientist to treat with a doctor?

 This depends upon what kind of a doctor it is. Mind-
 healing, and healing with drugs, are opposite modes of
30 medicine. As a rule, drop one of these doctors when you

Page 89

1 employ the other. The Scripture saith, “No man can
 serve two masters;” and, “Every kingdom divided
 against itself is brought to desolation.”

 If Scientists are called upon to care for a member of
5 the family, or a friend in sickness, who is employing a

 regular physician, would it be right to treat this patient
 at all; and ought the patient to follow the doctor’s

 When patients are under material medical treatment,
10 it is advisable in most cases that Scientists do not treat
 them, or interfere with materia medica. If the patient
 is in peril, and you save him or alleviate his sufferings,
 although the medical attendant and friends have no
 faith in your method, it is humane, and not unchristian,
15 to do him all the good you can; but your good will gen-
 erally “be evil spoken of.” The hazard of casting “pearls
 before swine” caused our Master to refuse help to some
 who sought his aid; and he left this precaution for

20 If mortal man is unreal, how can he be saved, and why
 does he need to be saved? I ask for information, not for
 controversy, for I am a seeker after Truth.

 You will find the proper answer to this question in
 my published works. Man is immortal. Mortal man
25 is a false concept that is not spared or prolonged by being
 saved from itself, from whatever is false. This salva-
 tion means: saved from error, or error overcome. Im-
 mortal man, in God’s likeness, is safe in divine Science.
 Mortal man is saved on this divine Principle, if he will
30 only avail himself of the efficacy of Truth, and recog-

Page 90

1 nize his Saviour. He must know that God is omnipo-
 tent; hence, that sin is impotent. He must know that
 the power of sin is the pleasure in sin. Take away this
 pleasure, and you remove all reality from its power. Jesus
5 demonstrated sin and death to be powerless. This
 practical Truth saves from sin, and will save all who
 understand it.

 Is it wrong for a wife to have a husband treated for
 sin, when she knows he is sinning, or for drinking and
10 smoking?

 It is always right to act rightly; but sometimes, under
 circumstances exceptional, it is inexpedient to attack
 evil. This rule is forever golden: “As ye would that
 men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” Do you
15 desire to be freed from sin? Then help others to be free;
 but in your measures, obey the Scriptures, “Be ye wise
 as serpents.” Break the yoke of bondage in every wise
 way. First, be sure that your means for doing good
 are equal to your motives; then judge them by their
20 fruits.

 If not ordained, shall the pastor of the Church of
 Christ, Scientist, administer the communion, — and
 shall members of a church not organized receive the

25 Our great Master administered to his disciples the
 Passover, or last supper, without this prerogative being
 conferred by a visible organization and ordained priest-
 hood. His spiritually prepared breakfast, after his
 resurrection, and after his disciples had left their nets
30 to follow him, is the spiritual communion which Chris-

Page 91

1 tian Scientists celebrate in commemoration of the Christ.
 This ordinance is significant as a type of the true worship,
 and it should be observed at present in our churches.

 It is not indispensable to organize materially Christ’s
5 church. It is not absolutely necessary to ordain pas-
 tors and to dedicate churches; but if this be done,
 let it be in concession to the period, and not as a per-
 petual or indispensable ceremonial of the church. If
 our church is organized, it is to meet the demand,
10 “Suffer it to be so now.” The real Christian compact
 is love for one another. This bond is wholly spiritual
 and inviolate.

 It is imperative, at all times and under every cir-
 cumstance, to perpetuate no ceremonials except as
15 types of these mental conditions, — remembrance and
 love; a real affection for Jesus’ character and example.
 Be it remembered, that all types employed in the ser-
 vice of Christian Science should represent the most spir-
 itual forms of thought and worship that can be made
20 visible.

 Should not the teacher of Christian Science have our
 textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,”
 in his schoolroom and teach from it?

 I never dreamed, until informed thereof, that a loyal
25 student did not take his textbook with him into the class-
 room, ask questions from it, answer them according to
 it, and, as occasion required, read from the book as au-
 thority for what he taught. I supposed that students
 had followed my example, and that of other teachers,
30 sufficiently to do this, and also to require their pupils to
 study the lessons before recitations.

Page 92

1 To omit these important points is anomalous, con-
 sidering the necessity for understanding Science, and
 the present liability of deviating from Christian Science.
 Centuries will intervene before the statement of the inex-
5 haustible topics of that book become sufficiently under-
 stood to be absolutely demonstrated. The teacher of
 Christian Science needs continually to study this textbook.
 His work is to replenish thought, and to spiritualize human
 life, from this open fount of Truth and Love.

10 He who sees most clearly and enlightens other minds
 most readily, keeps his own lamp trimmed and burning.
 He will take the textbook of Christian Science into his
 class, repeat the questions in the chapter on Recapitula-
 tion, and his students will answer them from the same
15 source. Throughout his entire explanations, the teacher
 should strictly adhere to the questions and answers con-
 tained in that chapter of “Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures.” It is important to point out the
 lesson to the class, and to require the students thor-
20 oughly to study it before the recitations; for this spirit-
 ualizes their thoughts. When closing his class, the
 teacher should require each member to own a copy of
 the above-named book and to continue the study of this

25 The opinions of men cannot be substituted for God’s
 revelation. It must not be forgotten that in times past,
 arrogant ignorance and pride, in attempting to steady
 the ark of Truth, have dimmed the power and glory of
 the Scriptures, to which this Christian Science textbook
30 is the Key.

 That teacher does most for his students who most
 divests himself of pride and self, spiritualizes his own

Page 93

1 thought, and by reason thereof is able to empty his stu-
 dents’ minds, that they may be filled with Truth.

 Beloved students, so teach that posterity shall call
 you blessed, and the heart of history shall be made
5 glad!

 Can fear or sin bring back old beliefs of disease that have
 been healed by Christian Science?

 The Scriptures plainly declare the allness and oneness
 of God to be the premises of Truth, and that God is
10 good: in Him dwelleth no evil. Christian Science au-
 thorizes the logical conclusion drawn from the Scriptures,
 that there is in reality none besides the eternal, infinite
 God, good. Evil is temporal: it is the illusion of time
 and mortality.

15 This being true, sin has no power; and fear, its coeval,
 is without divine authority. Science sanctions only what
 is supported by the unerring Principle of being. Sin can
 do nothing: all cause and effect are in God. Fear is a
 belief of sensation in matter: this belief is neither main-
20 tained by Science nor supported by facts, and exists only
 as fable. Your answer is, that neither fear nor sin can
 bring on disease or bring back disease, since there is in
 reality no disease.

 Bear in mind, however, that human consciousness does
25 not test sin and the fact of its nothingness, by believing
 that sin is pardoned without repentance and reforma-
 tion. Sin punishes itself, because it cannot go unpun-
 ished either here or hereafter. Nothing is more fatal than
 to indulge a sinning sense or consciousness for even one
30 moment. Knowing this, obey Christ’s Sermon on the
 Mount, even if you suffer for it in the first instance, —

Page 94

1 are misjudged and maligned; in the second, you will
 reign with him.

 I never knew a person who knowingly indulged evil,
 to be grateful; to understand me, or himself. He must
5 first see himself and the hallucination of sin; then he
 must repent, and love good in order to understand God.
 The sinner and the sin are the twain that are one flesh, —
 but which God hath not joined together.

Chapter 4 — Addresses

Christian Science In Tremont Temple

Page 95

2 From the platform of the Monday lectureship in
 Tremont Temple, on Monday, March 16, 1885, as
 will be seen by what follows. Reverend Mary Baker G.
5 Eddy was presented to Mr. Cook’s audience, and allowed
 ten minutes in which to reply to his public letter con-
 demning her doctrines; which reply was taken in full by
 a shorthand reporter who was present, and is transcribed

10 Mrs. Eddy responding, said:—

 As the time so kindly allotted me is insufficient for
 even a synopsis of Christian Science, I shall confine my-
 self to questions and answers.

 Am I a spiritualist?

15 I am not, and never was. I understand the impossi-
 bility of intercommunion between the so-called dead and
 living. There have always attended my life phenomena
 of an uncommon order, which spiritualists have mis-
 called mediumship; but I clearly understand that no
20 human agencies were employed, — that the divine Mind
 reveals itself to humanity through spiritual law. And
 to such as are “waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption
 of our body,” Christian Science reveals the in-

Page 96

1 finitude of divinity and the way of man’s salvation from
 sickness and death, as wrought out by Jesus, who robbed
 the grave of victory and death of its sting. I understand
 that God is an ever-present help in all times of trouble,—
5 have found Him so; and would have no other gods, no
 remedies in drugs, no material medicine.

 Do I believe in a personal God?

 I believe in God as the Supreme Being. I know not
 what the person of omnipotence and omnipresence is,
10 or what the infinite includes; therefore, I worship that
 of which I can conceive, first, as a loving Father and
 Mother; then, as thought ascends the scale of being to
 diviner consciousness, God becomes to me, as to the
 apostle who declared it, “God is Love,”—divine Prin-
15 ciple, — which I worship; and “after the manner of my
 fathers, so worship I God.”

 Do I believe in the atonement of Christ?

 I do; and this atonement becomes more to me since
 it includes man’s redemption from sickness as well as
20 from sin. I reverence and adore Christ as never before.

 It brings to my sense, and to the sense of all who enter-
 tain this understanding of the Science of God, a whole

 How is the healing done in Christian Science?

25 This answer includes too much to give you any con-
 clusive idea in a brief explanation. I can name some
 means by which it is not done.

 It is not one mind acting upon another mind; it is
 not the transference of human images of thought to
30 other minds; it is not supported by the evidence before
 the personal senses, — Science contradicts this evidence;
 it is not of the flesh, but of the Spirit. It is Christ come

Page 97

1 to destroy the power of the flesh; it is Truth over error;
 that understood, gives man ability to rise above the evi-
 dence of the senses, take hold of the eternal energies of
 Truth, and destroy mortal discord with immortal har-
5 mony, — the grand verities of being. It is not one mortal
 thought transmitted to another’s thought from the human
 mind that holds within itself all evil.

 Our Master said of one of his students, “He is a devil,”
 and repudiated the idea of casting out devils through
10 Beelzebub. Erring human mind is by no means a de-
 sirable or efficacious healer. Such suppositional healing
 I deprecate. It is in no way allied to divine power. All
 human control is animal magnetism, more despicable
 than all other methods of treating disease.

15 Christian Science is not a remedy of faith alone, but
 combines faith with understanding, through which we
 may touch the hem of His garment; and know that om-
 nipotence has all power. “I am the Lord, and there is
 none else, there is no God beside me.”

20 Is there a personal man?

 The Scriptures inform us that man was made in the
 image and likeness of God. I commend the Icelandic
 translation: “He created man in the image and likeness
 of Mind, in the image and likeness of Mind created
25 He him.” To my sense, we have not seen all of man;
 he is more than personal sense can cognize, who is the
 image and likeness of the infinite. I have not seen a
 perfect man in mind or body, — and such must be the
 personality of him who is the true likeness: the lost
30 image is not this personality, and corporeal man is this
 lost image; hence, it doth not appear what is the real
 personality of man. The only cause for making this

Page 98

1 question of personality a point, or of any importance, is
 that man’s perfect model should be held in mind, whereby
 to improve his present condition; that his contemplation
 regarding himself should turn away from inharmony, sick-
5 ness, and sin, to that which is the image of his Maker.

Science And The Senses

Page 98

 Substance of my Address at the National Convention in Chicago,
 June 13, 1888

 The National Christian Scientist Association has
10 brought us together to minister and to be ministered
 unto; mutually to aid one another in finding ways and
 means for helping the whole human family; to quicken
 and extend the interest already felt in a higher mode of
 medicine; to watch with eager joy the individual growth
15 of Christian Scientists, and the progress of our common
 Cause in Chicago, — the miracle of the Occident. We
 come to strengthen and perpetuate our organizations
 and institutions; and to find strength in union, — strength
 to build up, through God’s right hand, that pure and
20 undefiled religion whose Science demonstrates God and
 the perfectibility of man. This purpose is immense,
 and it must begin with individual growth, a “consum-
 mation devoutly to be wished.” The lives of all re-
 formers attest the authenticity of their mission, and call
25 the world to acknowledge its divine Principle. Truly
 is it written:—

 “Thou must be true thyself, if thou the truth would’st teach;
 Thy heart must overflow, if thou another’s heart would’st reach.”

Page 99

1 Science is absolute and final. It is revolutionary in
 its very nature; for it upsets all that is not upright.
 It annuls false evidence, and saith to the five material
 senses, “Having eyes ye see not, and ears ye hear not;
5 neither can you understand.” To weave one thread of
 Science through the looms of time, is a miracle in itself.
 The risk is stupendous. It cost Galileo, what? This
 awful price: the temporary loss of his self-respect. His
 fear overcame his loyalty; the courage of his convictions
10 fell before it. Fear is the weapon in the hands of

 Men and women of the nineteenth century, are you
 called to voice a higher order of Science? Then obey
 this call. Go, if you must, to the dungeon or the scaf-
15 fold, but take not back the words of Truth. How many
 are there ready to suffer for a righteous cause, to stand
 a long siege, take the front rank, face the foe, and be
 in the battle every day?

 In no other one thing seemed Jesus of Nazareth more
20 divine than in his faith in the immortality of his words.
 He said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my
 words shall not pass away;” and they have not. The
 winds of time sweep clean the centuries, but they can
 never bear into oblivion his words. They still live, and
25 to-morrow speak louder than to-day. They are to-day
 as the voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Make
 straight God’s paths; make way for health, holiness,
 universal harmony, and come up hither.” The gran-
 deur of the word, the power of Truth, is again casting
30 out evils and healing the sick; and it is whispered, “This
 is Science.”

 Jesus taught by the wayside, in humble homes. He

Page 100

1 spake of Truth and Love to artless listeners and dull
 disciples. His immortal words were articulated in a
 decaying language, and then left to the providence of
 God. Christian Science was to interpret them; and
5 woman, “last at the cross,” was to awaken the dull senses,
 intoxicated with pleasure or pain, to the infinite meaning
 of those words.

 Past, present, future, will show the word and might of
 Truth — healing the sick and reclaiming the sinner—
10 so long as there remains a claim of error for Truth to
 deny or to destroy. Love’s labors are not lost. The
 five personal senses, that grasp neither the meaning nor
 the magnitude of self-abnegation, may lose sight thereof;
 but Science voices unselfish love, unfolds infinite good,
15 leads on irresistible forces, and will finally show the fruits
 of Love. Human reason is inaccurate; and the scope
 of the senses is inadequate to grasp the word of Truth,
 and teach the eternal.

 Science speaks when the senses are silent, and then
20 the evermore of Truth is triumphant. The spiritual mon-
 itor understood is coincidence of the divine with the
 human, the acme of Christian Science. Pure humanity,
 friendship, home, the interchange of love, bring to earth
 a foretaste of heaven. They unite terrestrial and celes-
25 tial joys, and crown them with blessings infinite.

 The Christian Scientist loves man more because he
 loves God most. He understands this Principle, — Love.
 Who is sufficient for these things? Who remembers that
 patience, forgiveness, abiding faith, and affection, are
30 the symptoms by which our Father indicates the dif-
 ferent stages of man’s recovery from sin and his en-
 trance into Science? Who knows how the feeble lips

Page 101

1 are made eloquent, how hearts are inspired, how heal-
 ing becomes spontaneous, and how the divine Mind is
 understood and demonstrated? He alone knows these
 wonders who is departing from the thraldom of the
5 senses and accepting spiritual truth, — that which blesses
 its adoption by the refinement of joy and the dismissal of

 Christian Science and the senses are at war. It is a
 revolutionary struggle. We already have had two in
10 this nation; and they began and ended in a contest for
 the true idea, for human liberty and rights. Now cometh
 a third struggle; for the freedom of health, holiness, and
 the attainment of heaven.

 The scientific sense of being which establishes har-
15 mony, enters into no compromise with finiteness and
 feebleness. It undermines the foundations of mortality,
 of physical law, breaks their chains, and sets the captive
 free, opening the doors for them that are bound.

 He who turns to the body for evidence, bases his con-
 clusions on mortality, on imperfection; but Science saith
20 to man, “God hath all-power.”

 The Science of omnipotence demonstrates but one
 power, and this power is good, not evil; not matter,
 but Mind. This virtually destroys matter and evil, in-
25 cluding sin and disease.

 If God is All, and God is good, it follows that all
 must be good; and no other power, law, or intelligence
 can exist. On this proof rest premise and conclusion in
 Science, and the facts that disprove the evidence of the
30 senses.

 God is individual Mind. This one Mind and His
 individuality comprise the elements of all forms and

Page 102

1 individualities, and prophesy the nature and stature of
 Christ, the ideal man.

 A corporeal God, as often defined by lexicographers
 and scholastic theologians, is only an infinite finite being,
5 an unlimited man, — a theory to me inconceivable. If
 the unlimited and immortal Mind could originate in a
 limited body, Mind would be chained to finity, and the
 infinite forever finite.

 In this limited and lower sense God is not personal.
10 His infinity precludes the possibility of corporeal person-
 ality. His being is individual, but not physical.

 God is like Himself and like nothing else. He is uni-
 versal and primitive. His character admits of no degrees
 of comparison. God is not part, but the whole. In His
15 individuality I recognize the loving, divine Father-Mother
 God. Infinite personality must be incorporeal.

 God’s ways are not ours. His pity is expressed in
 modes above the human. His chastisements are the
 manifestations of Love. The sympathy of His eternal
20 Mind is fully expressed in divine Science, which blots
 out all our iniquities and heals all our diseases. Human
 pity often brings pain.

 Science supports harmony, denies suffering, and de-
 stroys it with the divinity of Truth. Whatever seems mate-
25 rial, seems thus only to the material senses, and is but the
 subjective state of mortal and material thought.

 Science has inaugurated the irrepressible conflict be-
 tween sense and Soul. Mortal thought wars with this
 sense as one that beateth the air, but Science outmasters
30 it, and ends the warfare. This proves daily that “one
 on God’s side is a majority.”

 Science defines omnipresence as universality, that which

Page 103

1 precludes the presence of evil. This verity annuls the tes-
 timony of the senses, which say that sin is an evil power,
 and substance is perishable. Intelligent Spirit, Soul, is
 substance, far more impregnable and solid than matter; for
5 one is temporal, while the other is eternal, the ultimate
 and predicate of being.

 Mortality, materiality, and destructive forces, such as
 sin, disease, and death, mortals virtually name substance;
 but these are the substance of things not hoped for. For
10 lack of knowing what substance is, the senses say vaguely:
 “The substance of life is sorrow and mortality; for who
 knoweth the substance of good?” In Science, form and
 individuality are never lost, thoughts are outlined, indi-
 vidualized ideas, which dwell forever in the divine Mind
15 as tangible, true substance, because eternally conscious.
 Unlike mortal mind, which must be ever in bondage,
 the eternal Mind is free, unlimited, and knows not the

 Neither does the temporal know the eternal. Mortal
20 man, as mind or matter, is neither the pattern nor Maker
 of immortal man. Any inference of the divine derived
 from the human, either as mind or body, hides the actual
 power, presence, and individuality of God.

 Jesus’ personality in the flesh, so far as material sense
25 could discern it, was like that of other men; but Science
 exchanges this human concept of Jesus for the divine
 ideal, his spiritual individuality that reflected the Im-
 manuel, or “God with us.” This God was not outlined.
 He was too mighty for that. He was eternal Life, infinite
30 Truth and Love. The individuality is embraced in Mind,
 therefore is forever with the Father. Hence the Scrip-
 ture, “I am a God at hand, saith the Lord.” Even while

Page 104

1 his personality was on earth and in anguish, his individual
 being, the Christ, was at rest in the eternal harmony.
 His unseen individuality, so superior to that which was
 seen, was not subject to the temptations of the flesh, to
5 laws material, to death, or the grave. Formed and gov-
 erned by God, this individuality was safe in the substance
 of Soul, the substance of Spirit, — yea, the substance of
 God, the one inclusive good.

 In Science all being is individual; for individuality is
10 endless in the calculus of forms and numbers. Herein
 sin is miraculous and supernatural; for it is not in the
 nature of God, and good is forever good. Accord-
 ing to Christian Science, perfection is normal, — not
 miraculous. Clothed, and in its right Mind, man’s
15 individuality is sinless, deathless, harmonious, eternal.
 His materiality, clad in a false mentality, wages feeble
 fight with his individuality, — his physical senses with
 his spiritual senses. The latter move in God’s grooves
 of Science: the former revolve in their own orbits, and
20 must stand the friction of false selfhood until self-

 In obedience to the divine nature, man’s individuality
 reflects the divine law and order of being. How shall
 we reach our true selves? Through Love. The Prin-
25 ciple of Christian Science is Love, and its idea represents
 Love. This divine Principle and idea are demonstrated,
 in healing, to be God and the real man.

 Who wants to be mortal, or would not gain the true
 ideal of Life and recover his own individuality? I will
30 love, if another hates. I will gain a balance on the side of
 good, my true being. This alone gives me the forces of
 God wherewith to overcome all error. On this rests the

Page 105

1 implicit faith engendered by Christian Science, which
 appeals intelligently to the facts of man’s spirituality, in-
 dividuality, to disdain the fears and destroy the discords
 of this material personality.

5 On our Master’s individual demonstrations over sin,
 sickness, and death, rested the anathema of priesthood
 and the senses; yet this demonstration is the foundation
 of Christian Science. His physical sufferings, which
 came from the testimony of the senses, were over when
10 he resumed his individual spiritual being, after showing
 us the way to escape from the material body.

 Science would have no conflict with Life or common
 sense, if this sense were consistently sensible. Man’s real
 life or existence is in harmony with Life and its glorious
15 phenomena. It upholds being, and destroys the too
 common sense of its opposites — death, disease, and sin.
 Christian Science is an everlasting victor, and vanquish-
 ment is unknown to the omnipresent Truth. I must ever
 follow this line of light and battle.

20 Christian Science is my only ideal; and the individual
 and his ideal can never be severed. If either is misunder-
 stood or maligned, it eclipses the other with the shadow
 cast by this error.

 Truth destroys error. Nothing appears to the physi-
25 cal senses but their own subjective state of thought. The
 senses join issue with error, and pity what has no right
 either to be pitied or to exist, and what does not exist in
 Science. Destroy the thought of sin, sickness, death, and
 you destroy their existence. “Whatsoever a man soweth,
30 that shall he also reap.”

 Because God is Mind, and this Mind is good, all
 is good and all is Mind. God is the sum total of the

Page 106

1 universe. Then what and where are sin, sickness, and

 Christian Science and Christian Scientists will, must,
 have a history; and if I could write the history in poor
5 parody on Tennyson’s grand verse, it would read

 Traitors to right of them,
 M. D.’s to left of them,
 Priestcraft in front of them,
10 Volleyed and thundered!
 Into the jaws of hate,
 Out through the door of Love,
 On to the blest above,
 Marched the one hundred.

Extract From My First Address In The Mother Church, May 26, 1895

Page 106

 Friends and Brethren: — Your Sunday Lesson, com-
 posed of Scripture and its correlative in “Science and
20 Health with Key to the Scriptures,” has fed you. In addi-
 tion, I can only bring crumbs fallen from this table of
 Truth, and gather up the fragments.

 It has long been a question of earnest import, How
 shall mankind worship the most adorable, but most
 unadored, — and where shall begin that praise that shall
25 never end? Beneath, above, beyond, methinks I hear
 the soft, sweet sigh of angels answering, “So live, that
 your lives attest your sincerity and resound His praise.”

 Music is the harmony of being; but the music of Soul
 affords the only strains that thrill the chords of feeling
30 and awaken the heart’s harpstrings. Moved by mind,
 your many-throated organ, in imitative tones of many

Page 107

1 instruments, praises Him; but even the sweetness and
 beauty in and of this temple that praise Him, are earth’s
 accents, and must not be mistaken for the oracles of God.
 Art must not prevail over Science. Christianity is not
5 superfluous. Its redemptive power is seen in sore trials,
 self-denials, and crucifixions of the flesh. But these come
 to the rescue of mortals, to admonish them, and plant
 the feet steadfastly in Christ. As we rise above the seem-
 ing mists of sense, we behold more clearly that all the
10 heart’s homage belongs to God.

 More love is the great need of mankind. A pure af-
 fection, concentric, forgetting self, forgiving wrongs and
 forestalling them, should swell the lyre of human love.

 Three cardinal points must be gained before poor
15 humanity is regenerated and Christian Science is dem-
 onstrated: (1) A proper sense of sin; (2) repentance;
 (3) the understanding of good. Evil is a negation: it
 never started with time, and it cannot keep pace with
 eternity. Mortals’ false senses pass through three states
20 and stages of human consciousness before yielding error.
 The deluded sense must first be shown its falsity through
 a knowledge of evil as evil, so-called. Without a sense
 of one’s oft-repeated violations of divine law, the in-
 dividual may become morally blind, and this deplorable
25 mental state is moral idiocy. The lack of seeing one’s
 deformed mentality, and of repentance therefor, deep,
 never to be repented of, is retarding, and in certain mor-
 bid instances stopping, the growth of Christian Scientists.
 Without a knowledge of his sins, and repentance so severe
30 that it destroys them, no person is or can be a Christian

 Mankind thinks either too much or too little of sin.

Page 108

1 The sensitive, sorrowing saint thinks too much of it: the
 sordid sinner, or the so-called Christian asleep, thinks too
 little of sin.

 To allow sin of any sort is anomalous in Christian
5 Scientists, claiming, as they do, that good is infinite, All.
 Our Master, in his definition of Satan as a liar from the
 beginning, attested the absolute powerlessness — yea,
 nothingness — of evil: since a lie, being without founda-
 tion in fact, is merely a falsity; spiritually, literally, it
10 is nothing.

 Not to know that a false claim is false, is to be in danger
 of believing it; hence the utility of knowing evil aright,
 then reducing its claim to its proper denominator,—
 nobody and nothing. Sin should be conceived of only
15 as a delusion. This true conception would remove mortals’
 ignorance and its consequences, and advance the second
 stage of human consciousness, repentance. The first
 state, namely, the knowledge of one’s self, the proper
 knowledge of evil and its subtle workings wherein evil
20 seems as real as good, is indispensable; since that which
 is truly conceived of, we can handle; but the misconcep-
 tion of what we need to know of evil, — or the concep-
 tion of it at all as something real, — costs much. Sin
 needs only to be known for what it is not; then we are
25 its master, not servant. Remember, and act on, Jesus’
 definition of sin as a lie. This cognomen makes it less
 dangerous; for most of us would not be seen believing
 in, or adhering to, that which we know to be untrue.
 What would be thought of a Christian Scientist who be-
30 lieved in the use of drugs, while declaring that they have
 no intrinsic quality and that there is no matter? What
 should be thought of an individual believing in that

Page 109

1 which is untrue, and at the same time declaring the unity
 of Truth, and its allness? Beware of those who mis-
 represent facts; or tacitly assent where they should dis-
 sent; or who take me as authority for what I disapprove,
5 or mayhap never have thought of, and try to reverse, in-
 vert, or controvert, Truth; for this is a sure pretext of
 moral defilement.

 Examine yourselves, and see what, and how much, sin
 claims of you; and how much of this claim you admit
10 as valid, or comply with. The knowledge of evil that
 brings on repentance is the most hopeful stage of mortal
 mentality. Even a mild mistake must be seen as a mis-
 take, in order to be corrected; how much more, then,
 should one’s sins be seen and repented of, before they
15 can be reduced to their native nothingness!

 Ignorance is only blest by reason of its nothingness;
 for seeing the need of somethingness in its stead, blesses
 mortals. Ignorance was the first condition of sin in the
 allegory of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Their
20 mental state is not desirable, neither is a knowledge of
 sin and its consequences, repentance, per se; but, ad-
 mitting the existence of both, mortals must hasten through
 the second to the third stage, — the knowledge of good;
 for without this the valuable sequence of knowledge
25 would be lacking, — even the power to escape from the
 false claims of sin. To understand good, one must discern
 the nothingness of evil, and consecrate one’s life anew.

 Beloved brethren, Christ, Truth, saith unto you, “Be
 not afraid!”—fear not sin, lest thereby it master you;
30 but only fear to sin. Watch and pray for self-knowledge;
 since then, and thus, cometh repentance, — and your
 superiority to a delusion is won.

Page 110

1 Repentance is better than sacrifice. The costly balm
 of Araby, poured on our Master’s feet, had not the value
 of a single tear.

 Beloved children, the world has need of you, — and
5 more as children than as men and women: it needs your
 innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontami-
 nated lives. You need also to watch, and pray that you
 preserve these virtues unstained, and lose them not through
 contact with the world. What grander ambition is there
10 than to maintain in yourselves what Jesus loved, and to
 know that your example, more than words, makes morals
 for mankind!

Address Before The Alumni Of The Massachusetts Metaphysical College, 1895

15 My Beloved Students: — Weeks have passed into
 months, and months into years, since last we met; but
 time and space, when encompassed by divine presence,
 do not separate us. Our hearts have kept time together,
 and our hands have wrought steadfastly at the same
20 object-lesson, while leagues have lain between us.

 We may well unite in thanksgiving for the continued
 progress and unprecedented prosperity of our Cause. It
 is already obvious that the world’s acceptance and the
 momentum of Christian Science, increase rapidly as
25 years glide on.

 As Christian Scientists, you have dared the perilous de-
 fense of Truth, and have succeeded. You have learned
 how fleeting is that which men call great; and how per-
 manent that which God calls good.

Page 111

1 You have proven that the greatest piety is scarcely
 sufficient to demonstrate what you have adopted and
 taught; that your work, well done, would dignify angels.

 Faithfully, as meekly, you have toiled all night; and
5 at break of day caught much. At times, your net has
 been so full that it broke: human pride, creeping into
 its meshes, extended it beyond safe expansion; then,
 losing hold of divine Love, you lost your fishes, and pos-
 sibly blamed others more than yourself. But those whom
10 God makes “fishers of men” will not pull for the shore;
 like Peter, they launch into the depths, cast their nets
 on the right side, compensate loss, and gain a higher sense
 of the true idea. Nothing is lost that God gives: had He
 filled the net, it would not have broken.

15 Leaving the seed of Truth to its own vitality, it propa-
 gates: the tares cannot hinder it. Our Master said,
 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall
 not pass away;” and Jesus’ faith in Truth must not ex-
 ceed that of Christian Scientists who prove its power to
20 be immortal.

 The Christianity that is merely of sects, the pulpit, and
 fashionable society, is brief; but the Word of God abideth.
 Plato was a pagan; but no greater difference existed be-
 tween his doctrines and those of Jesus, than to-day exists
25 between the Catholic and Protestant sects. I love the
 orthodox church; and, in time, that church will love
 Christian Science. Let me specially call the attention of
 this Association to the following false beliefs inclining
 mortal mind more deviously:—

30 The belief in anti-Christ: that somebody in the flesh
 is the son of God, or is another Christ, or is a spiritually
 adopted child, or is an incarnated babe, is the evil one—

Page 112

1 in other words, the one evil — disporting itself with the
 subtleties of sin!

 Even honest thinkers, not knowing whence they come,
 may deem these delusions verities, before they know it,
5 or really look the illusions in the face. The ages are bur-
 dened with material modes. Hypnotism, microbes, X-rays,
 and ex-common sense, occupy time and thought; and
 error, given new opportunities, will improve them. The
 most just man can neither defend the innocent nor detect
10 the guilty, unless he knows how to be just; and this knowl-
 edge demands our time and attention.

 The mental stages of crime, which seem to belong to
 the latter days, are strictly classified in metaphysics as
 some of the many features and forms of what is properly
15 denominated, in extreme cases, moral idiocy. I visited
 in his cell the assassin of President Garfield, and found
 him in the mental state called moral idiocy. He had no
 sense of his crime; but regarded his act as one of simple
 justice, and himself as the victim. My few words touched
20 him; he sank back in his chair, limp and pale; his flip-
 pancy had fled. The jailer thanked me, and said, “Other
 visitors have brought to him bouquets, but you have
 brought what will do him good.”

 This mental disease at first shows itself in extreme
25 sensitiveness; then, in a loss of self-knowledge and of
 self-condemnation, — a shocking inability to see one’s
 own faults, but an exaggerating sense of other people’s.
 Unless this mental condition be overcome, it ends in a
 total loss of moral, intellectual, and spiritual discernment,
30 and is characterized in this Scripture: “The fool hath
 said in his heart, There is no God.” This state of mind
 is the exemplification of total depravity, and the result

Page 113

1 of sensuous mind in matter. Mind that is God is not in
 matter; and God’s presence gives spiritual light, wherein
 is no darkness.

 If, as is indisputably true, “God is Spirit,” and Spirit
5 is our Father and Mother, and that which it includes is
 all that is real and eternal, when evil seems to predomi-
 nate and divine light to be obscured, free moral agency
 is lost; and the Revelator’s vision, that “no man might
 buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
10 beast, or the number of his name,” is imminent.

 Whoever is mentally manipulating human mind, and
 is not gaining a higher sense of Truth by it, is losing in
 the scale of moral and spiritual being, and may be car-
 ried to the depths of perdition by his own consent. He
15 who refuses to be influenced by any but the divine Mind,
 commits his way to God, and rises superior to sugges-
 tions from an evil source. Christian Science shows that
 there is a way of escape from the latter-day ultimatum
 of evil, through scientific truth; so that all are without
20 excuse.

 Already I clearly recognize that mental malpractice,
 if persisted in, will end in insanity, dementia, or moral
 idiocy. Thank God! this evil can be resisted by true
 Christianity. Divine Love is our hope, strength, and
25 shield. We have nothing to fear when Love is at the
 helm of thought, but everything to enjoy on earth and
 in heaven.

 The systematized centres of Christian Science are life-
 giving fountains of truth. Our churches, The Christian
30 Science Journal
, and the Christian Science Quarterly,
 are prolific sources of spiritual power whose intellectual,
 moral, and spiritual animus is felt throughout the land.

Page 114

1 Our Publishing Society, and our Sunday Lessons, are
 of inestimable value to all seekers after Truth. The Com-
 mittee on Sunday School Lessons cannot give too much
 time and attention to their task, and should spare no
5 research in the preparation of the Quarterly as an educa-
 tional branch.

 The teachers of Christian Science need to watch inces-
 santly the trend of their own thoughts; watch that these
 be not secretly robbed, and themselves misguided, and
10 so made to misteach others. Teachers must conform
 strictly to the rules of divine Science announced in the
 Bible and their textbook, “Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures.” They must themselves practise, and
 teach others to practise, the Hebrew Decalogue, the Ser-
15 mon on the Mount, and the understanding and enuncia-
 tion of these according to Christ.

 They must always have on armor, and resist the foe
 within and without. They cannot arm too thoroughly
 against original sin, appearing in its myriad forms: pass-
20 sion, appetites, hatred, revenge, and all the et cetera of
 evil. Christian Scientists cannot watch too sedulously,
 or bar their doors too closely, or pray to God too fer-
 vently, for deliverance from the claims of evil. Thus
 doing, Scientists will silence evil suggestions, uncover
25 their methods, and stop their hidden influence upon the
 lives of mortals. Rest assured that God in His wisdom
 will test all mankind on all questions; and then, if found
 faithful, He will deliver us from temptation and show us
 the powerlessness of evil, — even its utter nothingness.

30 The teacher in Christian Science who does not spe-
 cially instruct his pupils how to guard against evil and
 its silent modes, and to be able, through Christ, the liv-

Page 115

1 ing Truth, to protect themselves therefrom, is commit-
 ting an offense against God and humanity. With Science
 and Health for their textbook, I am astounded at the
 apathy of some students on the subject of sin and mental
5 malpractice, and their culpable ignorance of the work-
 ing of these — and even the teacher’s own deficiency in
 this department. I can account for this state of mind in
 the teacher only as the result of sin; otherwise, his own
 guilt as a mental malpractitioner, and fear of being found
10 out.

 The helpless ignorance of the community on this sub-
 ject is pitiable, and plain to be seen. May God enable
 my students to take up the cross as I have done, and meet
 the pressing need of a proper preparation of heart to prac-
15 tise, teach, and live Christian Science! Your means of
 protection and defense from sin are, constant watchful-
 ness and prayer that you enter not into temptation and
 are delivered from every claim of evil, till you intelligently
 know and demonstrate, in Science, that evil has neither
20 prestige, power, nor existence, since God, good, is All-

 The increasing necessity for relying on God to de-
 fend us against the subtler forms of evil, turns us more
 unreservedly to Him for help, and thus becomes a means
25 of grace. If one lives rightly, every effort to hurt one
 will only help that one; for God will give the ability to
 overcome whatever tends to impede progress. Know
 this: that you cannot overcome the baneful effects of
 sin on yourself, if you in any way indulge in sin; for,
30 sooner or later, you will fall the victim of your own as
 well as of others’ sins. Using mental power in the right
 direction only, doing to others as you would have them

Page 116

1 do to you, will overcome evil with good, and destroy
 your own sensitiveness to the power of evil.

 The God of all grace be with you, and save you from
 “spiritual wickedness in high places.”

 June 3, 1895

Address Before The Christian Scientist Association Of The Massachusetts Metaphysical College, In 1893 — Obedience

Page 116

 My Beloved Students: — This question, ever nearest
 to my heart, is to-day uppermost: Are we filling the
 measures of life’s music aright, emphasizing its grand
 strains, swelling the harmony of being with tones whence
15 come glad echoes? As crescendo and diminuendo accent
 music, so the varied strains of human chords express
 life’s loss or gain, — loss of the pleasures and pains and
 pride of life: gain of its sweet concord, the courage of
 honest convictions, and final obedience to spiritual law.
20 The ultimate of scientific research and attainment in
 divine Science is not an argument: it is not merely say-
 ing, but doing, the Word — demonstrating Truth — even
 as the fruits of watchfulness, prayer, struggles, tears, and

25 Obeying the divine Principle which you profess to un-
 derstand and love, demonstrates Truth. Never absent
 from your post, never off guard, never ill-humored, never
 unready to work for God, — is obedience; being “faith-
 ful over a few things.” If in one instance obedience be
30 lacking, you lose the scientific rule and its reward: namely,

Page 117

1 to be made “ruler over many things.” A progressive
 life is the reality of Life that unfolds its immortal Prin-

 The student of Christian Science must first separate the
5 tares from the wheat; discern between the thought,
 motive, and act superinduced by the wrong motive or
 the true — the God-given intent and volition — arrest
 the former, and obey the latter. This will place him on
 the safe side of practice. We always know where to look
10 for the real Scientist, and always find him there. I agree
 with Rev. Dr. Talmage, that “there are wit, humor, and
 enduring vivacity among God’s people.”

 Obedience is the offspring of Love; and Love is the
 Principle of unity, the basis of all right thinking and
15 acting; it fulfils the law. We see eye to eye and know as we
 are known, reciprocate kindness and work wisely, in
 proportion as we love.

 It is difficult for me to carry out a divine commission
 while participating in the movements, or modus operandi,
20 of other folks. To point out every step to a student and
 then watch that each step be taken, consumes time,—
 and experiments ofttimes are costly. According to my
 calendar, God’s time and mortals’ differ. The neo-
 phyte is inclined to be too fast or too slow: he works
25 somewhat in the dark; and, sometimes out of season,
 he would replenish his lamp at the midnight hour and
 borrow oil of the more provident watcher. God is the
 fountain of light, and He illumines one’s way when one
 is obedient. The disobedient make their moves before
30 God makes His, or make them too late to follow Him.
 Be sure that God directs your way; then, hasten to follow
 under every circumstance.

Page 118

1 Human will must be subjugated. We cannot obey
 both God, good, and evil, — in other words, the ma-
 terial senses, false suggestions, self-will, selfish motives,
 and human policy. We shall have no faith in evil
5 when faith finds a resting-place and scientific under-
 standing guides man. Honesty in every condition,
 under every circumstance, is the indispensable rule of
 obedience. To obey the principle of mathematics ninety-
 nine times in one hundred and then allow one numeral
10 to make incorrect your entire problem, is neither Science
 nor obedience.

 However keenly the human affections yearn to for-
 give a mistake, and pass a friend over it smoothly, one’s
 sympathy can neither atone for error, advance individual
15 growth, nor change this immutable decree of Love: “Keep
 My commandments.” The guerdon of meritorious
 faith or trustworthiness rests on being willing to work
 alone with God and for Him, — willing to suffer patiently
 for error until all error is destroyed and His rod and His
20 staff comfort you.

 Self-ignorance, self-will, self-righteousness, lust, covet-
 ousness, envy, revenge, are foes to grace, peace, and
 progress; they must be met manfully and overcome,
 or they will uproot all happiness. Be of good cheer;
25 the warfare with one’s self is grand; it gives one plenty
 of employment, and the divine Principle worketh with
 you, — and obedience crowns persistent effort with
 everlasting victory. Every attempt of evil to harm good
 is futile, and ends in the fiery punishment of the
30 evil-doer.

 Jesus said, “Not that which goeth into the mouth
 defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth,

Page 119

1 this defileth a man.” If malicious suggestions whisper
 evil through the mind’s tympanum, this were no apology
 for acting evilly. We are responsible for our thoughts and
 acts; and instead of aiding other people’s devices by
5 obeying them, — and then whining over misfortune,—
 rise and overthrow both. If a criminal coax the unwary
 man to commit a crime, our laws punish the dupe as ac-
 cessory to the fact. Each individual is responsible for

10 Evil is impotent to turn the righteous man from his
 uprightness. The nature of the individual, more stub-
 born than the circumstance, will always be found argu-
 ing for itself, — its habits, tastes, and indulgences. This
 material nature strives to tip the beam against the spir-
15 itual nature; for the flesh strives against Spirit, — against
 whatever or whoever opposes evil, — and weighs mightily
 in the scale against man’s high destiny. This conclusion
 is not an argument either for pessimism or for optimism,
 but is a plea for free moral agency, — full exemption
20 from all necessity to obey a power that should be and is
 found powerless in Christian Science.

 Insubordination to the law of Love even in the least,
 or strict obedience thereto, tests and discriminates be-
 tween the real and the unreal Scientist. Justice, a
25 prominent statute in the divine law, demands of all
 trespassers upon the sparse individual rights which one
 justly reserves to one’s self, — Would you consent that
 others should tear up your landmarks, manipulate your
 students, nullify or reverse your rules, countermand
30 your orders, steal your possessions, and escape the
 penalty therefor? No! “Therefore all things what-
 soever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even

Page 120

1 so to them.” The professors of Christian Science must
 take off their shoes at our altars; they must unclasp
 the material sense of things at the very threshold of
 Christian Science: they must obey implicitly each and
5 every injunction of the divine Principle of life’s long
 problem, or repeat their work in tears. In the words
 of St. Paul, “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield your-
 selves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye
 obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto
10 righteousness?”

 Beloved students, loyal laborers are ye that have wrought
 valiantly, and achieved great guerdons in the vineyard
 of our Lord; but a mighty victory is yet to be won, a
 great freedom for the race; and Christian success is
15 under arms, — with armor on, not laid down. Let us
 rejoice, however, that the clarion call of peace will at
 length be heard above the din of battle, and come more
 sweetly to our ear than sound of vintage bells to villagers
 on the Rhine.

20 I recommend that this Association hereafter meet tri-
 ennially; many of its members reside a long distance from
 Massachusetts, and they are members of The Mother
 Church who would love to be with you on Sunday, and
 once in three years is perhaps as often as they can afford
25 to be away from their own fields of labor.

Communion Address, January, 1896

Page 120

 Friends and Brethren: — The Biblical record of the
 great Nazarene, whose character we to-day commemorate,
 is scanty; but what is given, puts to flight every doubt as
30 to the immortality of his words and works. Though

Page 121

1 written in a decaying language, his words can never pass
 away: they are inscribed upon the hearts of men: they
 are engraved upon eternity’s tablets.

 Undoubtedly our Master partook of the Jews’ feast
5 of the Passover, and drank from their festal wine-cup.
 This, however, is not the cup to which I call your at-
 tention, — even the cup of martyrdom: wherein Spirit
 and matter, good and evil, seem to grapple, and the
 human struggles against the divine, up to a point of
10 discovery; namely, the impotence of evil, and the om-
 nipotence of good, as divinely attested. Anciently, the
 blood of martyrs was believed to be the seed of the Church.
 Stalled theocracy would make this fatal doctrine just
 and sovereign, even a divine decree, a law of Love! That
15 the innocent shall suffer for the guilty, is inhuman. The
 prophet declared, “Thou shalt put away the guilt of
 innocent blood from Israel.” This is plain: that what-
 ever belittles, befogs, or belies the nature and essence of
 Deity, is not divine. Who, then, shall father or favor
20 this sentence passed upon innocence? thereby giving the
 signet of God to the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of His
 beloved Son, the righteous Nazarene, — christened by
 John the Baptist, “the Lamb of God.”

 Oh! shameless insult to divine royalty, that drew
25 from the great Master this answer to the questions of the
 rabbinical rabble: “If I tell you, ye will not believe; and
 if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go.”

 Infinitely greater than human pity, is divine Love,—
 that cannot be unmerciful. Human tribunals, if just,
30 borrow their sense of justice from the divine Principle
 thereof, which punishes the guilty, not the innocent. The
 Teacher of both law and gospel construed the substitution

Page 122

1 of a good man to suffer for evil-doers — a crime! When
 foretelling his own crucifixion, he said, “Woe unto the
 world because of offenses! for it must needs be that
 offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense
5 cometh!”

 Would Jesus thus have spoken of what was indis-
 pensable for the salvation of a world of sinners, or of the
 individual instrument in this holy (?) alliance for accom-
 plishing such a monstrous work? or have said of him
10 whom God foreordained and predestined to fulfil a divine
 decree, “It were better for him that a millstone were
 hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the
 depth of the sea”?

 The divine order is the acme of mercy: it is neither
15 questionable nor assailable: it is not evil producing good,
 nor good ultimating in evil. Such an inference were
 impious. Holy Writ denounces him that declares, “Let
 us do evil, that good may come! whose damnation is

20 Good is not educed from its opposite: and Love divine
 spurned, lessens not the hater’s hatred nor the criminal’s
 crime; nor reconciles justice to injustice; nor substitutes
 the suffering of the Godlike for the suffering due to sin.
 Neither spiritual bankruptcy nor a religious chancery can
25 win high heaven, or the “Well done, good and faithful
 servant,… enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”

 Divine Love knows no hate; for hate, or the hater, is
 nothing: God never made it, and He made all that was
 made. The hater’s pleasures are unreal; his sufferings,
30 self-imposed; his existence is a parody, and he ends—
 with suicide.

 The murder of the just Nazarite was incited by the

Page 123

1 same spirit that in our time massacres our missionaries,
 butchers the helpless Armenians, slaughters innocents.
 Evil was, and is, the illusion of breaking the First Com-
 mandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me:”
5 it is either idolizing something and somebody, or hating
 them: it is the spirit of idolatry, envy, jealousy, covet-
 ousness, superstition, lust, hypocrisy, witchcraft.

 That man can break the forever-law of infinite Love,
 was, and is, the serpent’s biggest lie! and ultimates in
10 a religion of pagan priests bloated with crime; a religion
 that demands human victims to be sacrificed to human
 passions and human gods, or tortured to appease the
 anger of a so-called god or a miscalled man or woman!
 The Assyrian Merodach, or the god of sin, was the “lucky
15 god;” and the Babylonian Yawa, or Jehovah, was the
 Jewish tribal deity. The Christian’s God is neither, and
 is too pure to behold iniquity.

 Divine Science has rolled away the stone from the sepul-
 chre of our Lord; and there has risen to the awakened
20 thought the majestic atonement of divine Love. The
 at-one-ment with Christ has appeared — not through
 vicarious suffering, whereby the just obtain a pardon for
 the unjust, — but through the eternal law of justice;
 wherein sinners suffer for their own sins, repent, forsake
25 sin, love God, and keep His commandments, thence to
 receive the reward of righteousness: salvation from sin,
 not through the death of a man, but through a divine Life,
 which is our Redeemer.

 Holy Writ declares that God is Love, is Spirit; hence
30 it follows that those who worship Him, must worship
 Him spiritually, — far apart from physical sensation
 such as attends eating and drinking corporeally. It is

Page 124

1 plain that aught unspiritual, intervening between God
 and man, would tend to disturb the divine order, and
 countermand the Scripture that those who worship the
 Father must worship Him in spirit. It is also plain,
5 that we should not seek and cannot find God in mat-
 ter, or through material methods; neither do we love
 and obey Him by means of matter, or the flesh, — which
 warreth against Spirit, and will not be reconciled

10 We turn, with sickened sense, from a pagan Jew’s
 or Moslem’s misconception of Deity, for peace; and find
 rest in the spiritual ideal, or Christ. For “who is so
 great a God as our God!” unchangeable, all-wise, all-
 just, all-merciful; the ever-loving, ever-living Life, Truth,
15 Love: comforting such as mourn, opening the prison
 doors to the captive, marking the unwinged bird, pitying
 with more than a father’s pity; healing the sick, cleansing
 the leper, raising the dead, saving sinners. As we think
 thereon, man’s true sense is filled with peace, and power;
20 and we say, It is well that Christian Science has taken
 expressive silence wherein to muse His praise, to kiss the
 feet of Jesus, adore the white Christ, and stretch out our
 arms to God.

 The last act of the tragedy on Calvary rent the veil
25 of matter, and unveiled Love’s great legacy to mortals:
 Love forgiving its enemies. This grand act crowned
 and still crowns Christianity: it manumits mortals; it
 translates love; it gives to suffering, inspiration; to
 patience, experience; to experience, hope; to hope, faith;
30 to faith, understanding; and to understanding, Love tri-

 In proportion to a man’s spiritual progress, he will

Page 125

1 indeed drink of our Master’s cup, and be baptized with
 his baptism! be purified as by fire, — the fires of suffering;
 then hath he part in Love’s atonement, for “whom the
 Lord loveth He chasteneth.” Then shall he also reign
5 with him: he shall rise to know that there is no sin,
 that there is no suffering; since all that is real is right.
 This knowledge enables him to overcome the world, the
 flesh, and all evil, to have dominion over his own sinful
 sense and self. Then shall he drink anew Christ’s cup,
10 in the kingdom of God — the reign of righteousness—
 within him; he shall sit down at the Father’s right hand:
 sit down; not stand waiting and weary; but rest on the
 bosom of God; rest, in the understanding of divine Love
 that passeth all understanding; rest, in that which “to
15 know aright is Life eternal,” and whom, not having seen,
 we love.

 Then shall he press on to Life’s long lesson, the eternal
 lore of Love; and learn forever the infinite meanings of
 these short sentences: “God is Love;” and, All that is
20 real is divine, for God is All-in-all.

Message To The Annual Meeting Of The Mother Church, Boston, 1896

Page 125

 Beloved Brethren, Children, and Grandchildren:—
 Apart from the common walks of mankind, revolving
25 oft the hitherto untouched problems of being, and
 oftener, perhaps, the controversies which baffle it,
 Mother, thought-tired, turns to-day to you; turns to
 her dear church, to tell the towers thereof the remarkable
 achievements that have been ours within the past few
30 years: the rapid transit from halls to churches, from un-

Page 126

1 settled questions to permanence, from danger to escape,
 from fragmentary discourses to one eternal sermon; yea,
 from darkness to daylight, in physics and metaphysics.

 Truly, I half wish for society again; for once, at least,
5 to hear the soft music of our Sabbath chimes saluting the
 ear in tones that leap for joy, with love for God and

 Who hath not learned that when alone he has his
 own thoughts to guard, and when struggling with man-
10 kind his temper, and in society his tongue? We also
 have gained higher heights; have learned that trials lift
 us to that dignity of Soul which sustains us, and finally
 conquers them; and that the ordeal refines while it

15 Perhaps our church is not yet quite sensible of what
 we owe to the strength, meekness, honesty, and obedi-
 ence of the Christian Science Board of Directors; to
 the able editors of The Christian Science Journal, and
 to our efficient Publishing Society.

20 No reproof is so potent as the silent lesson of a good
 example. Works, more than words, should characterize
 Christian Scientists. Most people condemn evil-doing,
 evil-speaking; yet nothing circulates so rapidly: even gold
 is less current. Christian Scientists have a strong race to
25 run, and foes in ambush; but bear in mind that, in the
 long race, honesty always defeats dishonesty.

 God hath indeed smiled on my church, — this
 daughter of Zion: she sitteth in high places; and to de-
 ride her is to incur the penalty of which the Hebrew
30 bard spake after this manner: “He that sitteth in the
 heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in

Page 127

1 Hitherto, I have observed that in proportion as this
 church has smiled on His “little ones,” He has blessed
 her. Throughout my entire connection with The Mother
 Church, I have seen, that in the ratio of her love for
5 others, hath His love been bestowed upon her; watering
 her waste places, and enlarging her borders.

 One thing I have greatly desired, and again earnestly
 request, namely, that Christian Scientists, here and
 elsewhere, pray daily for themselves; not verbally, nor
10 on bended knee, but mentally, meekly, and importu-
 nately. When a hungry heart petitions the divine Father-
 Mother God for bread, it is not given a stone, — but
 more grace, obedience, and love. If this heart, humble
 and trustful, faithfully asks divine Love to feed it with the
15 bread of heaven, health, holiness, it will be conformed to
 a fitness to receive the answer to its desire; then will flow
 into it the “river of His pleasure,” the tributary of divine
 Love, and great growth in Christian Science will follow,—
 even that joy which finds one’s own in another’s good.

20 To love, and to be loved, one must do good to others.
 The inevitable condition whereby to become blessed, is to
 bless others: but here, you must so know yourself, under
 God’s direction, that you will do His will even though
 your pearls be downtrodden. Ofttimes the rod is His
25 means of grace; then it must be ours, — we cannot avoid
 wielding it if we reflect Him.

 Wise sayings and garrulous talk may fall to the ground,
 rather than on the ear or heart of the hearer; but a tender
 sentiment felt, or a kind word spoken, at the right moment,
30 is never wasted. Mortal mind presents phases of charac-
 ter which need close attention and examination. The
 human heart, like a feather bed, needs often to be stirred,

Page 128

1 sometimes roughly, and given a variety of turns, else it
 grows hard and uncomfortable whereon to repose.

 The lessons of this so-called life in matter are too vast
 and varied to learn or to teach briefly; and especially
5 within the limits of a letter. Therefore I close here,
 with the apostle’s injunction: “Finally, brethren, what-
 soever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
 whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
 whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of
10 good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any
 praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye
 have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in
 me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.”

 With love, Mother,

Chapter 5 — Letters

Page 129

To The Mother Church.

 My Beloved Brethren: — If a member of the church
 is inclined to be uncharitable, or to condemn his
 brother without cause, let him put his finger to his lips,
5 and forgive others as he would be forgiven. One’s first
 lesson is to learn one’s self; having done this, one will
 naturally, through grace from God, forgive his brother and
 love his enemies. To avenge an imaginary or an actual
 wrong, is suicidal. The law of our God and the rule of
10 our church is to tell thy brother his fault and thereby help
 him. If this rule fails in effect, then take the next Scrip-
 tural step: drop this member’s name from the church, and
 thereafter “let the dead bury their dead,” — let silence
 prevail over his remains.

15 If a man is jealous, envious, or revengeful, he will seek
 occasion to balloon an atom of another man’s indis-
 cretion, inflate it, and send it into the atmosphere of mortal
 mind — for other green eyes to gaze on: he will always
 find somebody in his way, and try to push him aside;
20 will see somebody’s faults to magnify under the lens that
 he never turns on himself.

 What have been your Leader’s precepts and example!
 Were they to save the sinner, and to spare his exposure

Page 130

1 so long as a hope remained of thereby benefiting him?

 Has her life exemplified long-suffering, meekness, charity,

 She readily leaves the answer to those who know
5 her.

 Do we yet understand how much better it is to be
 wronged, than to commit wrong? What do we find in
 the Bible, and in the Christian Science textbook, on this
 subject? Does not the latter instruct you that looking
10 continually for a fault in somebody else, talking about it,
 thinking it over, and how to meet it, — “rolling sin as a
 sweet morsel under your tongue,” — has the same power
 to make you a sinner that acting thus regarding disease
 has to make a man sick? Note the Scripture on this
15 subject: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the

 The Christian Science Board of Directors has borne
 the burden in the heat of the day, and it ought not to
 be expected that they could have accomplished, without
20 one single mistake, such Herculean tasks as they have
 accomplished. He who judges others should know well
 whereof he speaks. Where the motive to do right exists,
 and the majority of one’s acts are right, we should avoid
 referring to past mistakes. The greatest sin that one can
25 commit against himself is to wrong one of God’s “little

 Know ye not that he who exercises the largest charity,
 and waits on God, renews his strength, and is exalted?
 Love is not puffed up; and the meek and loving, God
30 anoints and appoints to lead the line of mankind’s tri-
 umphal march out of the wilderness, out of darkness
 into light.

Page 131

1 Whoever challenges the errors of others and cherishes
 his own, can neither help himself nor others; he will be
 called a moral nuisance, a fungus, a microbe, a mouse
 gnawing at the vitals of humanity. The darkness in
5 one’s self must first be cast out, in order rightly to discern
 darkness or to reflect light.

 If the man of more than average avoirdupois kneels on
 a stool in church, let the leaner sort console this brother’s
 necessity by doing likewise. Christian Scientists preserve
10 unity, and so shadow forth the substance of our sublime
 faith, and the evidence of its being built upon the rock of
 divine oneness, — one faith, one God, one baptism.

 If our Board of Directors is prepared to itemize a report
 of the first financial year since the erection of the edifice of
15 The First Church of Christ, Scientist, let it do so; other-
 wise, I recommend that you waive the church By-law
 relating to finances this year of your firstfruits. This
 Board did not act under that By-law; it was not in ex-
 istence all of the year. It is but just to consider the great
20 struggles with perplexities and difficulties which the
 Directors encountered in Anno Domini 1894, and which
 they have overcome. May God give unto us all that loving
 sense of gratitude which delights in the opportunity to
 cancel accounts. I, for one, would be pleased to have the
25 Christian Science Board of Directors itemize a bill of this
 church’s gifts to Mother; and then to have them let her
 state the value thereof, if, indeed, it could be estimated.

 After this financial year, when you call on the members
 of the Christian Science Board of Directors to itemize or
30 audit their accounts, these will be found already itemized,
 and last year’s records immortalized, with perils past and
 victories won.

Page 132

1 A motion was made, and a vote passed, at your last
 meeting, on a subject the substance whereof you had al-
 ready accepted as a By-law. But, I shall take this as a
 favorable omen, a fair token that heavy lids are opening,
5 even wider than before, to the light of Love — and By-laws.

 Affectionately yours,

To — On Prayer.

 BOSTON, March 21, 1885

 Dear Sir: — In your communication to Zion’s Herald,
 March 18, under the heading, “Prayer and Healing; sup-
 plemental,” you state that you would “like to hear from
15 Dr. Cullis; and, by the way, from Mrs. Eddy, also.”

 Because of the great demand upon my time, consisting
 in part of dictating answers through my secretary, or an-
 swering personally manifold letters and inquiries from all
 quarters, — having charge of a church, editing a maga-
20 zine, teaching Christian Science, receiving calls, etc., — I
 find it inconvenient to accept your invitation to answer
 you through the medium of a newspaper; but, for infor-
 mation as to what I believe and teach, would refer you to
 the Holy Scriptures, to my various publications, and to my
25 Christian students.

 It was with a thrill of pleasure that I read in your arti-
 cle these words: “If we have in any way misrepresented
 either Dr. Cullis or Mrs. Eddy, we are sorry.” Even the
 desire to be just is a vital spark of Christianity. And those
30 words inspire me with the hope that you wish to be just.

Page 133

1 If this is so, you will not delay corrections of the statement
 you make at the close of your article, when referring to
 me, “the pantheistic and prayerless Mrs. Eddy, of Boston.”

 It would be difficult to build a sentence of so few words
5 conveying ideas more opposite to the fact.

 In refutation of your statement that I am a pantheist,
 I request you to read my sermons and publications.

 As to being “prayerless,” I call your attention and
 deep consideration to the following Scripture, that voices
10 my impressions of prayer: —

 “When thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites
 are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and
 in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men….
 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet,
15 and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father
 which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret
 shall reward thee openly.”

 I hope I am not wrong in literally following the dictum
 of Jesus; and, were it not because of my desire to set
20 you right on this question, I should feel a delicacy in mak-
 ing the following statement: —

 Three times a day, I retire to seek the divine blessing
 on the sick and sorrowing, with my face toward the Jeru-
 salem of Love and Truth, in silent prayer to the Father
25 which “seeth in secret,” and with childlike confidence that
 He will reward “openly.” In the midst of depressing care
 and labor I turn constantly to divine Love for guidance,
 and find rest. It affords me great joy to be able to attest to
 the truth of Jesus’ words. Love makes all burdens light,
30 it giveth a peace that passeth understanding, and with
 “signs following.” As to the peace, it is unutterable; as
 to “signs,” behold the sick who are healed, the sorrowful

Page 134

1 who are made hopeful, and the sinful and ignorant who
 have become “wise unto salvation”!

 And now, dear sir, as you have expressed contrition for
 an act which you have immediately repeated, you are
5 placed in this dilemma: To reiterate such words of
 apology as characterize justice and Christianity.

 Very truly,

To The National Christian Scientist Association.

10 Beloved Students: — Meet together and meet en masse,
 in 1888, at the annual session of the National Christian
 Scientist Association. Be “of one mind,” “in one place,”
 and God will pour you out a blessing such as you never
 before received. He who dwelleth in eternal light is
15 bigger than the shadow, and will guard and guide His

 Let no consideration bend or outweigh your purpose
 to be in Chicago on June 13. Firm in your allegiance to
 the reign of universal harmony, go to its rescue. In God’s
20 hour, the powers of earth and hell are proven powerless.
 The reeling ranks of materia medica, with poisons, nos-
 trums, and knives, are impotent when at war with the
 omnipotent! Like Elisha, look up, and behold: “They
 that be with us, are more than they that be with them.”

25 Error is only fermenting, and its heat hissing at the
 “still, small voice” of Truth; but it can neither silence
 nor disarm God’s voice. Spiritual wickedness is stand-
 ing in high places; but, blind to its own fate, it will tumble
 into the bottomless.

Page 135

1 Christians, and all true Scientists, marching under what-
 soever ensign, come into the ranks! Again I repeat, per-
 son is not in the question of Christian Science. Principle,
 instead of person, is next to our hearts, on our lips, and
5 in our lives. Our watchwords are Truth and Love; and
 if we abide in these, they will abound in us, and we shall
 be one in heart, — one in motive, purpose, pursuit. Abid-
 ing in Love, not one of you can be separated from me; and
 the sweet sense of journeying on together, doing unto
10 others as ye would they should do unto you, conquers all
 opposition, surmounts all obstacles, and secures success.
 If you falter, or fail to fulfil this Golden Rule, though you
 should build to the heavens, you would build on sand.

 Is it a cross to give one week’s time and expense to the
15 jubilee of Spirit? Then take this cross, and the crown
 with it. Sending forth currents of Truth, God’s methods
 and means of healing, and so spreading the gospel of
 Love, is in itself an eternity of joy that outweighs an
 hour. Add one more noble offering to the unity of good,
20 and so cement the bonds of Love.

 With love,

To The College Association.

 Letter read at the meeting of the Massachusetts Metaphysical
25 College Association, June 3, 1891.


 My Beloved Students: — You may be looking to see me
 in my accustomed place with you, but this you must no

Page 136

1 longer expect. When I retired from the field of labor,
 it was a departure, socially, publicly, and finally, from
 the routine of such material modes as society and our
 societies demand. Rumors are rumors, — nothing more.
5 I am still with you on the field of battle, taking forward
 marches, broader and higher views, and with the hope
 that you will follow.

 The eternal and infinite, already brought to your
 earnest consideration, so grow upon my vision that I
10 cannot feel justified in turning aside for one hour from
 contemplation of them and of the faith unfeigned.
 When the verities of being seem to you as to me, — as
 they must some time, — you will understand the neces-
 sity for my seclusion, and its fulfilment of divine order.
15 “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye sepa-
 rate, saith the Lord.”

 All our thoughts should be given to the absolute
 demonstration of Christian Science. You can well
 afford to give me up, since you have in my last re-
20 vised edition of Science and Health your teacher and

 I recommend that the June session of this honorable
 body shall close your meetings for the summer; also, that
 hereafter you hold three sessions annually, convening
25 once in four months; oftener is not requisite, and the
 members coming from a distance will be accommodated
 by this arrangement.

 Yours affectionately,

Page 137

To The National Christian Scientist Association.

 My Dear Students and Friends: — Accept my thanks
 for your card of invitation, your badge, and order of exer-
 cise, all of which are complete.

5 When I gave you a meagre reception in Boston at the
 close of the first convention of the National Christian
 Scientist Association, it was simply to give you the privi-
 lege, poor as it was, of speaking a few words aside to your
 teacher. I remember my regret, when, having asked in
10 general assembly if you had any questions to propose, I
 received no reply. Since then you have doubtless realized
 that such opportunity might have been improved; but
 that time has passed.

 I greatly rejoice over the growth of my students within
15 the last few years. It was kind of you to part so gently
 with the protecting wings of the mother-bird, and to spread
 your own so bravely. Now, dear ones, if you take my
 advice again, you will do — what?

 Even this: Disorganize the National Christian Scientist
20 Association! and each one return to his place of
 labor, to work out individually and alone, for himself and
 for others, the sublime ends of human life.

 To accomplish this, you must give much time to self-
 examination and correction; you must control appetite,
25 passion, pride, envy, evil-speaking, resentment, and each
 one of the innumerable errors that worketh or maketh
 a lie. Then you can give to the world the benefit of all
 this, and heal and teach with increased confidence. My
 students can now organize their students into associa-
30 tions, form churches, and hold these organizations of their

Page 138

1 own, — until, in turn, their students will sustain them-
 selves and work for others.

 The time it takes yearly to prepare for this national
 convention is worse than wasted, if it causes thought to
5 wander in the wilderness or ways of the world. The de-
 tail of conforming to society, in any way, costs you what
 it would to give time and attention to hygiene in your
 ministry and healing.

 For students to work together is not always to co-
10 operate, but sometimes to coelbow! Each student should
 seek alone the guidance of our common Father — even
 the divine Principle which he claims to demonstrate, —
 and especially should he prove his faith by works, ethi-
 cally, physically, and spiritually. Remember that the
15 first and last lesson of Christian Science is love, perfect
 love, and love made perfect through the cross.

 I once thought that in unity was human strength; but
 have grown to know that human strength is weakness, —
 that unity is divine might, giving to human power, peace.

20 My counsel is applicable to the state of general growth
 in the members of the National Christian Scientist Asso-
 ciation, but it is not so adapted to the members of
 students’ organizations. And wherefore? Because the
 growth of these at first is more gradual; but whenever
25 they are equal to the march triumphant, God will give
 to all His soldiers of the cross the proper command, and
 under the banner of His love, and with the “still, small
 voice” for the music of our march, we all shall take step
 and march on in spiritual organization.

30 Your loving teacher,

 CONCORD, N. H., May 23, 1890

Page 139

1 N. B. I recommend this honorable body to adjourn,
 if it does not disorganize, to three years from this date;
 or, if it does disorganize, to meet again in three years.
 Then bring your tithes into the storehouse, and God will
5 pour you out a blessing such as you even yet have not

 M. B. G. E.

To The First Church Of Christ, Scientist, Boston.

10 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty
 through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down
 imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the
 knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the
 obedience of Christ.
— 2 COR. X. 4, 5.

15 In April, 1883, I started the Journal of Christian
 Science, with a portion of the above Scripture for its

 On December 10, 1889, I gave a lot of land — in
 Boston, situated near the beautiful Back Bay Park, now
20 valued at $20,000 and rising in value — for the purpose
 of having erected thereon a church edifice to be called The
 Church of Christ, Scientist.

 I had this desirable site transferred in a circuitous,
 novel way, at the wisdom whereof a few persons have
25 since scrupled; but to my spiritual perception, like all
 true wisdom, this transaction will in future be regarded
 as greatly wise, and it will be found that this act was in
 advance of the erring mind’s apprehension.

 As with all former efforts in the interest of Christian
30 Science, I took care that the provisions for the land and

Page 140

1 building were such as error could not control. I knew
 that to God’s gift, foundation and superstructure, no one
 could hold a wholly material title. The land, and the
 church standing on it, must be conveyed through a type
5 representing the true nature of the gift; a type morally
 and spiritually inalienable, but materially questionable
  — even after the manner that all spiritual good comes
 to Christian Scientists, to the end of taxing their faith
 in God, and their adherence to the superiority of the
10 claims of Spirit over matter or merely legal titles.

 No one could buy, sell, or mortgage my gift as I had
 it conveyed. Thus the case rested, and I supposed the
 trustee-deed was legal; but this was God’s business, not
 mine. Our church was prospered by the right hand of
15 His righteousness, and contributions to the Building Fund
 generously poured into the treasury. Unity prevailed, —
 till mortal man sought to know who owned God’s temple,
 and adopted and urged only the material side of this

20 The lot of land which I donated I redeemed from under
 mortgage. The foundation on which our church was to
 be built had to be rescued from the grasp of legal power,
 and now it must be put back into the arms of Love, if we
 would not be found fighting against God.

25 The diviner claim and means for upbuilding the Church
 of Christ were prospered. Our title to God’s acres will
 be safe and sound — when we can “read our title clear”
 to heavenly mansions. Built on the rock, our church
 will stand the storms of ages: though the material super-
30 structure should crumble into dust, the fittest would sur-
 vive, — the spiritual idea would live, a perpetual type of
 the divine Principle it reflects.

Page 141

1 The First Church of Christ, Scientist, our prayer in
 stone, will be the prophecy fulfilled, the monument up-
 reared, of Christian Science. It will speak to you of the
 Mother, and of your hearts’ offering to her through whom
5 was revealed to you God’s all-power, all-presence, and
 all-science. This building begun, will go up, and no one
 can suffer from it, for no one can resist the power that
 is behind it; and against this church temple “the gates
 of hell” cannot prevail.

10 All loyal Christian Scientists hail with joy this pro-
 posed type of universal Love; not so, however, with
 error, which hates the bonds and methods of Truth, and
 shudders at the freedom, might, and majesty of Spirit,
  — even the annihilating law of Love.

15 I vindicate both the law of God and the laws of our
 land. I believe, — yea, I understand, — that with the
 spirit of Christ actuating all the parties concerned about
 the legal quibble, it can easily be corrected to the satis-
 faction of all. Let this be speedily done. Do not, I im-
20 plore you, stain the early history of Christian Science by
 the impulses of human will and pride; but let the divine
 will and the nobility of human meekness rule this busi-
 ness transaction, in obedience to the law of Love and the
 laws of our land.

25 As the ambassador of Christ’s teachings, I admonish
 you: Delay not longer to commence building our church
 in Boston; or else return every dollar that you yourselves
 declare you have had no legal authority for obtaining, to
 the several contributors, — and let them, not you, say
30 what shall be done with their money.

 Of our first church in Boston, O recording angel!
 write: God is in the midst of her: how beautiful are her

Page 142

1 feet! how beautiful are her garments! how hath He en-
 larged her borders! how hath He made her wildernesses
 to bud and blossom as the rose!

 With love,

To Donors Of Boat, From Toronto, Canada.

 Written on receipt of a beautiful boat presented by Christian
 Scientists in Toronto, for the little pond at Pleasant View. The
 boat displays, among other beautiful decorations, a number of
10 masonic symbols.

 Beloved Students and Friends: — Accept my thanks
 for the beautiful boat and presentation poem. Each day
 since they arrived I have said, Let me write to the donors,
  — and what?

15 My first impression was to indite a poem; my second,
 a psalm; my third, a letter. Why the letter alone? Be-
 cause your dear hearts expressed in their lovely gift such
 varying types of true affection, shaded as autumn leaves
 with bright hues of the spiritual, that my Muse lost her
20 lightsome lyre, and imagery of thought gave place to
 chords of feeling too deep for words.

 A boat song seemed more Olympian than the psalm in
 spiritual strains of the Hebrew bard. So I send my
 answer in a commonplace letter. Poor return, is it
25 not?

 The symbols of freemasonry depicted on the boat
 wakened memory, touched tender fibres of thought, and
 I longed to say to the masonic brothers: If as a woman
 I may not unite with you in freemasonry, nor you with
30 me in Christian Science, yet as friends we can feel the

Page 143

1 touch of heart to heart and hand to hand, on the broad
 basis and sure foundation of true friendship’s “level”
 and the “square” of moral sentiments.

 My dear students may have explained to the kind par-
5 ticipants in beautifying this boat our spiritual points,
 above the plane of matter. If so, I may hope that a
 closer link hath bound us. Across lakes, into a kingdom,
 I reach out my hand to clasp yours, with this silent bene-
 diction: May the kingdom of heaven come in each of
10 your hearts!

 With love,

Address, — Laying The Corner-Stone.

 Beloved Students: — On the 21st day of May, A.D.
15 1894, with quiet, imposing ceremony, is laid the corner-
 stone of “The First Church of Christ, Scientist,” in

 It gives me great pleasure to say that you, principally
 the Normal class graduates of my College, well known
20 physicians, teachers, editors, and pastors of churches,
 by contributions of one thousand dollars each, husband
 and wife reckoned as one, have, within about three
 months, donated the munificent sum of forty-two thou-
 sand dollars toward building The Mother Church. A
25 quiet call from me for this extra contribution, in aid of
 our Church Building Fund, found you all “with one
 accord in one place.” Each donation came promptly;
 sometimes at much self-sacrifice, but always accompanied
 with a touching letter breathing the donor’s privileged joy.

Page 144

1 The granite for this church was taken from the quar-
 ries in New Hampshire, my native State. The money
 for building “Mother’s Room,” situated in the second
 story of the tower on the northeast corner of this build-
5 ing, and the name thereof, came from the dear children
 of Christian Scientists; a little band called Busy Bees,
 organized by Miss Maurine R. Campbell.

 On this memorable day there are laid away a copy of
 this address, the subscription list on which appear your
10 several names in your own handwriting, your textbook,
 “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” and
 other works written by the same author, your teacher,
 the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science;(4) without
 pomp or pride, laid away as a sacred secret in the
15 heart of a rock, there to typify the prophecy, “And a man
 shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert
 from the tempest; … as the shadow of a great rock in
 a weary land:” henceforth to whisper our Master’s
 promise, “Upon this rock I will build my church; and
20 the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

 To-day, be this hope in each of our hearts, — precious
 in God’s sight as shall be the assembling of His people
 in this temple, sweet as the rest that remaineth for the
 righteous, and fresh as a summer morn, — that, from
25 earth’s pillows of stone, our visible lives are rising to
 God. As in the history of a seed, so may our earthly
 sowing bear fruit that exudes the inspiration of the wine
 poured into the cup of Christ.

 To-day I pray that divine Love, the life-giving Prin-
30 ciple of Christianity, shall speedily wake the long night
 of materialism, and the universal dawn shall break upon
 the spire of this temple. The Church, more than any

Page 145

1 other institution, at present is the cement of society, and
 it should be the bulwark of civil and religious liberty.
 But the time cometh when the religious element, or Church
 of Christ, shall exist alone in the affections, and need no
5 organization to express it. Till then, this form of godli-
 ness seems as requisite to manifest its spirit, as individ-
 uality to express Soul and substance.

 Does a single bosom burn for fame and power? Then
 when that person shall possess these, let him ask him-
10 self, and answer to his name in this corner-stone of our
 temple: Am I greater for them? And if he thinks that
 he is, then is he less than man to whom God gave “do-
 minion over all the earth,” less than the meek who “in-
 herit the earth.” Even vanity forbids man to be vain;
15 and pride is a hooded hawk which flies in darkness. Over
 a wounded sense of its own error, let not mortal thought
 resuscitate too soon.

 In our rock-bound friendship, delicate as dear, our
 names may melt into one, and common dust, and their
20 modest sign be nothingness. Be this as it may, the visible
 unity of spirit remains, to quicken even dust into sweet
 memorial such as Isaiah prophesied: “The wolf also shall
 dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with
 the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling
25 together; and a little child shall lead them.”

 When the hearts of Christian Scientists are woven to-
 gether as are their names in the web of history, earth will
 float majestically heaven’s heraldry, and echo the song
 of angels: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
30 peace, good will toward men.”

 To The Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and to
 the dear children that my heart folds within it, let me

Page 146

1 say, ’Tis sweet to remember thee, and God’s Zion, with
 healing on her wings. May her walls be vocal with sal-
 vation; and her gates with praise!

To The First Church Of Christ, Scientist, Boston

 My Beloved Students: — I cannot conscientiously lend
 my counsel to direct your action on receiving or dismiss-
 ing candidates. To do this, I should need to be with
 you. I cannot accept hearsay, and would need to know
10 the circumstances and facts regarding both sides of the
 subject, to form a proper judgment. This is not my
 present province; hence I have hitherto declined to be
 consulted on these subjects, and still maintain this

15 These are matters of grave import; and you cannot
 be indifferent to this, but will give them immediate at-
 tention, and be governed therein by the spirit and the
 letter of this Scripture: “Whatsoever ye would that men
 should do unto you, do ye even so to them.”

20 I cannot be the conscience for this church; but if I
 were, I would gather every reformed mortal that desired
 to come, into its fold, and counsel and help him to walk
 in the footsteps of His flock. I feel sure that as Chris-
 tian Scientists you will act, relative to this matter, up to
25 your highest understanding of justice and mercy.

 Affectionately yours,
 Feb. 12, 1895

Page 147

The First Members Of The First Church Of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts

3 My Beloved Students: — Another year has rolled on,
 another annual meeting has convened, another space of
5 time has been given us, and has another duty been done
 and another victory won for time and eternity? Do you
 meet in unity, preferring one another, and demonstrating
 the divine Principle of Christian Science? Have you
 improved past hours, and ladened them with records
10 worthy to be borne heavenward? Have you learned
 that sin is inadmissible, and indicates a small mind?
 Do you manifest love for those that hate you and de-
 spitefully use you?

 The man of integrity is one who makes it his constant
15 rule to follow the road of duty, according as Truth and
 the voice of his conscience point it out to him. He is not
 guided merely by affections which may some time give
 the color of virtue to a loose and unstable character.

 The upright man is guided by a fixed Principle, which
20 destines him to do nothing but what is honorable, and to
 abhor whatever is base or unworthy; hence we find him
 ever the same, — at all times the trusty friend, the affec-
 tionate relative, the conscientious man of business, the
 pious worker, the public-spirited citizen.

25 He assumes no borrowed appearance. He seeks no
 mask to cover him, for he acts no studied part; but he
 is indeed what he appears to be, — full of truth, candor,
 and humanity. In all his pursuits, he knows no path
 but the fair, open, and direct one, and would much rather
30 fail of success than attain it by reproachable means. He

Page 148

1 never shows us a smiling countenance while he meditates
 evil against us in his heart. We shall never find one part
 of his character at variance with another.

 Lovingly yours,

 Sept. 30, 1895

Extract From A Letter

 The Rules and By-laws in the Manual of The First
 Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, originated not in
10 solemn conclave as in ancient Sanhedrim. They were
 not arbitrary opinions nor dictatorial demands, such as
 one person might impose on another. They were im-
 pelled by a power not one’s own, were written at differ-
 ent dates, and as the occasion required. They sprang
15 from necessity, the logic of events, — from the immedi-
 ate demand for them as a help that must be supplied to
 maintain the dignity and defense of our Cause; hence
 their simple, scientific basis, and detail so requisite to
 demonstrate genuine Christian Science, and which will
20 do for the race what absolute doctrines destined for future
 generations might not accomplish.

To The Mother Church

 Beloved Brethren: — Until recently, I was not aware
 that the contribution box was presented at your Friday
 evening meetings. I specially desire that you collect no
 moneyed contributions from the people present on these

 Let the invitation to this sweet converse be in the words
 of the prophet Isaiah: “Ho, every one that thirsteth,

Page 149

1 come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come
 ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without
 money and without price.”

 Invite all cordially and freely to this banquet of Chris-
5 tian Science, this feast and flow of Soul. Ask them to
 bring what they possess of love and light to help leaven
 your loaf and replenish your scanty store. Then, after
 presenting the various offerings, and one after another
 has opened his lips to discourse and distribute what God
10 has given him of experience, hope, faith, and under-
 standing, gather up the fragments, and count the baskets
 full of accessions to your love, and see that nothing has
 been lost.

 With love,

To First Church Of Christ, Scientist, In Oconto

 My Beloved Brethren: — Lips nor pen can ever ex-
 press the joy you give me in parting so promptly with
20 your beloved pastor, Rev. Mr. Norcross, to send him to
 aid me. It is a refreshing demonstration of Christianity,
 brotherly love, and all the rich graces of the Spirit. May
 this sacrifice bring to your beloved church a vision of the
 new church, that cometh down from heaven, whose altar
25 is a loving heart, whose communion is fellowship with
 saints and angels. This example of yours is a light that
 cannot be hid.

 Guided by the pillar and the cloud, this little church
 that built the first temple for Christian Science worship
30 shall abide steadfastly in the faith of Jesus’ words: “Fear

Page 150

1 not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to
 give you the kingdom.” May He soon give you a pastor;
 already you have the great Shepherd of Israel watch-
 ing over you. Give my forever-love to your dear church.

 Yours in bonds of Christ,

 BOSTON, MASS., 1889

To First Church Of Christ, Scientist, In Scranton

10 Beloved Brethren: — Space is no separator of hearts.
 Spiritually, I am with all who are with Truth, and whose
 hearts today are repeating their joy that God dwelleth
 in the congregation of the faithful, and loveth the gates
 of Zion.

15 The outlook is cheering. We have already seen the
 salvation of many people by means of Christian Science.
 Chapels and churches are dotting the entire land. Con-
 venient houses and halls can now be obtained wherein, as
 whereout, Christian Scientists may worship the Father
20 “in spirit and in truth,” as taught by our great Master.

 “If God be for us, who can be against us?” If He
 be with us, the wayside is a sanctuary, and the desert a
 resting-place peopled with living witnesses of the fact
 that “God is Love.”

25 God is universal; confined to no spot, defined by no
 dogma, appropriated by no sect. Not more to one than
 to all, is God demonstrable as divine Life, Truth, and
 Love; and His people are they that reflect Him — that
 reflect Love. Again, this infinite Principle, with its uni-
30 versal manifestation, is all that really is or can be;
 hence God is our Shepherd. He guards, guides, feeds,

Page 151

1 and folds the sheep of His pasture; and their ears are
 attuned to His call. In the words of the loving disciple,
 “My sheep hear my voice,… and they follow me;
…neither shall any man pluck them out of my
5 hand.”

 God is a consuming fire. He separates the dross from
 the gold, purifies the human character, through the
 furnace of affliction. Those who bear fruit He purgeth,
 that they may bear more fruit. Through the sacred law,
10 He speaketh to the unfruitful in tones of Sinai: and, in
 the gospel, He saith of the barren fig-tree, “Cut it down;
 why cumbereth it the ground?”

 God is our Father and our Mother, our Minister and
 the great Physician: He is man’s only real relative on
15 earth and in heaven. David sang, “Whom have I in
 heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I
 desire beside thee.”

 Brother, sister, beloved in the Lord, knowest thou
 thyself, and art thou acquainted with God? If not, I
20 pray thee as a Christian Scientist, delay not to make Him
 thy first acquaintance.

 Glorious things are spoken of you in His Word. Ye
 are a chosen people, whose God is — what? Even All.
 May mercy and truth go before you: may the lamp of
 your life continually be full of oil, and you be wedded
 to the spiritual idea, Christ; then will you heal, and
 teach, and preach, on the ascending scale of everlasting
 Life and Love.

 Affectionately yours in Christ,

Page 152

To First Church Of Christ, Scientist, In Denver

 Beloved Pastor and Brethren: — “As in water face
 answereth to face,” and in love continents clasp hands, so
5 the oneness of God includes also His presence with those
 whose hearts unite in the purposes of goodness. Of this
 we may be sure: that thoughts winged with peace and
 love breathe a silent benediction over all the earth, co-
 operate with the divine power, and brood unconsciously
10 o’er the work of His hand.

 I, as a corporeal person, am not in your midst: I, as a
 dictator, arbiter, or ruler, am not present; but I, as a
 mother whose heart pulsates with every throb of theirs
 for the welfare of her children, am present, and rejoice
15 with them that rejoice.

 May meekness, mercy, and love dwell forever in the
 hearts of those who worship in this tabernacle: then
 will they receive the heritage that God has prepared for
 His people, — made ready for the pure in affection, the
20 meek in spirit, the worshipper in truth, the follower of

 Thus founded upon the rock of Christ, when storm
 and tempest beat against this sure foundation, you,
 safely sheltered in the strong tower of hope, faith, and
25 Love, are God’s nestlings; and He will hide you in His
 feathers till the storm has passed. Into His haven of
 Soul there enters no element of earth to cast out angels,
 to silence the right intuition which guides you safely

30 Exercise more faith in God and His spiritual means

Page 153

1 and methods, than in man and his material ways and
 means, of establishing the Cause of Christian Science.
 If right yourself, God will confirm His inheritance. “Be
 not weary in well doing.” Truth is restful, and Love is
5 triumphant.

 When God went forth before His people, they were
 fed with manna: they marched through the wilderness:
 they passed through the Red Sea, untouched by the bil-
 lows. At His command, the rock became a fountain;
10 and the land of promise, green isles of refreshment. In
 the words of the Psalmist, when “the Lord gave the word:
 great was the company of those that published it.”

 God is good to Israel, — washed in the waters of
 Meribah, cleansed of the flesh, — good to His Israel
15 encompassed not with pride, hatred, self-will, and self-
 justification; wherein violence covereth men as a gar-
 ment, and as captives are they enchained.

 Christian Scientists bring forth the fruits of Spirit,
 not flesh; and God giveth this “new name” to no man
20 who honors Him not by positive proof of trustworthiness.
 May you be able to say, “I have not cleansed my heart
 in vain.”

 Sir Edwin Arnold, to whom I presented a copy of
 my first edition of “Science and Health with Key to the
25 Scriptures,” writes: —

 Peace on earth and Good-will!
 Souls that are gentle and still
 Hear the first music of this
 Far-off, infinite, Bliss!

30 So may the God of peace be and abide with this church.

 Affectionately yours,

Page 154

To First Church Of Christ, Scientist, In Lawrence

 Beloved Brethren: — The spreading branches of The
 Church of Christ, Scientist, are fast reaching out their
5 broad shelter to the entire world. Your faith has not
 been without works, — and God’s love for His flock is
 manifest in His care. He will dig about this little church,
 prune its encumbering branches, water it with the dews
 of heaven, enrich its roots, and enlarge its borders with
10 divine Love. God only waits for man’s worthiness to
 enhance the means and measure of His grace. You
 have already proof of the prosperity of His Zion. You
 sit beneath your own vine and fig-tree as the growth
 of spirituality — even that vine whereof our Father is
15 husbandman.

 It is the purpose of divine Love to resurrect the under-
 standing, and the kingdom of God, the reign of har-
 mony already within us. Through the word that is
 spoken unto you, are you made free. Abide in His word,
20 and it shall abide in you; and the healing Christ will
 again be made manifest in the flesh — understood and

 Honor thy Father and Mother, God. Continue in
 His love. Bring forth fruit — “signs following” — that
25 your prayers be not hindered. Pray without ceasing.
 Watch diligently; never desert the post of spiritual ob-
 servation and self-examination. Strive for self-abnega-
 tion, justice, meekness, mercy, purity, love. Let your
 light reflect Light. Have no ambition, affection, nor
30 aim apart from holiness. Forget not for a moment, that

Page 155

1 God is All-in-all — therefore, that in reality there is but
 one cause and effect.

 The pride of circumstance or power is the prince of
 this world that has nothing in Christ. All power and
5 happiness are spiritual, and proceed from goodness.
 Sacrifice self to bless one another, even as God has
 blessed you. Forget self in laboring for mankind; then
 will you woo the weary wanderer to your door, win the
 pilgrim and stranger to your church, and find access to
10 the heart of humanity. While pressing meekly on, be
 faithful, be valiant in the Christian’s warfare, and peace
 will crown your joy.

 Lovingly yours,

To Correspondents

 Beloved Students: — Because Mother has not the time
 even to read all of her interesting correspondence, and
 less wherein to answer it (however much she desires
 thus to do), she hereby requests: First, that you, her
20 students’ students, who write such excellent letters to
 her, will hereafter, as a general rule, send them to the
 editors of The Christian Science Journal for publication,
 and thereby give to us all the pleasure of hearing from you.

 If my own students cannot spare time to write to God,
25  — when they address me I shall be apt to forward their
 letters to Him as our common Parent, and by way of
 The Christian Science Journal; thus fulfilling their moral
 obligation to furnish some reading-matter for our denomi-
 national organ. Methinks, were they to contemplate the
30 universal charge wherewith divine Love has entrusted us,

Page 156

1 in behalf of a suffering race, they would contribute oftener
 to the pages of this swift vehicle of scientific thought;
 for it reaches a vast number of earnest readers, and seek-
 ers after Truth.

 With love,

To Students

 Beloved Christian Scientists: — Please send in your
 contributions as usual to our Journal. All is well at head-
 quarters, and when the mist shall melt away you will see
10 clearly the signs of Truth and the heaven of Love within
 your hearts. Let the reign of peace and harmony be
 supreme and forever yours.

 I proposed to merge the adjourned meeting in the one
 held at Chicago, because I saw no advantage, but great
15 disadvantage, in one student’s opinions or modus oper-
 andi becoming the basis for others: read “Retrospection”
 on this subject. Science is absolute, and best under-
 stood through the study of my works and the daily Chris-
 tian demonstration thereof. It is their materiality that
20 clogs the progress of students, and “this kind goeth not
 forth but by prayer and fasting.” It is materialism through
 which the animal magnetizer preys, and in turn becomes
 a prey. Spirituality is the basis of all true thought and
 volition. Assembling themselves together, and listening
25 to each other amicably, or contentiously, is no aid to
 students in acquiring solid Christian Science. Experi-
 ence and, above all, obedience, are the aids and tests of
 growth and understanding in this direction.

 With love,

Page 157

To A Student

 My Dear Student: — It is a great thing to be found
 worthy to suffer for Christ, Truth. Paul said, “If we
 suffer, we shall also reign with him.” Reign then, my
5 beloved in the Lord. He that marketh the sparrow’s fall
 will direct thy way.

 I have written, or caused my secretary to write, to Mr.
 and Mrs. Stewart, of Toronto, Canada (you will find their
 card in The C. S. Journal,) that you or your lawyer will
10 ask them all questions important for your case, and re-
 quested that they furnish all information possible. They
 will be glad to help you. Every true Christian Scientist
 will feel “as bound with you,” but as free in Truth and
 Love, safe under the shadow of His wing.

15 Yes, my student, my Father is your Father; and He
 helps us most when help is most needed, for He is the
 ever-present help.

 I am glad that you are in good cheer. I enclose you
 the name of Mr. E. A. Kimball, C. S. D., of Chicago, —
20 5020 Woodlawn Ave., — for items relative to Mrs. Steb-
 bin’s case.

 “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him;
 and He shall bring it to pass. And He shall bring forth
 thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the
25 noonday.” This I know, for God is for us.

 Write me when you need me. Error has no power
 but to destroy itself. It cannot harm you; it cannot stop
 the eternal currents of Truth.

 Ever with love,

Page 158

To A Student

 My Beloved Student: — In reply to your letter I will
 say: God’s ways are not as our ways; but higher far
 than the heavens above the earth is His wisdom above
5 ours. When I requested you to be ordained, I little
 thought of the changes about to be made. When I insisted
 on your speaking without notes, I little knew that
 so soon another change in your pulpit would be demanded.
 But now, after His messenger has obeyed the message
10 of divine Love, comes the interpretation thereof. But you
 see we both had first to obey, and to do this through faith,
 not sight.

 The meaning of it all, as now shown, is this: when
 you were bidden to be ordained, it was in reward for your
15 faithful service, thus to honor it. The second command,
 to drop the use of notes, was to rebuke a lack of faith in
 divine help, and to test your humility and obedience in
 bearing this cross.

 All God’s servants are minute men and women. As
20 of old, I stand with sandals on and staff in hand, wait-
 ing for the watchword and the revelation of what, how,
 whither. Let us be faithful and obedient, and God will
 do the rest.

 In the April number of The Christian Science Journal
25 you will find the forthcoming completion (as I now think)
 of the divine directions sent out to the churches. It is
 satisfactory to note, however, that the order therein given
 corresponds to the example of our Master. Jesus was
 not ordained as our churches ordain ministers. We
 have no record that he used notes when preaching. He

Page 159

1 spake in their synagogues, reading the Scriptures and
 expounding them; and God has given to this age “Science
 and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” to elucidate
 His Word.

5 You may read this letter to your church, and then
 send it to Rev. Mr. Norcross, and he will understand.
 May the God of all grace give you peace.

 With love,

Extract From A Christmas Letter

 Beloved Students: — My heart has many rooms: one
 of these is sacred to the memory of my students. Into
 this upper chamber, where all things are pure and of
 good report, — into this sanctuary of love, — I often
15 retreat, sit silently, and ponder. In this chamber is
 memory’s wardrobe, where I deposit certain recollec-
 tions and rare grand collections once in each year. This
 is my Christmas storehouse. Its goods commemorate,
  — not so much the Bethlehem babe, as the man of God,
20 the risen Christ, and the adult Jesus. Here I deposit
 the gifts that my dear students offer at the shrine of
 Christian Science, and to their lone Leader. Here I talk
 once a year, — and this is a bit of what I said in 1890:
 “O glorious Truth! O Mother Love! how has the sense
25 of Thy children grown to behold Thee! and how have
 many weary wings sprung upward! and how has our
 Model, Christ, been unveiled to us, and to the age!”

 I look at the rich devices in embroidery, silver, gold,
 and jewels, — all gifts of Christian Scientists from all
30 parts of our nation, and some from abroad, — then al-

Page 160

1 most marvel at the power and permanence of affection
 under the régime of Christian Science! Never did grati-
 tude and love unite more honestly in uttering the word
 thanks, than ours at this season. But a mother’s love
5 behind words has no language; it may give no material
 token, but lives steadily on, through time and circum-
 stance, as part and paramount portion of her being.

 Thus may our lives flow on in the same sweet rhythm
 of head and heart, till they meet and mingle in bliss super-
10 nal. There is a special joy in knowing that one is gaining
 constantly in the knowledge of Truth and divine Love.
 Your progress, the past year, has been marked. It satis-
 fies my present hope. Of this we rest assured, that every
 trial of our faith in God makes us stronger and firmer in
15 understanding and obedience.

 Lovingly yours,

Page 161


A Christmas Sermon

 Delivered in Chickering Hall, Boston, Mass., on the
 Sunday Before Christmas, 1888

 SUBJECT: The Corporeal and Incorporeal Saviour

5 TEXT: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
 government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called
 Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The
 Prince of Peace.
— ISAIAH ix. 6.

 To the senses, Jesus was the son of man: in Science,
10 man is the son of God. The material senses could
 not cognize the Christ, or Son of God: it was Jesus’
 approximation to this state of being that made him the
 Christ-Jesus, the Godlike, the anointed.

 The prophet whose words we have chosen for our
15 text, prophesied the appearing of this dual nature, as
 both human and divinely endowed, the personal and the
 impersonal Jesus.

 The only record of our Master as a public benefactor,
 or personal Saviour, opens when he was thirty years of
20 age; owing in part, perhaps, to the Jewish law that none
 should teach or preach in public under that age. Also,
 it is natural to conclude that at this juncture he was
 specially endowed with the Holy Spirit; for he was given
 the new name, Messiah, or Jesus Christ, — the God-

Page 162

1 anointed; even as, at times of special enlightenment,
 Jacob was called Israel; and Saul, Paul.

 The third event of this eventful period, — a period of
 such wonderful spiritual import to mankind!—was the
5 advent of a higher Christianity.

 From this dazzling, God-crowned summit, the Naza-
 rene stepped suddenly before the people and their schools
 of philosophy; Gnostic, Epicurean, and Stoic. He must
 stem these rising angry elements, and walk serenely over
10 their fretted, foaming billows.

 Here the cross became the emblem of Jesus’ history;
 while the central point of his Messianic mission was peace,
 good will, love, teaching, and healing.

 Clad with divine might, he was ready to stem the tide
15 of Judaism, and prove his power, derived from Spirit, to
 be supreme; lay himself as a lamb upon the altar of
 materialism, and therefrom rise to his nativity in Spirit.

 The corporeal Jesus bore our infirmities, and through
 his stripes we are healed. He was the Way-shower, and
20 suffered in the flesh, showing mortals how to escape from
 the sins of the flesh.

 There was no incorporeal Jesus of Nazareth. The
 spiritual man, or Christ, was after the similitude of the
 Father, without corporeality or finite mind.

25 Materiality, worldliness, human pride, or self-will, by
 demoralizing his motives and Christlikeness, would have
 dethroned his power as the Christ.

 To carry out his holy purpose, he must be oblivious of
 human self.

30 Of the lineage of David, like him he went forth, simple
 as the shepherd boy, to disarm the Goliath. Panoplied
 in the strength of an exalted hope, faith, and understand-

Page 163

1 ing, he sought to conquer the three-in-one of error: the
 world, the flesh, and the devil.

 Three years he went about doing good. He had for
 thirty years been preparing to heal and teach divinely;
5 but his three-years mission was a marvel of glory: its
 chaplet, a grave to mortal sense dishonored — from which
 sprang a sublime and everlasting victory!

 He who dated time, the Christian era, and spanned
 eternity, was the meekest man on earth. He healed
10 and taught by the wayside, in humble homes: to arrant
 hypocrite and to dull disciples he explained the Word
 of God, which has since ripened into interpretation
 through Science.

 His words were articulated in the language of a de-
15 clining race, and committed to the providence of God.
 In no one thing seemed he less human and more divine
 than in his unfaltering faith in the immortality of Truth.
 Referring to this, he said, “Heaven and earth shall
 pass away, but my words shall not pass away!” and
20 they have not: they still live; and are the basis of divine
 liberty, the medium of Mind, the hope of the race.

 Only three years a personal Saviour! yet the founda-
 tions he laid are as eternal as Truth, the chief corner-stone.

25 After his brief brave struggle, and the crucifixion of
 the corporeal man, the incorporeal Saviour — the Christ
 or spiritual idea which leadeth into all Truth — must
 needs come in Christian Science, demonstrating the spir-
 itual healing of body and mind.

30 This idea or divine essence was, and is, forever about
 the Father’s business; heralding the Principle of health,
 holiness, and immortality.

Page 164

1 Its divine Principle interprets the incorporeal idea, or
 Son of God; hence the incorporeal and corporeal are
 distinguished thus: the former is the spiritual idea that
 represents divine good, and the latter is the human
5 presentation of goodness in man. The Science of Chris-
 tianity, that has appeared in the ripeness of time, re-
 veals the incorporeal Christ; and this will continue
 to be seen more clearly until it be acknowledged, under-
 stood, — and the Saviour, which is Truth, be compre-
10 hended.

 To the vision of the Wisemen, this spiritual idea of the
 Principle of man or the universe, appeared as a star. At
 first, the babe Jesus seemed small to mortals; but from
 the mount of revelation, the prophet beheld it from the
15 beginning as the Redeemer, who would present a wonder-
 ful manifestation of Truth and Love.

 In our text Isaiah foretold, “His name shall be called
 Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting
 Father, The Prince of Peace.”

20 As the Wisemen grew in the understanding of Christ,
 the spiritual idea, it grew in favor with them. Thus it
 will continue, as it shall become understood, until man
 be found in the actual likeness of his Maker. Their
 highest human concept of the man Jesus, that portrayed
25 him as the only Son of God, the only begotten of the
 Father, full of grace and Truth, will become so magnified
 to human sense, by means of the lens of Science, as to
 reveal man collectively, as individually, to be the son of

30 The limited view of God’s ideas arose from the testimony
 of the senses. Science affords the evidence that God is the
 Father of man, of all that is real and eternal. This spir-

Page 165

1 itual idea that the personal Jesus demonstrated, casting
 out evils and healing, more than eighteen centuries ago,
 disappeared by degrees; both because of the ascension
 of Jesus, in which it was seen that he had grown beyond
5 the human sense of him, and because of the corruption of
 the Church.

 The last appearing of Truth will be a wholly spiritual
 idea of God and of man, without the fetters of the flesh, or
 corporeality. This infinite idea of infinity will be, is, as
10 eternal as its divine Principle. The daystar of this appear-
 ing is the light of Christian Science — the Science which
 rends the veil of the flesh from top to bottom. The light
 of this revelation leaves nothing that is material; neither
 darkness, doubt, disease, nor death. The material cor-
15 poreality disappears; and individual spirituality, perfect
 and eternal, appears — never to disappear.

 The truth uttered and lived by Jesus, who passed on
 and left to mortals the rich legacy of what he said and
 did, makes his followers the heirs to his example; but
20 they can neither appreciate nor appropriate his treasures
 of Truth and Love, until lifted to these by their own
 growth and experiences. His goodness and grace pur-
 chased the means of mortals’ redemption from sin; but,
 they never paid the price of sin. This cost, none but the
25 sinner can pay; and accordingly as this account is settled
 with divine Love, is the sinner ready to avail himself of
 the rich blessings flowing from the teaching, example,
 and suffering of our Master.

 The secret stores of wisdom must be discovered, their
30 treasures reproduced and given to the world, before man
 can truthfully conclude that he has been found in the
 order, mode, and virgin origin of man according to divine

Page 166

1 Science, which alone demonstrates the divine Principle
 and spiritual idea of being.

 The monument whose finger points upward, commemorates
 the earthly life of a martyr; but this is not all of
5 the philanthropist, hero, and Christian. The Truth he
 has taught and spoken lives, and moves in our midst a
 divine afflatus. Thus it is that the ideal Christ — or
 impersonal infancy, manhood, and womanhood of Truth
 and Love — is still with us.

10 And what of this child?—“For unto us a child is
 born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall
 be upon his shoulder.”

 This child, or spiritual idea, has evolved a more ready
 ear for the overture of angels and the scientific under-
15 standing of Truth and Love. When Christ, the incor-
 poreal idea of God, was nameless, and a Mary knew not
 how to declare its spiritual origin, the idea of man was
 not understood. The Judæan religion even required the
 Virgin-mother to go to the temple and be purified, for
20 having given birth to the corporeal child Jesus, whose
 origin was more spiritual than the senses could inter-
 pret. Like the leaven that a certain woman hid in three
 measures of meal, the Science of God and the spiritual
 idea, named in this century Christian Science, is leaven-
25 ing the lump of human thought, until the whole shall
 be leavened and all materialism disappear. This action
 of the divine energy, even if not acknowledged, has
 come to be seen as diffusing richest blessings. This
 spiritual idea, or Christ, entered into the minutiæ of the
30 life of the personal Jesus. It made him an honest man,
 a good carpenter, and a good man, before it could make
 him the glorified.

Page 167

1 The material questions at this age on the reappearing
 of the infantile thought of God’s man, are after the man-
 ner of a mother in the flesh, though their answers per-
 tain to the spiritual idea, as in Christian Science:—

5 Is he deformed?

 He is wholly symmetrical; the one altogether lovely.

 Is the babe a son, or daughter?

 Both son and daughter: even the compound idea of
 all that resembles God.

10 How much does he weigh?

 His substance outweighs the material world.

 How old is he?

 Of his days there is no beginning and no ending.

 What is his name?

15 Christ Science.

 Who are his parents, brothers, and sisters?

 His Father and Mother are divine Life, Truth, and
 Love; and they who do the will of his Father are his is

20 Is he heir to an estate?

 “The government shall be upon his shoulder!” He
 has dominion over the whole earth; and in admiration
 of his origin, he exclaims, “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord
 of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things
25 from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto

 Is he wonderful?

 His works thus prove him. He giveth power, peace,
 and holiness; he exalteth the lowly; he giveth liberty

Page 168

1 to the captive, health to the sick, salvation from sin to
 the sinner — and overcometh the world!

 Go, and tell what things ye shall see and hear: how
 the blind, spiritually and physically, receive sight; how
5 the lame, those halting between two opinions or hob-
 bling on crutches, walk; how the physical and moral
 lepers are cleansed; how the deaf — those who, having
 ears, hear not, and are afflicted with “tympanum on the
 brain”—hear; how the dead, those buried in dogmas
10 and physical ailments, are raised; that to the poor—
 the lowly in Christ, not the man-made rabbi — the
 gospel is preached. Note this: only such as are pure
 in spirit, emptied of vainglory and vain knowledge, re-
 ceive Truth.

15 Here ends the colloquy; and a voice from heaven seems
 to say, “Come and see.”

 The nineteenth-century prophets repeat, “Unto us a
 son is given.”

 The shepherds shout, “We behold the appearing of
20 the star!”—and the pure in heart clap their hands.

Editor's Extracts from Sermon

 TEXT: Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of
— MATT. xxii. 29.

 The Christian Science Journal reported as follows:—

25 The announcement that the Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy
 would speak before the Scientist denomination on the
 afternoon of October 26, drew a large audience. Haw-
 thorne Hall was densely packed, and many had to go
 away unable to obtain seats. The distinguished speaker
30 began by saying:—

Page 169

1 Within Bible pages she had found all the divine Science
 she preaches; noticing, all along the way of her researches
 therein, that whenever her thoughts had wandered into
 the bypaths of ancient philosophies or pagan literatures,
5 her spiritual insight had been darkened thereby, till
 she was God-driven back to the inspired pages. Early
 training, through the misinterpretation of the Word,
 had been the underlying cause of the long years of in-
 validism she endured before Truth dawned upon her
10 understanding, through right interpretation. With the
 understanding of Scripture-meanings, had come physical
 rejuvenation. The uplifting of spirit was the upbuild-
 ing of the body.

 She affirmed that the Scriptures cannot properly be
15 interpreted in a literal way. The truths they teach must
 be spiritually discerned, before their message can be
 borne fully to our minds and hearts. That there is a
 dual meaning to every Biblical passage, the most eminent
 divines of the world have concluded; and to get at the
20 highest, or metaphysical, it is necessary rightly to read
 what the inspired writers left for our spiritual instruction.
 The literal rendering of the Scriptures makes them noth-
 ing valuable, but often is the foundation of unbelief and
 hopelessness. The metaphysical rendering is health and
25 peace and hope for all. The literal or material reading is
 the reading of the carnal mind, which is enmity toward
 God, Spirit.

 Taking several Bible passages, Mrs. Eddy showed how
 beautiful and inspiring are the thoughts when rightly
30 understood. “Let the dead bury their dead; follow
 thou me,” was one of the passages explained metaphysi-
 cally. In their fullest meaning, those words are salvation

Page 170

1 from the belief of death, the last enemy to be overthrown;
 for by following Christ truly, resurrection and life im-
 mortal are brought to us. If we follow him, to us there
 can be no dead. Those who know not this, may still
5 believe in death and weep over the graves of their beloved;
 but with him is Life eternal, which never changes to
 death. The eating of bread and drinking of wine at the
 Lord’s supper, merely symbolize the spiritual refresh-
 ment of God’s children having rightly read His Word,
10 whose entrance into their understanding is healthful life.
 This is the reality behind the symbol.

 So, also, she spoke of the hades, or hell of Scripture,
 saying, that we make our own heavens and our own hells,
 by right and wise, or wrong and foolish, conceptions of
15 God and our fellow-men. Jesus interpreted all spirit-
 ually: “I have bread to eat that ye know not of,” he
 said. The bread he ate, which was refreshment of divine
 strength, we also may all partake of.

 The material record of the Bible, she said, is no more
20 important to our well-being than the history of Europe
 and America; but the spiritual application bears upon
 our eternal life. The method of Jesus was purely meta-
 physical; and no other method is Christian Science. In
 the passage recording Jesus’ proceedings with the blind
25 man (Mark viii.) he is said to have spat upon the dust.
 Spitting was the Hebrew method of expressing the utmost
 contempt. So Jesus is recorded as having expressed
 contempt for the belief of material eyes as having any
 power to see. Having eyes, ye see not; and ears, ye hear
30 not, he had just told them. The putting on of hands
 mentioned, she explained as the putting forth of power.
 “Hand,” in Bible usage, often means spiritual power.

Page 171

1 “His hand is not shortened that it cannot save,” can
 never be wrested from its true meaning to signify human
 hands. Jesus’ first effort to realize Truth was not wholly
 successful; but he rose to the occasion with the second
5 attempt, and the blind saw clearly. To suppose that
 Jesus did actually anoint the blind man’s eyes with his
 spittle, is as absurd as to think, according to the report
 of some, that Christian Scientists sit in back-to-back
 seances with their patients, for the divine power to filter
10 from vertebræ to vertebræ. When one comes to the age
 with spiritual translations of God’s messages, expressed
 in literal or physical terms, our right action is not to con-
 demn and deny, but to “try the spirits” and see what
 manner they are of. This does not mean communing
15 with spirits supposed to have departed from the earth,
 but the seeking out of the basis upon which are accom-
 plished the works by which the new teacher would prove
 his right to be heard. By these signs are the true disciples
 of the Master known: the sick are healed; to the poor
20 the gospel is preached.

Extract from a Sermon Delivered in Boston, January 18, 1885

 TEXT: The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman
 took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was
 xiii. 33.

 Few people at present know aught of the Science of
 mental healing; and so many are obtruding upon the
 public attention their ignorance or false knowledge in
 the name of Science, that it behooves all clad in the shin-
30 ing mail to keep bright their invincible armor; to keep

Page 172

1 their demonstrations modest, and their claims and lives
 steadfast in Truth.

 Dispensing the Word charitably, but separating the
 tares from the wheat, let us declare the positive and
5 the negative of metaphysical Science; what it is, and
 what it is not. Intrepid, self-oblivious Protestants in
 a higher sense than ever before, let us meet and defeat
 the claims of sense and sin, regardless of the bans or
 clans pouring in their fire upon us; and white-winged
10 charity, brooding over all, shall cover with her feathers
 the veriest sinner.

 Divine and unerring Mind measures man, until the
 three measures be accomplished, and he arrives at
 fulness of stature; for “the Lord God omnipotent
15 reigneth.”

 Science is divine: it is neither of human origin nor of
 human direction. That which is termed “natural science,”
 the evidences whereof are taken in by the five personal
 senses, presents but a finite, feeble sense of the infinite
20 law of God; which law is written on the heart, received
 through the affections, spiritually understood, and dem-
 onstrated in our lives.

 This law of God is the Science of mental healing,
 spiritually discerned, understood, and obeyed.

25 Mental Science, and the five personal senses, are at
 war; and peace can only be declared on the side of im-
 mutable right, — the health, holiness, and immortality
 of man. To gain this scientific result, the first and funda-
 mental rule of Science must be understood and adhered
30 to; namely, the oft-repeated declaration in Scripture
 that God is good; hence, good is omnipotent and

Page 173

1 Ancient and modern philosophy, human reason, or
 man’s theorems, misstate mental Science, its Principle
 and practice. The most enlightened sense herein sees
 nothing but a law of matter.

5 Who has ever learned of the schools that there is but
 one Mind, and that this is God, who healeth all our sick-
 ness and sins?

 Who has ever learned from the schools, pagan phi-
 losophy, or scholastic theology, that Science is the law of
10 Mind and not of matter, and that this law has no relation
 to, or recognition of, matter?

 Mind is its own great cause and effect. Mind is God,
 omnipotent and omnipresent. What, then, of an oppo-
 site so-called science, which says that man is both matter
15 and mind, that Mind is in matter? Can the infinite
 be within the finite? And must not man have preexisted
 in the All and Only? Does an evil mind exist without
 space to occupy, power to act, or vanity to pretend that
 it is man?

20 If God is Mind and fills all space, is everywhere, matter
 is nowhere and sin is obsolete. If Mind, God, is all-power
 and all-presence, man is not met by another power
 and presence, that — obstructing his intelligence—
 pains, fetters, and befools him. The perfection of man
25 is intact; whence, then, is something besides Him that
 is not the counterpart but the counterfeit of man’s creator?
 Surely not from God, for He made man in His own
 likeness. Whence, then, is the atom or molecule called
 matter? Have attraction and cohesion formed it?
30 But are these forces laws of matter, or laws of

 For matter to be matter, it must have been self-created.

Page 174

1 Mind has no more power to evolve or to create matter
 than has good to produce evil. Matter is a misstatement
 of Mind; it is a lie, claiming to talk and disclaim against
 Truth; idolatry, having other gods; evil, having presence
5 and power over omnipotence!

 Let us have a clearing up of abstractions. Let us
 come into the presence of Him who removeth all iniqui-
 ties, and healeth all our diseases. Let us attach our sense
 of Science to what touches the religious sentiment within
10 man. Let us open our affections to the Principle that
 moves all in harmony, — from the falling of a sparrow
 to the rolling of a world. Above Arcturus and his sons,
 broader than the solar system and higher than the at-
 mosphere of our planet, is the Science of mental
15 healing.

 What is the kingdom of heaven? The abode of Spirit,
 the realm of the real. No matter is there, no night is
 there — nothing that maketh or worketh a lie. Is this
 kingdom afar off? No: it is ever-present here. The
20 first to declare against this kingdom is matter. Shall
 that be called heresy which pleads for Spirit — the All of
 God, and His omnipresence?

 The kingdom of heaven is the reign of divine Science:
 it is a mental state. Jesus said it is within you, and
25 taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come;” but he did
 not teach us to pray for death whereby to gain heaven.
 We do not look into darkness for light. Death can never
 usher in the dawn of Science that reveals the spiritual
 facts of man’s Life here and now.

30 The leaven which a woman took and hid in three
 measures of meal, is Divine Science; the Comforter;
 the Holy Ghost that leadeth into all Truth; the “still,

Page 175

1 small voice” that breathes His presence and power, cast-
 ing out error and healing the sick. And woman, the
 spiritual idea, takes of the things of God and showeth
 them unto the creature, until the whole sense of being
5 is leavened with Spirit. The three measures of meal
 may well be likened to the false sense of life, substance,
 and intelligence, which says, I am sustained by bread,
 matter, instead of Mind. The spiritual leaven of divine
 Science changes this false sense, giving better views of
10 Life; saying, Man’s Life is God; and when this shall
 appear, it shall be “the substance of things hoped for.”

 The measure of Life shall increase by every spiritual
 touch, even as the leaven expands the loaf. Man shall
 keep the feast of Life, not with the old leaven of the
15 scribes and Pharisees, neither with “the leaven of malice
 and wickedness; but the unleavened bread of sincerity
 and truth.”

 Thus it can be seen that the Science of mental healing
 must be understood. There are false Christs that would
20 “deceive, if it were possible, the very elect,” by institut-
 ing matter and its methods in place of God, Mind. Their
 supposition is, that there are other minds than His; that
 one mind controls another; that one belief takes the
 place of another. But this ism of to-day has nothing
25 to do with the Science of mental healing which acquaints
 us with God and reveals the one perfect Mind and His

 The attempt to mix matter and Mind, to work by
 means of both animal magnetism and divine power, is
30 literally saying, Have we not in thy name cast out devils,
 and done many wonderful works?

 But remember God in all thy ways, and thou shalt

Page 176

1 find the truth that breaks the dream of sense, letting the
 harmony of Science that declares Him, come in with
 healing, and peace, and perfect love.

Sunday Services on July Fourth


 The great theme so deeply and solemnly expounded
 by the preacher, has been exemplified in all ages, but
 chiefly in the great crises of nations or of the human race.
 It is then that supreme devotion to Principle has espe-
10 cially been called for and manifested. It is then that we
 learn a little more of the nothingness of evil, and more
 of the divine energies of good, and strive valiantly for the
 liberty of the sons of God.

 The day we celebrate reminds us of the heroes and
15 heroines who counted not their own lives dear to them,
 when they sought the New England shores, not as the
 flying nor as conquerors, but, steadfast in faith and love,
 to build upon the rock of Christ, the true idea of God—
 the supremacy of Spirit and the nothingness of matter.
20 When first the Pilgrims planted their feet on Plymouth
 Rock, frozen ritual and creed should forever have melted
 away in the fire of love which came down from heaven.
 The Pilgrims came to establish a nation in true freedom,
 in the rights of conscience.

25 But what of ourselves, and our times and obligations?
 Are we duly aware of our own great opportunities and
 responsibilities? Are we prepared to meet and improve
 them, to act up to the acme of divine energy wherewith
 we are armored?

Page 177

1 Never was there a more solemn and imperious call
 than God makes to us all, right here, for fervent de-
 votion and an absolute consecration to the greatest and
 holiest of all causes. The hour is come. The great
5 battle of Armageddon is upon us. The powers of evil
 are leagued together in secret conspiracy against the
 Lord and against His Christ, as expressed and opera-
 tive in Christian Science. Large numbers, in desperate
 malice, are engaged day and night in organizing action
10 against us. Their feeling and purpose are deadly, and
 they have sworn enmity against the lives of our standard-

 What will you do about it? Will you be equally in
 earnest for the truth? Will you doff your lavender-kid
15 zeal, and become real and consecrated warriors? Will
 you give yourselves wholly and irrevocably to the great
 work of establishing the truth, the gospel, and the Science
 which are necessary to the salvation of the world from
 error, sin, disease, and death? Answer at once and practi-
20 cally, and answer aright!

Easter Services

 The editor of The Christian Science Journal said that
 at three o’clock, the hour for the church service proper,
 the pastor, Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, accompanied
25 by Rev. D. A. Easton, who was announced to preach
 the sermon, came on the platform. The pastor introduced
 Mr. Easton as follows:—

 Friends: — The homesick traveller in foreign lands
 greets with joy a familiar face. I am constantly home-
30 sick for heaven. In my long journeyings I have met

Page 178

1 one who comes from the place of my own sojourning
 for many years, — the Congregational Church. He is
 a graduate of Bowdoin College and of Andover The-
 ological School. He has left his old church, as I did,
5 from a yearning of the heart; because he was not sat-
 isfied with a manlike God, but wanted to become a God-
 like man. He found that the new wine could not be
 put into old bottles without bursting them, and he came
 to us.

10 Mr. Easton then delivered an interesting discourse
 from the text, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek
 those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the
 right hand of God” (Col. iii. 1), which he prefaced by

15 “I think it was about a year ago that I strayed into
 this hall, a stranger, and wondered what sort of people
 you were, and of what you were worshippers. If any
 one had said to me that to-day I should stand before
 you to preach a sermon on Christian Science, I should
20 have replied, “Much learning”—or something else—
 “hath made thee mad.” If I had not found Christian
 Science a new gospel, I should not be standing before you:
 if I had not found it truth, I could not have stood up
 again to preach, here or elsewhere.”

25 At the conclusion of the sermon, the pastor again came
 forward, and added the following:—

 My friends, I wished to be excused from speaking
 to-day, but will yield to circumstances. In the flesh, we
 are as a partition wall between the old and the new;
30 between the old religion in which we have been educated,
 and the new, living, impersonal Christ-thought that has
 been given to the world to-day.

Page 179

1 The old churches are saying, “He is not here;” and,
 “Who shall roll away the stone?”

 The stone has been rolled away by human suffer-
 ing. The first rightful desire in the hour of loss, when
5 believing we have lost sight of Truth, is to know where
 He is laid. This appeal resolves itself into these

 Is our consciousness in matter or in God? Have we
 any other consciousness than that of good? If we have,
10 He is saying to us to-day, “Adam, where art thou?” We
 are wrong if our consciousness is in sin, sickness, and
 death. This is the old consciousness.

 In the new religion the teaching is, “He is not here;
 Truth is not in matter; he is risen; Truth has become
15 more to us, — more true, more spiritual.”

 Can we say this to-day? Have we left the conscious-
 ness of sickness and sin for that of health and

 What is it that seems a stone between us and the
20 resurrection morning?

 It is the belief of mind in matter. We can only come
 into the spiritual resurrection by quitting the old con-
 sciousness of Soul in sense.

 These flowers are floral apostles. God does all this
25 through His followers; and He made every flower in
 Mind before it sprang from the earth: yet we look into
 matter and the earth to give us these smiles of God!

 We must lay aside material consciousness, and then
 we can perceive Truth, and say with Mary, “Rabboni!”
30  — Master!

 In 1866, when God revealed to me this risen Christ,
 this Life that knows no death, that saith, “Because he

Page 180

1 lives, I live,” I awoke from the dream of Spirit in the
 flesh so far as to take the side of Spirit, and strive to cease
 my warfare.

 When, through this consciousness, I was delivered from
5 the dark shadow and portal of death, my friends were
 frightened at beholding me restored to health.

 A dear old lady asked me, “How is it that you are
 restored to us? Has Christ come again on earth?”

 “Christ never left,” I replied; “Christ is Truth, and
10 Truth is always here, — the impersonal Saviour.”

 Then another person, more material, met me, and I
 said, in the words of my Master, “Touch me not.” I
 shuddered at her material approach; then my heart went
 out to God, and I found the open door from this sepulchre
15 of matter.

 I love the Easter service: it speaks to me of Life, and
 not of death.

 Let us do our work; then we shall have part in his

Bible Lessons

 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the
 sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born,
 not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but
— JOHN i. 12, 13.

25 Here, the apostle assures us that man has power to
 become the son of God. In the Hebrew text, the word
 “son” is defined variously; a month is called the son
 of a year. This term, as applied to man, is used in both
 a material and a spiritual sense. The Scriptures speak
30 of Jesus as the Son of God and the Son of man; but

Page 181

1 Jesus said to call no man father; “for one is your Father,”
 even God.

 Is man’s spiritual sonship a personal gift to man, or
 is it the reality of his being, in divine Science? Man’s
5 knowledge of this grand verity gives him power to dem-
 onstrate his divine Principle, which in turn is requisite
 in order to understand his sonship, or unity with God,
 good. A personal requirement of blind obedience to
 the law of being, would tend to obscure the order of
10 Science, unless that requirement should express the claims
 of the divine Principle. Infinite Principle and infinite
 Spirit must be one. What avail, then, to quarrel over
 what is the person of Spirit, — if we recognize infinitude
 as personality, — for who can tell what is the form of
15 infinity? When we understand man’s true birthright, that
 he is “born, not … of the will of the flesh, nor of the
 will of man, but of God,” we shall understand that man
 is the offspring of Spirit, and not of the flesh; recognize
 him through spiritual, and not material laws; and regard
20 him as spiritual, and not material. His sonship, referred
 to in the text, is his spiritual relation to Deity: it is not,
 then, a personal gift, but is the order of divine Science.
 The apostle urges upon our acceptance this great fact:
 “But as many as received him, to them gave he power
25 to become the sons of God.” Mortals will lose their sense
 of mortality — disease, sickness, sin, and death — in
 the proportion that they gain the sense of man’s spirit-
 ual preexistence as God’s child; as the offspring of
 good, and not of God’s opposite, — evil, or a fallen
30 man.

 John the Baptist had a clear discernment of divine
 Science: being born not of the human will or flesh, he

Page 182

1 antedated his own existence, began spiritually instead
 of materially to reckon himself logically; hence the im-
 possibility of putting him to death, only in belief, through
 violent means or material methods.

 “As many as received him;” that is, as many as per-
5 ceive man’s actual existence in and of his divine Princi-
 ple, receive the Truth of existence; and these have no
 other God, no other Mind, no other origin; therefore, in
 time they lose their false sense of existence, and find
10 their adoption with the Father; to wit, the redemption
 of the body. Through divine Science man gains the
 power to become the son of God, to recognize his perfect
 and eternal estate.

 “Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of
15 the flesh.” This passage refers to man’s primal, spirit-
 ual existence, created neither from dust nor carnal desire.
 “Nor of the will of man.” Born of no doctrine,
 no human faith, but beholding the truth of being; even
 the understanding that man was never lost in Adam,
20 since he is and ever was the image and likeness of God,
 good. But no mortal hath seen the spiritual man, more
 than he hath seen the Father. The apostle indicates
 no personal plan of a personal Jehovah, partial and finite;
 but the possibility of all finding their place in God’s great
25 love, the eternal heritage of the Elohim, His sons and
 daughters. The text is a metaphysical statement of existence
 as Principle and idea, wherein man and his Maker
 are inseparable and eternal.

 When the Word is made flesh, — that is, rendered
30 practical, — this eternal Truth will be understood; and
 sickness, sin, and death will yield to it, even as they did
 more than eighteen centuries ago. The lusts of the flesh

Page 183

1 and the pride of life will then be quenched in the divine
 Science of being; in the ever-present good, omnipotent
 Love, and eternal Life, that know no death, In the great
 forever, the verities of being exist, and must be acknowl-
5 edged and demonstrated. Man must love his neighbor
 as himself, and the power of Truth must be seen and
 felt in health, happiness, and holiness: then it will be
 found that Mind is All-in-all, and there is no matter to
 cope with.

10 Man is free born: he is neither the slave of sense, nor a
 silly ambler to the so-called pleasures and pains of self-
 conscious matter. Man is God’s image and likeness;
 whatever is possible to God, is possible to man as God’s
. Through the transparency of Science we learn
15 this, and receive it: learn that man can fulfil the Scrip-
 tures in every instance; that if he open his mouth it shall
 be filled — not by reason of the schools, or learning, but
 by the natural ability, that reflection already has bestowed
 on him, to give utterance to Truth.

20 “Who hath believed our report?” Who understands
 these sayings? He to whom the arm of the Lord is re-
 vealed; to whom divine Science unfolds omnipotence,
 that equips man with divine power while it shames human
 pride. Asserting a selfhood apart from God, is a denial
25 of man’s spiritual sonship; for it claims another father.
 As many as do receive a knowledge of God through
 Science, will have power to reflect His power, in proof of
 man’s “dominion over all the earth.” He is bravely
 brave who dares at this date refute the evidence of material
30 sense with the facts of Science, and will arrive at the true
 status of man because of it. The material senses would
 make man, that the Scriptures declare reflects his Maker,

Page 184

1 the very opposite of that Maker, by claiming that God is
 Spirit, while man is matter; that God is good, but man is
 evil; that Deity is deathless, but man dies. Science and
 sense conflict, from the revolving of worlds to the death
 of a sparrow.

 The Word will be made flesh and dwell among mortals,
 only when man reflects God in body as well as in mind.
 The child born of a woman has the formation of his
 parents; the man born of Spirit is spiritual, not material.
10 Paul refers to this when speaking of presenting our bodies
 holy and acceptable, which is our reasonable service;
 and this brings to remembrance the Hebrew strain,
 “Who healeth all thy diseases.”

 If man should say of the power to be perfect which he
15 possesses, “I am the power,” he would trespass upon
 divine Science, yield to material sense, and lose his power;
 even as when saying, “I have the power to sin and be
 sick,” and persisting in believing that he is sick and a
 sinner. If he says, “I am of God, therefore good,” yet
20 persists in evil, he has denied the power of Truth, and
 must suffer for this error until he learns that all power is
 good because it is of God, and so destroys his self-de-
 ceived sense of power in evil. The Science of being gives
 back the lost likeness and power of God as the seal of
25 man’s adoption. Oh, for that light and love ineffable,
 which casteth out all fear, all sin, sickness, and death;
 that seeketh not her own, but another’s good; that saith
 Abba, Father, and is born of God!

 John came baptizing with water. He employed a type
30 of physical cleanliness to foreshadow metaphysical purity,
 even mortal mind purged of the animal and human, and
 submerged in the humane and divine, giving back the

Page 185

1 lost sense of man in unity with, and reflecting, his Maker.
 None but the pure in heart shall see God, — shall be able
 to discern fully and demonstrate fairly the divine Principle
 of Christian Science. The will of God, or power of Spirit,
5 is made manifest as Truth, and through righteousness,—
 not as or through matter, — and it strips matter of all
 claims, abilities or disabilities, pains or pleasures. Self-
 renunciation of all that constitutes a so-called material
 man, and the acknowledgment and achievement of his
10 spiritual identity as the child of God, is Science that
 opens the very flood-gates of heaven; whence good
 flows into every avenue of being, cleansing mortals of
 all uncleanness, destroying all suffering, and demon-
 strating the true image and likeness. There is no other
15 way under heaven whereby we can be saved, and man
 be clothed with might, majesty, and immortality.

 “As many as received him,”—as accept the truth
 of being,—“to them gave he power to become the sons
 of God.” The spiritualization of our sense of man opens
20 the gates of paradise that the so-called material senses
 would close, and reveals man infinitely blessed, upright,
 pure, and free; having no need of statistics by which to
 learn his origin and age, or to measure his manhood, or to
 know how much of a man he ever has been: for, “as
25 many as received him, to them gave he power to become
 the sons of God.”

 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul;
 the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
—1 COR. xv. 45.

 When reasoning on this subject of man with the Corin-
30 thian brethren, the apostle first spake from their stand-
 point of thought; namely, that creation is material:

Page 186

1 he was not at this point giving the history of the spiritual
 man who originates in God, Love, who created man
 in His own image and likeness. In the creation of Adam
 from dust, — in which Soul is supposed to enter the
5 embryo-man after his birth, — we see the material self-
 constituted belief of the Jews as referred to by St. Paul.
 Their material belief has fallen far below man’s original
 standard, the spiritual man made in the image and like-
 ness of God; for this erring belief even separates its
10 conception of man from God, and ultimates in the opposite
 of immortal man, namely, in a sick and sinning

 We learn in the Scriptures, as in divine Science, that
 God made all; that He is the universal Father and Mother
15 of man; that God is divine Love: therefore divine Love
 is the divine Principle of the divine idea named man;
 in other words, the spiritual Principle of spiritual man.
 Now let us not lose this Science of man, but gain it clearly;
 then we shall see that man cannot be separated from
20 his perfect Principle, God, inasmuch as an idea cannot
 be torn apart from its fundamental basis. This scien-
 tific knowledge affords self-evident proof of immortality;
 proof, also, that the Principle of man cannot produce a
 less perfect man than it produced in the beginning. A
25 material sense of existence is not the scientific fact of
 being; whereas, the spiritual sense of God and His universe
 is the immortal and true sense of being.

 As the apostle proceeds in this line of thought, he
 undoubtedly refers to the last Adam represented by the
30 Messias, whose demonstration of God restored to mortals
 the lost sense of man’s perfection, even the sense of the
 real man in God’s likeness, who restored this sense by

Page 187

1 the spiritual regeneration of both mind and body,—
 casting out evils, healing the sick, and raising the dead.
 The man Jesus demonstrated over sin, sickness, disease,
 and death. The great Metaphysician wrought, over and
5 above every sense of matter, into the proper sense of the
 possibilities of Spirit. He established health and har-
 mony, the perfection of mind and body, as the reality of
 man; while discord, as seen in disease and death, was to
 him the opposite of man, hence the unreality; even as in
10 Science a chord is manifestly the reality of music, and
 discord the unreality. This rule of harmony must be ac-
 cepted as true relative to man.

 The translators of the older Scriptures presuppose a
 material man to be the first man, solely because their
15 transcribing thoughts were not lifted to the inspired sense
 of the spiritual man, as set forth in original Holy Writ.
 Had both writers and translators in that age fully com-
 prehended the later teachings and demonstrations of
 our human and divine Master, the Old Testament might
20 have been as spiritual as the New.

 The origin, substance, and life of man are one, and
 that one is God, — Life, Truth, Love. The self-existent,
 perfect, and eternal are God; and man is their reflection
 and glory. Did the substance of God, Spirit, become a
25 clod, in order to create a sick, sinning, dying man? The
 primal facts of being are eternal; they are never extin-
 guished in a night of discord.

 That man must be evil before he can be good; dying,
 before deathless; material, before spiritual; sick and a
30 sinner in order to be healed and saved, is but the declara-
 tion of the material senses transcribed by pagan religion-
 ists, by wicked mortals such as crucified our Master,—

Page 188

1 whose teachings opposed the doctrines of Christ that
 demonstrated the opposite, Truth.

 Man is as perfect now, and henceforth, and forever,
 as when the stars first sang together, and creation joined
 in the grand chorus of harmonious being. It is the trans-
5 lator, not the original Word, who presents as being first
 that which appears second, material, and mortal; and
 as last, that which is primal, spiritual, and eternal. Be-
 cause of human misstatement and misconception of God
10 and man, of the divine Principle and idea of being, there
 seems to be a war between the flesh and Spirit, a contest
 between Truth and error; but the apostle says, “There
 is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in
 Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the
15 Spirit.”

 On our subject, St. Paul first reasons upon the basis
 of what is seen, the effects of Truth on the material senses;
 thence, up to the unseen, the testimony of spiritual sense;
 and right there he leaves the subject.

20 Just there, in the intermediate line of thought, is where
 the present writer found it, when she discovered Christian
 Science. And she has not left it, but continues the ex-
 planation of the power of Spirit up to its infinite meaning,
 its allness. The recognition of this power came to her
25 through a spiritual sense of the real, and of the unreal
 or mortal sense of things; not that there is, or can
 be, an actual change in the realities of being, but
 that we can discern more of them. At the moment
 of her discovery, she knew that the last Adam, namely,
30 the true likeness of God, was the first, the only man.
 This knowledge did become to her “a quickening
 spirit;” for she beheld the meaning of those words

Page 189

1 of our Master, “The last shall be first, and the first

 When, as little children, we are receptive, become
 willing to accept the divine Principle and rule of being,
 as unfolded in divine Science, the interpretation therein
 will be found to be the Comforter that leadeth into all
5 truth.

 The meek Nazarene’s steadfast and true knowledge of
 preexistence, of the nature and the inseparability of God
10 and man, — made him mighty. Spiritual insight of
 Truth and Love antidotes and destroys the errors of flesh,
 and brings to light the true reflection: man as God’s
 image, or “the first man,” for Christ plainly declared,
 through Jesus, “Before Abraham was, I am.”

15 The supposition that Soul, or Mind, is breathed into
 matter, is a pantheistic doctrine that presents a false
 sense of existence, and the quickening spirit takes it
 away: revealing, in place thereof, the power and per-
 fection of a released sense of Life in God and Life as
20 God. The Scriptures declare Life to be the infinite I
 AM, — not a dweller in matter. For man to know Life
 as it is, namely God, the eternal good, gives him not
 merely a sense of existence, but an accompanying con-
 sciousness of spiritual power that subordinates matter
25 and destroys sin, disease, and death. This, Jesus demon-
 strated; insomuch that St. Matthew wrote, “The people
 were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them
 as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” This
 spiritual power, healing sin and sickness, was not con-
30 fined to the first century; it extends to all time, inhabits
 eternity, and demonstrates Life without beginning or

Page 190

1 Atomic action is Mind, not matter. It is neither the
 energy of matter, the result of organization, nor the out-
 come of life infused into matter: it is infinite Spirit, Truth,
 Life, defiant of error or matter. Divine Science demon-
5 strates Mind as dispelling a false sense and giving the
 true sense of itself, God, and the universe; wherein the
 mortal evolves not the immortal, nor does the material
 ultimate in the spiritual; wherein man is coexistent with
 Mind, and is the recognized reflection of infinite Life and
10 Love.

 And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to
 pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake.
— LUKE xi. 14.

 The meaning of the term “devil” needs yet to be
 learned. Its definition as an individual is too limited
15 and contradictory. When the Scripture is understood,
 the spiritual signification of its terms will be understood,
 and will contradict the interpretations that the senses
 give them; and these terms will be found to include the
 inspired meaning.

20 It could not have been a person that our great Master
 cast out of another person; therefore the devil herein
 referred to was an impersonal evil, or whatever worketh
 ill. In this case it was the evil of dumbness, an error of
 material sense, cast out by the spiritual truth of being;
25 namely, that speech belongs to Mind instead of matter,
 and the wrong power, or the lost sense, must yield to the
 right sense, and exist in Mind.

 In the Hebrew, “devil” is denominated Abaddon; in
 the Greek, Apollyon, serpent, liar, the god of this world,
30 etc. The apostle Paul refers to this personality of evil
 as “the god of this world;” and then defines this god

Page 191

1 as “dishonesty, craftiness, handling the word of God
 deceitfully.” The Hebrew embodies the term “devil”
 in another term, serpent, — which the senses are supposed
 to take in, — and then defines this serpent as “more
5 subtle than all the beasts of the field.” Subsequently,
 the ancients changed the meaning of the term, to their
 sense, and then the serpent became a symbol of wisdom.

 The Scripture in John, sixth chapter and seventieth
 verse, refers to a wicked man as the devil: “Have not
10 I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” Accord-
 ing to the Scripture, if devil is an individuality, there is
 more than one devil. In Mark, ninth chapter and thirty-
 eighth verse, it reads: “Master, we saw one casting out
 devils in thy name.” Here is an assertion indicating
15 the existence of more than one devil; and by omitting the
 first letter, the name of his satanic majesty is found
 to be evils, apparent wrong traits, that Christ, Truth,
 casts out. By no possible interpretation can this passage
 mean several individuals cast out of another individual
20 no bigger than themselves. The term, being here em-
 ployed in its plural number, destroys all consistent sup-
 position of the existence of one personal devil. Again,
 our text refers to the devil as dumb; but the original
 devil was a great talker, and was supposed to have out-
25 talked even Truth, and carried the question with Eve.
 Also, the original texts define him as an “accuser,” a
 “calumniator,” which would be impossible if he were
 speechless. These two opposite characters ascribed to
 him could only be possible as evil beliefs, as different
30 phases of sin or disease made manifest.

 Let us obey St. Paul’s injunction to reject fables, and
 accept the Scriptures in their broader, more spiritual

Page 192

1 and practical sense. When we speak of a good man, we
 do not mean that man is God because the Hebrew term
 for Deity was “good,” and vice versa; so, when referring
 to a liar, we mean not that he is a personal devil, because
5 the original text defines devil as a “liar.”

 It is of infinite importance to man’s spiritual progress,
 and to his demonstration of Truth in casting out error,
 —sickness, sin, disease, and death, in all their forms,—
 that the terms and nature of Deity and devil be understood.

 He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and
 greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

 JOHN xiv. 12.

 Such are the words of him who spake divinely, well
 knowing the omnipotence of Truth. The Hebrew bard
15 saith, “His name shall endure forever: His name shall
 be continued as long as the sun.” Luminous with the
 light of divine Science, his words reveal the great Principle
 of a full salvation. Neither can we question the practi-
 cability of the divine Word, who have learned its adapta-
20 bility to human needs, and man’s ability to prove the
 truth of prophecy.

 The fulfilment of the grand verities of Christian healing
 belongs to every period; as the above Scripture plainly
 declares, and as primitive Christianity confirms. Also,
25 the last chapter of Mark is emphatic on this subject;
 making healing a condition of salvation, that extends to
 all ages and throughout all Christendom. Nothing can
 be more conclusive than this: “And these signs shall
 follow them that believe; … they shall lay hands on
30 the sick, and they shall recover.” This declaration of
 our Master settles the question; else we are entertaining

Page 193

1 the startling inquiries, Are the Scriptures inspired? Are
 they true? Did Jesus mean what he said?

 If this be the cavil, we reply in the affirmative that the
 Scripture is true; that Jesus did mean all, and even more
5 than he said or deemed it safe to say at that time. His
 words are unmistakable, for they form propositions of
 self-evident demonstrable truth. Doctrines that deny
 the substance and practicality of all Christ’s teachings
 cannot be evangelical; and evangelical religion can be
10 established on no other claim than the authenticity of
 the Gospels, which support unequivocally the proof that
 Christian Science, as defined and practised by Jesus,
 heals the sick, casts out error, and will destroy death.

 Referring to The Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,
15 of which I am pastor, a certain clergyman charitably
 expressed it, “the so-called Christian Scientists.”

 I am thankful even for his allusion to truth; it being
 a modification of silence on this subject, and also of what
 had been said when critics attacked me for supplying the
20 word Science to Christianity, — a word which the people
 are now adopting.

 The next step for ecclesiasticism to take, is to admit
 that all Christians are properly called Scientists who
 follow the commands of our Lord and His Christ, Truth;
25 and that no one is following his full command without
 this enlarged sense of the spirit and power of Christianity.
 “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do,”
 is a radical and unmistakable declaration of the right and
 power of Christianity to heal; for this is Christlike,
30 and includes the understanding of man’s capabilities and
 spiritual power. The condition insisted upon is, first,
 “belief;” the Hebrew of which implies understanding.

Page 194

1 How many to-day believe that the power of God equals
 even the power of a drug to heal the sick! Divine Science
 reveals the Principle of this power, and the rule whereby
 sin, sickness, disease, and death are destroyed; and God
5 is this Principle. Let us, then, seek this Science; that we
 may know Him better, and love Him more.

 Though a man were begirt with the Urim and Thum-
 mim of priestly office, yet should deny the validity or
 permanence of Christ’s command to heal in all ages,
10 this denial would dishonor that office and misinterpret
 evangelical religion. Divine Science is not an interpo-
 lation of the Scriptures, but is redolent with love, health,
 and holiness, for the whole human race. It only needs
 the prism of this Science to divide the rays of Truth, and
15 bring out the entire hues of Deity, which scholastic theol-
 ogy has hidden. The lens of Science magnifies the divine
 power to human sight; and we then see the supremacy
 of Spirit and the nothingness of matter.

 The context of the foregoing Scriptural text explains
20 Jesus’ words, “because I go unto my Father.” “Because”
 in following him, you understand God and how to turn
 from matter to Spirit for healing; how to leave self, the
 sense material, for the sense spiritual; how to accept
 God’s power and guidance, and become imbued with
25 divine Love that casts out all fear. Then are you bap-
 tized in the Truth that destroys all error, and you receive
 the sense of Life that knows no death, and you know that
 God is the only Life.

 To reach the consummate naturalness of the Life that
30 is God, good, we must comply with the first condition
 set forth in the text, namely, believe; in other words,
 understand God sufficiently to exclude all faith in any

Page 195

1 other remedy than Christ, the Truth that antidotes all
 error. Thence will follow the absorption of all action,
 motive, and mind, into the rules and divine Principle of
 metaphysical healing.

5 Whosoever learns the letter of Christian Science but
 possesses not its spirit, is unable to demonstrate this
 Science; or whosoever hath the spirit without the letter,
 is held back by reason of the lack of understanding. Both
 the spirit and the letter are requisite; and having these,
10 every one can prove, in some degree, the validity of those
 words of the great Master, “For the Son of man is come
 to save that which was lost.”

 It has been said that the New Testament does not au-
 thorize us to expect the ministry of healing at this period.

15 We ask what is the authority for such a conclusion,
 the premises whereof are not to be found in the Scriptures.
 The Master’s divine logic, as seen in our text, contradicts
 this inference, — these are his words: “He that believeth
 on me, the works that I do shall he do also.” That per-
20 fect syllogism of Jesus has but one correct premise and
 conclusion, and it cannot fall to the ground beneath the
 stroke of unskilled swordsmen. He who never unsheathed
 his blade to try the edge of truth in Christian Science, is
 unequal to the conflict, and unfit to judge in the case;
25 the shepherd’s sling would slay this Goliath. I once be-
 lieved that the practice and teachings of Jesus relative to
 healing the sick, were spiritual abstractions, impractical
 and impossible to us; but deed, not creed, and practice
 more than theory, have given me a higher sense of
30 Christianity.

 The “I” will go to the Father when meekness, purity,
 and love, informed by divine Science, the Comforter,

Page 196

1 lead to the one God: then the ego is found not in
 matter but in Mind, for there is but one God, one
 Mind; and man will then claim no mind apart from God.
 Idolatry, the supposition of the existence of many minds
5 and more than one God, has repeated itself in all manner
 of subtleties through the entire centuries, saying as in
 the beginning, “Believe in me, and I will make you as
 gods;” that is, I will give you a separate mind from God
 (good), named evil; and this so-called mind shall open
10 your eyes and make you know evil, and thus become
 material, sensual, evil. But bear in mind that a serpent
 said that; therefore that saying came not from Mind,
 good, or Truth. God was not the author of it; hence the
 words of our Master: “He is a liar, and the father of it;”
15 also, the character of the votaries to “other gods” which
 sprung from it.

 The sweet, sacred sense and permanence of man’s
 unity with his Maker, in Science, illumines our present
 existence with the ever-presence and power of God, good.
20 It opens wide the portals of salvation from sin, sickness,
 and death. When the Life that is God, good, shall ap-
 pear, “we shall be like Him;” we shall do the works of
 Christ, and, in the words of David, “the stone which the
 builders refused is become the head stone of the corner,”
25 because the “I” does go unto the Father, the ego does
 arise to spiritual recognition of being, and is exalted,—
 not through death, but Life, God understood.

 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. — ACTS
 xvi. 31.

30 The Scriptures require more than a simple admission
 and feeble acceptance of the truths they present; they

Page 197

1 require a living faith, that so incorporates their lessons
 into our lives that these truths become the motive-power
 of every act.

 ur chosen text is one more frequently used than
5 many others, perhaps, to exhort people to turn from sin
 and to strive after holiness; but we fear the full import
 of this text is not yet recognized. It means a full salva-
 tion, — man saved from sin, sickness, and death; for,
 unless this be so, no man can be wholly fitted for heaven
10 in the way which Jesus marked out and bade his followers

 In order to comprehend the meaning of the text, let
 us see what it is to believe. It means more than an opinion
 entertained concerning Jesus as a man, as the Son of God,
15 or as God; such an action of mind would be of no more
 help to save from sin, than would a belief in any historical
 event or person. But it does mean so to understand the
 beauty of holiness, the character and divinity which Jesus
 presented in his power to heal and to save, that it will
20 compel us to pattern after both; in other words, to “let
 this Mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”
 (Phil. ii. 5.)

 Mortal man believes in, but does not understand life
 in, Christ. He believes there is another power or intelli-
25 gence that rules over a kingdom of its own, that is both
 good and evil; yea, that is divided against itself, and there-
 fore cannot stand. This belief breaks the First Command-
 ment of God.

 Let man abjure a theory that is in opposition to God,
30 recognize God as omnipotent, having all-power; and,
 placing his trust in this grand Truth, and working from
 no other Principle, he can neither be sick nor forever a

Page 198

1 sinner. When wholly governed by the one perfect Mind,
 man has no sinful thoughts and will have no desire
 to sin.

 To arrive at this point of unity of Spirit, God, one must
5 commence by turning away from material gods; denying
 material so-called laws and material sensation, — or mind
 in matter, in its varied forms of pleasure and pain. This
 must be done with the understanding that matter has no
 sense; thus it is that consciousness silences the mortal
10 claim to life, substance, or mind in matter, with the words
 of Jesus: “When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his
 own.” (John viii. 44.)

 When tempted to sin, we should know that evil pro-
 ceedeth not from God, good, but is a false belief of the
15 personal senses; and if we deny the claims of these senses
 and recognize man as governed by God, Spirit, not by
 material laws, the temptation will disappear.

 On this Principle, disease also is treated and healed.
 We know that man’s body, as matter, has no power to
20 govern itself; and a belief of disease is as much the prod-
 uct of mortal thought as sin is. All suffering is the fruit
 of the tree of the knowledge of both good and evil; of
 adherence to the “doubleminded” senses, to some belief,
 fear, theory, or bad deed, based on physical material law,
25 so-called as opposed to good, — all of which is corrected
 alone by Science, divine Principle, and its spiritual laws.
 Suffering is the supposition of another intelligence than
 God; a belief in self-existent evil, opposed to good; and
 in whatever seems to punish man for doing good,—
30 by saying he has overworked, suffered from inclement
 weather, or violated a law of matter in doing good, there-
 fore he must suffer for it.

Page 199

1 God does not reward benevolence and love with pen-
 alties; and because of this, we have the right to deny the
 supposed power of matter to do it, and to allege that only
 mortal, erring mind can claim to do thus, and dignify the
5 result with the name of law: thence comes man’s ability
 to annul his own erring mental law, and to hold himself
 amenable only to moral and spiritual law, — God’s gov-
 ernment. By so doing, male and female come into their
 rightful heritage, “into the glorious liberty of the children
10 of God.”

 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities,
 in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake.
—2 COR.
 xii. 10.

 The miracles recorded in the Scriptures illustrate the
15 life of Jesus as nothing else can; but they cost him the
 hatred of the rabbis. The rulers sought the life of Jesus;
 they would extinguish whatever denied and defied their
 superstition. We learn somewhat of the qualities of the
 divine Mind through the human Jesus. The power of
20 his transcendent goodness is manifest in the control it
 gave him over the qualities opposed to Spirit which mor-
 tals name matter.

 The Principle of these marvellous works is divine; but
 the actor was human. This divine Principle is discerned
25 in Christian Science, as we advance in the spiritual under-
 standing that all substance, Life, and intelligence are
 God. The so-called miracles contained in Holy Writ are
 neither supernatural nor preternatural; for God is good,
 and goodness is more natural than evil. The marvellous
30 healing-power of goodness is the outflowing life of Chris-
 tianity, and it characterized and dated the Christian era.

Page 200

1 It was the consummate naturalness of Truth in the
 mind of Jesus, that made his healing easy and instan-
 taneous. Jesus regarded good as the normal state of man,
 and evil as the abnormal; holiness, life, and health as
5 the better representatives of God than sin, disease, and
 death. The master Metaphysician understood omnipo-
 tence to be All-power: because Spirit was to him All-
 in-all, matter was palpably an error of premise and
 conclusion, while God was the only substance, Life,
10 and intelligence of man.

 The apostle Paul insists on the rare rule in Christian
 Science that we have chosen for a text; a rule that is sus-
 ceptible of proof, and is applicable to every stage and
 state of human existence. The divine Science of this rule
15 is quite as remote from the general comprehension of man-
 kind as are the so-called miracles of our Master, and for
 the sole reason that it is their basis. The foundational
 facts of Christian Science are gathered from the supremacy
 of spiritual law and its antagonism to every supposed ma-
20 terial law. Christians to-day should be able to say, with
 the sweet sincerity of the apostle, “I take pleasure in
 infirmities,” — I enjoy the touch of weakness, pain, and
 all suffering of the flesh, because it compels me to seek the
 remedy for it, and to find happiness, apart from the per-
25 sonal senses. The holy calm of Paul’s well-tried hope
 met no obstacle or circumstances paramount to the tri-
 umph of a reasonable faith in the omnipotence of good,
 involved in its divine Principle, God: the so-called pains
 and pleasures of matter were alike unreal to Jesus; for he
30 regarded matter as only a vagary of mortal belief, and sub-
 dued it with this understanding.

 The abstract statement that all is Mind, supports the

Page 201

1 entire wisdom of the text; and this statement receives
 the mortal scoff only because it meets the immortal de-
 mands of Truth. The Science of Paul’s declaration re-
 solves the element misnamed matter into its original sin,
5 or human will; that will which would oppose bringing the
 qualities of Spirit into subjection to Spirit. Sin brought
 death; and death is an element of matter, or material
 falsity, never of Spirit.

 When Jesus reproduced his body after its burial, he
10 revealed the myth or material falsity of evil; its power-
 lessness to destroy good, and the omnipotence of the
 Mind that knows this: he also showed forth the error
 and nothingness of supposed life in matter, and the great
 somethingness of the good we possess, which is of Spirit,
15 and immortal.

 Understanding this, Paul took pleasure in infirmities,
 for it enabled him to triumph over them, — he declared
 that “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath
 made me free from the law of sin and death;” he took
20 pleasure in “reproaches” and “persecutions,” because
 they were so many proofs that he had wrought the prob-
 lem of being beyond the common apprehension of sinners;
 he took pleasure in “necessities,” for they tested and de-
 veloped latent power.

25 We protect our dwellings more securely after a robbery,
 and our jewels have been stolen; so, after losing those
 jewels of character, — temperance, virtue, and truth,—
 the young man is awakened to bar his door against further

30 Go to the bedside of pain, and there you can demon-
 strate the triumph of good that has pleasure in infirmities;
 because it illustrates through the flesh the divine power

Page 202

1 of Spirit, and reaches the basis of all supposed miracles;
 whereby the sweet harmonies of Christian Science are
 found to correct the discords of sense, and to lift man’s
 being into the sunlight of Soul.

5 “The chamber where the good man meets his fate
 Is privileged beyond the walks of common life,
 Quite on the verge of heaven.”

Chapter 7 — Pond and Purpose

Page 203

1 Beloved Students: — In thanking you for your
 gift of the pretty pond contributed to Pleasant View,
 in Concord, New Hampshire, I make no distinction be-
 tween my students and your students; for here, thine
5 becomes mine through gratitude and affection.

 From my tower window, as I look on this smile of
 Christian Science, this gift from my students and their
 students, it will always mirror their love, loyalty, and
 good works. Solomon saith, “As in water face answereth
10 to face, so the heart of man to man.”

 The waters that run among the valleys, and that
 you have coaxed in their course to call on me, have
 served the imagination for centuries. Theology religiously
 bathes in water, medicine applies it physically, hydrology
15 handles it with so-called science, and metaphysics appro-
 priates it topically as type and shadow. Metaphysically,
 baptism serves to rebuke the senses and illustrate Christian

 First: The baptism of repentance is indeed a stricken
20 state of human consciousness, wherein mortals gain
 severe views of themselves; a state of mind which rends
 the veil that hides mental deformity. Tears flood the eyes,

Page 204

1 agony struggles, pride rebels, and a mortal seems a
 monster, a dark, impenetrable cloud of error; and falling
 on the bended knee of prayer, humble before God, he
 cries, “Save, or I perish.” Thus Truth, searching the
5 heart, neutralizes and destroys error.

 This mental period is sometimes chronic, but oftener
 acute. It is attended throughout with doubt, hope, sorrow,
 joy, defeat, and triumph. When the good fight is fought,
 error yields up its weapons and kisses the feet of Love,
10 while white-winged peace sings to the heart a song of

 Second: The baptism of the Holy Ghost is the spirit
 of Truth cleansing from all sin; giving mortals new
 motives, new purposes, new affections, all pointing up-
15 ward. This mental condition settles into strength, free-
 dom, deep-toned faith in God; and a marked loss of faith
 in evil, in human wisdom, human policy, ways, and means.
 It develops individual capacity, increases the intellectual
 activities, and so quickens moral sensibility that the
20 great demands of spiritual sense are recognized, and they
 rebuke the material senses, holding sway over human

 By purifying human thought, this state of mind per-
 meates with increased harmony all the minutiae of human
25 affairs. It brings with it wonderful foresight, wisdom,
 and power; it unselfs the mortal purpose, gives steadi-
 ness to resolve, and success to endeavor. Through the
 accession of spirituality, God, the divine Principle of
 Christian Science, literally governs the aims, ambition,
30 and acts of the Scientist. The divine ruling gives prudence
 and energy; it banishes forever all envy, rivalry,
 evil thinking, evil speaking and acting; and mortal

Page 205

1 mind, thus purged, obtains peace and power outside of

 This practical Christian Science is the divine Mind,
 the incorporeal Truth and Love, shining through the mists
5 of materiality and melting away the shadows called sin,
 disease, and death.

 In mortal experience, the fire of repentance first sepa-
 rates the dross from the gold, and reformation brings
 the light which dispels darkness. Thus the operation
10 of the spirit of Truth and Love on the human thought,
 in the words of St. John, “shall take of mine and show it
 unto you.”

 Third: The baptism of Spirit, or final immersion of
 human consciousness in the infinite ocean of Love, is the
15 last scene in corporeal sense. This omnipotent act drops
 the curtain on material man and mortality. After this,
 man’s identity or consciousness reflects only Spirit, good,
 whose visible being is invisible to the physical senses: eye
 hath not seen it, inasmuch as it is the disembodied in-
20 dividual Spirit-substance and consciousness termed in
 Christian metaphysics the ideal man — forever permeated
 with eternal life, holiness, heaven. This order of Science
 is the chain of ages, which maintain their obvious corre-
 spondence, and unites all periods in the divine design.
25 Mortal man’s repentance and absolute abandonment of
 sin finally dissolves all supposed material life or physical
 sensation, and the corporeal or mortal man disappears
 forever. The encumbering mortal molecules, called man,
 vanish as a dream; but man born of the great Forever,
30 lives on, God-crowned and blest.

 Mortals who on the shores of time learn Christian
 Science, and live what they learn, take rapid transit to

Page 206

1 heaven, — the hinge on which have turned all revolu-
 tions, natural, civil, or religious, the former being servant
 to the latter, — from flux to permanence, from foul to
 pure, from torpid to serene, from extremes to intermediate.
5 Above the waves of Jordan, dashing against the receding
 shore, is heard the Father and Mother’s welcome, saying
 forever to the baptized of Spirit: “This is my beloved
 Son.” What but divine Science can interpret man’s
 eternal existence, God’s allness, and the scientific inde-
10 structibility of the universe?

 The advancing stages of Christian Science are gained
 through growth, not accretion; idleness is the foe of
 progress. And scientific growth manifests no weakness,
 no emasculation, no illusive vision, no dreamy absentness,
15 no insubordination to the laws that be, no loss nor lack
 of what constitutes true manhood.

 Growth is governed by intelligence; by the active,
 all-wise, law-creating, law-disciplining, law-abiding Prin-
 ciple, God. The real Christian Scientist is constantly
20 accentuating harmony in word and deed, mentally and
 orally, perpetually repeating this diapason of heaven:
 “Good is my God, and my God is good. Love is my God,
 and my God is Love.”

 Beloved students, you have entered the path. Press
25 patiently on; God is good, and good is the reward of all
 who diligently seek God. Your growth will be rapid, if
 you love good supremely, and understand and obey the
 Way-shower, who, going before you, has scaled the steep
 ascent of Christian Science, stands upon the mount of
30 holiness, the dwelling-place of our God, and bathes in the
 baptismal font of eternal Love.

 As you journey, and betimes sigh for rest “beside the

Page 207

1 still waters,” ponder this lesson of love. Learn its pur-
 pose;and in hope and faith, where heart meets heart
 reciprocally blest, drink with me the living waters of the
 spirit of my life-purpose, — to impress humanity with
5 the genuine recognition of practical, operative Christian

Page 208

Precept on Precept

“Thy Will Be Done”

 This is the law of Truth to error, “Thou shalt surely
 die.” This law is a divine energy. Mortals cannot
 prevent the fulfilment of this law; it covers all sin and
5 its effects. God is All, and by virtue of this nature and
 allness He is cognizant only of good. Like a legislative
 bill that governs millions of mortals whom the legislators
 know not, the universal law of God has no knowledge
 of evil, and enters unconsciously the human heart and
10 governs it.

 Mortals have only to submit to the law of God, come
 into sympathy with it, and to let His will be done. This
 unbroken motion of the law of divine Love gives, to the
 weary and heavy-laden, rest. But who is willing to do
15 His will or to let it be done? Mortals obey their own
 wills, and so disobey the divine order.

 All states and stages of human error are met and
 mastered by divine Truth’s negativing error in the way
 of God’s appointing. Those “whom the Lord loveth He
20 chasteneth.” His rod brings to view His love, and inter-
 prets to mortals the gospel of healing. David said, “Be-
 fore I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I
 kept Thy word.” He who knows the end from the be-

Page 209

1 ginning, attaches to sin due penalties as its antidotes and

 Who art thou, vain mortal, that usurpest the preroga-
 tive of divine wisdom, and wouldst teach God not to punish
5 sin? that wouldst shut the mouth of His prophets,
 and cry, “Peace, peace; when there is no peace,” — yea,
 that healest the wounds of my people slightly?

 The Principle of divine Science being Love, the divine
 rule of this Principle demonstrates Love, and proves that
10 human belief fulfils the law of belief, and dies of its own
 physics. Metaphysics also demonstrates this Principle of
 cure when sin is self-destroyed. Short-sighted physics
 admits the so-called pains of matter that destroy its more
 dangerous pleasures.

15 Insomnia compels mortals to learn that neither obliv-
 ion nor dreams can recuperate the life of man, whose
 Life is God, for God neither slumbers nor sleeps. The
 loss of gustatory enjoyment and the ills of indigestion
 tend to rebuke appetite and destroy the peace of a false
20 sense. False pleasure will be, is, chastened; it has no
 right to be at peace. To suffer for having “other gods
 before me,” is divinely wise. Evil passions die in their
 own flames, but are punished before extinguished. Peace
 has no foothold on the false basis that evil should be
25 concealed and that life and happiness should still attend
 it. Joy is self-sustained; goodness and blessedness are
 one: suffering is self-inflicted, and good is the master of

 To this scientific logic and the logic of events, egotism
30 and false charity say, “ ‘Not so, Lord;’ it is wise to
 cover iniquity and punish it not, then shall mortals have
 peace.” Divine Love, as unconscious as incapable of

Page 210

1 error, pursues the evil that hideth itself, strips off its
 disguises, and — behold the result: evil, uncovered, is

 Christian Science never healed a patient without prov-
5 ing with mathematical certainty that error, when found
 out, is two-thirds destroyed, and the remaining third
 kills itself. Do men whine over a nest of serpents, and
 post around it placards warning people not to stir up
 these reptiles because they have stings? Christ said,
10 “They shall take up serpents;” and, “Be ye therefore
 wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” The wisdom
 of a serpent is to hide itself. The wisdom of God, as
 revealed in Christian Science, brings the serpent out of
 its hole, handles it, and takes away its sting. Good deeds
15 are harmless. He who has faith in woman’s special adapt-
 ability to lead on Christian Science, will not be shocked
 when she puts her foot on the head of the serpent, as it
 biteth at the heel.

 Intemperance begets a belief of disordered brains,
20 membranes, stomach, and nerves; and this belief serves
 to uncover and kill this lurking serpent, intemperance,
 that hides itself under the false pretense of human need,
 innocent enjoyment, and a medical prescription. The
 belief in venereal diseases tears the black mask from the
25 shameless brow of licentiousness, torments its victim, and
 thus may save him from his destroyer.

 Charity has the courage of conviction; it may suffer
 long, but has neither the cowardice nor the foolhardiness
 to cover iniquity. Charity is Love; and Love opens
30 the eyes of the blind, rebukes error, and casts it out.
 Charity never flees before error, lest it should suffer
 from an encounter. Love your enemies, or you will not

Page 211

1 lose them; and if you love them, you will help to reform

 Christ points the way of salvation. His mode is not
 cowardly, uncharitable, nor unwise, but it teaches mor-
5 tals to handle serpents and cast out evil. Our own vision
 must be clear to open the eyes of others, else the blind
 will lead the blind and both shall fall. The sickly charity
 that supplies criminals with bouquets has been dealt
 with summarily by the good judgment of people in
10 the old Bay State. Inhuman medical bills, class legisla-
 tion, and Salem witchcraft, are not indigenous to her

 “Out of the depths have I delivered thee.” The
 drowning man just rescued from the merciless wave is
15 unconscious of suffering. Why, then, do you break his
 peace and cause him to suffer in coming to life? Because
 you wish to save him from death. Then, if a criminal
 is at peace, is he not to be pitied and brought back to
 life? Or, are you afraid to do this lest he suffer, trample
20 on your pearls of thought, and turn on you and rend you?
 Cowardice is selfishness. When one protects himself at
 his neighbor’s cost, let him remember, “Whosoever will
 save his life shall lose it.” He risks nothing who obeys
 the law of God, and shall find the Life that cannot be
25 lost.

 Our Master said, “Ye shall drink indeed of my cup.”
 Jesus stormed sin in its citadels and kept peace with
 God. He drank this cup giving thanks, and he said to
 his followers, “Drink ye all of it,” — drink it all, and let
30 all drink of it. He lived the spirit of his prayer, — “Thy
 kingdom come.” Shall we repeat our Lord’s Prayer
 when the heart denies it, refuses to bear the cross and

Page 212

1 to fulfil the conditions of our petition? Human policy
 is a fool that saith in his heart, “No God” — a caressing
 Judas that betrays you, and commits suicide. This god-
 less policy never knows what happiness is, and how it is
5 obtained.

 Jesus did his work, and left his glorious career for our
 example. On the shore of Gennesaret he tersely re-
 minded his students of their worldly policy. They had
 suffered, and seen their error. This experience caused
10 them to remember the reiterated warning of their Mas-
 ter and cast their nets on the right side. When they
 were fit to be blest, they received the blessing. The
 ultimatum of their human sense of ways and means
 ought to silence ours. One step away from the direct
15 line of divine Science cost them — what? A speedy re-
 turn under the reign of difficulties, darkness, and unre-
 quited toil.

 The currents of human nature rush in against the right
 course; health, happiness, and life flow not into one of
20 their channels. The law of Love saith, “Not my will,
 but Thine, be done,” and Christian Science proves that
 human will is lost in the divine; and Love, the white
 Christ, is the remunerator.

 If, consciously or unconsciously, one is at work in a
25 wrong direction, who will step forward and open his
 eyes to see this error? He who is a Christian Scientist,
 who has cast the beam out of his own eye, speaks plainly
 to the offender and tries to show his errors to him before
 letting another know it.

30 Pitying friends took down from the cross the fainting
 form of Jesus, and buried it out of their sight. His dis-
 ciples, who had not yet drunk of his cup, lost sight of

Page 213

1 him; they could not behold his immortal being in the
 form of Godlikeness.

 All that I have written, taught, or lived, that is good,
 flowed through cross-bearing, self-forgetfulness, and my
5 faith in the right. Suffering or Science, or both, in the
 proportion that their instructions are assimilated, will
 point the way, shorten the process, and consummate the
 joys of acquiescence in the methods of divine Love. The
 Scripture saith, “He that covereth his sins shall not pros-
10 per.” No risk is so stupendous as to neglect opportuni-
 ties which God giveth, and not to forewarn and forearm
 our fellow-mortals against the evil which, if seen, can
 be destroyed.

 May my friends and my enemies so profit by these
15 waymarks, that what has chastened and illumined
 another’s way may perfect their own lives by gentle
 benedictions. In every age, the pioneer reformer must
 pass through a baptism of fire. But the faithful adher-
 ents of Truth have gone on rejoicing. Christian Science
20 gives a fearless wing and firm foundation. These are
 its inspiring tones from the lips of our Master, “My
 sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow
 me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall
 never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of
25 my hand.” He is but “an hireling” who fleeth when he
 seeth the wolf coming.

 Loyal Christian Scientists, be of good cheer: the night
 is far spent, the day dawns; God’s universal kingdom
 will appear, Love will reign in every heart, and His will
30 be done on earth as in heaven.

Page 214

Put Up Thy Sword”

 While Jesus’ life was full of Love, and a demonstra-
 tion of Love, it appeared hate to the carnal mind, or
 mortal thought, of his time. He said, “Think not that
5 I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send
 peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at
 variance against his father, and the daughter against her
 mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-
 law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own house-
10 hold.”

 This action of Jesus was stimulated by the same Love
 that closed — to the senses — that wondrous life, and
 that summed up its demonstration in the command,
 “Put up thy sword.” The very conflict his Truth brought,
15 in accomplishing its purpose of Love, meant, all
 the way through, “Put up thy sword;” but the sword
 must have been drawn before it could be returned into
 the scabbard.

 My students need to search the Scriptures and “Science
20 and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” to understand
 the personal Jesus’ labor in the flesh for their salvation:
 they need to do this even to understand my works, their
 motives, aims, and tendency.

 The attitude of mortal mind in being healed morally,
25 is the same as its attitude physically. The Christian
 Scientist cannot heal the sick, and take error along with
 Truth, either in the recognition or approbation of it.
 This would prevent the possibility of destroying the
 tares: they must be separated from the wheat before
30 they can be burned, and Jesus foretold the harvest hour

Page 215

1 and the final destruction of error through this very pro-
 cess, — the sifting and the fire. The tendency of mortal
 mind is to go from one extreme to another: Truth comes
 into the intermediate space, saying, “I wound to heal;
5 I punish to reform; I do it all in love; my peace I leave
 with thee: not as the world giveth, give I unto thee.
 Arise, let us go hence; let us depart from the material
 sense of God’s ways and means, and gain a spiritual
 understanding of them.”

10 But let us not seek to climb up some other way, as we
 shall do if we take the end for the beginning or start
 from wrong motives. Christian Science demands order
 and truth. To abide by these we must first understand
 the Principle and object of our work, and be clear that
15 it is Love, peace, and good will toward men. Then we
 shall demonstrate the Principle in the way of His ap-
 pointment, and not according to the infantile concep-
 tion of our way; as when a child in sleep walks on the
 summit of the roof of the house because he is a som-
20 nambulist, and thinks he is where he is not, and would
 fall immediately if he knew where he was and what he
 was doing.

 My students are at the beginning of their demonstra-
 tion; they have a long warfare with error in themselves
25 and in others to finish, and they must at this stage use
 the sword of Spirit.

 They cannot in the beginning take the attitude, nor
 adopt the words, that Jesus used at the end of his

30 If you would follow in his footsteps, you must not try
 to gather the harvest while the corn is in the blade, nor
 yet when it is in the ear; a wise spiritual discernment

Page 216

1 must be used in your application of his words and infer-
 ence from his acts, to guide your own state of combat
 with error. There remaineth, it is true, a Sabbath rest
 for the people of God; but we must first have done our
5 work, and entered into our rest, as the Scriptures give

Scientific Theism

 In the May number of our Journal, there appeared a
 review of, and some extracts from, “Scientific Theism,”
10 by Phare Pleigh.

 Now, Phare Pleigh evidently means more than “hands
 off.” A live lexicographer, given to the Anglo-Saxon
 tongue, might add to the above definition the “laying
 on of hands,” as well. Whatever his nom de plume
15 means, an acquaintance with the author justifies one
 in the conclusion that he is a power in criticism, a
 big protest against injustice; but, the best may be

 One of these extracts is the story of the Cheshire Cat,
20 which “vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end
 of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained
 some time after the rest of it had gone.” Was this a witty
 or a happy hit at idealism, to illustrate the author’s fol-
 lowing point? —

25 “When philosophy becomes fairy-land, in which neither
 laws of nature nor the laws of reason hold good, the
 attempt of phenomenism to conceive the universe as a
 phenomenon without a noumenon may succeed, but not
 before; for it is an attempt to conceive a grin without
30 a cat.”

Page 217

1 True idealism is a divine Science, which combines in
 logical sequence, nature, reason, and revelation. An
 effect without a cause is inconceivable; neither philoso-
 phy nor reason attempts to find one; but all should con-
5 ceive and understand that Spirit cannot become less than
 Spirit; hence that the universe of God is spiritual, — even
 the ideal world whose cause is the self-created Principle,
 with which its ideal or phenomenon must correspond in
 quality and quantity.

10 The fallacy of an unscientific statement is this: that
 matter and Spirit are one and eternal; or, that the phe-
 nomenon of Spirit is the antipode of Spirit, namely, mat-
 ter. Nature declares, throughout the mineral, vegetable,
 and animal kingdoms, that the specific nature of all things
15 is unchanged, and that nature is constituted of and by

 Sensuous and material realistic views presuppose that
 nature is matter, and that Deity is a finite person con-
 taining infinite Mind; and that these opposites, in sup-
20 positional unity and personality, produce matter, — a
 third quality unlike God. Again, that matter is both
 cause and effect, but that the effect is antagonistic to its
 cause; that death is at war with Life, evil with good, —
 and man a rebel against his Maker. This is neither
25 Science nor theism. According to Holy Writ, it is a
 kingdom divided against itself, that shall be brought
 to desolation.

 The nature of God must change in order to become
 matter, or to become both finite and infinite; and matter
30 must disappear, for Spirit to appear. To the material
 sense, everything is matter; but spiritualize human
 thought, and our convictions change: for spiritual sense

Page 218

1 takes in new views, in which nature becomes Spirit; and
 Spirit is God, and God is good. Science unfolds the fact
 that Deity was forever Mind, Spirit; that matter never
 produced Mind, and vice versa.

5 The visible universe declares the invisible only by re-
 version, as error declares Truth. The testimony of mate-
 rial sense in relation to existence is false; for matter can
 neither see, hear, nor feel, and mortal mind must change
 all its conceptions of life, substance, and intelligence,
10 before it can reach the immortality of Mind and its ideas.
 It is erroneous to accept the evidence of the material
 senses whence to reason out God, when it is conceded
 that the five personal senses can take no cognizance of
 Spirit or of its phenomena. False realistic views sap the
15 Science of Principle and idea; they make Deity unreal
 and inconceivable, either as mind or matter; but Truth
 comes to the rescue of reason and immortality, and unfolds
 the real nature of God and the universe to the spiri-
 ual sense, which beareth witness of things spiritual, and
20 not material.

 To begin with, the notion of Spirit as cause and end,
 with matter as its effect, is more ridiculous than the “grin
 without a cat;” for a grin expresses the nature of a cat,
 and this nature may linger in memory: but matter does
25 not express the nature of Spirit, and matter’s graven
 grins are neither eliminated nor retained by Spirit. What
 can illustrate Dr. ——’s views better than Pat’s echo,
 when he said “How do you do?” and echo answered,
 “Pretty well, I thank you!”

30 Dr. —— says: “The recognition of teleology in nature
 is necessarily the recognition of purely spiritual personality
 in God.”

Page 219

1 According to lexicography, teleology is the science of
 the final cause of things; and divine Science (and all
 Science is divine) neither reveals God in matter, cause
 in effect, nor teaches that nature and her laws are the
5 material universe, or that the personality of infinite Spirit
 is finite or material. Jesus said, “Ye do err, not know-
 ing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.” Now, what
 saith the Scripture? “God is a Spirit: and they that
 worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in
10 truth.”

Mental Practice

 It is admitted that mortals think wickedly and act
 wickedly: it is beginning to be seen by thinkers, that
 mortals think also after a sickly fashion. In common
15 parlance, one person feels sick, another feels wicked. A
 third person knows that if he would remove this feeling
 in either case, in the one he must change his patient’s
 consciousness of dis-ease and suffering to a consciousness
 of ease and loss of suffering; while in the other he must
20 change the patient’s sense of sinning at ease to a sense of
 discomfort in sin and peace in goodness.

 This is Christian Science: that mortal mind makes
 sick, and immortal Mind makes well; that mortal mind
 makes sinners, while immortal Mind makes saints; that
25 a state of health is but a state of consciousness made mani-
 fest on the body, and vice versa; that while one person
 feels wickedly and acts wickedly, another knows that if
 he can change this evil sense and consciousness to a good
 sense, or conscious goodness, the fruits of goodness will
30 follow, and he has reformed the sinner.

Page 220

1 Now, demonstrate this rule, which obtains in every
 line of mental healing, and you will find that a good rule
 works one way, and a false rule the opposite way.

 Let us suppose that there is a sick person whom an-
5 other would heal mentally. The healer begins by mental
 argument. He mentally says, “You are well, and you
 know it;” and he supports this silent mental force by
 audible explanation, attestation, and precedent. His
 mental and oral arguments aim to refute the sick man’s
10 thoughts, words, and actions, in certain directions, and
 turn them into channels of Truth. He persists in this
 course until the patient’s mind yields, and the harmonious
 thought has the full control over this mind on the point
 at issue. The end is attained, and the patient says and
15 feels, “I am well, and I know it.”

 This mental practitioner has changed his patient’s
 consciousness from sickness to health. The patient’s
 mental state is now the diametrical opposite of what it
 was when the mental practitioner undertook to transform
20 it, and he is improved morally and physically.

 That this mental method has power and bears fruit,
 is patent both to the conscientious Christian Scientist and
 the observer. Both should understand with equal clear-
 ness, that if this mental process and power be reversed,
25 and people believe that a man is sick and knows it, and
 speak of him as being sick, put it into the minds of others
 that he is sick, publish it in the newspapers that he is
 failing, and persist in this action of mind over mind, it
 follows that he will believe that he is sick, — and Jesus
30 said it would be according to the woman’s belief; but if
 with the certainty of Science he knows that an error of
 belief has not the power of Truth, and cannot, does

Page 221

1 not, produce the slightest effect, it has no power over
 him. Thus a mental malpractitioner may lose his
 power to harm by a false mental argument; for it
 gives one opportunity to handle the error, and when
5 mastering it one gains in the rules of metaphysics, and
 thereby learns more of its divine Principle. Error pro-
 duces physical sufferings, and these sufferings show
 the fundamental Principle of Christian Science; namely,
 that error and sickness are one, and Truth is their
10 remedy.

 The evil-doer can do little at removing the effect of sin
 on himself, unless he believes that sin has produced the
 effect and knows he is a sinner: or, knowing that he is a
 sinner, if he denies it, the good effect is lost. Either of
15 these states of mind will stultify the power to heal men-
 tally. This accounts for many helpless mental practi-
 tioners and mysterious diseases.

 Again: If error is the cause of disease, Truth being
 the cure, denial of this fact in one instance and
20 acknowledgment of it in another saps one’s under-
 standing of the Science of Mind-healing, Such denial
 dethrones demonstration, baffles the student of Mind-
 healing, and divorces his work from Science. Such de-
 nial also contradicts the doctrine that we must mentally
25 struggle against both evil and disease, and is like saying
 that five times ten are fifty while ten times five are not
 fifty; as if the multiplication of the same two numbers
 would not yield the same product whichever might serve
 as the multiplicand.

30 Who would tell another of a crime that he himself is
 committing, or call public attention to that crime? The
 belief in evil and in the process of evil, holds the issues

Page 222

1 of death to the evil-doer. It takes away a man’s proper
 sense of good, and gives him a false sense of both evil
 and good. It inflames envy, passion, evil-speaking, and
 strife. It reverses Christian Science in all things. It
5 causes the victim to believe that he is advancing while
 injuring himself and others. This state of false conscious-
 ness in many cases causes the victim great physical suffering;
 and conviction of his wrong state of feeling reforms
 him, and so heals him: or, failing of conviction and re-
10 form, he becomes morally paralyzed — in other words,
 a moral idiot.

 In this state of misled consciousness, one is ready to
 listen complacently to audible falsehoods that once he
 would have resisted and loathed; and this, because the
15 false seems true. The malicious mental argument and
 its action on the mind of the perpetrator, is fatal, morally
 and physically. From the effects of mental malpractice
 the subject scarcely awakes in time, and must suffer its
 full penalty after death. This sin against divine Science
20 is cancelled only through human agony: the measure it
 has meted must be remeasured to it.

 The crimes committed under this new régime of mind-
 power, when brought to light, will make stout hearts quail.
 Its mystery protects it now, for it is not yet known. Error
25 is more abstract than Truth. Even the healing Principle,
 whose power seems inexplicable, is not so obscure; for
 this is the power of God, and good should seem more
 natural than evil.

 I shall not forget the cost of investigating, for this age,
30 the methods and power of error. While the ways, means,
 and potency of Truth had flowed into my consciousness
 as easily as dawns the morning light and shadows flee,

Page 223

1 the metaphysical mystery of error — its hidden paths,
 purpose, and fruits — at first defied me. I was say-
 ing all the time, “Come not thou into the secret”—
 but at length took up the research according to God’s
5 command.

 Streams which purify, necessarily have pure fountains;
 while impure streams flow from corrupt sources. Here,
 divine light, logic, and revelation coincide.

 Science proves, beyond cavil, that the tree is known
10 by its fruit; that mind reaches its own ideal, and cannot
 be separated from it. I respect that moral sense which
 is sufficiently strong to discern what it believes, and to say,
 if it must, “I discredit Mind with having the power to
 heal.” This individual disbelieves in Mind-healing, and
15 is consistent. But, alas! for the mistake of believing in
 mental healing, claiming full faith in the divine Principle,
 and saying, “I am a Christian Scientist,” while doing
 unto others what we would resist to the hilt if done unto

20 May divine Love so permeate the affections of all those
 who have named the name of Christ in its fullest sense,
 that no counteracting influence can hinder their growth
 or taint their examples.

Taking Offense

25 There is immense wisdom in the old proverb, “He
 that is slow to anger is better than the mighty.” Hannah
 More said, “If I wished to punish my enemy, I should
 make him hate somebody.”

 To punish ourselves for others’ faults, is superlative
30 folly. The mental arrow shot from another’s bow is

Page 224

1 practically harmless, unless our own thought barbs it.
 It is our pride that makes another’s criticism rankle, our
 self-will that makes another’s deed offensive, our egotism
 that feels hurt by another’s self-assertion. Well may we
5 feel wounded by our own faults; but we can hardly afford
 to be miserable for the faults of others.

 A courtier told Constantine that a mob had broken
 the head of his statue with stones. The emperor lifted
 his hands to his head, saying: “It is very surprising, but
10 I don’t feel hurt in the least.”

 We should remember that the world is wide; that there
 are a thousand million different human wills, opinions,
 ambitions, tastes, and loves; that each person has a differ-
 ent history, constitution, culture, character, from all the
15 rest; that human life is the work, the play, the ceaseless
 action and reaction upon each other of these different
 atoms. Then, we should go forth into life with the smallest
 expectations, but with the largest patience; with a keen
 relish for and appreciation of everything beautiful, great,
20 and good, but with a temper so genial that the friction
 of the world shall not wear upon our sensibilities; with
 an equanimity so settled that no passing breath nor
 accidental disturbance shall agitate or ruffle it; with a
 charity broad enough to cover the whole world’s evil, and
25 sweet enough to neutralize what is bitter in it, — de-
 termined not to be offended when no wrong is meant, nor
 even when it is, unless the offense be against God.

 Nothing short of our own errors should offend us. He
 who can wilfully attempt to injure another, is an object
30 of pity rather than of resentment; while it is a question
 in my mind, whether there is enough of a flatterer, a fool,
 or a liar, to offend a whole-souled woman.

Hints To The Clergy

Page 225

 At the residence of Mr. Rawson, of Arlington, Massa-
 chusetts, a happy concourse of friends had gathered to
 celebrate the eighty-second birthday of his mother — a
5 friend of mine, and a Christian Scientist.

 Among the guests, were an orthodox clergyman, his
 wife and child.

 In the course of the evening, conversation drifted to
 the seventh modern wonder, Christian Science; where-
10 upon the mother, Mrs. Rawson, who had drunk at its
 fount, firmly bore testimony to the power of Christ, Truth,
 to heal the sick.

 Soon after this conversation, the clergyman’s son
 was taken violently ill. Then was the clergyman’s
15 opportunity to demand a proof of what the Christian
 Scientist had declared; and he said to this venerable
 Christian: —

 “If you heal my son, when seeing, I may be led to

20 Mrs. Rawson then rose from her seat, and sat down
 beside the sofa whereon lay the lad with burning brow,
 moaning in pain.

 Looking away from all material aid, to the spiritual
 source and ever-present help, silently, through the divine
25 power, she healed him.

 The deep flush faded from the face, a cool perspiration
 spread over it, and he slept.

 In about one hour he awoke, and was hungry.

 The parents said: —

30 “Wait until we get home, and you shall have some

Page 226

1 But Mrs. Rawson said: —

 “Give the child what he relishes, and doubt not that
 the Father of all will care for him.”

 Thus, the unbiased youth and the aged Christian
5 carried the case on the side of God; and, after eating
 several ice-creams, the clergyman’s son returned home

Perfidy And Slander

 What has an individual gained by losing his own self-
10 respect? or what has he lost when, retaining his own,
 he loses the homage of fools, or the pretentious praise of
 hypocrites, false to themselves as to others?

 Shakespeare, the immortal lexicographer of mortals,
 writes: —

15 To thine own self be true,
 And it must follow, as the night the day,
 Thou canst not then be false to any man.

 When Aristotle was asked what a person could gain
 by uttering a falsehood, he replied, “Not to be credited
20 when he shall tell the truth.”

 The character of a liar and hypocrite is so contempti-
 ble, that even of those who have lost their honor it might
 be expected that from the violation of truth they should
 be restrained by their pride.

25 Perfidy of an inferior quality, such as manages to evade
 the law, and which dignified natures cannot stoop to
 notice, except legally, disgraces human nature more than
 do most vices.

 Slander is a midnight robber; the red-tongued assas-
30 sin of radical worth; the conservative swindler, who

Page 227

 sells himself in a traffic by which he can gain nothing [1].
 It can retire for forgiveness to no fraternity where its
 crime may stand in the place of a virtue; but must at
 length be given up to the hisses of the multitude, with-
5 out friend and without apologist.

 Law has found it necessary to offer to the innocent,
 security from slanderers — those pests of society — when
 their crime comes within its jurisdiction. Thus, to evade
 the penalty of law, and yet with malice aforethought to
10 extend their evil intent, is the nice distinction by which
 they endeavor to get their weighty stuff into the hands
 of gossip! Some uncharitable one may give it a forward
 move, and, ere that one himself become aware, find
 himself responsible for kind (?) endeavors.

15 Would that my pen or pity could raise these weak,
 pitifully poor objects from their choice of self-degrada-
 tion to the nobler purposes and wider aims of a life made
 honest: a life in which the fresh flowers of feeling blos-
 som, and, like the camomile, the more trampled upon,
20 the sweeter the odor they send forth to benefit mankind;
 a life wherein calm, self-respected thoughts abide in
 tabernacles of their own, dwelling upon a holy hill, speak-
 ing the truth in the heart; a life wherein the mind can
 rest in green pastures, beside the still waters, on isles
25 of sweet refreshment. The sublime summary of an
 honest life satisfies the mind craving a higher good, and
 bathes it in the cool waters of peace on earth; till it
 grows into the full stature of wisdom, reckoning its
 own by the amount of happiness it has bestowed upon
30 others.

 Not to avenge one’s self upon one’s enemies, is the
 command of almighty wisdom; and we take this to be

Page 228

1 a safer guide than the promptings of human nature.
 To know that a deception dark as it is base has been
 practised upon thee, — by those deemed at least indebted
 friends whose welfare thou hast promoted, — and yet
5 not to avenge thyself, is to do good to thyself; is to take
 a new standpoint whence to look upward; is to be calm
 amid excitement, just amid lawlessness, and pure amid

 To be a great man or woman, to have a name whose
10 odor fills the world with its fragrance, is to bear with
 patience the buffetings of envy or malice — even while
 seeking to raise those barren natures to a capacity for a
 higher life. We should look with pitying eye on the
 momentary success of all villainies, on mad ambition
15 and low revenge. This will bring us also to look on a
 kind, true, and just person, faithful to conscience and
 honest beyond reproach, as the only suitable fabric out
 of which to weave an existence fit for earth and


 Whatever man sees, feels, or in any way takes cog-
 nizance of, must be caught through mind; inasmuch
 as perception, sensation, and consciousness belong to
 mind and not to matter. Floating with the popular
25 current of mortal thought without questioning the re-
 liability of its conclusions, we do what others do,
 believe what others believe, and say what others say.
 Common consent is contagious, and it makes disease

30 People believe in infectious and contagious diseases,

Page 229

1 and that any one is liable to have them under certain
 predisposing or exciting causes. This mental state pre-
 pares one to have any disease whenever there appear the
 circumstances which he believes produce it. If he believed
5 as sincerely that health is catching when exposed to con-
 tact with healthy people, he would catch their state of
 feeling quite as surely and with better effect than he does
 the sick man’s.

 If only the people would believe that good is more
10 contagious than evil, since God is omnipresence, how
 much more certain would be the doctor’s success, and
 the clergyman’s conversion of sinners. And if only the
 pulpit would encourage faith in God in this direction,
 and faith in Mind over all other influences governing
15 the receptivity of the body, theology would teach man
 as David taught: “Because thou hast made the Lord,
 which is my refuge, even the most High thy habitation;
 there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague
 come nigh thy dwelling.”

20 The confidence of mankind in contagious disease would
 thus become beautifully less; and in the same propor-
 tion would faith in the power of God to heal and to save
 mankind increase, until the whole human race would
 become healthier, holier, happier, and longer lived. A
25 calm, Christian state of mind is a better preventive of
 contagion than a drug, or than any other possible sana-
 tive method; and the “perfect Love” that “casteth out
 fear” is a sure defense.

Page 230

Improve Your Time

1 Success in life depends upon persistent effort, upon
 the improvement of moments more than upon any other
 one thing. A great amount of time is consumed in talking
 nothing, doing nothing, and indecision as to what one
5 should do. If one would be successful in the future, let
 him make the most of the present.

 Three ways of wasting time, one of which is con-
 temptible, are gossiping mischief, making lingering calls,
10 and mere motion when at work, thinking of nothing or
 planning for some amusement, — travel of limb more
 than mind. Rushing around smartly is no proof of ac-
 complishing much.

 All successful individuals have become such by hard
15 work; by improving moments before they pass into hours,
 and hours that other people may occupy in the pursuit
 of pleasure. They spend no time in sheer idleness, in
 talking when they have nothing to say, in building air-
 castles or floating off on the wings of sense: all of which
20 drop human life into the ditch of nonsense, and worse
 than waste its years.

 “Let us, then, be up and doing,
 With a heart for any fate;
 Still achieving, still pursuing,
25 Learn to labor and to wait.”

Thanksgiving Dinner

 It was a beautiful group! needing but canvas and the
 touch of an artist to render it pathetic, tender, gorgeous.

Page 231

1 Age, on whose hoary head the almond-blossom formed a
 crown of glory; middle age, in smiles and the full fruition
 of happiness; infancy, exuberant with joy, — ranged side
 by side. The sober-suited grandmother, rich in ex-
5 perience, had seen sunshine and shadow fall upon ninety-
 six years. Four generations sat at that dinner-table.
 The rich viands made busy many appetites; but, what
 of the poor! Willingly — though I take no stock in
 spirit-rappings — would I have had the table give a
10 spiritual groan for the unfeasted ones.

 Under the skilful carving of the generous host, the
 mammoth turkey grew beautifully less. His was the
 glory to vie with guests in the dexterous use of knife and
 fork, until delicious pie, pudding, and fruit caused un-
15 conditional surrender.

 And the baby! Why, he made a big hole, with two
 incisors, in a big pippin, and bit the finger presump-
 tuously poked into the little mouth to arrest the peel!
 Then he was caught walking! one, two, three steps,—
20 and papa knew that he could walk, but grandpa was
 taken napping. Now! baby has tumbled, soft as thistle-
 down, on the floor; and instead of a real set-to at crying,
 a look of cheer and a toy from mamma bring the soft
 little palms patting together, and pucker the rosebud
25 mouth into saying, “Oh, pretty!” That was a scientific
 baby; and his first sitting-at-table on Thanksgiving Day—
 yes, and his little rainbowy life — brought sunshine
 to every heart. How many homes echo such tones of
 heartfelt joy on Thanksgiving Day! But, alas! for the
30 desolate home; for the tear-filled eyes looking longingly
 at the portal through which the loved one comes not, or
 gazing silently on the vacant seat at fireside and board—

Page 232

1 God comfort them all! we inwardly prayed — but the
 memory was too much; and, turning from it, in a bumper
 of pudding-sauce we drank to peace, and plenty, and
 happy households.

Christian Science

 This age is reaching out towards the perfect Principle
 of things; is pushing towards perfection in art, inven-
 tion, and manufacture. Why, then, should religion be
 stereotyped, and we not obtain a more perfect and prac-
10 tical Christianity? It will never do to be behind the
 times in things most essential, which proceed from the
 standard of right that regulates human destiny. Human
 skill but foreshadows what is next to appear as its divine
 origin. Proportionately as we part with material systems
15 and theories, personal doctrines and dogmas, meekly to
 ascend the hill of Science, shall we reach the maximum
 of perfection in all things.

 Spirit is omnipotent; hence a more spiritual Chris-
 tianity will be one having more power, having perfected
20 in Science that most important of all arts, — healing.

 Metaphysical healing, or Christian Science, is a de-
 mand of the times. Every man and every woman would
 desire and demand it, if he and she knew its infinite
 value and firm basis. The unerring and fixed Principle
25 of all healing is God; and this Principle should be
 sought from the love of good, from the most spiritual
 and unselfish motives. Then will it be understood to be
 of God, and not of man; and this will prevent mankind
 from striking out promiscuously, teaching and practising

Page 233

1 in the name of Science without knowing its fundamental

 It is important to know that a malpractice of the best
 system will result in the worst form of medicine. More-
5 over, the feverish, disgusting pride of those who call
 themselves metaphysicians or Scientists, — but are such
 in name only, — fanned by the breath of mental mal-
 practice, is the death’s-head at the feast of Truth; the
 monkey in harlequin jacket that will retard the onward
10 march of life-giving Science, if not understood and with-
 stood, and so strangled in its attempts.

 The standard of metaphysical healing is traduced by
 thinking to put into the old garment of drugging the new
 cloth of metaphysics; or by trying to twist the fatal
15 magnetic force of mortal mind, termed hypnotism, into
 a more fashionable cut and naming that “mind-cure,”
 or — which is still worse in the eyes of Truth — terming
 it metaphysics! Substituting good words for a good life,
 fair-seeming for straightforward character, mental mal-
20 practice for the practice of true medicine, is a poor shift
 for the weak and worldly who think the standard of
 Christian Science too high for them.

 What think you of a scientist in mathematics who finds
 fault with the exactness of the rule because unwilling to
25 work hard enough to practise it? The perfection of the
 rule of Christian Science is what constitutes its utility:
 having a true standard, if some fall short, others will
 approach it; and these are they only who adhere to that

30 Matter must be understood as a false belief or product so
 of mortal mind: whence we learn that sensation is not
 in matter, but in this so-called mind; that we see and

Page 234

1 feel disease only by reason of our belief in it: then shall
 matter remain no longer to blind us to Spirit, and clog
 the wheels of progress. We spread our wings in vain when
 we attempt to mount above error by speculative views
5 of Truth.

 Love is the Principle of divine Science; and Love is
 not learned of the material senses, nor gained by a culpa-
 ble attempt to seem what we have not lifted ourselves
 to be, namely, a Christian. In love for man, we gain a
10 true sense of Love as God; and in no other way can we
 reach this spiritual sense, and rise — and still rise — to
 things most essential and divine. What hinders man’s
 progress is his vain conceit, the Phariseeism of the times,
 also his effort to steal from others and avoid hard work;
15 errors which can never find a place in Science. Empiri-
 cal knowledge is worse than useless: it never has advanced
 man a single step in the scale of being.

 That one should have ventured on such unfamiliar
 ground, and, self-forgetful, should have gone on to estab-
20 lish this mighty system of metaphysical healing, called
 Christian Science, against such odds, — even the entire
 current of mortality, — is matter of grave wonderment to
 profound thinkers. That, in addition to this, she has made
 some progress, has seen far into the spiritual facts of be-
25 ing which constitute physical and mental perfection, in
 the midst of an age so sunken in sin and sensuality, seems
 to them still more inconceivable.

 In this new departure of metaphysics, God is regarded
 more as absolute, supreme; and Christ is clad with a
30 richer illumination as our Saviour from sickness, sin,
 and death. God’s fatherliness as Life, Truth, and Love,
 makes His sovereignty glorious.

Page 235

1 By this system, too, man has a changed recognition
 of his relation to God. He is no longer obliged to sin,
 be sick, and die to reach heaven, but is required and em-
 powered to conquer sin, sickness, and death; thus, as
5 image and likeness, to reflect Him who destroys death
 and hell. By this reflection, man becomes the partaker
 of that Mind whence sprang the universe.

 In Christian Science, progress is demonstration, not
 doctrine. This Science is ameliorative and regenerative,
10 delivering mankind from all error through the light and
 love of Truth. It gives to the race loftier desires and new
 possibilities. It lays the axe at the root of the tree of
 knowledge, to cut down all that bringeth not forth good
 fruit; “and blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended
15 in me.” It touches mind to more spiritual issues, sys-
 tematizes action, gives a keener sense of Truth and a
 stronger desire for it.

 Hungering and thirsting after a better life, we shall
 have it, and become Christian Scientists; learn God
20 aright, and know something of the ideal man, the real
 man, harmonious and eternal. This movement of thought
 must push on the ages: it must start the wheels of reason
 aright, educate the affections to higher resources, and
 leave Christianity unbiased by the superstitions of a
25 senior period.


 Who that has tried to follow the divine precept, “All
 things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto
 you, do ye even so to them,” has not suffered from the

Page 236

1 situation? — has not found that human passions in their
 reaction have misjudged motives?

 Throughout our experience since undertaking the
 labor of uplifting the race, we have been made the re-
5 pository of little else than the troubles, indiscretions,
 and errors of others; until thought has shrunk from
 contact with family difficulties, and become weary with
 study to counsel wisely whenever giving advice on per-
 sonal topics.

10 To the child complaining of his parents we have said,
 “Love and honor thy parents, and yield obedience to
 them in all that is right; but you have the rights of con-
 science, as we all have, and must follow God in all your

15 When yielding to constant solicitations of husband or
 wife to give, to one or the other, advice concerning diffi-
 culties and the best way to overcome them, we have done
 this to the best of our ability, — and always with the pur-
 pose to restore harmony and prevent dishonor. In such
20 cases we have said, “Take no counsel of a mortal, even
 though it be your best friend; but be guided by God
 alone;” meaning by this, Be not estranged from each
 other by anything that is said to you, but seek in divine
 Love the remedy for all human discord.

25 Yet, notwithstanding one’s good intentions, in some
 way or at some step in one’s efforts to help another, as
 a general rule, one will be blamed for all that is not right:
 but this must not deter us from doing our duty, whatever
 else may appear, and at whatever cost.


Page 237

 The olden opinion that hell is fire and brimstone, has
 yielded somewhat to the metaphysical fact that suffering
 is a thing of mortal mind instead of body: so, in place
5 of material flames and odor, mental anguish is generally
 accepted as the penalty for sin. This changed belief
 has wrought a change in the actions of men. Not a few
 individuals serve God (or try to) from fear; but remove
 that fear, and the worst of human passions belch forth
10 their latent fires. Some people never repent until earth
 gives them such a cup of gall that conscience strikes home;
 then they are brought to realize how impossible it is to
 sin and not suffer. All the different phases of error in
 human nature the reformer must encounter and help to
15 eradicate.

 This period is not essentially one of conscience: few
 feel and live now as when this nation began, and our
 forefathers’ prayers blended with the murmuring winds
 of their forest home. This is a period of doubt, inquiry,
20 speculation, selfishness; of divided interests, marvellous
 good, and mysterious evil. But sin can only work out
 its own destruction; and reform does and must push on
 the growth of mankind.

 Honor to faithful merit is delayed, and always has
25 been; but it is sure to follow. The very streets through
 which Garrison was dragged were draped in honor of
 the dead hero who did the hard work, the immortal work,
 of loosing the fetters of one form of human slavery. I
 remember, when a girl, and he visited my father, how a
30 childish fear clustered round his coming. I had heard

Page 238

1 the awful story that “he helped ‘niggers’ kill the white
 folks!” Even the loving children are sometimes made
 to believe a lie, and to hate reformers. It is pleasant,
 now, to contrast with that childhood’s wrong the reverence
5 of my riper years for all who dare to be true, honest to
 their convictions, and strong of purpose.

 The reformer has no time to give in defense of his
 own life’s incentive, since no sacrifice is too great for the
 silent endurance of his love. What has not unselfed love
10 achieved for the race? All that ever was accomplished,
 and more than history has yet recorded. The reformer
 works on unmentioned, save when he is abused or his
 work is utilized in the interest of somebody. He may
 labor for the establishment of a cause which is fraught
15 with infinite blessings, — health, virtue, and heaven;
 but what of all that? Who should care for everybody?
 It is enough, say they, to care for a few. Yet the good
 is done, and the love that foresees more to do, stimulate
 philanthropy and are an ever-present reward. Let one’s
20 life answer well these questions, and it already hath a

 Have you renounced self? Are you faithful? Do
 you love?

Mrs. Eddy Sick

25 The frequent public allegement that I am “sick, unable
 to speak a loud word,” or that I died of palsy, and am
 dead, — is but another evidence of the falsehoods kept
 constantly before the public.

 While I accord these evil-mongers due credit for their

Page 239

1 desire, let me say to you, dear reader: Call at the
 Massachusetts Metaphysical College, in 1889, and judge
 for yourself whether I can talk — and laugh too! I
 never was in better health. I have had but four
5 days’ vacation for the past year, and am about to com-
 mence a large class in Christian Science. Lecturing,
 writing, preaching, teaching, etc., give fair proof that
 my shadow is not growing less; and substance is taking
 larger proportions.

I've Got Cold

 Out upon the sidewalk one winter morning, I observed
 a carriage draw up before a stately mansion; a portly
 gentleman alight, and take from his carriage the ominous

15 “Ah!” thought I, “somebody has to take it; and what
 may the potion be?”

 Just then a tiny, sweet face appeared in the vestibule,
 and red nose, suffused eyes, cough, and tired look, told
 the story; but, looking up quaintly, the poor child said, —

20 “I’ve got cold, doctor.”

 Her apparent pride at sharing in a popular influenza
 was comical. However, her dividend, when compared
 with that of the household stockholders, was new; and
 doubtless their familiarity with what the stock paid, made
25 them more serious over it.

 What if that sweet child, so bravely confessing that
 she had something that she ought not to have, and which
 mamma thought must be gotten rid of, had been taught
 the value of saying even more bravely, and believing
30 it, —

Page 240

1 “I have not got cold.”

 Why, the doctor’s squills and bills would have been
 avoided; and through the cold air the little one would
 have been bounding with sparkling eyes, and ruby cheeks
5 painted and fattened by metaphysical hygiene.

 Parents and doctors must not take the sweet freshness
 out of the children’s lives by that flippant caution, “You
 will get cold.”

 Predicting danger does not dignify life, whereas fore-
10 casting liberty and joy does; for these are strong pro-
 moters of health and happiness. All education should
 contribute to moral and physical strength and freedom.
 If a cold could get into the body without the assent of
 mind, nature would take it out as gently, or let it remain
15 as harmlessly, as it takes the frost out of the ground or
 puts it into the ice-cream to the satisfaction of all.

 The sapling bends to the breeze, while the sturdy oak,
 with form and inclination fixed, breasts the tornado. It
 is easier to incline the early thought rightly, than the
20 biased mind. Children not mistaught, naturally love
 God; for they are pure-minded, affectionate, and gen-
 erally brave. Passions, appetites, pride, selfishness, have
 slight sway over the fresh, unbiased thought.

 Teach the children early self-government, and teach
25 them nothing that is wrong. If they see their father with
 a cigarette in his mouth — suggest to them that the habit
 of smoking is not nice, and that nothing but a loathsome
 worm naturally chews tobacco. Likewise soberly inform
 them that “Battle-Axe Plug” takes off men’s heads; or,
30 leaving these on, that it takes from their bodies a sweet
 something which belongs to nature, — namely, pure

Page 241

1 From a religious point of view, the faith of both youth
 and adult should centre as steadfastly in God to benefit
 the body, as to benefit the mind. Body and mind are
 correlated in man’s salvation; for man will no more
5 enter heaven sick than as a sinner, and Christ’s Christi-
 anity casts out sickness as well as sin of every sort.

 Test, if you will, metaphysical healing on two patients:
 one having morals to be healed, the other having a physi-
 cal ailment. Use as your medicine the great alterative,
10 Truth: give to the immoralist a mental dose that says,
 “You have no pleasure in sin,” and witness the effects.

 Either he will hate you, and try to make others do like-
 wise, so taking a dose of error big enough apparently to
 neutralize your Truth, else he will doubtingly await the
15 result; during which interim, by constant combat and
 direful struggles, you get the victory and Truth heals him
 of the moral malady.

 On the other hand, to the bedridden sufferer admin-
 ister this alterative Truth: “God never made you sick:
20 there is no necessity for pain; and Truth destroys the
 error that insists on the necessity of any man’s bondage
 to sin and sickness. “Ye shall know the truth, and the
 truth shall make you free.’”

 Then, like blind Bartimeus, the doubting heart looks
25 up through faith, and your patient rejoices in the gospel
 of health.

 Thus, you see, it is easier to heal the physical than the
 moral ailment. When divine Truth and Love heal, of
 sin, the sinner who is at ease in sin, how much more should
30 these heal, of sickness, the sick who are dis-eased, dis-
 comforted, and who long for relief!

“Prayer And Healing”

Page 242

1 The article of Professor T ——, having the above cap-
 tion, published in Zion’s Herald, December third, came
 not to my notice until January ninth. In it the Professor
 offered me, as President of the Metaphysical College in
5 Boston, or one of my students, the liberal sum of one
 thousand dollars if either would reset certain dislocations
 without the use of hands, and two thousand dollars if
 either would give sight to one born blind.

10 Will the gentleman accept my thanks due to his gener-
 osity; for, if I should accept his bid on Christianity, he
 would lose his money.


 Because I performed more difficult tasks fifteen years
15 ago. At present, I am in another department of Christian
 work, “where there shall no signs be given them,” for
 they shall be instructed in the Principle of Christian
 Science that furnishes its own proof.

 But, to reward his liberality, I offer him three thou-
20 sand dollars if he will heal one single case of opium-eating
 where the patient is very low and taking morphine powder
 in its most concentrated form, at the rate of one ounce in
 two weeks, — having taken it twenty years; and he is to
 cure that habit in three days, leaving the patient well. I
25 cured precisely such a case in 1869.

 Also, Mr. C. M. H ——, of Boston, formerly partner
 of George T. Brown, pharmacist, No. 5 Beacon St., will
 tell you that he was my student in December, 1884; and
 that before leaving the class he took a patient thoroughly
30 addicted to the use of opium — if she went without it

Page 243

1 twenty-four hours she would have delirium — and in
 forty-eight hours cured her perfectly of this habit,
 with no bad results, but with decided improvement in

5 I have not yet made surgery one of the mental branches
 taught in my college; although students treat sprains,
 contusions, etc., successfully. In the case of sprain of the
 wrist-joint, where the regular doctor had put on splints
 and bandages to remain six weeks, a student of mine
10 removed these appliances the same day and effected the
 cure in less than one week. Reference, Mrs. M. A. F ——,
107 Eutaw Street, East Boston.

 I agree with the Professor, that every system of medi-
 cine claims more than it practises. If the system is Science,
15 it includes of necessity the Principle, which the learner
 can demonstrate only in proportion as he understands it.
 Boasting is unbecoming a mortal’s poor performances.
 My Christian students are proverbially modest: their
 works alone should declare them, since my system of medi-
20 cine is not generally understood. There are charlatans
 in “mind-cure,” who practise on the basis of matter, or
 human will, not Mind.

 The Professor alludes to Paul’s advice to Timothy.
 Did he refer to that questionable counsel, “Take a little
25 wine for thy stomach’s sake”? Even doctors disagree
 on that prescription: some of the medical faculty will
 tell you that alcoholic drinks cause the coats of the stomach
 to thicken and the organ to contract; will prevent the
 secretions of the gastric juice, and induce ulceration,
30 bleeding, vomiting, death.

 Again, the Professor quotes, in justification of material
 methods, and as veritable: “He took a bone from the

Page 244

1 side of Adam, closed up the wound thereof, and builded
 up the woman.” (Gen. ii. 21.)

 Here we have the Professor on the platform of Christian
 Science! even a “surgical operation” that he says was
5 performed by divine power, — Mind alone constructing
 the human system, before surgical instruments were
 invented, and closing the incisions of the flesh.

 He further states that God cannot save the soul without
 compliance to ordained conditions. But, we ask, have
10 those conditions named in Genesis been perpetuated in
 the multiplication of mankind? And, are the conditions
 of salvation mental, or physical; are they bodily penance
 and torture, or repentance and reform, which are the
 action of mind?

15 He asks, “Has the law been abrogated that demands
 the employment of visible agencies for specific ends?”

 Will he accept my reply as derived from the life and
 teachings of Jesus? — who annulled the so-called laws of
 matter by the higher law of Spirit, causing him to walk
20 the wave, turn the water into wine, make the blind to see,
 the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, and the dead to be
 raised without matter-agencies. And he did this for man’s
 example; not to teach himself, but others, the way of
 healing and salvation. He said, “And other sheep I have,
25 which are not of this fold.”

 The teachings and demonstration of Jesus were for
 all peoples and for all time; not for a privileged class or
 a restricted period, but for as many as should believe in

30 Are the discoverers of quinine, cocaine, etc., espe-
 cially the children of our Lord because of their medical

Page 245

1 We have no record showing that our Master ever used,
 or recommended others to use, drugs; but we have his
 words, and the prophet’s, as follows: “Take no thought,
 saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink?”
5 “And Asa … sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians.
 And Asa slept with his fathers.”

Veritas Odium Parit

 The combined efforts of the materialistic portion of
 the pulpit and press in 1885, to retard by misrepresen-
10 tation the stately goings of Christian Science, are giving
 it new impetus and energy; calling forth the vox populi
 and directing more critical observation to its uplifting
 influence upon the health, morals, and spirituality of

15 Their movements indicate fear and weakness, a physi-
 cal and spiritual need that Christian Science should re-
 move with glorious results. The conclusion cannot now
 be pushed, that women have no rights that man is bound
 to respect. This is woman’s hour, in all the good tend-
20 encies, charities, and reforms of to-day. It is difficult
 to say which may be most mischievous to the human
 heart, the praise or the dispraise of men.

 I have loved the Church and followed it, thinking that
 it was following Christ; but, if the pulpit allows the people
25 to go no further in the direction of Christlikeness, and
 rejects apostolic Christianity, seeking to stereotype infinite
 Truth, it is a thing to be thankful for that one can walk
 alone the straight and narrow way; that, in the words of
 Wendell Phillips, “one with God is a majority.”

Page 246

1 It is the pulpit and press, clerical robes and the pro-
 hibiting of free speech, that cradles and covers the sins of
 the world, — all unmitigated systems of crime; and it
 requires the enlightenment of these worthies, through
5 civil and religious reform, to blot out all inhuman codes.
 It was the Southern pulpit and press that influenced the
 people to wrench from man both human and divine rights,
 in order to subserve the interests of wealth, religious caste,
 civil and political power. And the pulpit had to be
10 purged of that sin by human gore, — when the love of
 Christ would have washed it divinely away in Christian

 The cry of the colored slave has scarcely been heard
 and hushed, when from another direction there comes
15 another sharp cry of oppression. Another form of inhumanity
 lifts its hydra head to forge anew the old fetters;
 to shackle conscience, stop free speech, slander, vilify;
 to invite its prey, then turn and refuse the victim a solitary
 vindication in this most unprecedented warfare.

20 A conflict more terrible than the battle of Gettysburg
 awaits the crouching wrong that refused to yield its
 prey the peace of a desert, when a voice was heard
 crying in the wilderness, — the spiritual famine of 1866,
  — “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths
25 straight.”

 Shall religious intolerance, arrayed against the rights
 of man, again deluge the earth in blood? The question
 at issue with mankind is: Shall we have a spiritual Chris-
 tianity and a spiritual healing, or a materialistic religion
30 and a materia medica?

 The advancing faith and hope of Christianity, the
 earnest seeking after practical truth that shall cast out

Page 247

1 error and heal the sick, wisely demand for man his God-
 given heritage, both human and divine rights; namely,
 that his honest convictions and proofs of advancing truth
 be allowed due consideration, and treated not as pearls
5 trampled upon.

 Those familiar with my history are more tolerant; those
 who know me, know that I found health in just what I
 teach. I have professed Christianity a half-century; and
 now I calmly challenge the world, upon fair investigation,
10 to furnish a single instance of departure in one of my
 works from the highest possible ethics.

 The charges against my views are false, but natural,
 since those bringing them do not understand my state-
 ment of the Science I introduce, and are unwilling to be
15 taught it, even gratuitously. If they did understand it, they
 could demonstrate this Science by healing the sick; hence
 the injustice of their interpretations.

 To many, the healing force developed by Christian
 Science seems a mystery, because they do not understand
20 that Spirit controls body. They acknowledge the exist-
 ence of mortal mind, but believe it to reside in matter
 of the brain; but that man is the idea of infinite Mind,
 is not so easily accepted. That which is temporary
 seems, to the common estimate, solid and substantial.
25 It is much easier for people to believe that the body
 affects mind, than that the body is an expression of
 mind, and reflects harmony or discord according to

 Everything that God created, He pronounced good.
30 He never made sickness. Hence that is only an evil belief
 of mortal mind, which must be met, in every instance,
 with a denial by Truth.

Page 248

1 This is the “new tongue,” the language of them that
 “lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover,” whose
 spiritual interpretation they refuse to hear. For instance:
 the literal meaning of the passage “lay hands on the sick”
5 would be manipulation; its moral meaning, found in the
 “new tongue,” is spiritual power, — as, in another Scripture,
 “I will triumph in the works of Thy hands.”


 The Greeks showed a just estimate of the person they
10 called slanderer, when they made the word synonymous
 with devil. If the simple falsehoods uttered about me
 were compounded, the mixture would be labelled thus:
 “Religionists’ mistaken views of Mrs. Eddy’s book, ‘Sci-
 ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” and the
15 malice aforethought of sinners.”

 That I take opium; that I am an infidel, a mesmerist,
 a medium, a “pantheist;” or that my hourly life is prayerless,
 or not in strict obedience to the Mosaic Decalogue,—
 is not more true than that I am dead, as is oft reported.
20 The St. Louis Democrat is alleged to have reported my
 demise, and to have said that I died of poison, and bequeathed
 my property to Susan Anthony.

 The opium falsehood has only this to it: Many years
 ago my regular physician prescribed morphine, which I
25 took, when he could do no more for me. Afterwards,
 the glorious revelations of Christian Science saved me
 from that necessity and made me well, since which time
 I have not taken drugs, with the following exception:
 When the mental malpractice of poisoning people was

Page 249

1 first undertaken by a mesmerist, to test that malprac-
 tice I experimented by taking some large doses of mor-
 phine, to see if Christian Science could not obviate its
 effect; and I say with tearful thanks, “The drug had
5 no effect upon me whatever.” The hour has struck,
 —“If they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt

 The false report that I have appropriated other people’s
 manuscripts in my works, has been met and answered
10 legally. Both in private and public life, and especially
 through my teachings, it is well known that I am not a
 spiritualist, a pantheist, or prayerless. The most devout
 members of evangelical churches will say this, as well as
 my intimate acquaintances. None are permitted to re-
15 main in my College building whose morals are not un-
 questionable. I have neither purchased nor ordered a
 drug since my residence in Boston; and to my knowledge,
 not one has been sent to my house, unless it was something
 to remove stains or vermin.

20 The report that I was dead arose no doubt from the
 combined efforts of some malignant students, expelled
 from my College for immorality, to kill me: of their mental
 design to do this I have proof, but no fear. My heavenly
 Father will never leave me comfortless, in the amplitude
25 of His love; coming nearer in my need, more tenderly to
 save and bless.


 What a word! I am in awe before it. Over what
 worlds on worlds it hath range and is sovereign! the un-

Page 250

1 derived, the incomparable, the infinite All of good, the
 alone God, is Love.

 By what strange perversity is the best become the most
 abused, — either as a quality or as an entity? Mortals
5 misrepresent and miscall affection; they make it what
 it is not, and doubt what it is. The so-called affection
 pursuing its victim is a butcher fattening the lamb to
 slay it. What the lower propensities express, should be
 repressed by the sentiments. No word is more mis-
10 construed; no sentiment less understood. The divine
 significance of Love is distorted into human qualities,
 which in their human abandon become jealousy and

 Love is not something put upon a shelf, to be taken
15 down on rare occasions with sugar-tongs and laid on a
 rose-leaf. I make strong demands on love, call for active
 witnesses to prove it, and noble sacrifices and grand
 achievements as its results. Unless these appear, I cast
 aside the word as a sham and counterfeit, having no ring
20 of the true metal. Love cannot be a mere abstraction, or
 goodness without activity and power. As a human quality,
 the glorious significance of affection is more than words:
 it is the tender, unselfish deed done in secret; the silent,
 ceaseless prayer; the self-forgetful heart that overflows;
25 the veiled form stealing on an errand of mercy, out of a
 side door; the little feet tripping along the sidewalk; the
 gentle hand opening the door that turns toward want and
 woe, sickness and sorrow, and thus lighting the dark
 places of earth.

Address On The Fourth Of July At Pleasant View

Page 251

 My beloved brethren, who have come all the way from
5 the Pacific to the Atlantic shore, from the Palmetto to the
 Pine Tree State, I greet you; my hand may not touch
 yours to-day, but my heart will with tenderness untalkable.

 His Honor, Mayor Woodworth, has welcomed you to
 Concord most graciously, voicing the friendship of this
10 city and of my native State — loyal to the heart’s core to
 religion, home, friends, and country.

 To-day we commemorate not only our nation’s civil
 and religious freedom, but a greater even, the liberty of
 the sons of God, the inalienable rights and radiant reality
15 of Christianity, whereof our Master said: “The works
 that I do shall he do;” and, “The kingdom of God cometh
 not with observation” (with knowledge obtained from
 the senses), but “the kingdom of God is within you,”—
 within the present possibilities of mankind.

20 Think of this inheritance! Heaven right here, where
 angels are as men, clothed more lightly, and men as angels
 who, burdened for an hour, spring into liberty, and the
 good they would do, that they do, and the evil they would
 not do, that they do not.

25 From the falling leaves of old-time faiths men learn a
 parable of the period, that all error, physical, moral, or
 religious, will fall before Truth demonstrated, even as
 dry leaves fall to enrich the soil for fruitage.

 Sin, sickness, and disease flee before the evangel of
30 Truth as the mountain mists before the sun. Truth is

Page 252

1 the tonic for the sick, and this medicine of Mind is not
 necessarily infinitesimal but infinite. Herein the mental
 medicine of divine metaphysics and the medical systems
 of allopathy and homœopathy differ. Mental medi-
5 cine gains no potency by attenuation, and its largest
 dose is never dangerous, but the more the better in every

 Christian Science classifies thought thus: Right thoughts
 are reality and power; wrong thoughts are unreality and
10 powerless, possessing the nature of dreams. Good thoughts
 are potent; evil thoughts are impotent, and they should
 appear thus. Continuing this category, we learn that
 sick thoughts are unreality and weakness; while healthy
 thoughts are reality and strength. My proof of these
15 novel propositions is demonstration, whereby any man
 can satisfy himself of their verity.

 Christian Science is not only the acme of Science
 but the crown of Christianity. It is universal. It ap-
 peals to man as man; to the whole and not to a por-
20 tion; to man physically, as well as spiritually, and to all

 It has one God. It demonstrates the divine Principle,
 rules and practice of the great healer and master of meta-
 physics, Jesus of Nazareth. It spiritualizes religion and
25 restores its lost element, namely, healing the sick. It
 consecrates and inspires the teacher and preacher; it
 equips the doctor with safe and sure medicine; it en-
 courages and empowers the business man and secures
 the success of honesty. It is the dear children’s toy and
30 strong tower; the wise man’s spiritual dictionary; the
 poor man’s money; yea, it is the pearl priceless whereof
 our Master said, if a man findeth, he goeth and selleth

Page 253

1 all that he hath and buyeth it. Buyeth it! Note the
 scope of that saying, even that Christianity is not merely
 a gift, as St. Paul avers, but is bought with a price, a great
 price; and what man knoweth as did our Master its
5 value, and the price that he paid for it?

 Friends, I am not enough the new woman of the period
 for outdoor speaking, and the incidental platform is not
 broad enough for me, but the speakers that will now ad-
 dress you — one a congressman — may improve our
10 platforms; and make amends for the nothingness of
 matter with the allness of Mind.

Well Doinge Is The Fruite Of Doinge Well


 This period is big with events. Fraught with history,
15 it repeats the past and portends much for the future.

 The Scriptural metaphors, — of the woman in travail,
 the great red dragon that stood ready to devour the child
 as soon as it was born, and the husbandmen that said,
 “This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the in-
20 heritance may be ours,”—are type and shadow of this

 A mother’s love touches the heart of God, and should
 it not appeal to human sympathy? Can a mother tell
 her child one tithe of the agonies that gave that child
25 birth? Can that child conceive of the anguish, until she
 herself is become a mother?

 Do the children of this period dream of the spiritual
 Mother’s sore travail, through the long night, that has
 opened their eyes to the light of Christian Science? Cherish

Page 254

1 these new-born children that filial obedience to which the
 Decalogue points with promise of prosperity? Should not
 the loving warning, the far-seeing wisdom, the gentle entreaty,
 the stern rebuke have been heeded, in return for
5 all that love which brooded tireless over their tender
 years? for all that love that hath fed them with Truth,—
 even the bread that cometh down from heaven, — as the
 mother-bird tendeth her young in the rock-ribbed nest of
 the raven’s callow brood!

10 And what of the hope of that parent whose children
 rise up against her; when brother slays brother, and
 the strength of union grows weak with wickedness?
 The victim of mad ambition that saith, “This is
 the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance
15 may be ours,” goes on to learn that he must at last
 kill this evil in “self” in order to gain the kingdom
 of God.

 Envy, the great red dragon of this hour, would obscure
 the light of Science, take away a third part of the stars
20 from the spiritual heavens, and cast them to the earth.
 This is not Science. Per contra, it is the mortal mind
 sense — mental healing on a material basis — hurling
 its so-called healing at random, filling with hate its
 deluded victims, or resting in silly peace upon the
25 laurels of headlong human will. “What shall, therefore,
 the Lord of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy
 the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto

Little Gods

Page 255

 It is sometimes said, cynically, that Christian Scien-
 tists set themselves on pedestals, as so many petty deities;
 but there is no fairness or propriety in the aspersion.

5 Man is not equal to his Maker. That which is formed
 is not cause, but effect; and has no underived power.
 But it is possible, and dutiful, to throw the weight of
 thought and action on the side of right, and to be thus
 lifted up.

10 Man should be found not claiming equality with, but
 growing into, that altitude of Mind which was in Christ
 Jesus. He should comprehend, in divine Science, a
 recognition of what the apostle meant when he said:
 “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that
15 we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs;
 heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.”

Advantage Of Mind-Healing

 It is sometimes asked, What are the advantages of your
 system of healing?

20 I claim for healing by Christian Science the following

 First: It does away with material medicine, and rec-
 ognizes the fact that the antidote for sickness, as well
 as for sin, may be found in God, the divine Mind.

25 Second: It is more effectual than drugs, and cures
 where they fail, because it is this divine antidote, and
 metaphysics is above physics.

Page 256

1 Third: Persons who have been healed by Christian
 Science are not only cured of their belief in disease, but
 they are at the same time improved morally. The body
 is governed by Mind, and mortal mind must be corrected
5 in order to make the body harmonious.

A Card

 While gratefully acknowledging the public confidence
 manifested in daily letters that protest against receiving
 instruction in the Massachusetts Metaphysical College
10 from any other than Mrs. Eddy, I feel, deeply, that of
 necessity this imposes on me the severe task of remaining
 at present a public servant: also, that this must prevent
 my classes from forming as frequently as was an-
 nounced in the October number of the Journal, and
15 necessitates receiving but a select number of students.
 To meet the old impediment, lack of time, that has oc-
 casioned the irregular intervals between my class terms,
 I shall continue to send to each applicant a notice from
 one to two weeks previous to the opening term.


Spirit And Law

 We are accustomed to think and to speak of gravitation
 as a law of matter; while every quality of matter,
 in and of itself, is inert, inanimate, and non-intelligent.
25 The assertion that matter is a law, or a lawgiver, is
 anomalous. Wherever law is, Mind is; and the notion

Page 257

1 that Mind can be in matter is rank infidelity, which either
 excludes God from the universe, or includes Him in every
 mode and form of evil. Pantheism presupposes that
 God sleeps in the mineral, dreams in the animal, and
5 wakes in a wicked man.

 The distinction between that which is and that which
 is not law, must be made by Mind and as Mind. Law is
 either a moral or an immoral force. The law of God is
 the law of Spirit, a moral and spiritual force of immor-
10 tal and divine Mind. The so-called law of matter is an
 immoral force of erring mortal mind, alias the minds of
 mortals. This so-called force, or law, at work in nature
 as a power, prohibition, or license, is cruel and merciless.
 It punishes the innocent, and repays our best deeds
15 with sacrifice and suffering. It is a code whose modes
 trifle with joy, and lead to immediate or ultimate death.
 It fosters suspicion where confidence is due, fear where
 courage is requisite, reliance where there should be
 avoidance, a belief in safety where there is most
20 danger. Our Master called it “a murderer from the

 Electricity, governed by this so-called law, sparkles
 on the cloud, and strikes down the hoary saint. Floods
 swallow up homes and households; and childhood, age,
25 and manhood go down in the death-dealing wave. Earth-
 quakes engulf cities, churches, schools, and mortals.
 Cyclones kill and destroy, desolating the green earth.
 This pitiless power smites with disease the good Samari-
 tan ministering to his neighbor’s need. Even the chamber
30 where the good man surrenders to death is not exempt
 from this law. Smoothing the pillow of pain may infect
 you with smallpox, according to this lawless law which

Page 258

1 dooms man to die for loving his neighbor as himself,—
 when Christ has said that love is the fulfilling of the

 Our great Ensample, Jesus of Nazareth, met and abol-
5 ished this unrelenting false claim of matter with the
 righteous scorn and power of Spirit. When, through
 Mind, he restored sight to the blind, he figuratively and
 literally spat upon matter; and, anointing the wounded
 spirit with the great truth that God is All, he demon-
10 strated the healing power and supremacy of the law of
 Life and Love.

 In the spiritual Genesis of creation, all law was vested
 in the Lawgiver, who was a law to Himself. In divine
 Science, God is One and All; and, governing Himself,
15 He governs the universe. This is the law of creation:
 “My defense is of God, which saveth the upright in
 heart.” And that infinite Mind governs all things. On
 this infinite Principle of freedom, God named Him-
 self, I AM. Error, or Adam, might give names to itself,
20 and call Mind by the name of matter, but error could
 neither name nor demonstrate Spirit. The name, I
 AM, indicated no personality that could be paralleled
 with it; but it did declare a mighty individuality,
 even the everlasting Father, as infinite consciousness,
25 ever-presence, omnipotence; as all law, Life, Truth, and

 God’s interpretation of Himself furnishes man with
 the only suitable or true idea of Him; and the divine
 definition of Deity differs essentially from the human.
30 It interprets the law of Spirit, not of matter. It explains
 the eternal dynamics of being, and shows that nature
 and man are as harmonious to-day as in the beginning,

Page 259

1 when “all things were made by Him; and without Him
 was not any thing made.”

 Whatever appears to be law, but partakes not of the
 nature of God, is not law, but is what Jesus declared
5 it, “a liar, and the father of it.” God is the law of Life,
 not of death; of health, not of sickness; of good, not
 of evil. It is this infinitude and oneness of good that
 silences the supposition that evil is a claimant or a claim.
 The consciousness of good has no consciousness or knowl-
10 edge of evil; and evil is not a quality to be known or
 eliminated by good: while iniquity, too evil to conceive
 of good as being unlike itself, declares that God knows

 When the Lawgiver was the only law of creation, free-
15 dom reigned, and was the heritage of man; but this
 freedom was the moral power of good, not of evil: it
 was divine Science, in which God is supreme, and the
 only law of being. In this eternal harmony of Science,
 man is not fallen: he is governed in the same rhythm
20 that the Scripture describes, when “the morning stars
 sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.”


 The spiritual elevator of the human race, physically,
 morally, and Christianly, is the truism that Truth dem-
25 onstrates good, and is natural; while error, or evil,
 is really non-existent, and must have produced its own
 illusion, — for it belongs not to nature nor to God. Truth
 is the power of God which heals the sick and the sinner,
 and is applicable to all the needs of man. It is the uni-

Page 260

1 versal, intelligent Christ-idea illustrated by the life of
 Jesus, through whose “stripes we are healed.” By con-
 flicts, defeats, and triumphs, Christian Science has been
 reduced to the understanding of mortals, and found able
5 to heal them.

 Pagan mysticism, Grecian philosophy, or Jewish reli-
 gion, never entered into the line of Jesus’ thought or
 action. His faith partook not of drugs, matter, nor of
 the travesties of mortal mind. The divine Mind was
10 his only instrumentality and potency, in religion or medi-
 cine. The Principle of his cure was God, in the laws
 of Spirit, not of matter; and these laws annulled all other

 Jesus knew that erring mortal thought holds only in
15 itself the supposition of evil, and that sin, sickness, and
 death are its subjective states; also, that pure Mind is
 the truth of being that subjugates and destroys any sup-
 positional or elementary opposite to Him who is All.

 Truth is supreme and omnipotent. Then, whatever
20 else seemeth to be intelligence or power is false, delud-
 ing reason and denying revelation, and seeking to dethrone
 Deity. The truth of Mind-healing uplifts mankind, by
 acknowledging pure Mind as absolute and entire, and
 that evil is naught, although it seems to be.

25 Pure Mind gives out an atmosphere that heals and
 saves. Words are not always the auxiliaries of Truth.
 The spirit, and not the letter, performs the vital func-
 tions of Truth and Love. Mind, imbued with this Science
 of healing, is a law unto itself, needing neither license
30 nor prohibition; but lawless mind, with unseen motives,
 and silent mental methods whereby it may injure the
 race, is the highest attenuation of evil.

Page 261

1 Again: evil, as mind, is doomed, already sentenced,
 punished; for suffering is commensurate with evil, and
 lasts as long as the evil. As mind, evil finds no escape
 from itself; and the sin and suffering it occasions can
5 only be removed by reformation.

 According to divine law, sin and suffering are not
 cancelled by repentance or pardon. Christian Science
 not only elucidates but demonstrates this verity of be-
 ing; namely, that mortals suffer from the wrong they
10 commit, whether intentionally or ignorantly; that every
 effect and amplification of wrong will revert to the wrong-
 doer, until he pays his full debt to divine law, and the
 measure he has meted is measured to him again, full,
 pressed down, and running over. Surely “the way of
15 the transgressor is hard.”

 In this law of justice, the atonement of Christ loses
 no efficacy. Justice is the handmaid of mercy, and show-
 eth mercy by punishing sin. Jesus said, “I came not to
 destroy the law,”—the divine requirements typified in
20 the law of Moses,—“but to fulfil it” in righteousness,
 by Truth’s destroying error. No greater type of divine
 Love can be presented than effecting so glorious a purpose.
 This spirit of sacrifice always has saved, and still saves
 mankind; but by mankind I mean mortals, or a kind
25 of men after man’s own making. Man as God’s idea
 is already saved with an everlasting salvation. It is impossible
 to be a Christian Scientist without apprehend-
 ing the moral law so clearly that, for conscience’ sake,
 one will either abandon his claim to even a knowledge
30 of this Science, or else make the claim valid. All Science
 is divine. Then, to be Science, it must produce physical
 and moral harmony.

Page 262

1 Dear readers, our Journal is designed to bring health
 and happiness to all households wherein it is permitted
 to enter, and to confer increased power to be good and
 to do good. If you wish to brighten so pure a purpose,
5 you will aid our prospect of fulfilling it by your kind
 patronage of The Christian Science Journal, now enter-
 ing upon its fifth volume, clad in Truth-healing’s new
 and costly spring dress.

Heart to Heart

10 When the heart speaks, however simple the words,
 its language is always acceptable to those who have

 I just want to say, I thank you, my dear students, who
 are at work conscientiously and assiduously, for the good
15 you are doing. I am grateful to you for giving to the
 sick relief from pain; for giving joy to the suffering and
 hope to the disconsolate; for lifting the fallen and strength-
 ening the weak, and encouraging the heart grown faint
 with hope deferred. We are made glad by the divine
20 Love which looseth the chains of sickness and sin, open-
 ing the prison doors to such as are bound; and we should
 be more grateful than words can express, even through
 this white-winged messenger, our Journal.

 With all the homage beneath the skies, yet were our
25 burdens heavy but for the Christ-love that makes them
 light and renders the yoke easy. Having his word, you
 have little need of words of approval and encouragement
 from me. Perhaps it is even selfish in me sometimes to
 relieve my heart of its secrets, because I take so much

Page 263

1 pleasure in thus doing; but if my motives are sinister,
 they will harm myself only, and I shall have the unself-
 ish joy of knowing that the wrong motives are not yours,
 to react on yourselves.

5 These two words in Scripture suggest the sweetest
 similes to be found in any language—rock and feathers:
 “Upon this rock I will build my church;” “He shall
 cover thee with His feathers.” How blessed it is to
 think of you as “beneath the shadow of a great rock in
10 a weary land,” safe in His strength, building on His
 foundation, and covered from the devourer by divine
 protection and affection. Always bear in mind that His
 presence, power, and peace meet all human needs and
 reflect all bliss.

Things to be Thought

16 The need of their teacher’s counsel, felt by students,
 especially by those at a distance, working assiduously for
 our common Cause, — and their constant petitions for
 the same, should be met in the most effectual way.

20 To be responsible for supplying this want, and poise
 the wavering balance on the right side, is impracticable
 without a full knowledge of the environments. The
 educational system of Christian Science lacks the aid
 and protection of State laws. The Science is hampered
25 by immature demonstrations, by the infancy of its dis-
 covery, by incorrect teaching; and especially by unprin-
 cipled claimants, whose mad ambition drives them to
 appropriate my ideas and discovery, without credit, ap-
 preciation, or a single original conception, while they

Page 264

1 quote from other authors and give them credit for every
 random thought in line with mine.

 My noble students, who are loyal to Christ, Truth, and
 human obligations, will not be disheartened in the midst
5 of this seething sea of sin. They build for time and eter-
 nity. The others stumble over misdeeds, and their own
 unsubstantiality, without the groundwork of right, till,
 like camera shadows thrown upon the mists of time, they
 melt into darkness.

10 Unity is the essential nature of Christian Science. Its
 Principle is One, and to demonstrate the divine One,
 demands oneness of thought and action.

 Many students enter the Normal class of my College
 whom I have not fitted for it by the Primary course.
15 They are taught their first lessons by my students; hence
 the aptness to assimilate pure and abstract Science is
 somewhat untested.

 “As the twig is bent, the tree’s inclined.” As mortal
 mind is directed, it acts for a season. Some students
20 leave my instructions before they are quite free from
 the bias of their first impressions, whether those be cor-
 rect or incorrect. Such students are more or less subject
 to the future mental influence of their former teacher.
 Their knowledge of Mind-healing may be right theo-
25 retically, but the moral and spiritual status of thought
 must be right also. The tone of the teacher’s mind must
 be pure, grand, true, to aid the mental development of
 the student; for the tint of the instructor’s mind must
 take its hue from the divine Mind. A single mistake in
30 metaphysics, or in ethics, is more fatal than a mistake in

 If a teacher of Christian Science unwittingly or inten-

Page 265

1 tionally offers his own thought, and gives me as authority
 for it; if he diverges from Science and knows it not, or,
 knowing it, makes the venture from vanity, in order to
 be thought original, or wiser than somebody else, — this
5 divergence widens. He grows dark, and cannot regain,
 at will, an upright understanding. This error in the
 teacher also predisposes his students to make mistakes
 and lose their way. Diverse opinions in Science are
 stultifying. All must have one Principle and the same
10 rule; and all who follow the Principle and rule have but
 one opinion of it.

 Whosoever understands a single rule in Science, and
 demonstrates its Principle according to rule, is master
 of the situation. Nobody can gainsay this. The ego-
15 tistical theorist or shallow moralist may presume to
 make innovations upon simple proof; but his mistake
 is visited upon himself and his students, whose minds
 are, must be, disturbed by this discord, which extends
 along the whole line of reciprocal thought. An error
20 in premise can never bring forth the real fruits of Truth.
 After thoroughly explaining spiritual Truth and its ethics
 to a student, I am not morally responsible for the mis-
 statements or misconduct of this student. My teachings
 are uniform. Those who abide by them do well. If
25 others, who receive the same instruction, do ill, the fault
 is not in the culture but the soil.

 I am constantly called to settle questions and disaf-
 fections toward Christian Science growing out of the
 departures from Science of self-satisfied, unprincipled
30 students. If impatient of the loving rebuke, the stu-
 dent must stop at the foot of the grand ascent, and there
 remain until suffering compels the downfall of his self-

Page 266

1 conceit. Then that student must struggle up, with bleed-
 ing footprints, to the God-crowned summit of unselfish
 and pure aims and affections.

 To be two-sided, when these sides are moral oppo-
5 sites, is neither politic nor scientific; and to abridge a
 single human right or privilege is an error. Whoever
 does this may represent me as doing it; but he mistakes
 me, and the subjective state of his own mind for mine.

 The true leader of a true cause is the unacknowledged
10 servant of mankind. Stationary in the background, this
 individual is doing the work that nobody else can or will
 do. An erratic career is like the comet’s course, dash-
 ing through space, headlong and alone. A clear-headed
 and honest Christian Scientist will demonstrate the Prin-
15 ciple of Christian Science, and hold justice and mercy as
 inseparable from the unity of God.

Unchristian Rumor

 The assertion that I have said hard things about my
 loyal students in Chicago, New York, or any other place,
20 is utterly false and groundless. I speak of them as I feel,
 and I cannot find it in my heart not to love them. They
 are essentially dear to me, who are toiling and achieving
 success in unison with my own endeavors and prayers.
 If I correct mistakes which may be made in teaching or
25 lecturing on Christian Science, this is in accordance with
 my students’ desires, and thus we mutually aid each other,
 and obey the Golden Rule.

 The spirit of lies is abroad. Because Truth has spoken
 aloud, error, running to and fro in the earth, is scream-

Page 267

1 ing, to make itself heard above Truth’s voice. The
 audible and inaudible wail of evil never harms Scientists,
 steadfast in their consciousness of the nothingness of
 wrong and the supremacy of right.

5 Our worst enemies are the best friends to our growth.
 Charity students, for whom I have sacrificed the most
 time, — those whose chief aim is to injure me, — have
 caused me to exercise most patience. When they report
 me as “hating those whom I do not love,” let them re-
10 member that there never was a time when I saw an op-
 portunity really to help them and failed to improve it;
 and this, too, when I knew they were secretly striving
 to injure me.


 Comparisons are odorous. — SHAKESPEARE

16 Through all human history, the vital outcomes of
 Truth have suffered temporary shame and loss from
 individual conceit, cowardice, or dishonesty. The bird
 whose right wing flutters to soar, while the left beats its
20 way downward, falls to the earth. Both wings must be
 plumed for rarefied atmospheres and upward flight.

 Mankind must gravitate from sense to Soul, and human
 affairs should be governed by Spirit, intelligent good.
 The antipode of Spirit, which we name matter, or non-
25 intelligent evil
, is no real aid to being. The predisposing
 and exciting cause of all defeat and victory under the
 sun, rests on this scientific basis: that action, in obedi-
 ence to God, spiritualizes man’s motives and methods,
 and crowns them with success; while disobedience to

Page 268

1 this divine Principle materializes human modes and con-
 sciousness, and defeats them.

 Two personal queries give point to human action: Who
 shall be greatest? and, Who shall be best? Earthly
5 glory is vain; but not vain enough to attempt pointing
 the way to heaven, the harmony of being. The imaginary
 victories of rivalry and hypocrisy are defeats. The Holy
 One saith, “O that thou hadst hearkened to My com-
 mandments! then had thy peace been as a river.” He
10 is unfit for Truth, and the demonstration of divine power,
 who departs from Mind to matter, and from Truth to
 error, in pursuit of better means for healing the sick and
 casting out error.

 The Christian Scientist keeps straight to the course.
15 His whole inquiry and demonstration lie in the line of
 Truth; hence he suffers no shipwreck in a starless night
 on the shoals of vainglory. His medicine is Mind—
 the omnipotent and ever-present good. His “help is
 from the Lord,” who heals body and mind, head and
20 heart; changing the affections, enlightening the mis-
 guided senses, and curing alike the sin and the mortal
 sinner. God’s preparations for the sick are potions of
 His own qualities. His therapeutics are antidotes for
 the ailments of mortal mind and body. Then let us not
25 adulterate His preparations for the sick with material

 From lack of moral strength empires fall. Right alone
 is irresistible, permanent, eternal. Remember that hu-
 man pride forfeits spiritual power, and either vacillating
30 good or self-assertive error dies of its own elements.
 Through patience we must possess the sense of Truth;
 and Truth is used to waiting. “Commit thy way unto

Page 269

1 the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to

 By using falsehood to regain his liberty, Galileo vir-
 tually lost it. He cannot escape from barriers who commits
5 his moral sense to a dungeon. Hear the Master
 on this subject: “No man can serve two masters: for
 either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he
 will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot
 serve God and mammon.”

10 Lives there a man who can better define ethics, better
 elucidate the Principle of being, than he who “spake as
 never man spake,” and whose precepts and example have
 a perpetual freshness in relation to human events?

 Who is it that understands, unmistakably, a fraction
15 of the actual Science of Mind-healing?

 It is he who has fairly proven his knowledge on a Chris-
 tian, mental, scientific basis; who has made his choice
 between matter and Mind, and proven the divine Mind
 to be the only physician. These are self-evident proposi-
20 tions: That man can only be Christianized through Mind;
 that without Mind the body is without action; that Science
 is a law of divine Mind. The conclusion follows that the
 correct Mind-healing is the proper means of Christianity,
 and is Science.

25 Christian Science may be sold in the shambles. Many
 are bidding for it, — but are not willing to pay the price.
 Error is vending itself on trust, well knowing the will-
 ingness of mortals to buy error at par value. The Reve-
 lator beheld the opening of this silent mental seal, and
30 heard the great Red Dragon whispering that “no man
 might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name
 of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Page 270

1 We are in the Valley of Decision. Then, let us take
 the side of him who “overthrew the tables of the money-
 changers, and the seats of them that sold doves,”—of
 such as barter integrity and peace for money and fame.
5 What artist would question the skill of the masters in
 sculpture, music, or painting? Shall we depart from the
 example of the Master in Christian Science, Jesus of
 Nazareth, — than whom mankind hath no higher ideal?
 He who demonstrated his power over sin, disease, and
10 death, is the master Metaphysician.

 To seek or employ other means than those the Master
 used in demonstrating Life scientifically, is to lose the
 priceless knowledge of his Principle and practice. He
 said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His right-
15 eousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
 Gain a pure Christianity; for that is requisite for heal-
 ing the sick. Then you will need no other aid, and will
 have full faith in his prophecy, “And there shall be one
 fold, and one shepherd;” but, the Word must abide in
20 us, if we would obtain that promise. We cannot depart
 from his holy example, — we cannot leave Christ for the
 schools which crucify him, and yet follow him in heal-
 ing. Fidelity to his precepts and practice is the only pass-
 port to his power; and the pathway of goodness and
25 greatness runs through the modes and methods of God.

 “He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.”


 Homœopathy is the last link in material medicine.
 The next step is Mind-medicine. Among the foremost

Page 271

1 virtues of homœopathy is the exclusion of compounds
 from its pharmacy, and the attenuation of a drug up to
 the point of its disappearance as matter and its manifesta-
 tion in effect as a thought, instead of a thing.

5 Students of Christian Science (and many who are not
 students) understand enough of this to keep out of their
 heads the notion that compounded metaphysics (so-called)
 is, or can be, Christian Science, — that rests on oneness;
 one cause and one effect.

10 They should take our magazine, work for it, write for
 it, and read it. They should eschew all magazines and
 books which are less than the best.

 “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Cleanse
 your mind of the cobwebs which spurious “compounds”
15 engender. Before considering a subject that is unworthy
 of thought, take in this axiomatic truism: “Trust her
 not, she’s fooling thee;” and Longfellow is right.

Close Of The Massachusetts Metaphysical College

20 Much is said at this date, 1889, about Mrs. Eddy’s
 Massachusetts Metaphysical College being the only
 chartered College of Metaphysics. To make this plain,
 the Publishing Committee of the Christian Scientist
 Association has published in the Boston Traveler the
25 following:—

 “To benefit the community, and more strongly mark
 the difference between true and false teachers of mental
 healing, the following history and statistics are officially

Page 272

1 “Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy obtained a college charter
 in January, 1881, with all the rights and privileges per-
 taining thereunto (including the right to grant degrees)
 under Act of 1874, Chapter 375, Section 4.

5 “This Act was repealed from and after January 31,
1882. Mrs. Eddy’s grant for a college, for metaphysical
 purposes only, is the first on record in history, and no
 charters were granted for similar colleges, except hers,
 from January, 1881, till the repealing of said Act in
10 January, 1882.

 “The substance of this Act is at present incorporated
 in Public Statutes, Chapter 115, Section 2, with the fol-
 lowing important restrictions: In accordance with Statutes
 of 1883, Chapter 268, any officer, agent, or servant of any
15 corporation or association, who confers, or authorizes
 to be conferred, any diploma or degree, shall be pun-
 ished by a fine not less than five hundred dollars and
 not more than one thousand dollars.

 “All the mind-healing colleges (except Rev. Mrs.
20 Eddy’s) have simply an incorporated grant, which may
 be called a charter, such as any stock company may ob-
 tain for any secular purposes; but these so-called char-
 ters bestow no rights to confer degrees. Hence to name
 these institutions, under such charters, colleges, is a fraud-
25 ulent claim. There is but one legally chartered college
 of metaphysics, with powers to confer diplomas and de-
 grees, and that is the Massachusetts Metaphysical College,
 of which Rev. Mrs. Eddy is founder and president.”

 I have endeavored to act toward all students of Chris-
30 tian Science with the intuition and impulse of love. If
 certain natures have not profited by my rebukes,—

Page 273

1 some time, as Christian Scientists, they will know the
 value of these rebukes. I am thankful that the neo-
 phyte will be benefited by experience, although it will
 cost him much, and in proportion to its worth.

5 I close my College in order to work in other directions,
 where I now seem to be most needed, and where none
 other can do the work. I withdraw from an overwhelm-
 ing prosperity. My students have never expressed so
 grateful a sense of my labors with them as now, and
10 never have been so capable of relieving my tasks as at

 God bless my enemies, as well as the better part of
 mankind, and gather all my students, in the bonds of
 love and perfectness, into one grand family of Christ’s

 Loyal Christian Scientists should go on in their pres-
 ent line of labor for a good and holy cause. Their insti-
 tutes have not yet accomplished all the good they are
 capable of accomplishing; therefore they should con-
20 tinue, as at present, to send out students from these
 sources of education, to promote the growing interest in
 Christian Science Mind-healing.

 There are one hundred and sixty applications lying on
 the desk before me, for the Primary class in the Massa-
25 chusetts Metaphysical College, and I cannot do my best
 work for a class which contains that number. When
 these were taught, another and a larger number would
 be in waiting for the same class instruction; and if I
 should teach that Primary class, the other three classes—
30 one Primary and two Normal — would be delayed.
 The work is more than one person can well accomplish,
 and the imperative call is for my exclusive teaching.

Page 274

1 From the scant history of Jesus and of his disciples,
 we have no Biblical authority for a public institution.
 This point, however, had not impressed me when I opened
 my College. I desire to revise my book “Science and
5 Health with Key to the Scriptures,” and in order to do
 this I must stop teaching at present. The work that
 needs to be done, and which God calls me to outside
 of College work, if left undone might hinder the progress
 of our Cause more than my teaching would advance it:
10 therefore I leave all for Christ.

 Deeply regretting the disappointment this will occa-
 sion, and with grateful acknowledgments to the public
 for its liberal patronage, I close my College.


Malicious Reports

 Truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. — ISAIAH lix. 14.

 When the press is gagged, liberty is besieged; but
 when the press assumes the liberty to lie, it discounts
 clemency, mocks morality, outrages humanity, breaks
20 common law, gives impulse to violence, envy, and hate,
 and prolongs the reign of inordinate, unprincipled clans.
 At this period, 1888, those quill-drivers whose consciences
 are in their pockets hold high carnival. When news-
 dealers shout for class legislation, and decapitated reputa-
25 tions, headless trunks, and quivering hearts are held up
 before the rabble in exchange for money, place, and
 power, the vox populi is suffocated, individual rights
 are trodden under foot, and the car of the modern In-
 quisition rolls along the streets besmeared with blood.

Page 275

1 Would not our Master say to the chief actors in scenes
 like these, “Ye fools and blind!” Oh, tardy human
 justice! would you take away even woman’s trembling,
 clinging faith in divine power? Who can roll away the
5 stone from the door of this sepulchre? Who — but God’s
 avenging angel!

 In times like these it were well to lift the veil on the
 sackcloth of home, where weepeth the faithful, stricken
 mother, and the bruised father bendeth his aching head;
10 where the bereft wife or husband, silent and alone, looks
 in dull despair at the vacant seat, and the motherless
 little ones, wondering, huddle together, and repeat with
 quivering lips words of strange import. May the great
 Shepherd that “tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,”
15 and binds up the wounds of bleeding hearts, just comfort,
 encourage, and bless all who mourn.

 Father, we thank Thee that Thy light and Thy love
 reach earth, open the prison to them that are bound, con-
 sole the innocent, and throw wide the gates of heaven.

Loyal Christian Scientists

 Pen can never portray the satisfaction that you afforded
 me at the grand meeting in Chicago of the National Chris-
 tian Scientist Association in 1888. Your public and
 private expressions of love and loyalty were very touch-
25 ing. They moved me to speechless thanks.

 Chicago is the wonder of the western hemisphere. The
 Palmer House, where we stopped, is magnificent and
 orderly. The servants are well-mannered, and the fare
 is appetizing. The floral offerings sent to my apartments

Page 276

1 were superb, especially the large book of rare flowers, and
 the crescent with a star.

 The reception in the spacious rooms of the Palmer
 House, like all else, was purely Western in its cordiality
5 and largeness. I did not hold interviews with all with
 whom I desired to, solely because so many people and
 circumstances demanded my attention that my person-
 ality was not big enough to fill the order; but rest as-
 sured my heart’s desire met the demand.

10 My students, our delegates, about one thousand Chris-
 tian Scientists, active, earnest, and loyal, formed a goodly
 assemblage for the third convention of our National As-
 sociation, — an assemblage found waiting and watching
 for the full coming of our Lord and Christ.

15 In Christian Science the midnight hour will always be
 the bridal hour, until “no night is there.” The wise
 will have their lamps aglow, and light will illumine the

 Out of the gloom comes the glory of our Lord, and
20 His divine Love is found in affliction. When a false
 sense suffers, the true sense comes out, and the bride-
 groom appears. We are then wedded to a purer, higher
 affection and ideal.

 I pray that all my students shall have their lamps
25 trimmed and burning at the noon of night, that not one
 of them be found borrowing oil, and seeking light from
 matter instead of Spirit, or at work erroneously, thus
 shutting out spiritual light. Such an error and loss will
 be quickly learned when the door is shut. Error giveth
30 no light, and it closes the door on itself.

 In the dark hours, wise Christian Scientists stand
 firmer than ever in their allegiance to God. Wisdom

Page 277

1 is wedded to their love, and their hearts are not

 Falsehood is on the wings of the winds, but Truth
 will soar above it. Truth is speaking louder, clearer,
5 and more imperatively than ever. Error is walking to
 and fro in the earth, trying to be heard above Truth,
 but its voice dies out in the distance. Whosoever pro-
 claims Truth loudest, becomes the mark for error’s shafts.
 The archers aim at Truth’s mouthpiece; but a heart
10 loyal to God is patient and strong. Justice waits, and
 is used to waiting; and right wins the everlasting

 The stake and scaffold have never silenced the mes-
 sages of the Most High. Then can the present mode of
15 attempting this — namely, by slanderous falsehoods, and
 a secret mind-method, through which to effect the pur-
 poses of envy and malice — silence Truth? Never. They
 but open the eyes to the truth of Benjamin Franklin’s
 report before the French Commissioners on Mesmerism:
20 “It is one more fact to be recorded in the history of the
 errors of the human mind.”

 “The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice.”

 No evidence before the material senses can close my
 eyes to the scientific proof that God, good, is supreme.
25 Though clouds are round about Him, the divine justice
 and judgment are enthroned. Love is especially near
 in times of hate, and never so near as when one can be
 just amid lawlessness, and render good for evil.

 I thunder His law to the sinner, and sharply lighten
30 on the cloud of the intoxicated senses. I cannot help
 loathing the phenomena of drunkenness produced by
 animality. I rebuke it wherever I see it. The vision

Page 278

1 of the Revelator is before me. The wines of fornica-
 tion, envy, and hatred are the distilled spirits of evil,
 and are the signs of these times; but I am not dismayed,
 and my peace returns unto me.

5 Error will hate more as it realizes more the presence
 of its tormentor. I shall fulfil my mission, fight the good
 fight, and keep the faith.

 There is great joy in this consciousness, that through-
 out my labors, and in my history as connected with the
10 Cause of Christian Science, it can be proven that I have
 never given occasion for a single censure, when my mo-
 tives and acts are understood and seen as my Father
 seeth them. I once wondered at the Scriptural declara-
 tion that Job sinned not in all he said, even when he cursed
15 the hour of his birth; but I have learned that a curse on
 sin is always a blessing to the human race.

 Those only who are tried in the furnace reflect the
 image of their Father. You, my beloved students, who
 are absent from me, and have shared less of my labors
20 than many others, seem stronger to resist temptation
 than some of those who have had line upon line and
 precept upon precept. This may be a serviceable hint,
 since necessities and God’s providence are foreshadowed.
 I have felt for some time that perpetual instruction of
25 my students might substitute my own for their growth,
 and so dwarf their experience. If they must learn by
 the things they suffer, the sooner this lesson is gained
 the better.

 For two years I have been gradually withdrawing from
30 active membership in the Christian Scientist Association.
 This has developed higher energies on the part of true
 followers, and led to some startling departures on the

Page 279

1 other hand. “Offenses will come: but woe unto him,
 through whom they come.”

 Why does not the certainty of individual punishment
 for sin prevent the wrong action? It is the love of God,
5 and not the fear of evil, that is the incentive in Science.
 I rejoice with those who rejoice, and am too apt to weep
 with those who weep, but over and above it all are eter-
 nal sunshine and joy unspeakable.

The March Primary Class


 My students, three picture-stories from the Bible pre-
 sent themselves to my thought; three of those pictures
15 from which we learn without study. The first is that of
 Joshua and his band before the walls of Jericho. They
 went seven times around these walls, the seven times
 corresponding to the seven days of creation: the six days
 are to find out the nothingness of matter; the seventh
20 is the day of rest, when it is found that evil is naught
 and good is all.

 The second picture is of the disciples met together in
 an upper chamber; and they were of one mind. Mark,
 that in the case of Joshua and his band they had all to
25 shout together in order that the walls might fall; and the
 disciples, too, were of one mind.

 We, to-day, in this class-room, are enough to con-
 vert the world if we are of one Mind; for then the whole
 world will feel the influence of this Mind; as when

Page 280

1 earth was without form, and Mind spake and form

 The third picture-lesson is from Revelation, where, at
 the opening of the seals, one of the angels presented him-
5 self with balances to weigh the thoughts and actions of
 men; not angels with wings, but messengers of pure and
 holy thoughts that say, See thou hurt not the holy things
 of Truth.

 You have come to be weighed; and yet, I would not
10 weigh you, nor have you weighed. How is this? Be-
 cause God does all, and there is nothing in the opposite
 scale. There are not two, — Mind and matter. We
 must get rid of that notion. As we commonly think, we
 imagine all is well if we cast something into the scale of
15 Mind, but we must realize that Mind is not put into the
 scales with matter; then only are we working on one side
 and in Science.

 The students of this Primary class, dismissed the fifth
 of March, at close of the lecture on the fourth presented
20 their teacher with an elegant album costing fifty dollars,
 and containing beautiful hand-painted flowers on each
 page, with their autographs. The presentation was made
 in a brief address by Mr. D.A. Easton, who in appro-
 priate language and metaphor expressed his fellow-students’
25 thanks to their teacher.

 On the morning of the fifth, I met the class to answer
 some questions before their dismissal, and allude briefly
 to a topic of great import to the student of Christian
 Science, — the rocks and sirens in their course, on and
30 by which so many wrecks are made. The doors of animal
 magnetism open wide for the entrance of error, some-
 times just at the moment when you are ready to enter on

Page 281

1 the fruition of your labors, and with laudable ambition
 are about to chant hymns of victory for triumphs.

 The doors that this animal element flings open are
 those of rivalry, jealousy, envy, revenge. It is the self-
5 asserting mortal will-power that you must guard against.
 But I find also another mental condition of yours that
 fills me with joy. I learned long ago that the world could
 neither deprive me of something nor give me anything,
 and I have now one ambition and one joy. But if
10 one cherishes ambition unwisely, one will be chastened
 for it.

 Admiral Coligny, in the time of the French Huguenots,
 was converted to Protestantism through a stray copy of
 the Scriptures that fell into his hands. He replied to his
15 wife, who urged him to come out and confess his faith,
 “It is wise to count the cost of becoming a true Chris-
 tian.” She answered him, “It is wiser to count the cost
 of not becoming a true Christian.” So, whatever we meet
 that is hard in the Christian warfare we must count as
20 nothing, and must think instead, of our poverty and help-
 lessness without this understanding, and count ourselves
 always as debtors to Christ, Truth.

 Among the gifts of my students, this of yours is one
 of the most beautiful and the most costly, because you
25 have signed your names. I felt the weight of this yes-
 terday, but it came to me more clearly this morning when
 I realized what a responsibility you assume when sub-
 scribing to Christian Science. But, whatever may come
 to you, remember the words of Solomon, “Though hand
30 join in hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished: but
 the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.”

 You will need, in future, practice more than theory.

Page 282

1 You are going out to demonstrate a living faith, a true
 sense of the infinite good, a sense that does not limit God,
 but brings to human view an enlarged sense of Deity.
 Remember, it is personality, and the sense of personality
5 in God or in man, that limits man.

Obtrusive Mental Healing

 The question will present itself: Shall people be treated
 mentally without their knowledge or consent? The
 direct rule for practice of Christian Science is the Golden
10 Rule, “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye,”
 Who of us would have our houses broken open or our
 locks picked? and much less would we have our minds
 tampered with.

 Our Master said, “When ye enter a house, salute it.”
15 Prolonging the metaphysical tone of his command, I say,
 When you enter mentally the personal precincts of human
 thought, you should know that the person with whom
 you hold communion desires it. There are solitary ex-
 ceptions to most given rules: the following is an exception
20 to the above rule of mental practice.

 If the friends of a patient desire you to treat him with-
 out his knowing it, and they believe in the efficacy of
 Mind-healing, it is sometimes wise to do so, and the end
 justifies the means; for he is restored through Christian
25 Science when other means have failed. One other oc-
 casion which may call for aid unsought, is a case from
 accident, when there is no time for ceremony and no other
 aid is near.

 The abuse which I call attention to, is promiscuous

Page 283

1 and unannounced mental practice where there is no neces-
 sity for it, or the motive is mercenary, or one can to ad-
 vantage speak the truth audibly; then the case is not
 exceptional. As a rule, one has no more right to enter
5 the mind of a person, stir, upset, and adjust his thoughts
 without his knowledge or consent, than one has to enter
 a house, unlock the desk, displace the furniture, and suit
 one’s self in the arrangement and management of another
 man’s property.

10 It would be right to break into a burning building and
 rouse the slumbering inmates, but wrong to burst open
 doors and break through windows if no emergency de-
 manded this. Any exception to the old wholesome rule,
 “Mind your own business,” is rare. For a student of
15 mine to treat another student without his knowledge, is
 a breach of good manners and morals; it is nothing less
 than a mistaken kindness, a culpable ignorance, or a
 conscious trespass on the rights of mortals.

 I insist on the etiquette of Christian Science, as well
20 as its morals and Christianity. The Scriptural rule of
 this Science may momentarily be forgotten; but this is
 seldom the case with loyal students, or done without
 incriminating the person who did it.

 Each student should, must, work out his own problem
25 of being; conscious, meanwhile, that God worketh with
 him, and that he needs no personal aid. It is the genius
 of Christian Science to demonstrate good, not evil,—
 harmony, not discord; for Science is the mandate of
 Truth which destroys all error.

30 Whoever is honestly laboring to learn the principle of
 music and practise it, seldom calls on his teacher or mu-
 sician to practise for him. The only personal help re-

Page 284

1 quired in this Science is for each one to do his own work
 well, and never try to hinder others from doing theirs

 Christian Science, more than any other system of
5 religion, morals, or medicine, is subject to abuses. Its
 infinite nature and uses occasion this. Even the human-
 itarian at work in this field of limitless power and good
 may possess a zeal without knowledge, and thus mistake
 the sphere of his present usefulness.

10 Students who strictly adhere to the right, and make the
 Bible and Science and Health a study, are in no danger
 of mistaking their way.

 This question is often proposed, How shall I treat
 malicious animal magnetism? The hour has passed for
15 this evil to be treated personally, but it should have been
 so dealt with at the outset. Christian Scientists should
 have gone personally to the malpractitioner and told
 him his fault, and vindicated divine Truth and Love
 against human error and hate. This growing sin must
20 now be dealt with as evil, and not as an evil-doer or per-
 sonality It must also be remembered that neither an evil
 claim nor an evil person is real, hence is neither to be
 feared nor honored.

 Evil is not something to fear and flee before, or that
25 becomes more real when it is grappled with. Evil let
 alone grows more real, aggressive, and enlarges its claims;
 but, met with Science, it can and will be mastered by

 I deprecate personal animosities and quarrels. But if
30 one is intrusted with the rules of church government, to
 fulfil that trust those rules must be carried out; thus it
 is with all moral obligations. I am opposed to all personal

Page 285

1 attacks, and in favor of combating evil only, rather than

 An edition of one thousand pamphlets I ordered to
 be laid away and not one of them circulated, because I
5 had been personal in condemnation. Afterwards, by a
 blunder of the gentleman who fills orders for my books,
 some of these pamphlets were mistaken for the corrected
 edition, and sold.

 Love is the fulfilling of the law. Human life is too
10 short for foibles or failures. The Christian Science Jour-
 nal will hold high the banner of Truth and Love, and be
 impartial and impersonal in its tenor and tenets.


 It was about the year 1875 that Science and Health
15 first crossed swords with free-love, and the latter fell hors
 de combat; but the whole warfare of sensuality was not
 then ended. Science and Health, the book that cast the
 first stone, is still at work, deep down in human conscious-
 ness, laying the axe at the root of error.

20 We have taken the precaution to write briefly on mar-
 riage, showing its relation to Christian Science. In the
 present or future, some extra throe of error may conjure
 up a new-style conjugality, which, ad libitum, severs the
 marriage covenant, puts virtue in the shambles, and
25 coolly notifies the public of broken vows. Springing
 up from the ashes of free-love, this nondescript phoenix,
 in the face and eyes of common law, common sense, and
 common honesty, may appear in the rôle of a superfine
 conjugality; but, having no Truth, it will have no past,
30 present, or future.

Page 286

1 The above prophecy, written years ago, has already
 been fulfilled. It is seen in Christian Science that the
 gospel of marriage is not without the law, and the solemn
 vow of fidelity, “until death do us part;” this verity in
5 human economy can neither be obscured nor throttled.
 Until time matures human growth, marriage and progeny
 will continue unprohibited in Christian Science. We look
 to future generations for ability to comply with absolute
 Science, when marriage shall be found to be man’s one-
10 ness with God, — the unity of eternal Love. At present,
 more spiritual conception and education of children will
 serve to illustrate the superiority of spiritual power over
 sensuous, and usher in the dawn of God’s creation,
 wherein they neither marry nor are given in marriage,
15 but are as the angels. To abolish marriage at this period,
 and maintain morality and generation, would put inge-
 nuity to ludicrous shifts; yet this is possible in Science,
 although it is to-day problematic.

 The time cometh, and now is, for spiritual and eternal
20 existence to be recognized and understood in Science.
 All is Mind. Human procreation, birth, life, and death
 are subjective states of the human erring mind; they
 are the phenomena of mortality, nothingness, that illus-
 trate mortal mind and body as one, and neither real nor
25 eternal.

 It should be understood that Spirit, God, is the only
 creator: we should recognize this verity of being, and
 shut out all sense of other claims. Until this absolute
 Science of being is seen, understood, and demonstrated
30 in the offspring of divine Mind, and man is perfect even
 as the Father is perfect, human speculation will go on,
 and stop at length at the spiritual ultimate: creation

Page 287

1 understood as the most exalted divine conception. The
 offspring of an improved generation, however, will go out
 before the forever fact that man is eternal and has no
 human origin. Hence the Scripture: “It is He that hath
5 made us, and not we ourselves;” and the Master’s de-
 mand, “Call no man your father upon the earth: for one
 is your Father, which is in heaven.”

 To an ill-attuned ear, discord is harmony; so personal
 sense, discerning not the legitimate affection of Soul,
10 may place love on a false basis and thereby lose it. Science
 corrects this error with the truth of Love, and restores
 lost Eden. Soul is the infinite source of bliss: only high
 and holy joy can satisfy immortal cravings. The good
 in human affections should preponderate over the evil,
15 and the spiritual over the animal, — until progress lifts
 mortals to discern the Science of mental formation and
 find the highway of holiness.

 In the order of wisdom, the higher nature of man
 governs the lower. This lays the foundations of human
20 affection in line with progress, giving them strength and

 When asked by a wife or a husband important ques-
 tions concerning their happiness, the substance of my reply
 is: God will guide you. Be faithful over home rela-
25 tions; they lead to higher joys: obey the Golden Rule
 for human life, and it will spare you much bitterness.
 It is pleasanter to do right than wrong; it makes one
 ruler over one’s self and hallows home, — which is woman’s
 world. Please your husband, and he will be apt to please
30 you; preserve affection on both sides.

 Great mischief comes from attempts to steady other
 people’s altars, venturing on valor without discretion,

Page 288

1 which is virtually meddlesomeness. Even your sincere
 and courageous convictions regarding what is best for
 others may be mistaken; you must be demonstratively
 right yourself, and work out the greatest good to the
5 greatest number, before you are sure of being a fit coun-
 sellor. Positive and imperative thoughts should be dropped
 into the balances of God and weighed by spiritual Love,
 and not be found wanting, before being put into action.
 A rash conclusion that regards only one side of a ques-
10 tion, is weak and wicked; this error works out the results
 of error. If the premise of mortal existence is wrong,
 any conclusion drawn therefrom is not absolutely right.
 Wisdom in human action begins with what is nearest
 right under the circumstances, and thence achieves the
15 absolute.

 Is marriage nearer right than celibacy?

 Human knowledge inculcates that it is, while Science
 indicates that it is not. But to force the consciousness
 of scientific being before it is understood is impossible,
20 and believing otherwise would prevent scientific demon-
 stration. To reckon the universal cost and gain, as well
 as thine own, is right in every state and stage of being.
 The selfish rôle of a martyr is the shift of a dishonest
 mind, nothing short of self-seeking; and real suffering
25 would stop the farce.

 The cause of temperance receives a strong impulse
 from the cause of Christian Science: temperance and
 truth are allies, and their cause prospers in proportion
 to the spirit of Love that nerves the struggle. People
30 will differ in their opinions as to means to promote the
 ends of temperance; that is, abstinence from intoxicat-
 ing beverages. Whatever intoxicates a man, stultifies,

Page 289

1 and causes him to degenerate physically and morally.
 Strong drink is unquestionably an evil, and evil cannot
 be used temperately: its slightest use is abuse; hence
 the only temperance is total abstinence. Drunkenness
5 is sensuality let loose, in whatever form it is made

 What is evil? It is suppositional absence of good.
 From a human standpoint of good, mortals must first
 choose between evils, and of two evils choose the less;
10 and at present the application of scientific rules to hu-
 man life seems to rest on this basis.

 All partnerships are formed on agreements to certain
 compacts: each party voluntarily surrenders independ-
 ent action to act as a whole and per agreement. This
15 fact should be duly considered when by the marriage
 contract two are made one, and, according to the divine
 precept, “they twain shall be one flesh.” Oneness in
 spirit is Science, compatible with home and heaven.
 Neither divine justice nor human equity has divorced
20 two minds in one.

 Rights that are bargained away must not be retaken
 by the contractors, except by mutual consent. Human
 nature has bestowed on a wife the right to become a
 mother; but if the wife esteems not this privilege, by
25 mutual consent, exalted and increased affections, she
 may win a higher. Science touches the conjugal ques-
 tion on the basis of a bill of rights. Can the bill of con-
 jugal rights be fairly stated by a magistrate, or by a
 minister? Mutual interests and affections are the spirit
30 of these rights, and they should be consulted, augmented,
 and allowed to rise to the spiritual altitude whence they
 can choose only good.

Page 290

1 A third person is not a party to the compact of two
 hearts. Let other people’s marriage relations alone: two
 persons only, should be found within their precincts.
 The nuptial vow is never annulled so long as the animus
5 of the contract is preserved intact. Science lifts humanity
 higher in the scale of harmony, and must ultimately break
 all bonds that hinder progress.

Judge Not

 Mistaken views ought to be dissolving views, since
10 whatever is false should disappear. To suppose that hu-
 man love, guided by the divine Principle, which is Love,
 is partial, unmerciful, or unjust, indicates misapprehen-
 sion of the divine Principle and its workings in the human

15 A person wrote to me, naming the time of the occur-
 rence, “I felt the influence of your thought on my mind,
 and it produced a wonderful illumination, peace, and
 understanding;” but, I had not thought of the writer
 at that time. I knew that this person was doing well,
20 and my affections involuntarily flow out towards all.

 When will the world cease to judge of causes from a
 personal sense of things, conjectural and misapprehen-
 sive! When thought dwells in God, — and it should not,
 to our consciousness, dwell elsewhere, — one must bene-
25 fit those who hold a place in one’s memory, whether it
 be friend or foe, and each share the benefit of that radia-
 tion. This individual blessedness and blessing comes
 not so much from individual as from universal love: it
 emits light because it reflects; and all who are receptive
30 share this equally.

Page 291

1 Mistaken or transient views are human: they are not
 governed by the Principle of divine Science: but the
 notion that a mind governed by Principle can be forced
 into personal channels, affinities, self-interests, or obliga-
5 tions, is a grave mistake; it dims the true sense of God’s
 reflection, and darkens the understanding that demon-
 strates above personal motives, unworthy aims and

 Too much and too little is attached to me as authority
10 for other people’s thoughts and actions. A tacit acqui-
 escence with others’ views is often construed as direct
 orders, — or at least it so appears in results. I desire
 the equal growth and prosperity of all Christian Scien-
 tists, and the world in general; each and every one has
15 equal opportunity to be benefited by my thoughts and
 writings. If any are not partakers thereof, this is not
 my fault, and is far from my desire; the possible per-
 version of Christian Science is the irony of fate, if the
 spirit thereof be lacking. I would part with a blessing
20 myself to bestow it upon others, but could not deprive
 them of it. False views, however engendered, relative
 to the true and unswerving course of a Christian Scientist,
 will at length dissolve into thin air. The dew of heaven
 will fall gently on the hearts and lives of all who are found
25 worthy to suffer for righteousness, — and have taught
 the truth which is energizing, refreshing, and consecrat-
 ing mankind.

 To station justice and gratitude as sentinels along the
 lines of thought, would aid the solution of this problem,
30 and counteract the influence of envious minds or the mis-
 guided individual who keeps not watch over his emotions
 and conclusions.

Page 292

New Commandment

1 The divinity of St. John’s Gospel brings to view over-
 whelming tides of revelation, and its spirit is baptismal;
 he chronicles this teaching, “A new commandment I
5 give unto you, That ye love one another.”

 Jesus, who so loved the world that he gave his life
 (in the flesh) for it, saw that Love had a new command-
 ment even for him. What was it?

 It must have been a rare revelation of infinite Love, a
10 new tone on the scale ascending, such as eternity is ever
 sounding. Could I impart to the student the higher
 sense I entertain of Love, it would partly illustrate the
 divine energy that brings to human weakness might and
 majesty. Divine Love eventually causes mortals to turn
15 away from the open sepulchres of sin, and look no more
 into them as realities. It calls loudly on them to bury
 the dead out of sight; to forgive and forget whatever is
 unlike the risen, immortal Love; and to shut out all op-
 posite sense. Christ enjoins it upon man to help those
20 who know not what he is doing in their behalf, and there-
 fore curse him; enjoins taking them by the hand and
 leading them, if possible, to Christ, by loving words and
 deeds. Charity thus serves as admonition and instruc-
 tion, and works out the purposes of Love.

25 Christian Science, full of grace and truth, is accom-
 plishing great good, both seen and unseen; but have
 mortals, with the penetration of Soul, searched the secret
 chambers of sense? I never knew a student who fully
 understood my instructions on this point of handling
30 evil, — as to just how this should be done, — and carried

Page 293

1 out my ideal. It is safe not to teach prematurely the
 infant thought in Christian Science — just breathing new
 Life and Love — all the claims and modes of evil; there-
 fore it is best to leave the righteous unfolding of error
5 (as a general rule) alone, and to the special care of the
 unerring modes of divine wisdom. This uncovering and
 punishing of sin must, will come, at some date, to the
 rescue of humanity. The teacher of divine metaphysics
 should impart to his students the general knowledge that
10 he has gained from instruction, observation, and mental

 Experience weighs in the scales of God the sense and
 power of Truth against the opposite claims of error.
 If spiritual sense is not dominant in a student, he will
15 not understand all your instructions; and if evil domi-
 nates his character, he will pervert the rules of Christian
 Science, and the last error will be worse than the first—
 inasmuch as wilful transgression brings greater torment
 than ignorance.

A Cruce Salus

21 The sum total of Love reflected is exemplified, and
 includes the whole duty of man: Truth perverted, in
 belief, becomes the creator of the claim of error. To
 affirm mentally and audibly that God is All and there is
25 no sickness and no sin, makes mortals either saints or

 Truth talked and not lived, rolls on the human heart
 a stone; consigns sensibility to the charnel-house of sen-
 suality, ease, self-love, self-justification, there to moulder
30 and rot.

Page 294

1 The noblest work of God is man in the image of his
 Maker; the last infirmity of evil is so-called man, swayed
 by the maëlstrom of human passions, elbowing the con-
 cepts of his own creating, making place for himself and
5 displacing his fellows.

 A real Christian Scientist is a marvel, a miracle in the
 universe of mortal mind. With selfless love, he inscribes
 on the heart of humanity and transcribes on the page
 of reality the living, palpable presence — the might and
10 majesty!—of goodness. He lives for all mankind, and
 honors his creator.

 The vice versa of this man is sometimes called a
 man, but he is a small animal: a hived bee, with sting
 ready for each kind touch, he makes honey out of
15 the flowers of human hearts and hides it in his cell of

 O friendly hand! keep back thy offerings from asps
 and apes, from wolves in sheep’s clothing and all raven-
 ing beasts. Love such specimens of mortality just enough
20 to reform and transform them, — if it be possible,—
 and then, look out for their stings, and jaws, and claws;
 but thank God and take courage, — that you desire to
 help even such as these.

Comparison to English Barmaids

25 Since my residence in Concord, N. H., I have read
 the daily paper, and had become an admirer of Edgar
 L. Wakeman’s terse, graphic, and poetic style in his
 “Wanderings,” richly flavored with the true ideas of
 humanity and equality. In an issue of January 17, how-

Page 295

1 ever, were certain references to American women which
 deserve and elicit brief comment.

 Mr. Wakeman writes from London, that a noted Eng-
 lish leader, whom he quotes without naming, avers that
5 the “cursed barmaid system” in England is evolved by
 the same power which in America leads women “along
 a gamut of isms and ists, from female suffrage, past a
 score of reforms, to Christian Science.” This anony-
 mous talker further declares, that the central cause of
10 this “same original evil” is “a female passion for some
 manner of notoriety.”

 Is Mr. Wakeman awake, and caught napping? While
 praising the Scotchman’s national pride and affection,
 has our American correspondent lost these sentiments
15 from his own breast? Has he forgotten how to honor
 his native land and defend the dignity of her daughters
 with his ready pen and pathos?

 The flaunting and floundering statements of the great
 unknown for whose ability and popularity Mr. Wakeman
20 strongly vouches, should not only be queried, but flatly
 contradicted, as both untrue and uncivil. English senti-
 ment is not wholly represented by one man. Nor is the
 world ignorant of the fact that high and pure ethical
 tones do resound from Albion’s shores. The most ad-
25 vanced ideas are inscribed on tablets of such an organi-
 zation as the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society
 of Great Britain, an institution which names itself after
 her who is unquestionably the best queen on earth; who
 for a half century has with such dignity, clemency, and
30 virtue worn the English crown and borne the English

 Now, I am a Christian Scientist, — the Founder of

Page 296

1 this system of religion, — widely known; and, by special
 invitation, have allowed myself to be elected an associate
 life-member of the Victoria Institute, which numbers
 among its constituents and managers — not barmaids,
5 but bishops — profound philosophers, brilliant scholars.

 Was it ignorance of American society and history,
 together with unfamiliarity with the work and career
 of American women, which led the unknown author
 cited by Mr. Wakeman to overflow in shallow sarcasm,
10 and place the barmaids of English alehouses and rail-
 ways in the same category with noble women who min-
 ister in the sick-room, give their time and strength to
 binding up the wounds of the broken-hearted, and live
 on the plan of heaven?

15 This writer classes Christian Science with theosophy
 and spiritualism; whereas, they are by no means iden-
 tical — nor even similar. Christian Science, antagonis-
 tic to intemperance, as to all immorality, is by no means
 associated therewith. Do manly Britons patronize tap-
20 rooms and lazar-houses, and thus note or foster a fem-
 inine ambition which, in this unknown gentleman’s
 language, “poises and poses, higgles and wriggles” it-
 self into publicity? Why fall into such patronage, unless
 from their affinity for the worst forms of vice?

25 And the barmaids! Do they enter this line of occu-
 pation from a desire for notoriety and a wish to promote
 female suffrage? or are they incited thereto by their
 own poverty and the bad appetites of men? What man-
 ner of man is this unknown individual who utters bar-
30 maid and Christian Scientist in the same breath? If he
 but knew whereof he speaks, his shame would not lose
 its blush!

Page 297

1 Taking into account the short time that has elapsed
 since the discovery of Christian Science, one readily sees
 that this Science has distanced all other religious and
 pathological systems for physical and moral reforma-
5 tion. In the direction of temperance it has achieved far
 more than has been accomplished by legally coercive
 measures, — and because this Science bases its work on
 ethical conditions and mentally destroys the appetite for
 alcoholic drinks.

10 Smart journalism is allowable, nay, it is commend-
 able; but the public cannot swallow reports of American
 affairs from a surly censor ventilating his lofty scorn of
 the sects, or societies, of a nation that perhaps he has
 never visited.

A Christian Science Statute

16 I hereby state, in unmistakable language, the follow-
 ing statute in the morale of Christian Science:—

 A man or woman, having voluntarily entered into
 wedlock, and accepted the claims of the marriage cove-
20 nant, is held in Christian Science as morally bound to
 fulfil all the claims growing out of this contract, unless
 such claims are relinquished by mutual consent of both
 parties, or this contract is legally dissolved. If the man
 is dominant over the animal, he will count the conse-
25 quences of his own conduct; will consider the effects,
 on himself and his progeny, of selfishness, unmerciful-
 ness, tyranny, or lust.

 Trust Truth, not error; and Truth will give you all
 that belongs to the rights of freedom. The Hebrew bard

Page 298

1 wrote, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean
 not unto thine own understanding.” Nothing is gained
 by wrong-doing. St. Paul’s words take in the situation:
 “Not … (as we be slanderously reported, and as some
5 affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come?
 whose damnation is just.”

 When causing others to go astray, we also are wan-
 derers. “With what measure ye mete, it shall be meas-
 ured to you again.” Ask yourself: Under the same
10 circumstances, in the same spiritual ignorance and power
 of passion, would I be strengthened by having my best
 friend break troth with me? These words of St. Matthew
 have special application to Christian Scientists; namely,
 “It is not good to marry.”

15 To build on selfishness is to build on sand. When
 Jesus received the material rite of water baptism, he did
 not say that it was God’s command; but implied that
 the period demanded it. Trials purify mortals and deliver
 them from themselves, — all the claims of sensuality.
20 Abide by the morale of absolute Christian Science,—
 self-abnegation and purity; then Truth delivers you from
 the seeming power of error, and faith vested in righteous-
 ness triumphs!

Advice To Students

25 The true consciousness is the true health. One says,
 “I find relief from pain in unconscious sleep.” I say,
 You mistake; through unconsciousness one no more
 gains freedom from pain than immunity from evil. When
 unconscious of a mistake, one thinks he is not mistaken;
30 but this false consciousness does not change the fact, or

Page 299

1 its results; suffering and mistakes recur until one is awake
 to their cause and character. To know the what, when,
 and how of error, destroys error. The error that is seen
 aright as error, has received its death-blow; but never
5 until then.

 Let us look through the lens of Christian Science,
 not of “self,” at the following mistake, which demands
 our present attention. I have no time for detailed report
 of this matter, but simply answer the following question
10 sent to me; glad, indeed, that this query has finally come
 with the courage of conviction to the minds of many

 “Is it right to copy your works and read them for our
 public services?”

15 The good which the material senses see not is the only
 absolute good; the evil which these senses see not is the
 only absolute evil.

 If I enter Mr. Smith’s store and take from it his gar-
 ments that are on sale, array myself in them, and put
20 myself and them on exhibition, can I make this right
 by saying, These garments are Mr. Smith’s; he manu-
 factured them and owns them, but you must pay me,
 not him, for this exhibit?

 The spectators may ask, Did he give you permission
25 to do this, did he sell them or loan them to you? No. 
 Then have you asked yourself this question on the sub-
 ject, namely, What right have I to do this? True, it
 saves your purchasing these garments, and gives to the
 public new patterns which are useful to them; but does
30 this silence your conscience? or, because you have con-
 fessed that they are the property of a noted firm, and
 you wished to handle them, does it justify you in appro-

Page 300

1 priating them, and so avoiding the cost of hiring or

 Copying my published works verbatim, compiling them
 in connection with the Scriptures, taking this copy into
5 the pulpit, announcing the author’s name, then reading
 it publicly as your own compilation, is — what?

 We answer, It is a mistake; in common parlance, it
 is an ignorant wrong.

 If you should print and publish your copy of my works,
10 you would be liable to arrest for infringement of copy-
 right, which the law defines and punishes as theft. Read-
 ing in the pulpit from copies of my publications gives
 you the clergyman’s salary and spares you the printer’s
 bill, but does it spare you our Master’s condemnation?
15 You literally publish my works through the pulpit, instead
 of the press, and thus evade the law, but not the gospel.
 When I consent to this act, you will then be justified
 in it.

 Your manuscript copy is liable, in some way, to be
20 printed as your original writings, thus incurring the pen-
 alty of the law, and increasing the record of theft in the
 United States Circuit Court.

 To The Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, which I
 had organized and of which I had for many years been
25 pastor, I gave permission to cite, in the Christian Science
 Quarterly, from my work Science and Health, passages
 giving the spiritual meaning of Bible texts; but this was
 a special privilege, and the author’s gift.

 Christian Science demonstrates that the patient who
30 pays whatever he is able to pay for being healed, is more
 apt to recover than he who withholds a slight equiva-
 lent for health. Healing morally and physically are one.

Page 301

1 Then, is compiling and delivering that sermon for which
 you pay nothing, and which you deliver without the
 author’s consent, and receive pay therefor, the precedent
 for preaching Christian Science, — and are you doing
5 to the author of the above-named book as you would
 have others do unto you?

 Those authors and editors of pamphlets and periodi-
 cals whose substance is made up of my publications, are
 morally responsible for what the law construes as crime.
10 There are startling instances of the above-named law-
 breaking and gospel-opposing system of authorship, which
 characterize the writings of a few professed Christian
 Scientists. My Christian students who have read copies
 of my works in the pulpit require only a word to be wise;
15 too sincere and morally statuesque are they to be long
 led into temptation; but I must not leave persistent
 plagiarists without this word of warning in public, since
 my private counsel they disregard.

 To the question of my true-hearted students, “Is it
20 right to copy your works and read them for our public
 services?” I answer: It is not right to copy my book
 and read it publicly without my consent. My reasons are
 as follows:—

 First: This method is an unseen form of injustice
25 standing in a holy place.

 Second: It breaks the Golden Rule, — a divine rule
 for human conduct.

 Third: All error tends to harden the heart, blind
 the eyes, stop the ears of understanding, and inflate
30 self; counter to the commands of our hillside Priest, to
 whom Isaiah alluded thus: “I have trodden the wine-
 press alone; and of the people there was none with me.”

Page 302

1 Behind the scenes lurks an evil which you can prevent:
 it is a purpose to kill the reformation begun and increas-
 ing through the instructions of “Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures;” it encourages infringement of my
5 copyright, and seeks again to “cast lots for his vesture,”—while
 the perverter preserves in his own consciousness
 and teaching the name without the Spirit, the skeleton
 without the heart, the form without the comeliness, the
 sense without the Science, of Christ’s healing. My stu-
10 dents are expected to know the teaching of Christian Sci-
 ence sufficiently to discriminate between error and Truth,
 thus sparing their teacher a task and themselves the
 temptation to be misled.

 Much good has been accomplished through Christian
15 Science Sunday services. If Christian Scientists occasion-
 ally mistake in interpreting revealed Truth, of two evils
 the less would be not to leave the Word unspoken and
 untaught. I allowed, till this permission was withdrawn,
 students working faithfully for Christ’s cause on earth,
20 the privilege of copying and reading my works for Sunday
 service; provided, they each and all destroyed the copies
 at once after said service. When I should so elect and
 give suitable notice, they were to desist from further copy-
 ing of my writings as aforesaid.

25 This injunction did not curtail the benefit which the
 student derived from making his copy, nor detract from
 the good that his hearers received from his reading thereof;
 but it was intended to forestall the possible evil of putting
 the divine teachings contained in “Science and Health
30 with Key to the Scriptures” into human hands, to sub-
 vert or to liquidate.

 I recommend that students stay within their own fields

Page 303

1 of labor, to work for the race; they are lights that can-
 not be hid, and need only to shine from their home sum-
 mits to be sought and found as healers physical and

5 The kindly shepherd has his own fold and tends his
 own flock. Christian students should have their own
 institutes and, unmolested, be governed by divine Love
 alone in teaching and guiding their students. When
 wisdom garrisons these strongholds of Christian Science,
10 peace and joy, the fruits of Spirit, will rest upon us all.
 We are brethren in the fullest sense of that word; there-
 fore no queries should arise as to “who shall be great-
 est.” Let us serve instead of rule, knock instead of
 push at the door of human hearts, and allow to each
15 and every one the same rights and privileges that we
 claim for ourselves. If ever I wear out from serving
 students, it shall be in the effort to help them to obey
 the Ten Commandments and imbibe the spirit of Christ’s


 Editor of Christian Science Journal: — You will oblige
 me by giving place in your Journal to the following notice.
 The idea and purpose of a Liberty Bell is pleasing, and
 can be made profitable to the heart of our country. I feel
25 assured that many Christian Scientists will respond to this
 letter by contributions.


Page 304


 1505 Penna. Ave., Washington, D. C.


 It has been determined to create a Columbian Liberty
5 Bell, to be placed by the lovers of liberty and peace in
 the most appropriate place in the coming World’s Expo-
 sition at Chicago. After the close of the Exhibition this
 bell will pass from place to place throughout the world
 as a missionary of freedom, coming first to the capital
10 of the nation under the care of our society.

 Then it will go to Bunker Hill or Liberty Island, to
 the battle-field of New Orleans (1812), to San Francisco,
 to the place where any great patriotic celebration is being
 held, until 1900, when it will be sent to the next World’s
15 Exhibition, which takes place at Paris, France. There it
 will continue until that Exhibition closes.

 When not in use in other places, it will return to Wash-
 ington under the care of the Daughters of the American
 Revolution. Washington will be its home, and from there
20 it will journey from place to place, fulfilling its mission
 throughout the world.

 The following is the proposed use of the bell: It shall
 ring at sunrise and sunset; at nine o’clock in the morn-
 ing on the anniversaries of the days on which great events
25 have occurred marking the world’s progress toward liberty;
 at twelve o’clock on the birthdays of the “creators of
 liberty;” and at four o’clock it will toll on the anniver-
 saries of their death. (It will always ring at nine o’clock
 on October 11th, in recognition of the organization on
30 that day of the Daughters of the American Revolution.)
… The responsibility of its production, and the direc-
 tion of its use, have been placed in the hands of a

Page 305

1 committee of women representing each State and Ter-
 ritory, one representative from each Republic in the
 world, and a representative from the patriotic societies,
  — Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution,
5 the Lyceum League of America, the Society of Ger-
 man Patriots, the Human Freedom League, and kindred

 The National Board of Management has placed upon
 me the responsibility of representing the National Society
10 of the Daughters of the American Revolution upon the
 General Committee, and this circular is sent to every
 member of the society, asking for her personal coopera-
 tion in making the undertaking successful. In creating
 the bell it is particularly desired that the largest number
15 of persons possible shall have a part in it. For this reason
 small contributions from many persons are to be asked
 for, rather than large contributions from a few. They
 are to be of two kinds:—

 First: Material that can be made a part of the bell;
20 articles of historic interest will be particularly appre-
 ciated — gold, silver, bronze, copper, and nickel can be

 Second: Of money with which to pay for the bell.
 Each member of the society is asked to contribute one
25 cent to be fused into the bell, and twenty-five cents to
 pay for it. She is also asked to collect two dollars from
 others, in pennies, if possible, and send with the amount
 the name of each contributor. In order that the bell
 shall be cast April 30th, the anniversary of the inaugu-
30 ration of George Washington as the first President of
 the United States, we ask every one receiving this cir-
 cular to act at once.

Page 306

1 In forwarding material to be melted into the bell, please
 send fullest historical description. This will be entered
 carefully in a book which will accompany the bell wherever
 it goes.

5 … As the motto has not yet been decided upon, any
 ideas on that subject will be gratefully received; we will
 also welcome suggestions of events to be celebrated and
 names to be commemorated.

 Very cordially yours,
 ex-Vice-President General, D. A. R.

 Contributions should be sent to the Liberty National
 Bank, corner Liberty and West Streets, New York, and
 a duplicate letter written, as a notification of the same,
15 to Miss Mary Desha, 1505 Penna. Ave., Washington,
 D. C., or to Miss Minnie F. Mickley, Mickleys, Pa.

 We would add, as being of interest, that Mrs. Eddy is
 a member of the above organization, having been made
 such by the special request of the late Mrs. Harrison,
20 wife of the ex-President, who was at that time the Presi-
 dent thereof. — ED.


1 When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings,
 nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove; but
25 we know their presence by the love they create in our
 hearts. Oh, may you feel this touch, — it is not the
 clasping of hands, nor a loved person present; it is more
 than this: it is a spiritual idea that lights your path!
 The Psalmist saith: “He shall give His angels charge

Page 307

1 over thee.” God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in
 turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for to-
 morrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present
 help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have
5 all you need every moment. What a glorious inheritance
 is given to us through the understanding of omnipresent
 Love! More we cannot ask: more we do not want:
 more we cannot have. This sweet assurance is the
 “Peace, be still” to all human fears, to suffering of every
10 sort.

Deification Of Personality

 Notwithstanding the rapid sale already of two editions
 of “Christ and Christmas,” and many orders on hand, I
 have thought best to stop its publication.

15 In this revolutionary religious period, the increasing
 inquiry of mankind as to Christianity and its unity—
 and above all, God’s love opening the eyes of the blind — is
 fast fitting all minds for the proper reception of
 Christian Science healing.

20 But I must stand on this absolute basis of Christian
 Science; namely, Cast not pearls before the unprepared
 thought. Idolatry is an easily-besetting sin of all peoples.
 The apostle saith, “Little children, keep yourselves from

25 The illustrations were not intended for a golden calf,
 at which the sick may look and be healed. Christian
 Scientists should beware of unseen snares, and adhere
 to the divine Principle and rules for demonstration.
 They must guard against the deification of finite personality.
30 Every human thought must turn instinctively to

Page 308

1 the divine Mind as its sole centre and intelligence. Until
 this be done, man will never be found harmonious and

 Whosoever looks to me personally for his health or
5 holiness, mistakes. He that by reason of human love or
 hatred or any other cause clings to my material per-
 sonality, greatly errs, stops his own progress, and loses
 the path to health, happiness, and heaven. The Scrip-
 tures and Christian Science reveal “the way,” and per-
10 sonal revelators will take their proper place in history,
 but will not be deified.

 Advanced scientific students are ready for “Christ
 and Christmas;” but those are a minority of its readers,
 and even they know its practicality only by healing
15 the sick on its divine Principle. In the words of the
 prophet, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one

 Friends, strangers, and Christian Scientists, I thank
 you, each and all, for your liberal patronage and scholarly,
20 artistic, and scientific notices of my book. This little
 messenger has done its work, fulfilled its mission, retired
 with honor (and mayhap taught me more than it has
 others), only to reappear in due season. The knowledge
 that I have gleaned from its fruitage is, that intensely
25 contemplating personality impedes spiritual growth; even
 as holding in mind the consciousness of disease prevents
 the recovery of the sick.

 Christian Science is taught through its divine Prin-
 ciple, which is invisible to corporeal sense. A material
30 human likeness is the antipode of man in the image and
 likeness of God. Hence, a finite person is not the model
 for a metaphysician. I earnestly advise all Christian
 Scientists to remove from their observation or study

Page 309

1 the personal sense of any one, and not to dwell in thought
 upon their own or others’ corporeality, either as good or

 According to Christian Science, material personality is
5 an error in premise, and must result in erroneous con-
 clusions. All will agree with me that material portraiture
 often fails to express even mortal man, and this declares
 its unfitness for fable or fact to build upon.

 The face of Jesus has uniformly been so unnaturally
10 delineated that it has turned many from the true con-
 templation of his character. He advances most in divine
 Science who meditates most on infinite spiritual sub-
 stance and intelligence. Experience proves this true.
 Pondering on the finite personality of Jesus, the son of
15 man, is not the channel through which we reach the
 Christ, or Son of God, the true idea of man’s divine

 I warn students against falling into the error of anti-
 Christ. The consciousness of corporeality, and what-
20 ever is connected therewith, must be outgrown. Corporeal
 falsities include all obstacles to health, holiness, and
 heaven. Man’s individual life is infinitely above a
 bodily form of existence, and the human concept an-
 tagonizes the divine. “Science and Health with Key
25 to the Scriptures,” on page 229, third and fourth para-
 graphs, elucidates this topic.(5)

 My Christmas poem and its illustrations are not a text-
 book. Scientists sometimes take things too intensely.
 Let them soberly adhere to the Bible and Science and
30 Health, which contain all and much more than they
 have yet learned. We should prohibit ourselves the

Page 310

1 childish pleasure of studying Truth through the senses,
 for this is neither the intent of my works nor possible
 in Science.

 Even the teachings of Jesus would be misused by sub-
5 stituting personality for the Christ, or the impersonal
 form of Truth, amplified in this age by the discovery of
 Christian Science. To impersonalize scientifically the
 material sense of existence — rather than cling to per-
 sonality — is the lesson of to-day.


 My answer to manifold letters relative to the return
 of members that have gone out of The First Church of
 Christ, Scientist, in Boston, is this: While my affec-
 tions plead for all and every one, and my desire is that
15 all shall be redeemed, I am not unmindful that the Scrip-
 tures enjoin, “Let all things be done decently and in

 To continue one’s connection with this church, or to
 regain it, one must comply with the church rules. All
20 who desire its fellowship, and to become members of it,
 must send in their petitions to this effect to the Clerk
 of the church; and upon a meeting being called, the
 First Members will determine the action of the church
 on this subject.

Overflowing Thoughts

26 In this receding year of religious jubilee, 1894, I as
 an individual would cordially invite all persons who
 have left our fold, together with those who never have

Page 311

1 been in it, — all who love God and keep His command-
 ments, — to come and unite with The Mother Church in
 Boston. The true Christian Scientists will be welcomed,
 greeted as brethren endeavoring to walk with us hand
5 in hand, as we journey to the celestial city.

 Also, I would extend a tender invitation to Christian
 Scientists’ students, those who are ready for the table of
 our Lord: so, should we follow Christ’s teachings; so,
 bury the dead past; so, loving one another, go forth to
10 the full vintage-time, exemplifying what we profess. But
 some of the older members are not quite ready to take
 this advanced step in the full spirit of that charity which
 thinketh no evil; and if it be not taken thus, it is impracti-
 cal, unfruitful, Soul-less.

15 My deepest desires and daily labors go to prove that
 I love my enemies and would help all to gain the abiding
 consciousness of health, happiness, and heaven.

 I hate no one; and love others more than they can
 love me. As I now understand Christian Science, I would
20 as soon harm myself as another; since by breaking
 Christ’s command, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
 thyself,” I should lose my hope of heaven.

 The works I have written on Christian Science con-
 tain absolute Truth, and my necessity was to tell it;
25 therefore I did this even as a surgeon who wounds
 to heal. I was a scribe under orders; and who can
 refrain from transcribing what God indites, and ought
 not that one to take the cup, drink all of it, and give

30 Being often reported as saying what never escaped
 from my lips, when rehearsing facts concerning others
 who were reporting false charges, I have been sorry that

Page 312

1 I spoke at all, and wished I were wise enough to guard
 against that temptation. Oh, may the love that is talked,
 be felt! and so lived, that when weighed in the scale of
 God we be not found wanting. Love is consistent, uni-
5 form, sympathetic, self-sacrificing, unutterably kind; even
 that which lays all upon the altar, and, speechless and
 alone, bears all burdens, suffers all inflictions, endures
 all piercing for the sake of others, and for the kingdom
 of heaven’s sake.

A Great Man And His Saying

11 Hon. Charles Carrol Bonney, President of the World’s
 Congress Auxiliary, in his remarks before that body,
 said, “No more striking manifestation of the interposi-
 tion of divine Providence in human affairs has come in
15 recent years, than that shown in the raising up of the
 body of people known as Christian Scientists, who are
 called to declare the real harmony between religion and
 Science, and to restore the waning faith of many in the
 verities of the sacred Scriptures.”

20 In honest utterance of veritable history, and his own
 spiritual discernment, this man must have risen above
 worldly schemes, human theorems or hypotheses, to
 conclusions which reason too supine or misemployed
 cannot fasten upon. He spake inspired; he touched a
25 tone of Truth that will continue to reverberate and renew
 its emphasis throughout the entire centuries, into the vast

Words Of Commendation

Page 313

 Editor of The Christian Science Journal: — Permit me
 to say that your editorial in the August number is par

5 It is a digest of good manners, morals, methods, and
 means. It points to the scientific spiritual molecule,
 pearl, and pinnacle, that everybody needs. May the
 Christlikeness it reflects rest on the dear readers, and
 throw the light of penetration on the page; even as the
10 dawn, kindling its glories in the east, lightens earth’s

 I thank the contributors to The Christian Science
for their jewels of thought, so adapted to the
 hour, and without ill-humor or hyperbolic tumor. I
15 was impressed by the articles entitled “The New Pas-
 tor,” by Rev. Lanson P. Norcross, “The Lamp,” by
 Walter Church, “The Temptation,” a poem by J. J.
 Rome, etc.

 The field waves its white ensign, the reapers are strong,
20 the rich sheaves are ripe, the storehouse is ready: pray
 ye therefore the God of harvest to send forth more
 laborers of the excellent sort, and garner the supplies
 for a world.

Church And School

25 Humbly, and, as I believe, divinely directed, I hereby
 ordain the Bible, and “Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures,” to be hereafter the only pastor of

Page 314

1 The Church of Christ, Scientist, throughout our land
 and in other lands.

 From this date the Sunday services of our denomina-
 tion shall be conducted by Readers in lieu of pastors.
5 Each church, or society formed for Sunday worship,
 shall elect two Readers: a male, and a female. One of
 these individuals shall open the meeting by reading the
 hymns, and chapter (or portion of the chapter) in the
 Bible, lead in silent prayer, and repeat in concert with
10 the congregation the Lord’s Prayer. Also, this First
 Reader shall give out any notices from the pulpit, shall
 read the Scriptures indicated in the Sunday School Les-
 son of the Christian Science Quarterly, and shall pro-
 nounce the benediction.

15 The First Reader shall read from my book, “Science
 and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” alternately in
 response to the congregation, the spiritual interpreta-
 tion of the Lord’s Prayer; also, shall read all the selec-
 tions from Science and Health referred to in the Sunday
20 Lessons.

 The Reader of the Scriptures shall name, at each
 reading, the book, chapter, and verses. The Reader of
 “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” shall
 commence by announcing the full title of this book, with
25 the name of its author, and add to this announcement,
 “the Christian Science textbook.” It is unnecessary to
 repeat the title or page. This form shall also be observed
 at the Communion service; the selections from both the
 Bible and the Christian Science textbook shall be taken
30 from the Quarterly, as heretofore, and this Lesson shall
 be such as is adapted to that service. On the first Sunday
 of each month, except Communion Sunday, a sermon

Page 315

1 shall be preached to the children, from selections taken
 from the Scriptures and Science and Health, especially
 adapted to the occasion, and read after the manner of
 the Sunday service. The children’s service shall be
5 held on the Sunday following Communion Day.

 No copies from my books are allowed to be written,
 and read from manuscripts, either in private or in pub-
 lic assemblies, except by their author.

 Christian Scientists, all over the world, who are let-
10 terly fit and specially spiritually fitted for teachers, can
 teach annually three classes only. They shall teach
 from the Christian Science textbook. Each class shall
 consist of not over thirty-three students, carefully selected,
 and only of such as have promising proclivities toward
15 Christian Science. The teacher shall hold himself mor-
 ally obligated to look after the welfare of his students,
 not only through class term, but after it; and to watch
 well that they prove sound in sentiment, health, and
 practical Christian Science.

20 Teaching Christian Science shall be no question of
 money, but of morals and of uplifting the race. Teachers
 shall form associations for this purpose; and for the
 first few years, convene as often as once in three months.
 Teachers shall not silently mentally address the thought,
25 to handle it, nor allow their students to do thus, except
 the individual needing it asks for mental treatment.
 They shall steadily and patiently strive to educate their
 students in conformity to the unerring wisdom and law
 of God, and shall enjoin upon them habitually to study
30 His revealed Word, the Scriptures, and “Science and
 Health with Key to the Scriptures.”

 They shall teach their students how to defend them-

Page 316

1 selves against mental malpractice, but never to return
 evil for evil; never to attack the malpractitioner, but
 to know the truth that makes free, — and so to be a law
 not unto others, but themselves.

Class, Pulpit, Students’ Students

6 When will you take a class in Christian Science or
 speak to your church in Boston? is often asked.

 I shall speak to my dear church at Boston very seldom.
 The Mother Church must be self-sustained by God.
10 The date of a class in Christian Science should depend
 on the fitness of things, the tide which flows heavenward,
 the hour best for the student. Until minds become less
 worldly-minded, and depart farther from the primitives
 of the race, and have profited up to their present capac-
15 ity from the written word, they are not ready for the
 word spoken at this date.

 My juniors can tell others what they know, and turn
 them slowly toward the haven. Imperative, accumula-
 tive, sweet demands rest on my retirement from life’s
20 bustle. What, then, of continual recapitulation of tired
 aphorisms and disappointed ethics; of patching breaches
 widened the next hour; of pounding wisdom and love
 into sounding brass; of warming marble and quench-
 ing volcanoes! Before entering the Massachusetts Meta-
25 physical College, had my students achieved the point
 whence they could have derived most benefit from their
 pupilage, to-day there would be on earth paragons of
 Christianity, patterns of humility, wisdom, and might
 for the world.

Page 317

1 To the students whom I have not seen that ask, “May
 I call you mother?” my heart replies, Yes, if you are
 doing God’s work. When born of Truth and Love, we
 are all of one kindred.

5 The hour has struck for Christian Scientists to do their
 own work; to appreciate the signs of the times; to dem-
 onstrate self-knowledge and self-government; and to
 demonstrate, as this period demands, over all sin, disease,
 and death. The dear ones whom I would have great
10 pleasure in instructing, know that the door to my teaching
 was shut when my College closed.

 Again, it is not absolutely requisite for some people
 to be taught in a class, for they can learn by spiritual
 growth and by the study of what is written. Scarcely a
15 moiety, compared with the whole of the Scriptures and
 the Christian Science textbook, is yet assimilated spirit-
 ually by the most faithful seekers; yet this assimilation is
 indispensable to the progress of every Christian Scientist.
 These considerations prompt my answers to the above
20 questions. Human desire is inadequate to adjust the
 balance on subjects of such earnest import. These
 words of our Master explain this hour: “What I do
 thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.”

 My sympathies are deeply enlisted for the students
25 of students; having already seen in many instances their
 talents, culture, and singleness of purpose to uplift the
 race. Such students should not pay the penalty for
 other people’s faults; and divine Love will open the
 way for them. My soul abhors injustice, and loves
30 mercy. St. John writes: “Whom God hath sent speaketh
 the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by meas-
 ure unto him.”

My Students And Thy Students

Page 318

2 Mine and thine are obsolete terms in absolute Christian
 Science, wherein and whereby the universal brotherhood
 of man is stated and demands to be demonstrated. I have
5 a large affection, not alone for my students, but for thy
 students, — for students of the second generation. I can-
 not but love some of those devoted students better than
 some of mine who are less lovable or Christly. This
 natural affection for goodness must go on ad libitum unto
10 the third and fourth and final generation of those who
 love God and keep His commandments. Hence the
 following is an amendment of the paragraph on page 47(6)
 of “Retrospection and Introspection”:—

 Any student, having received instructions in a Primary
15 class from me, or from a loyal student of Christian Science,
 and afterwards studied thoroughly “Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures,” can enter upon the gospel
 work of teaching Christian Science, and so fulfil the command
 of Christ. Before entering this sacred field of labor,
20 the student must have studied faithfully the latest edi-
 tions of my works, and be a good Bible scholar and a
 devout, consecrated Christian.

 These are the indispensable demands on all those who
 become teachers.

Unseen Sin

26 Two points of danger beset mankind; namely, making
 sin seem either too large or too little: if too large, we

Page 319

1 are in the darkness of all the ages, wherein the true sense
 of the unity of good and the unreality of evil is lost.

 If good is God, even as God is good, then good and
 evil can neither be coeval nor coequal, for God is All-in-
5 all. This closes the argument of aught besides Him, aught
 else than good.

 If the sense of sin is too little, mortals are in danger
 of not seeing their own belief in sin, but of seeing too
 keenly their neighbor’s. Then they are beset with
10 egotism and hypocrisy. Here Christian Scientists must
 be most watchful. Their habit of mental and audible
 protest against the reality of sin, tends to make sin less
 or more to them than to other people. They must either
 be overcoming sin in themselves, or they must not lose
15 sight of sin; else they are self-deceived sinners of the
 worst sort.

A Word To The Wise

 Will all the dear Christian Scientists accept my tender
 greetings for the forthcoming holidays, and grant me
20 this request, — let the present season pass without one
 gift to me.

 Our church edifice must be built in 1894. Take thither
 thy saintly offerings, and lay them in the outstretched
 hand of God. The object to be won affords ample oppor-
25 tunity for the grandest achievement to which Christian
 Scientists can direct attention, and feel themselves alone
 among the stars.

 No doubt must intervene between the promise and
 event; faith and resolve are friends to Truth; seize them,

Page 320

1 trust the divine Providence, push upward our prayer in
 stone, — and God will give the benediction.


 This interesting day, crowned with the history of
5 Truth’s idea, — its earthly advent and nativity, — is
 especially dear to the heart of Christian Scientists; to
 whom Christ’s appearing in a fuller sense is so precious,
 and fraught with divine benedictions for mankind.

 The star that looked lovingly down on the manger of
10 our Lord, lends its resplendent light to this hour: the
 light of Truth, to cheer, guide, and bless man as he
 reaches forth for the infant idea of divine perfection
 dawning upon human imperfection, — that calms man’s
 fears, bears his burdens, beckons him on to Truth and
15 Love and the sweet immunity these bring from sin, sick-
 ness, and death.

 This polar star, fixed in the heavens of divine Science,
 shall be the sign of his appearing who “healeth all our
 diseases;” it hath traversed night, wading through
20 darkness and gloom, on to glory. It doth meet the
 antagonism of error; addressing to dull ears and undis-
 ciplined beliefs words of Truth and Life.

 The star of Bethlehem is the star of Boston, high in
 the zenith of Truth’s domain, that looketh down on the
25 long night of human beliefs, to pierce the darkness and
 melt into dawn.

 The star of Bethlehem is the light of all ages; is the
 light of Love, to-day christening religion undefiled, divine
 Science; giving to it a new name, and the white stone in
30 token of purity and permanence.

Page 321

1 The wise men follow this guiding star; the watchful
 shepherd chants his welcome over the cradle of a great
 truth, and saith, “Unto us a child is born,” whose birth
 is less of a miracle than eighteen centuries ago; and “his
5 name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty
 God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

 My heart is filled with joy, that each receding year sees
 the steady gain of Truth’s idea in Christian Science; that
 each recurring year witnesses the balance adjusted more
10 on the side of God, the supremacy of Spirit; as shown
 by the triumphs of Truth over error, of health over sick-
 ness, of Life over death, and of Soul over sense.

 “The hour cometh, and now is, when the true wor-
 shippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.”
15 “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made
 me free from the law of sin and death.” “Fear not, little
 flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you
 the kingdom.”

 Press on, press on! ye sons of light,
20 Untiring in your holy fight,
 Still treading each temptation down,
 And battling for a brighter crown.


 In reply to all invitations from Chicago to share the
25 hospitality of their beautiful homes at any time during
 the great wonder of the world, the World’s Fair, I say,
 Do not expect me. I have no desire to see or to hear
 what is to be offered upon this approaching occasion.

 I have a world of wisdom and Love to contemplate,
30 that concerns me, and you, infinitely beyond all earthly

Page 322

1 expositions or exhibitions. In return for your kindness,
 I earnestly invite you to its contemplation with me, and
 to preparation to behold it.

Message To The Mother Church

5 Beloved Brethren: — People coming from a distance
 expecting to hear me speak in The Mother Church,
 are frequently disappointed. To avoid this, I may here-
 after notify the Directors when I shall be present to
 address this congregation, and the Clerk of the church
10 can inform correspondents. Your dual and impersonal
 pastor, the Bible, and “Science and Health with Key to
 the Scriptures,” is with you; and the Life these give, the
 Truth they illustrate, the Love they demonstrate, is
 the great Shepherd that feedeth my flock, and leadeth
15 them “beside the still waters.” By any personal pres-
 ence, or word of mine, your thought must not be diverted
 or diverged, your senses satisfied, or self be justified.

 Therefore, beloved, my often-coming is unnecessary;
 for, though I be present or absent, it is God that feed-
20 eth the hungry heart, that giveth grace for grace, that
 healeth the sick and cleanseth the sinner. For this
 consummation He hath given you Christian Science,
 and my past poor labors and love. He hath shown you
 the amplitude of His mercy, the justice of His judgment,
25 the omnipotence of His love; and this, to compensate
 your zealous affection for seeking good, and for labor-
 ing in its widening grooves from the infinitesimal to the

Page 323

Chapter 9 — The Fruit of Spirit — An Allegory

2 Picture to yourself “a city set upon a hill,” a
 celestial city above all clouds, in serene azure and
 unfathomable glory: having no temple therein, for God is
5 the temple thereof; nor need of the sun, neither of the
 moon, for God doth lighten it. Then from this sacred
 summit behold a Stranger wending his way downward,
 to where a few laborers in a valley at the foot of the moun-
 tain are working and watching for his coming.

10 The descent and ascent are beset with peril, priva-
 tion, temptation, toil, suffering. Venomous serpents hide
 among the rocks, beasts of prey prowl in the path, wolves
 in sheep’s clothing are ready to devour; but the Stranger
 meets and masters their secret and open attacks with
15 serene confidence.

 The Stranger eventually stands in the valley at the
 foot of the mountain. He saith unto the patient toilers
 therein: “What do ye here? Would ye ascend the moun-
 tain, — climbing its rough cliffs, hushing the hissing
20 serpents, taming the beasts of prey, — and bathe in its
 streams, rest in its cool grottos, and drink from its living
 fountains? The way winds and widens in the valley;
 up the hill it is straight and narrow, and few there be that
 find it.”

Page 324

1 His converse with the watchers and workers in the
 valley closes, and he makes his way into the streets of a
 city made with hands.

 Pausing at the threshold of a palatial dwelling, he
5 knocks and waits. The door is shut. He hears the
 sounds of festivity and mirth; youth, manhood, and age
 gayly tread the gorgeously tapestried parlors, dancing-
 halls, and banquet-rooms. But a little while, and the
 music is dull, the wine is unsipped, the footfalls abate,
10 the laughter ceases. Then from the window of this dwel-
 ling a face looks out, anxiously surveying him who waiteth
 at the door.

 Within this mortal mansion are adulterers, fornicators,
 idolaters; drunkenness, witchcraft, variance, envy, emu-
15 lation, hatred, wrath, murder. Appetites and passions
 have so dimmed their sight that he alone who looks from
 that dwelling, through the clearer pane of his own heart
 tired of sin, can see the Stranger.

 Startled beyond measure at beholding him, this mortal
20 inmate withdraws; but growing more and more troubled,
 he seeks to leave the odious company and the cruel walls,
 and to find the Stranger. Stealing cautiously away from
 his comrades, he departs; then turns back, — he is afraid
 to go on and to meet the Stranger. So he returns to the
25 house, only to find the lights all wasted and the music
 fled. Finding no happiness within, he rushes again
 into the lonely streets, seeking peace but finding none.
 Naked, hungry, athirst, this time he struggles on, and
 at length reaches the pleasant path of the valley at the
30 foot of the mountain, whence he may hopefully look for
 the reappearance of the Stranger, and receive his heavenly

Page 325

1 The Stranger enters a massive carved stone mansion,
 and saith unto the dwellers therein, “Blessed are the
 poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” But
 they understand not his saying.

5 These are believers of different sects, and of no sect;
 some, so-called Christian Scientists in sheep’s clothing;
 and all “drunken without wine.” They have small con-
 ceptions of spiritual riches, few cravings for the immortal,
 but are puffed up with the applause of the world: they
10 have plenty of pelf, and fear not to fall upon the Stranger,
 seize his pearls, throw them away, and afterwards try to
 kill him.

 Somewhat disheartened, he patiently seeks another
 dwelling, — only to find its inmates asleep at noontide!
15 Robust forms, with manly brow nodding on cushioned
 chairs, their feet resting on footstools, or, flat on their
 backs, lie stretched on the floor, dreaming away the
 hours. Balancing on one foot, with eyes half open,
 the porter starts up in blank amazement and looks at
20 the Stranger, calls out, rubs his eyes, — amazed beyond
 measure that anybody is animated with a purpose, and
 seen working for it!

 They in this house are those that “provoke Him in
 the wilderness, and grieve Him in the desert.” Away
25 from this charnel-house of the so-called living, the Stranger
 turns quickly, and wipes off the dust from his feet as a
 testimony against sensualism in its myriad forms. As
 he departs, he sees robbers finding ready ingress to that
 dwelling of sleepers in the midst of murderous hordes,
30 without watchers and the doors unbarred!

 Next he enters a place of worship, and saith unto them,
 “Go ye into all the world; preach the gospel, heal the

Page 326

1 sick, cast out devils, raise the dead; for the Scripture
 saith the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath
 made you free from the law of sin and death.” And they
 cast him out

5 Once more he seeks the dwelling-place of mortals and
 knocks loudly. The door is burst open, and sufferers
 shriek for help: that house is on fire! The flames caught
 in the dwelling of luxury, where the blind saw them not,
 but the flesh at length did feel them; thence they spread
10 to the house of slumberers who heeded them not, until
 they became unmanageable; fed by the fat of hypocrisy
 and vainglory, they consumed the next dwelling; then
 crept unseen into the synagogue, licking up the blood
 of martyrs and wrapping their altars in ruins. “God is a
15 consuming fire.”

 Thus are all mortals, under every hue of circumstances,
 driven out of their houses of clay and, homeless wan-
 derers in a beleaguered city, forced to seek the Father’s
 house, if they would be led to the valley and up the
20 mount.

 Seeing the wisdom of withdrawing from those who
 persistently rejected him, the Stranger returned to the
 valley; first, to meet with joy his own, to wash their
 feet, and take them up the mountain. Well might this
25 heavenly messenger exclaim, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
 thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which
 are sent unto thee,… Behold, your house is left unto
 you desolate.”

 Discerning in his path the penitent one who had groped
30 his way from the dwelling of luxury, the Stranger saith
 unto him, “Wherefore comest thou hither?”

 He answered, “The sight of thee unveiled my sins, and

Page 327

1 turned my misnamed joys to sorrow. When I went back
 into the house to take something out of it, my misery
 increased; so I came hither, hoping that I might follow
 thee whithersoever thou goest.”

5 And the Stranger saith unto him, “Wilt thou climb
 the mountain, and take nothing of thine own with thee?”

 He answered, “I will.”

 “Then,” saith the Stranger, “thou hast chosen the
 good part; follow me.”

10 Many there were who had entered the valley to specu-
 late in worldly policy, religion, politics, finance, and to
 search for wealth and fame. These had heavy baggage
 of their own, and insisted upon taking all of it with them,
 which must greatly hinder their ascent.

15 The journey commences. The encumbered travellers
 halt and disagree. They stoutly belay those who, hav-
 ing less baggage, ascend faster than themselves, and
 betimes burden them with their own. Despairing of
 gaining the summit, loaded as they are, they conclude to
20 stop and lay down a few of the heavy weights, — but
 only to take them up again, more than ever determined
 not to part with their baggage.

 All this time the Stranger is pointing the way, show-
 ing them their folly, rebuking their pride, consoling their
25 afflictions, and helping them on, saying, “He that loseth
 his life for my sake, shall find it.”

 Obstinately holding themselves back, and sore-footed,
 they fall behind and lose sight of their guide; when,
 stumbling and grumbling, and fighting each other, they
30 plunge headlong over the jagged rocks.

 Then he who has no baggage goes back and kindly
 binds up their wounds, wipes away the blood stains, and

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1 would help them on; but suddenly the Stranger shouts,
 “Let them alone; they must learn from the things they
 suffer. Make thine own way; and if thou strayest, listen
 for the mountain-horn, and it will call thee back to the
5 path that goeth upward.”

 Dear reader, dost thou suspect that the valley is hu-
 mility, that the mountain is heaven-crowned Christianity,
 and the Stranger the ever-present Christ, the spiritual
 idea which from the summit of bliss surveys the vale of
10 the flesh, to burst the bubbles of earth with a breath of
 heaven, and acquaint sensual mortals with the mystery
 of godliness, — unchanging, unquenchable Love? Hast
 not thou heard this Christ knock at the door of thine own
 heart, and closed it against Truth, to “eat and drink
15 with the drunken”? Hast thou been driven by suffer-
 ing to the foot of the mount, but earth-bound, burdened
 by pride, sin, and self, hast thou turned back, stumbled,
 and wandered away? Or hast thou tarried in the habita-
 tion of the senses, pleased and stupefied, until wakened
20 through the baptism of fire?

 He alone ascends the hill of Christian Science who
 follows the Way-shower, the spiritual presence and idea
 of God. Whatever obstructs the way, — causing to
 stumble, fall, or faint, those mortals who are striving
25 to enter the path, — divine Love will remove; and up-
 lift the fallen and strengthen the weak. Therefore, give
 up thy earth-weights; and observe the apostle’s admoni-
 tion, “Forgetting those things which are behind, and
 reaching forth unto those which are before.” Then,
30 loving God supremely and thy neighbor as thyself, thou
 wilt safely bear thy cross up to the throne of everlasting

Voices of Spring

Page 329

2 Mine is an obstinate penchant for nature in all her
 moods and forms, a satisfaction with whatever is hers.
 And what shall this be named, a weakness, or a—
5 virtue?

 In spring, nature like a thrifty housewife sets the earth
 in order; and between taking up the white carpets and
 putting down the green ones, her various apartments are
 dismally dirty.

10 Spring is my sweetheart, whose voices are sad or glad,
 even as the heart may be; restoring in memory the sweet
 rhythm of unforgotten harmonies, or touching tenderly
 its tearful tones.

 Spring passes over mountain and meadow, waking up
15 the world; weaving the wavy grass, nursing the timid
 spray, stirring the soft breeze; rippling all nature in
 ceaseless flow, with “breath all odor and cheek all bloom.”
 Whatever else droops, spring is gay: her little feet trip
 lightly on, turning up the daisies, paddling the water-
20 cresses, rocking the oriole’s cradle; challenging the sed-
 entary shadows to activity, and the streams to race for the
 sea. Her dainty fingers put the fur cap on pussy-willow,
 paint in pink the petals of arbutus, and sweep in soft
 strains her Orphean lyre. “The voice of the turtle is
25 heard in our land.” The snow-bird that tarried through
 the storm, now chirps to the breeze; the cuckoo sounds
 her invisible lute, calling the feathered tribe back to their
 summer homes. Old robin, though stricken to the heart
 with winter’s snow, prophesies of fair earth and sunny
30 skies. The brooklet sings melting murmurs to merry

Page 330

1 meadows; the leaves clap their hands, and the winds
 make melody through dark pine groves.

 What is the anthem of human life?

 Has love ceased to moan over the new-made grave,
5 and, looking upward, does it patiently pray for the per-
 petual springtide wherein no arrow wounds the dove?
 Human hope and faith should join in nature’s grand har-
 mony, and, if on minor key, make music in the heart.
 And man, more friendly, should call his race as gently
10 to the springtide of Christ’s dear love. St. Paul wrote,
 “Rejoice in the Lord always.” And why not, since man’s
 possibilities are infinite, bliss is eternal, and the conscious-
 ness thereof is here and now?

 The alders bend over the streams to shake out their
15 tresses in the water-mirrors; let mortals bow before the
 creator, and, looking through Love’s transparency, behold
 man in God’s own image and likeness, arranging in the
 beauty of holiness each budding thought. It is good to
 talk with our past hours, and learn what report they
20 bear, and how they might have reported more spirit-
 ual growth. With each returning year, higher joys,
 holier aims, a purer peace and diviner energy, should
 freshen the fragrance of being. Nature’s first and last
 lessons teach man to be kind, and even pride should
25 sanction what our natures need. Popularity, — what is
 it? A mere mendicant that boasts and begs, and God
 denies charity.

 When gentle violet lifts its blue eye to heaven, and
 crown imperial unveils its regal splendor to the sun;
30 when the modest grass, inhabiting the whole earth, stoops
 meekly before the blast; when the patient corn waits
 on the elements to put forth its slender blade, construct

Page 331

1 the stalk, instruct the ear, and crown the full corn in the
 ear, — then, are mortals looking up, waiting on God,
 and committing their way unto Him who tosses earth’s
 mass of wonders into their hands? When downtrodden
5 like the grass, did it make them humble, loving, obedi-
 ent, full of good odor, and cause them to wait patiently
 on God for man’s rich heritage,—“dominion over all
 the earth”? Thus abiding in Truth, the warmth and
 sunlight of prayer and praise and understanding will
10 ripen the fruits of Spirit, and goodness will have its spring-
 tide of freedom and greatness.

 When the white-winged dove feeds her callow brood,
 nestles them under her wings, and, in tones tremulous
 with tenderness, calls them to her breast, do mortals
15 remember their cradle hymns, and thank God for those
 redemptive words from a mother’s lips which taught
 them the Lord’s Prayer?

 O gentle presence, peace and joy and power;
 O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour;
20 Thou Love that guards the nestling’s faltering flight!
 Keep Thou my child on upward wing to-night.

 Midst the falling leaves of old-time faiths, above the
 frozen crust of creed and dogma, the divine Mind-force,
 filling all space and having all power, upheaves the earth.
25 In sacred solitude divine Science evolved nature as thought,
 and thought as things. This supreme potential Principle
 reigns in the realm of the real, and is “God with us,”
 the I AM.

 As mortals awake from their dream of material sen-
30 sation, this adorable, all-inclusive God, and all earth’s
 hieroglyphics of Love, are understood; and infinite Mind

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1 is seen kindling the stars, rolling the worlds, reflecting
 all space and Life, — but not life in matter. Wisely
 governing, informing the universe, this Mind is Truth,—
 not laws of matter. Infinitely just, merciful, and wise,
5 this Mind is Love, — but not fallible love.

 Spring is here! and doors that closed on Christian
 Science in “the long winter of our discontent,” are open
 flung. Its seedtime has come to enrich earth and en-
 robe man in righteousness; may its sober-suited autumn
10 follow with hues of heaven, ripened sheaves, and harvest

Where Art Thou

 In the allegory of Genesis, third chapter and ninth
 verse, two mortals, walking in the cool of the day midst
15 the stately palms, many-hued blossoms, perfume-laden
 breezes, and crystal streams of the Orient, pondered the
 things of man and God.

 A sense of evil is supposed to have spoken, been listened
 to, and afterwards to have formed an evil sense that
20 blinded the eyes of reason, masked with deformity the
 glories of revelation, and shamed the face of mortals.

 What was this sense? Error versus Truth: first, a
 supposition; second, a false belief; third, suffering;
 fourth, death.

25 Is man the supposer, false believer, sufferer?

 Not man, but a mortal — the antipode of immortal
 man. Supposing, false believing, suffering are not fac-
 ulties of Mind, but are qualities of error.

 The supposition is, that God and His idea are not all-
30 power; that there is something besides Him; that this

Page 333

1 something is intelligent matter; that sin — yea, self-
 hood — is apart from God, where pleasure and pain,
 good and evil, life and death, commingle, and are for-
 ever at strife; even that every ray of Truth, of infinity,
5 omnipotence, omnipresence, goodness, could be absorbed
 in error! God cannot be obscured, and this renders error
 a palpable falsity, yea, nothingness; on the basis that
 black is not a color because it absorbs all the rays of

10 The “Alpha and Omega” of Christian Science voices
 this question: Where do we hold intelligence to be? Is
 it in both evil and good, in matter as well as Spirit?
 If so, we are literally and practically denying that God,
 good, is supreme, all power and presence, and are turn-
15 ing away from the only living and true God, to “lords
 many and gods many.”

 Where art thou, O mortal! who turnest away from
 the divine source of being, — calling on matter to work
 out the problem of Mind, to aid in understanding and
20 securing the sweet harmonies of Spirit that relate to the
 universe, including man?

 Paul asked: “What communion hath light with dark-
 ness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial?” The
 worshippers of Baal worshipped the sun. They believed
25 that something besides God had authority and power,
 could heal and bless; that God wrought through matter
 —by means of that which does not reflect Him in a single
 quality or quantity!—the grand realities of Mind, thus
 to exemplify the power of Truth and Love.

30 The ancient Chaldee hung his destiny out upon the
 heavens; but ancient or modern Christians, instructed in
 divine Science, know that the prophet better understood

Page 334

1 Him who said: “He doeth according to His will in the
 army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth;
 and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest

5 Astrology is well in its place, but this place is second-
 ary. Necromancy has no foundation, — in fact, no
 intelligence; and the belief that it has, deceives itself.
 Whatever simulates power and Truth in matter, does this
 as a lie declaring itself, that mortals’ faith in matter may
10 have the effect of power; but when the whole fabrication
 is found to be a lie, away goes all its supposed power and

 Why do Christian Scientists treat disease as disease,
 since there is no disease?

15 This is done only as one gives the lie to a lie; because
 it is a lie, without one word of Truth in it. You must
 find error to be nothing: then, and only then, do you
 handle it in Science. The diabolism of suppositional
 evil at work in the name of good, is a lie of the highest
20 degree of nothingness: just reduce this falsity to its proper
 denomination, and you have done with it.

 How shall we treat a negation, or error — by means
 of matter, or Mind? Is matter Truth? No! Then it
 cannot antidote error.

25 Can belief destroy belief? No: understanding is re-
 quired to do this. By the substitution of Truth demon-
 strated, Science remedies the ills of material beliefs.

 Because I have uncovered evil, and dis-covered for
 you divine Science, which saith, “Be not overcome of
 evil, but overcome evil with good,” and you have not
 loved sufficiently to understand this Golden Rule and
 demonstrate the might of perfect Love that casteth out

Page 335

1 all fear, shall you turn away from this divine Principle
 to graven images? Remember the Scripture:—

 “But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart,
 My lord delayeth his coming;”

5 “And shall begin to smite his fellow-servants, and to
 eat and drink with the drunken;

 “The lord of that servant shall come in a day when
 he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not
 aware of,

10 “And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his por-
 tion with the hypocrites.”

 One mercilessly assails me for opposing the subtle lie,
 others charge upon me with full-fledged invective for, as
 they say, having too much charity; but neither moves
15 me from the path made luminous by divine Love.

 In my public works I lay bare the ability, in belief, of
 evil to break the Decalogue, — to murder, steal, commit
 adultery, and so on. Those who deny my wisdom or
 right to expose error, are either willing participants in
20 wrong, afraid of its supposed power, or ignorant of it.

 The notion that one is covering iniquity by asserting
 its nothingness, is a fault of zealots, who, like Peter,
 sleep when the Watcher bids them watch, and when the
 hour of trial comes would cut off somebody’s ears. Such
25 people say, “Would you have me get out of a burning
 house, or stay in it?”

 I would have you already out, and know that you are
 out; also, to remember the Scripture concerning those
 who do evil that good may come,—“whose damnation
30 is just;” and that whoso departeth from divine Science,
 seeking power or good aside from God, has done himself

Page 336

1 Mind is supreme: Love is the master of hate; Truth,
 the victor over a lie. Hath not Science voiced this les-
 son to you, — that evil is powerless, that a lie is never
 true? It is your province to wrestle with error, to handle
5 the serpent and bruise its head; but you cannot, as a
 Christian Scientist, resort to stones and clubs, — yea, to
 matter, — to kill the serpent of a material mind.

 Do you love that which represents God most, His highest
 idea as seen to-day? No!

10 Then you would hate Jesus if you saw him personally,
 and knew your right obligations towards him. He would
 insist on the rule and demonstration of divine Science:
 even that you first cast out your own dislike and hatred
 of God’s idea, — the beam in your own eye that hinders
15 your seeing clearly how to cast the mote of evil out of
 other eyes. You cannot demonstrate the Principle of
 Christian Science and not love its idea: we gather not
 grapes of thorns, nor figs of thistles.

 Where art thou?

Divine Science

21 What is it but another name for Christian Science,
 the cognomen of all true religion, the quintessence of
 Christianity, that heals disease and sin and destroys
 death! Part and parcel of Truth and Love, wherever
25 one ray of its effulgence looks in upon the heart, behold
 a better man, woman, or child.

 Science is the fiat of divine intelligence, which, hoary
 with eternity, touches time only to take away its frailty.
 That it rests on everlasting foundations, the sequence
30 proves.

Page 337

1 Have I discovered and founded at this period Chris-
 tian Science, that which reveals the truth of Love, — is
 the question.

 And how can you be certain of so momentous an
5 affirmative? By proving its effect on yourself to be—

 What is the Principle and rule of Christian Science?

 Infinite query! Wonder in heaven and on earth,—
 who shall say? The immaculate Son of the Blessed
10 has spoken of them as the Golden Rule and its Principle,
 God who is Love. Listen, and he illustrates the rule:
 “Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the
 midst of them, and said,… Whosoever … shall
 humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest
15 in the kingdom of heaven.”

 Harmony is heaven. Science brings out harmony;
 but this harmony is not understood unless it produces a
 growing affection for all good, and consequent disaffec-
 tion for all evil, hypocrisy, evil-speaking, lust, envy, hate.
20 Where these exist, Christian Science has no sure foot-
 hold: they obscure its divine element, and thus seem
 to extinguish it. Even the life of Jesus was belittled
 and belied by personalities possessing these defacing de-
 formities. Only the devout Marys, and such as lived
25 according to his precepts, understood the concrete char-
 acter of him who taught — by the wayside, in humble
 homes, to itching ears and to dull disciples — the words
 of Life.

 The ineffable Life and light which he reflected through
30 divine Science is again reproduced in the character which
 sensualism, as heretofore, would hide or besmear. Sin
 of any sort tends to hide from an individual this grand

Page 338

1 verity in Science, that the appearing of good in an in-
 dividual involves the disappearing of evil. He who first
 brings to humanity some great good, must have gained
 its height beforehand, to be able to lift others toward
5 it. I first proved to myself, not by “words,”—these
 afford no proof, — but by demonstration of Christian
 Science, that its Principle is divine. All must go and do

 Faith illumined by works; the spiritual understanding
10 which cannot choose but to labor and love; hope hold-
 ing steadfastly to good in the midst of seething evil;
 charity that suffereth long and is kind, but cancels not
 sin until it be destroyed, — these afford the only rule I
 have found which demonstrates Christian Science.

15 And remember, a pure faith in humanity will subject
 one to deception; the uses of good, to abuses from evil;
 and calm strength will enrage evil. But the very heavens
 shall laugh at them, and move majestically to your defense
 when the armies of earth press hard upon you.

20 “Thou must be true thyself,
 If thou the truth wouldst teach;
 Thy soul must overflow, if thou
 Another’s soul wouldst reach;
 It needs the overflow of heart,
25 To give the lips full speech.”

 “Think truly, and thy thoughts
 Shall the world’s famine feed;
 Speak truly, and each word of thine
 Shall be a fruitful seed;
30 Live truly, and thy life shall be
 A great and noble creed.”


Page 339

2 If people would confine their talk to subjects that are
 profitable, that which St. John informs us took place
 once in heaven, would happen very frequently on earth,—
5 silence for the space of half an hour.

 Experience is victor, never the vanquished; and out
 of defeat comes the secret of victory. That to-morrow
 starts from to-day and is one day beyond it, robes the
 future with hope’s rainbow hues.

10 In the battle of life, good is made more industrious
 and persistent because of the supposed activity of evil.
 The elbowing of the crowd plants our feet more firmly.
 In the mental collisions of mortals and the strain of in-
 tellectual wrestlings, moral tension is tested, and, if it
15 yields not, grows stronger. The past admonishes us:
 with finger grim and cold it points to every mortal mistake;
 or smiling saith, “Thou hast been faithful over a few

 Art thou a child, and hast added one furrow to the
20 brow of care? Art thou a husband, and hast pierced
 the heart venturing its all of happiness to thy keeping?
 Art thou a wife, and hast bowed the o’erburdened head
 of thy husband? Hast thou a friend, and forgettest to be
 grateful? Remember, that for all this thou alone canst
25 and must atone. Carelessly or remorselessly thou mayest
 have sent along the ocean of events a wave that will some
 time flood thy memory, surge dolefully at the door of con-
 science, and pour forth the unavailing tear.

 Change and the grave may part us; the wisdom that
30 might have blessed the past may come too late. One

Page 340

1 backward step, one relinquishment of right in an evil
 hour, one faithless tarrying, has torn the laurel from many
 a brow and repose from many a heart. Good is never
 the reward of evil, and vice versa.

5 There is no excellence without labor; and the time to
 work, is now. Only by persistent, unremitting, straight-
 forward toil; by turning neither to the right nor to the
 left, seeking no other pursuit or pleasure than that which
 cometh from God, can you win and wear the crown of the
10 faithful.

 That law-school is not at fault which sends forth a
 barrister who never brings out a brief. Why? Because
 he followed agriculture instead of litigation, forsook
 Blackstone for gray stone, dug into soils instead of delv-
15 ing into suits, raised potatoes instead of pleas, and drew
 up logs instead of leases. He has not been faithful over
 a few things.

 Is a musician made by his teacher? He makes him-
 self a musician by practising what he was taught. The
20 conscientious are successful. They follow faithfully;
 through evil or through good report, they work on to the
 achievement of good; by patience, they inherit the prom-
 ise. Be active, and, however slow, thy success is sure:
 toil is triumph; and — thou hast been faithful over a few
25 things.

 The lives of great men and women are miracles of pa-
 tience and perseverance. Every luminary in the constel-
 lation of human greatness, like the stars, comes out in
 the darkness to shine with the reflected light of God.

30 Material philosophy, human ethics, scholastic theology,
 and physics have not sufficiently enlightened mankind.
 Human wrong, sickness, sin, and death still appear in

Page 341

1 mortal belief, and they never bring out the right action
 of mind or body. When will the whole human race have
 one God, — an undivided affection that leaves the unreal
 material basis of things, for the spiritual foundation and
5 superstructure that is real, right, and eternal?

 First purify thought, then put thought into words,
 and words into deeds; and after much slipping and
 clambering, you will go up the scale of Science to the
 second rule, and be made ruler over many things. Fidelity
10 finds its reward and its strength in exalted purpose. Seek-
 ing is not sufficient whereby to arrive at the results of
 Science: you must strive; and the glory of the strife
 comes of honesty and humility.

 Do human hopes deceive? is joy a trembler? Then,
15 weary pilgrim, unloose the latchet of thy sandals; for the
 place whereon thou standest is sacred. By that, you may
 know you are parting with a material sense of life and
 happiness to win the spiritual sense of good. O learn to
 lose with God! and you find Life eternal: you gain all.
20 To doubt this is implicit treason to divine decree.

 The parable of “the ten virgins” serves to illustrate
 the evil of inaction and delay. This parable is drawn
 from the sad history of Vesta, — a little girl of eight
 years, who takes the most solemn vow of celibacy for thirty
25 years, and is subject to terrible torture if the lamp she
 tends is not replenished with oil day and night, so that the
 flame never expires. The moral of the parable is pointed,
 and the diction purely Oriental.

 We learn from this parable that neither the cares of
30 this world nor the so-called pleasures or pains of mate-
 rial sense are adequate to plead for the neglect of spiritual
 light, that must be tended to keep aglow the flame of

Page 342

1 devotion whereby to enter into the joy of divine Science

 The foolish virgins had no oil in their lamps: their
 way was material; thus they were in doubt and dark-
5 ness. They heeded not their sloth, their fading warmth
 of action; hence the steady decline of spiritual light,
 until, the midnight gloom upon them, they must borrow
 the better-tended lamps of the faithful. By entering
 the guest-chamber of Truth, and beholding the bridal
10 of Life and Love, they would be wedded to a higher
 understanding of God. Each moment’s fair expect-
 ancy was to behold the bridegroom, the One “altogether

 It was midnight: darkness profound brooded over
15 earth’s lazy sleepers. With no oil in their lamps, no
 spiritual illumination to look upon him whom they had
 pierced, they heard the shout, “The bridegroom cometh!”
 But how could they behold him? Hear that human
 cry: “Oh, lend us your oil! our lamps have gone out,—
20 no light! earth’s fables flee, and heaven is afar

 The door is shut. The wise virgins had no oil to spare,
 and they said to the foolish, “Go to them that sell, and
 buy for yourselves.” Seek Truth, and pursue it. It should
25 cost you something: you are willing to pay for error
 and receive nothing in return; but if you pay the price of
 Truth, you shall receive all.

 “The children of this world are in their generation
 wiser than the children of light;” they watch the market,
30 acquaint themselves with the etiquette of the exchange,
 and are ready for the next move. How much more should
 we be faithful over the few things of Spirit, that are able

Page 343

1 to make us wise unto salvation! Let us watch and pray
 that we enter not into the temptation of ease in sin; and
 let us not forget that others before us have laid upon the
 altar all that we have to sacrifice, and have passed to
5 their reward. Too soon we cannot turn from disease
 in the body to find disease in the mortal mind, and its cure,
 in working for God. Thought must be made better, and
 human life more fruitful, for the divine energy to move
 it onward and upward.

10 Warmed by the sunshine of Truth, watered by the
 heavenly dews of Love, the fruits of Christian Science
 spring upward, and away from the sordid soil of self and
 matter. Are we clearing the gardens of thought by up-
 rooting the noxious weeds of passion, malice, envy, and
15 strife? Are we picking away the cold, hard pebbles of
 selfishness, uncovering the secrets of sin and burnishing
 anew the hidden gems of Love, that their pure perfection
 shall appear? Are we feeling the vernal freshness and
 sunshine of enlightened faith?

20 The weeds of mortal mind are not always destroyed
 by the first uprooting; they reappear, like devastating
 witch-grass, to choke the coming clover. O stupid gar-
 dener! watch their reappearing, and tear them away from
 their native soil, until no seedling be left to propagate—
 and rot.

25 Among the manifold soft chimes that will fill the haunted
 chambers of memory, this is the sweetest: “Thou hast
 been faithful!”

True Philosophy And Communion

Page 344

2 It is related of Justin Martyr that, hearing of a Pythag-
 orean professor of ethics, he expressed the wish to be-
 come one of his disciples. “Very well,” the teacher
5 replied; “but have you studied music, astronomy, and
 geometry, and do you think it possible for you to under-
 stand aught of that which leads to bliss, without hav-
 ing mastered the sciences that disengage the soul from
 objects of sense, so rendering it a fit habitation for
10 the intelligences?” On Justin’s confessing that he had
 not studied those branches, he was dismissed by the

 Alas for such a material science of life! Of what
 avail would geometry be to a poor sinner struggling with
15 temptation, or to a man with the smallpox?

 Ancient and modern philosophies are spoiled by lack
 of Science. They would place Soul wholly inside of body,
 intelligence in matter; and from error of premise would
 seek a correct conclusion. Such philosophy can never
20 demonstrate the Science of Life, — the Science which
 Paul understood when he spoke of willingness “to be
 absent from the body, and present with the Lord.” Such
 philosophy is far from the rules of the mighty Nazarene
 Prophet. His words, living in our hearts, were these:
25 “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as
 a little child, shall in no wise enter therein.” Not through
 astronomy did he point out the way to heaven and the
 reign of harmony.

 We need the spirit of St. Paul, when he stood on Mars’
30 hill at Athens, bringing Christianity for the first time

Page 345

1 into Europe. The Spirit bestows spiritual gifts, God’s
 presence and providence. St. Paul stood where Socrates
 had stood four hundred years before, defending himself
 against the charge of atheism; in the place where De-
5 mosthenes had pleaded for freedom in immortal strains
 of eloquence.

 We need the spirit of the pious Polycarp, who, when
 the proconsul said to him, “I will set the beasts upon
 you, unless you yield your religion,” replied: “Let them
10 come; I cannot change from good to bad.” Then they
 bound him to the stake, set fire to the fagots, and his
 pure and strong faith rose higher through the baptism
 of flame.

 Methinks the infidel was blind who said, “Christianity
15 is fit only for women and weak men;” but even infidels
 may disagree. Bonaparte declared, “Ever since the
 reign of Christianity began the loftiest intellects have had
 a practical faith in God.” Daniel Webster said, “My
 heart has always assured and reassured me that Chris-
20 tianity must be a divine reality.”

 To turn the popular indignation against an advanced
 form of religion, the pagan slanderers affirmed that
 Christians took their infants to a place of worship in
 order to offer them in sacrifice, — a baptism not of
25 water but of blood, thus distorting or misapprehending
 the purpose of Christian sacraments. Christians met
 in midnight feasts in the early days, and talked of the
 crucified Saviour; thence arose the rumor that it was
 a part of Christian worship to kill and eat a human
30 being.

 Really, Christianity turned men away from the thought
 of fleshly sacrifice, and directed them to spiritual attain-

Page 346

1 ments. Life, not death, was and is the very centre of
 its faith. Christian Science carries this thought even
 higher, and insists on the demonstration of moral and
 spiritual healing as eminent proof that God is understood
5 and illustrated.

Origin Of Evil

 The origin of evil is the problem of ages. It confronts
 each generation anew. It confronts Christian Science.
 The question is often asked, If God created only the
10 good, whence comes the evil?

 To this question Christian Science replies: Evil never
 did exist as an entity. It is but a belief that there is an
 opposite intelligence to God. This belief is a species of
 idolatry, and is not more true or real than that an image
15 graven on wood or stone is God.

 The mortal admission of the reality of evil perpetuates
 faith in evil; and the Scriptures declare that “to whom
 ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye
 are.” This leading, self-evident proposition of Christian
20 Science, that, good being real, its opposite is necessarily
 unreal, needs to be grasped in all its divine requirements.

Truth Versus Error

 “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures
 of silver.” It is a rule in Christian Science never to re-
25 peat error unless it becomes requisite to bring out Truth.
 Then lift the curtain, let in the light, and countermand

Page 347

1 this first command of Solomon, “Answer not a fool accord-
 ing to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him,”

 A distant rumbling and quivering of the earth foretell
 the internal action of pent-up gas. To avoid danger from
5 this source people have to escape from their houses to the
 open space. A conical cloud, hanging like a horoscope
 in the air, foreshadows a cyclone. To escape from this
 calamity people prepare shelter in caves of the earth.

 They who discern the face of the skies cannot always
10 discern the mental signs of these times, and peer through
 the opaque error. Where my vision begins and is clear,
 theirs grows indistinct and ends.

 There are diversities of operation by the same spirit.
 Two individuals, with all the goodness of generous na-
15 tures, advise me. One says, Go this way; the other
 says, Take the opposite direction! Between the two I
 stand still; or, accepting the premonition of one of them,
 I follow his counsel, take a few steps, then halt. A true
 sense not unfamiliar has been awakened. I see the way
20 now. The guardians of His presence go before me. I
 enter the path. It may be smooth, or it may be rugged;
 but it is always straight and narrow; and if it be up-
 hill all the way, the ascent is easy and the summit can
 be gained.

25 God is responsible for the mission of those whom He
 has anointed. Those who know no will but His take
 His hand, and from the night He leads to light. None
 can say unto Him, What doest Thou?

 The Christian Science Journal was the oldest and
30 only authenticated organ of Christian Science up to
 1898. Loyal Scientists are targets for envy, rivalry,
 slander; and whoever hits this mark is well paid by the

Page 348

1 umpire. But the Scientists aim highest. They press for-
 ward towards the mark of a high calling. They recog-
 nize the claims of the law and the gospel. They know
 that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap. They
5 infringe neither the books nor the business of others; and
 with hearts overflowing with love for God, they help on the
 brotherhood of men. It is not mine but Thine they seek.

 When God bids one uncover iniquity, in order to
 exterminate it, one should lay it bare; and divine Love
10 will bless this endeavor and those whom it reaches.
 “Nothing is hid that shall not be revealed.”

 It is only a question of time when God shall reveal His
 rod, and show the plan of battle. Error, left to itself,
 accumulates. Hence, Solomon’s transverse command:
15 “Answer a fool according, to his folly, lest he be wise in
 his own conceit.”

 To quench the growing flames of falsehood, once in
 about seven years I have to repeat this, — that I use no
 drugs whatever, not even coffea (coffee), thea (tea), cap-
20 sicum (red pepper); though every day, and especially at
 dinner, I indulge in homœopathic doses of Natrum muri-
(common salt).

 When I found myself under this new régime of medi-
 cine, the medicine of Mind, I wanted to satisfy my curi-
25 osity as to the effect of drugs on one who had lost all
 faith in them. Hence I tried several doses of medicine,
 and so proved to myself that drugs have no beneficial
 effect on an individual in a proper state of mind.

 I have by no means encouraged students of the Massa-
30 chusetts Metaphysical College to enter medical schools,
 and afterwards denied this and objected to their entering
 those schools. A student who consulted me on this sub-

Page 349

1 ject, received my consent and even the offer of pecuniary
 assistance to take lessons outside of my College, provided
 he received these lessons of a certain regular-school physi-
 cian, whose instructions included about twelve lessons,
5 three weeks’ time, and the surgical part of midwifery. I
 have students with the degree of M. D., who are skilful
 obstetricians. Such a course with such a teacher would
 not necessitate essential materialization of a student’s
 thought, nor detract from the metaphysical mode of
10 obstetrics taught in my College.

 This student had taken the above-named course in
 obstetrics when he consulted me on the feasibility of enter-
 ing a medical school; and to this I objected on the ground
 that it was inconsistent with Christian Science, which he
15 claimed to be practising; but I was willing, and said
 so, that, notwithstanding my objection, he should do as
 he deemed best, for I claim no jurisdiction over any stu-
 dents. He entered the medical school, and several other
 students with him. My counsel to all of them was in
20 substance the same as the foregoing, and some of these
 students have openly acknowledged this.

 In answer to a question on the following subject, I
 will state that I preached four years, and built up the
 church, before I would accept the slightest remuneration.
25 When the church had sufficient members and means to
 pay a salary, and refused to give me up or to receive my
 gratuitous services, I accepted, for a time, fifteen dollars
 each Sunday when I preached. I never received more
 than this; and the contributions, when I preached,
30 doubled that amount. I have accepted no pay from my
 church for about three years, and believe that I have
 put into the church-fund about two thousand dollars of

Page 350

1 my own contributions. I hold receipts for $1,489.50 paid
 in, and the balance was never receipted for.

 I temporarily organized a secret society known as the
 P. M., the workings whereof were not “terrible and too
5 shocking to relate.” By and with advice of the very
 student who brings up the question of this society, it
 was formed. The P. M. (Private Meeting) Society met
 only twice. The first subject given out for considera-
 tion was this: “There is no Animal Magnetism.” There
10 was no advice given, no mental work, and there were
 no transactions at those meetings which I would hesitate
 to have known. On the contrary, our deliberations
 were, as usual, Christian, and like my public instruction.
 The second P. M. convened in about one week from the
15 first. The subject given out at that meeting was, in sub-
 stance, “God is All; there is none beside Him.” This
 proved to be our last meeting. I dissolved the society,
 and we have not met since. If harm could come from
 the consideration of these two topics, it was because of
20 the misconception of those subjects in the mind that
 handled them. An individual state of mind sometimes
 occasions effects on patients which are not in harmony
 with Science and the soundness of the argument used.
 Hence it prevents the normal action, and the benefit that
25 would otherwise accrue.

 I issue no arguments, and cause none to be used in
 mental practice, which consign people to suffering. On
 the contrary, I cannot serve two masters; therefore I
 teach the use of such arguments only as promote health
30 and spiritual growth. My life, consecrated to humanity
 through nameless suffering and sacrifice, furnishes its
 own proof of my practice.

Page 351

1 I have sometimes called on students to test their ability
 and meet the mental malpractice, so as to lift the burdens
 imposed by students.

 The fact is, that for want of time, and for the purpose
5 of blessing even my enemies, I neglect myself. I never
 have practised by arguments which, perverted, are the
 weapons of the silent mental malpractice. I have no skill
 in occultism; and I could not if I would, and would not
 if I could, harm any one through the mental method of
10 Mind-healing, or in any manner.

 The late much-ado-about-nothing arose solely from
 mental malicious practice, and the audible falsehood
 designed to stir up strife between brethren, for the purpose
 of placing Christian Science in the hands of aspirants
15 for place and power. These repeated attempts of mad
 ambition may retard our Cause, but they never can place
 it in the wrong hands and hold it there, nor benefit
 mankind by such endeavors.

Fallibility Of Human Concepts

20 Evil counterfeits good: it says, “I am Truth,” though
 it is a lie; it says, “I am Love,”—but Love is spirit-
 ual, and sensuous love is material, wherefore it is hate
 instead of Love; for the five senses give to mortals pain,
 sickness, sin, and death, — pleasure that is false, life that
25 leads unto death, joy that becomes sorrow. Love that is
 not the procurator of happiness, declares itself the anti-
 pode of Love; and Love divine punishes the joys of this
 false sense of love, chastens its affection, purifies it, and
 turns it into the opposite channels.

30 Material life is the antipode of spiritual life; it mocks

Page 352

1 the bliss of spiritual being; it is bereft of permanence and

 When human sense is quickened to behold aright the
 error, — the error of regarding Life, Truth, Love as
5 material and not spiritual, or as both material and spirit-
 ual, — it is able for the first time to discern the Science
 of good. But it must first see the error of its present
 erroneous course, to be able to behold the facts of Truth
 outside of the error; and, vice versa, when it discovers
10 the truth, this uncovers the error and quickens the true
 consciousness of God, good. May the human shadows of
 thought lengthen as they approach the light, until they
 are lost in light and no night is there!

 In Science, sickness is healed upon the same Principle
15 and by the same rule that sin is healed. To know the
 supposed bodily belief of the patient and what has claimed
 to produce it, enables the practitioner to act more under-
 standingly in destroying this belief. Thus it is in heal-
 ing the moral sickness; the malicious mental operation
20 must be understood in order to enable one to destroy
 it and its effects. There is not sufficient spiritual power
 in the human thought to heal the sick or the sinful.
 Through the divine energies alone one must either get
 out of himself and into God so far that his consciousness
25 is the reflection of the divine, or he must, through argu-
 ment and the human consciousness of both evil and good,
 overcome evil.

 The only difference between the healing of sin and the
 healing of sickness is, that sin must be uncovered before
30 it can be destroyed, and the moral sense be aroused to
 reject the sense of error; while sickness must be cov-
 ered with the veil of harmony, and the consciousness be

Page 353

1 allowed to rejoice in the sense that it has nothing to mourn
 over, but something to forget.

 Human concepts run in extremes; they are like the
 action of sickness, which is either an excess of action or
5 not action enough; they are fallible; they are neither
 standards nor models.

 If one asks me, Is my concept of you right? I reply, The
 human concept is always imperfect; relinquish your human
 concept of me, or of any one, and find the divine, and you
10 have gained the right one — and never until then. People
 give me too much attention of the misguided, fallible sort,
 and this misrepresents one through malice or ignorance.

 My brother was a manufacturer; and one day a work-
 man in his mills, a practical joker, set a man who applied
15 for work, in the overseer’s absence, to pour a bucket of
 water every ten minutes on the regulator. When my
 brother returned and saw it, he said to the jester, “You
 must pay that man.” Some people try to tend folks, as
 if they should steer the regulator of mankind. God makes
20 us pay for tending the action that He adjusts.

 The regulator is governed by the principle that makes
 the machinery work rightly; and because it is thus gov-
 erned, the folly of tending it is no mere jest. The divine
 Principle carries on His harmony.

25 Now turn from the metaphor of the mill to the Mother’s
 four thousand children, most of whom, at about three
 years of scientific age, set up housekeeping alone. Certain
 students, being too much interested in themselves to think
 of helping others, go their way. They do not love Mother,
30 but pretend to; they constantly go to her for help, interrupt
 the home-harmony, criticise and disobey her; then “return
 to their vomit,”—world worship, pleasure seeking, and

Page 354

1 sense indulgence, — meantime declaring they “never dis-
 obey Mother”! It exceeds my conception of human
 nature. Sin in its very nature is marvellous! Who but a
 moral idiot, sanguine of success in sin, can steal, and lie
5 and lie, and lead the innocent to doom? History needs it,
 and it has the grandeur of the loyal, self-forgetful, faith-
 ful Christian Scientists to overbalance this foul stuff.

 When the Mother’s love can no longer promote peace
 in the family, wisdom is not “justified of her children.”
10 When depraved reason is preferred to revelation, error
 to Truth, and evil to good, and sense seams sounder than
 Soul, the children are tending the regulator; they are
 indeed losing the knowledge of the divine Principle and
 rules of Christian Science, whose fruits prove the nature
15 of their source. A little more grace, a motive made pure,
 a few truths tenderly told, a heart softened, a character
 subdued, a life consecrated, would restore the right action
 of the mental mechanism, and make manifest the move-
 ment of body and soul in accord with God.

20 Instead of relying on the Principle of all that really
 exists, — to govern His own creation, — self-conceit, igno-
 rance, and pride would regulate God’s action. Expe-
 rience shows that humility is the first step in Christian
 Science, wherein all is controlled, not by man or laws
25 material, but by wisdom, Truth, and Love.

 Go gaze on the eagle, his eye on the sun,
 Fast gathering strength for a flight well begun,
 As rising he rests in a liberty higher
 Than genius inflated with worldly desire.

30 No tear dims his eye, nor his pinions lose power
 To gaze on the lark in her emerald bower—
 Whenever he soareth to fashion his nest,
 No vision more bright than the dream in his breast.

The Way

Page 355

2 The present stage of progress in Christian Science pre-
 sents two opposite aspects, — a full-orbed promise, and
 a gaunt want. The need, however, is not of the letter,
5 but the spirit.

 Less teaching and good healing is to-day the acme of
 “well done;” a healing that is not guesswork, — chronic
 recovery ebbing and flowing, — but instantaneous cure.
 This absolute demonstration of Science must be revived.
10 To consummate this desideratum, mortal mind must pass
 through three stages of growth.

 First, self-knowledge. The physician must know him-
 self and understand the mental state of his patient. Error
 found out is two-thirds destroyed, and the last third
15 pierces itself, for the remainder only stimulates and gives
 scope to higher demonstration. To strike out right and
 left against the mist, never clears the vision; but to lift
 your head above it, is a sovereign panacea. Mental dark-
 ness is senseless error, neither intelligence nor power, and
20 its victim is responsible for its supposititious presence.
 “Cast the beam out of thine own eye.” Learn what in
 thine own mentality is unlike “the anointed,” and cast
 it out; then thou wilt discern the error in thy patient’s
 mind that makes his body sick, and remove it, and rest
25 like the dove from the deluge.

 “Physician, heal thyself.” Let no clouds of sin gather
 and fall in mist and showers from thine own mental
 atmosphere. Hold thy gaze to the light, and the iris of
 faith, more beautiful than the rainbow seen from my
30 window at the close of a balmy autumnal day, will span
 thy heavens of thought.

Page 356

1 A radiant sunset, beautiful as blessings when they take
 their flight, dilates and kindles into rest. Thus will a
 life corrected illumine its own atmosphere with spiritual
 glow and understanding.

5 The pent-up elements of mortal mind need no terrible
 detonation to free them. Envy, rivalry, hate need no
 temporary indulgence that they be destroyed through
 suffering; they should be stifled from lack of air and

10 My students, with cultured intellects, chastened affec-
 tions, and costly hopes, give promise of grand careers.
 But they must remember that the seedtime is passed,
 the harvest hour has come; and songs should ascend
 from the mount of revelation, sweeter than the sound of
15 vintage bells.

 The seed of Christian Science, which when sown was
 “the least of all seeds,” has sprung up, borne fruit, and
 the birds of the air, the uplifted desires of the human
 heart, have lodged in its branches. Now let my faithful
20 students carry the fruit of this tree into the rock-ribbed
 nests of the raven’s callow brood.

 The second stage of mental development is humility.
 This virtue triumphs over the flesh; it is the genius of
 Christian Science. One can never go up, until one has
25 gone down in his own esteem. Humility is lens and
 prism to the understanding of Mind-healing; it must be
 had to understand our textbook; it is indispensable to
 personal growth, and points out the chart of its divine
 Principle and rule of practice.

30 Cherish humility, “watch,” and “pray without ceasing,”
 or you will miss the way of Truth and Love. Humility
 is no busybody: it has no moments for trafficking

Page 357

1 in other people’s business, no place for envy, no time for
 idle words, vain amusements, and all the et cetera of the
 ways and means of personal sense.

 Let Christian Scientists minister to the sick; the school-
5 room is the dernier ressort. Let them seek the lost sheep
 who, having strayed from the true fold, have lost their
 great Shepherd and yearn to find living pastures and
 rest beside still waters. These long for the Christlike-
 ness that is above the present status of religion and be-
10 yond the walks of common life, quite on the verge of
 heaven. Without the cross and healing, Christianity has
 no central emblem, no history.

 The seeds of Truth fall by the wayside, on artless
 listeners. They fall on stony ground and shallow soil.
15 The fowls of the air pick them up. Much of what has
 been sown has withered away, but what remaineth has
 fallen into the good and honest hearts and is bearing

 The third stage of mental growth is manifested in love,
20 the greatest of all stages and states of being; love that
 is irrespective of self, rank, or following. For some time
 it has been clear to my thought that those students of
 Christian Science whose Christian characters and lives
 recommend them, should receive full fellowship from us,
25 no matter who has taught them. If they have been taught
 wrongly, they are not morally responsible for this, and
 need special help. They are as lambs that have sought
 the true fold and the great Shepherd, and strayed inno-
 cently; hence we should be ready and glad to help them
30 and point the way.

 Divine Love is the substance of Christian Science, the
 basis of its demonstration, yea, its foundation and super-

Page 358

1 structure. Love impels good works. Love is greatly
 needed, and must be had to mark the way in divine

 The student who heals by teaching and teaches by
5 healing, will graduate under divine honors, which are
 the only appropriate seals for Christian Science. State
 honors perish, and their gain is loss to the Christian
 Scientist. They include for him at present naught but
 tardy justice, hounded footsteps, false laurels. God
10 alone is his help, his shield and great reward. He that
 seeketh aught besides God, loseth in Life, Truth, and
 Love. All men shall be satisfied when they “awake in
 His likeness,” and they never should be until then. Hu-
 man pride is human weakness. Self-knowledge, humility,
15 and love are divine strength. Christ’s vestures are put
 on only when mortals are “washed in the blood of the
 Lamb;” we must walk in the way which Jesus marked
 out, if we would reach the heaven-crowned summit of
 Christian Science.

20 Be it understood that I do not require Christian Sci-
 entists to stop teaching, to dissolve their organizations,
 or to desist from organizing churches and associations.

 The Massachusetts Metaphysical College, the first
 and only College for teaching Christian Science Mind-
25 healing, after accomplishing the greatest work of the
 ages, and at the pinnacle of prosperity, is closed. Let
 Scientists who have grown to self-sacrifice do their
 present work, awaiting, with staff in hand, God’s

30 When students have fulfilled all the good ends of
 organization, and are convinced that by leaving the
 material forms thereof a higher spiritual unity is won,

Page 359

1 then is the time to follow the example of the Alma Mater.
 Material organization is requisite in the beginning; but
 when it has done its work, the purely Christly method
 of teaching and preaching must be adopted. On the same
5 principle, you continue the mental argument in the prac-
 tice of Christian healing until you can cure without it
 instantaneously, and through Spirit alone.

 St. Paul says: “When I was a child, I spake as a
 child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but
10 when I became a man, I put away childish things. For
 now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to
 face.” Growth is restricted by forcing humanity out of
 the proper channels for development, or by holding it in

15 For Jesus to walk the water was scientific, insomuch
 as he was able to do this; but it is neither wisdom nor
 Science for poor humanity to step upon the Atlantic until
 we can walk on the water.

 Peter’s impetuosity was rebuked. He had to learn
20 from experience; so have we. The methods of our
 Master were in advance of the period in which he per-
 sonally appeared; but his example was right, and is
 available at the right time. The way is absolute divine
 Science: walk ye in it; but remember that Science is
25 demonstrated by degrees, and our demonstration rises
 only as we rise in the scale of being.

Science And Philosophy

 Men give counsel; but they give not the wisdom to
 profit by it. To ask wisdom of God, is the beginning of
30 wisdom.

Page 360

1 Meekness, moderating human desire, inspires wisdom
 and procures divine power. Human lives are yet un-
 carved, — in the rough marble, encumbered with crude,
 rude fragments, and awaiting the hammering, chiselling,
5 and transfiguration from His hand.

 Great only as good, because fashioned divinely, were
 those unpretentious yet colossal characters, Paul and
 Jesus. Theirs were modes of mind cast in the moulds
 of Christian Science: Paul’s, by the supremely natural
10 transforming power of Truth; and the character of
 Jesus, by his original scientific sonship with God. Phi-
 losophy never has produced, nor can it reproduce, these
 stars of the first magnitude — fixed stars in the heavens
 of Soul. When shall earth be crowned with the true
15 knowledge of Christ?

 When Christian Science has melted away the cloud of
 false witnesses; and the dews of divine grace, fall-
 ing upon the blighted flowers of fleeting joys, shall
 lift every thought-leaflet Spiritward; and “Israel after
20 the flesh,” who partaketh of its own altars, shall be
 no more, — then, “the Israel according to Spirit”
 shall fill earth with the divine energies, understanding,
 and ever-flowing tides of spiritual sensation and consciousness.

25 When mortal mind is silenced by the “still, small voice”
 of Truth that regenerates philosophy and logic; and
 Jesus, as the true idea of Him, is heard as of yore saying
 to sensitive ears and dark disciples, “I came from the
 Father,” “Before Abraham was, I am,” coexistent and
30 coeternal with God, — and this idea is understood,—
 then will the earth be filled with the true knowledge of
 Christ. No advancing modes of human mind made

Page 361

1 Jesus; rather was it their subjugation, and the pure
 heart that sees God.

 When the belief in material origin, mortal mind, sen-
 sual conception, dissolves through self-imposed suffering,
5 and its substances are found substanceless, — then its
 miscalled life ends in death, and death itself is swallowed
 up in Life, — spiritual Life, whose myriad forms are
 neither material nor mortal.

 When every form and mode of evil disappear to hu-
10 man thought, and mollusk and radiate are spiritual con-
 cepts testifying to one creator, — then, earth is full of
 His glory, and Christian Science has overshadowed all
 human philosophy, and being is understood in startling
 contradiction of human hypotheses; and Socrates, Plato,
15 Kant, Locke, Berkeley, Tyndall, Darwin, and Spencer
 sit at the feet of Jesus.

 To this great end, Paul admonished, “Let us lay aside
 every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
 and let us run with patience the race that is set before
20 us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our
 faith.” So shall mortals soar to final freedom, and rest
 from the subtlety of speculative wisdom and human

 God is the only Mind, and His manifestation is the
25 spiritual universe, including man and all eternal indi-
 viduality. God, the only substance and divine Principle
 of creation, is by no means a creative partner in the firm
 of error, named matter, or mortal mind. He elucidates
 His own idea, wherein Principle and idea, God and man,
30 are not one, but are inseparable as cause and effect. If
 one, who could say which that “one” was?

 His ways are not as our ways. The divine modes

Page 362

1 and manifestations are not those of the material senses;
 for instance, intelligent matter, or mortal mind, material
 birth, growth, and decay: they are the forever-existing
 realities of divine Science; wherein God and man are
5 perfect, and man’s reason is at rest in God’s wisdom,—
 who comprehends and reflects all real mode, form, indi-
 viduality, identity.

 Scholastic dogma has made men blind. Christ’s logos
 gives sight to these blind, ears to these deaf, feet to these
10 lame, — physically, morally, spiritually. Theologians
 make the mortal mistake of believing that God, having
 made all, made evil; but the Scriptures declare that all
 that He made was good. Then, was evil part and parcel
 of His creation?

15 Philosophy hypothetically regards creation as its own
 creator, puts cause into effect, and out of nothing would
 create something, whose noumenon is mortal mind,
 with its phenomenon matter, — an evil mind already
 doomed, whose modes are material manifestations of
20 evil, and that continually, until self-extinguished by

 Here revelation must come to the rescue of mortals,
 to remove this mental millstone that is dragging them
 downward, and refute erring reason with the spiritual
25 cosmos and Science of Soul. We all must find shelter
 from the storm and tempest in the tabernacle of Spirit.
 Truth is won through Science or suffering: O vain mor-
 tals! which shall it be? And suffering has no reward,
 except when it is necessary to prevent sin or reform
30 the sinner. And pleasure is no crime except when it
 strengthens the influence of bad inclinations or lessens
 the activities of virtue. The more nearly an erring so-

Page 363

1 called mind approaches purity, the more conscious it
 becomes of its own unreality, and of the great reality of
 divine Mind and true happiness.

 The “ego” that claims selfhood in error, and passes
5 from molecule and monkey up to man, is no ego, but is
 simply the supposition that the absence of good is mind
 and makes men, — when its greatest flatterer, identifica-
 tion, is piqued by Him who compensateth vanity with
 nothingness, dust with dust!

10 The mythology of evil and mortality is but the ma-
 terial mode of a suppositional mind; while the immortal
 modes of Mind are spiritual, and pass through none of
 the changes of matter, or evil. Truth said, and said from
 the beginning, “Let us [Spirit] make man perfect;” and
15 there is no other Maker: a perfect man would not desire
 to make himself imperfect, and God is not chargeable
 with imperfection. His modes declare the beauty of holi-
 ness, and His manifold wisdom shines through the visible
 world in glimpses of the eternal verities. Even through
20 the mists of mortality is seen the brightness of His

 We must avoid the shoals of a sensual religion or
 philosophy that misguides reason and affection, and
 hold fast to the Principle of Christian Science as the
25 Word that is God, Spirit, and Truth. This Word cor-
 rects the philosopher, confutes the astronomer, exposes
 the subtle sophist, and drives diviners mad. The Bible
 is the learned man’s masterpiece, the ignorant man’s
 dictionary, the wise man’s directory.

30 I foresee and foresay that every advancing epoch of so
 Truth will be characterized by a more spiritual appre-
 hension of the Scriptures, that will show their marked

Page 364

1 consonance with the textbook of Christian Science Mind-
 healing, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.”
 Interpreting the Word in the “new tongue,” whereby
 the sick are healed, naturally evokes new paraphrase
5 from the world of letters. “Wait patiently on the Lord,
 and He will renew your strength.” In return for indi-
 vidual sacrifice, what a recompense to have healed, through
 Truth, the sick and sinful, made the public your friend,
 and posterity your familiar!

10 Christian Science refutes everything that is not a
 postulate of the divine Principle, God. It is the soul of
 divine philosophy, and there is no other philosophy. It
 is not a search after wisdom, it is wisdom: it is God’s
 right hand grasping the universe, — all time, space,
15 immortality, thought, extension, cause, and effect; con-
 stituting and governing all identity, individuality, law,
 and power. It stands on this Scriptural platform:
 that He made all that was made, and it is good, reflects
 the divine Mind, is governed by it; and that nothing
20 apart from this Mind, one God, is self-created or evolves
 the universe.

 Human hypotheses predicate matter of Spirit and
 evil of good; hence these opposites must either cooperate
 or quarrel throughout time and eternity, — or until
25 this impossible partnership is dissolved. If Spirit is the
 lawgiver to matter, and good has the same power or
 modes as evil, it has the same consciousness, and there
 is no absolute good. This error, carried to its ultimate,
 would either extinguish God and His modes, or give
30 reality and power to evil ad infinitum.

 Christian Science rends this veil of the temple of gods,
 and reproduces the divine philosophy of Jesus and Paul.

Page 365

1 This philosophy alone will bear the strain of time and
 bring out the glories of eternity; for “other founda-
 tion can no man lay than that is laid,” which is Christ,

5 Human theories weighed in the balances of God are
 found wanting; and their highest endeavors are to Science
 what a child’s love of pictures is to art. The school whose
 schoolmaster is not Christ, gets things wrong, and is ignorant

10 If Christian Science lacked the proof of its goodness
 and utility, it would destroy itself; for it rests alone on
 demonstration. Its genius is right thinking and right
 acting, physical and moral harmony; and the secret of
 its success lies in supplying the universal need of better
15 health and better men.

 Good health and a more spiritual religion form the
 common want, and this want has worked out a moral
 result; namely, that mortal mind is calling for what im-
 mortal Mind alone can supply. If the uniform moral
20 and spiritual, as well as physical, effects of divine Science
 were lacking, the demand would diminish; but it con-
 tinues, and increases, which shows the real value of
 Christian Science to the race. Even doctors agree that
 infidelity, bigotry, or sham has never met the growing
25 wants of humanity.

 As a literature, Christian metaphysics is hampered by
 lack of proper terms in which to express what it means.
 As a Science, it is held back by the common ignorance
 of what it is and of what it does, — and more than all
30 else, by the impostors that come in its name. To be
 appreciated, it must be conscientiously understood and

Page 366

1 If the Bible and “Science and Health with Key to the
 Scriptures” had in our schools the time or attention that
 human hypotheses consume, they would advance the
 world. True, it requires more study to understand and
5 demonstrate what they teach than to learn the doctrine
 of theology, philosophy, or physics, because they con-
 tain and offer Science, with fixed Principle, given rule,
 and unmistakable proof.

 The Scriptures give the keynote of Christian Science
10 from Genesis to Revelation, and this is the prolonged
 tone: “For the Lord He is God, and there is
 none beside Him.” And because He is All-in-all,
 He is in nothing unlike Himself; and nothing that
 worketh or maketh a lie is in Him, or can be divine con-
15 sciousness.

 At this date, poor jaded humanity needs to get her
 eyes open to a new style of imposition in the field of
 medicine and of religion, and to “beware of the leaven
 of the scribes and Pharisees,” the doctrines of men, even
20 as Jesus admonished. From first to last, evil insists on
 the unity of good and evil as the purpose of God; and
 on drugs, electricity, and animal magnetism as modes
 of medicine. To a greater or less extent, all mortal conclusions
 start from this false premise, and they necessarily
25 culminate in sickness, sin, disease, and death.
 Erroneous doctrines never have abated and never will
 abate dishonesty, self-will, envy, and lust. To destroy
 sin and its sequence, is the office of Christ, Truth, — ac-
 cording to His mode of Christian Science; and this is
30 being done daily.

 The false theories whose names are legion, gilded with
 sophistry and what Jesus had not, namely, mere book-

Page 367

1 learning, — letter without law, gospel, or demonstration,
 —have no place in Christian Science. This Science re-
 quires man to be honest, just, pure; to love his neighbor
 as himself, and to love God supremely.

5 Matter and evil are subjective states of error or mortal
 mind. But Mind is immortal; and the fact of there
 being no mortal mind, exposes the lie of suppositional
 evil, showing that error is not Mind, substance, or
 Life. Thus, whatever is wrongfully-minded will dis-
10 appear in the proportion that Science is understood,
 and the reality of being — goodness and harmony — is

 Error says that knowing all things implies the neces-
 sity of knowing evil, that it dishonors God to claim that
15 He is ignorant of anything; but God says of this fruit
 of the tree of knowledge of both good and evil, “In the
 day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.” If
 God is infinite good, He knows nothing but good; if He
 did know aught else, He would not be infinite. Infinite
20 Mind knows nothing beyond Himself or Herself. To
 good, evil is never present; for evil is a different state of
 consciousness. It was not against evil, but against know-
evil, that God forewarned. He dwelleth in light;
 and in the light He sees light, and cannot see darkness.
25 The opposite conclusion, that darkness dwelleth in light,
 has neither precedent nor foundation in nature, in logic,
 or in the character of Christ.

 The senses would say that whatever saves from sin,
 must know sin. Truth replies that God is too pure
30 to behold iniquity; and by virtue of His ignorance of
 that which is not, He knoweth that which is, and
 abideth in Himself, the only Life, Truth, and Love,

Page 368

1 —and is reflected by a universe in His own image
 and likeness.

 Even so, Father, let the light that shineth in dark-
 ness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not, dispel this
5 illusion of the senses, open the eyes of the blind, and cause
 the deaf to hear.

 “Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.
 Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown,
 Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own.”

Take Heed

 We regret to be obliged to say that all are not meta-
 physicians, or Christian Scientists, who call themselves
 so. Charlatanism, fraud, and malice are getting into
15 the ranks of the good and pure, sending forth a poison
 more deadly than the upas-tree in the eastern archi-
 pelago. This evil obtains in the present false teaching
 and false practice of the Science of treating disease through
 Mind. The silent address of a mental malpractitioner
20 can only be portrayed in these words of the apostle,
 “whisperers,” and “the poison of asps is under their

 Some of the mere puppets of the hour are playing
 only for money, and at a fearful stake. Others, from
25 malice and envy, are working out the destinies of the
 damned. But while the best, perverted, on the mortal
 plane may become the worst, let us not forget that the
 Lord reigns, and that this earth shall some time rejoice
 in His supreme rule, — that the tired watchmen on the

Page 369

1 walls of Zion, and the true Christian Scientist at the foot
 of the mount of revelation, shall look up with shouts and
 thanksgiving, — that God’s law, as in divine Science,
 shall be finally understood; and the gospel of glad tidings
5 bring “on earth peace, good will toward men.”

The Cry Of Christmas-Tide

 Metaphysics, not physics, enables us to stand erect
 on sublime heights, surveying the immeasurable universe
 of Mind, peering into the cause which governs all effects,
10 while we are strong in the unity of God and man. There
 is “method” in the “madness” of this system, — since
 madness it seems to many onlookers. This method sits
 serene at the portals of the temple of thought, while
 the leaders of materialistic schools indulge in mad
15 antics. Metaphysical healing seeks a wisdom that is
 higher than a rhubarb tincture or an ipecacuanha pill.
 This method is devout enough to trust Christ more than
 it does drugs.

 Meekly we kneel at our Master’s feet, for even a crumb
20 that falleth from his table. We are hungry for Love,
 for the white-winged charity that heals and saves; we
 are tired of theoretic husks, — as tired as was the prodi-
 gal son of the carobs which he shared with the swine,
 to whom he fed that wholesome but unattractive food.
25 Like him, we would find our Father’s house again—
 the perfect and eternal Principle of man. We thirst
 for inspiring wine from the vine which our Father tends.
 We crave the privilege of saying to the sick, when their

Page 370

1 feebleness calls for help, “Rise and walk.” We rejoice
 to say, in the spirit of our Master, “Stretch forth thy
 hand, and be whole!”

 When the Pharisees saw Jesus do such deeds of mercy,
5 they went away and took counsel how they might remove
 him. The antagonistic spirit of evil is still abroad; but
 the greater spirit of Christ is also abroad, — risen from
 the grave-clothes of tradition and the cave of ignorance.
 Let the sentinels of Zion’s watch-towers shout once
10 again, “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is

 In different ages the divine idea assumes different
 forms, according to humanity’s needs. In this age it
 assumes, more intelligently than ever before, the form
15 of Christian healing. This is the babe we are to cherish.
 This is the babe that twines its loving arms about the
 neck of omnipotence, and calls forth infinite care from
 His loving heart.

Blind Leaders

20 What figure is less favorable than a wolf in sheep’s
 clothing? The braying donkey whose ears stick out is
 less troublesome. What manner of man is it that has
 discovered an improvement on Christian Science, a “met-
 aphysical healing” by which error destroys error, and
25 would gather all sorts into a “national convention” by
 the sophistry that such is the true fold for Christian heal-
 ers, since the good shepherd cares for all?

 Yes; the good Shepherd does care for all, and His
 first care is to separate the sheep from the goats; and

Page 371

1 this is among the first lessons on healing taught by our
 great Master.

 If, as the gentleman aforesaid states, large flocks of
 metaphysicians are wandering about without a leader,
5 what has opened his eyes to see the need of taking them
 out of the care of the great Shepherd, and behold the
 remedy, to help them by his own leadership? Is it that
 he can guide Christian Scientists better than they, through
 the guidance of our common Father, can guide them-
10 selves? or is it that they are incapable of helping them-
 selves thus?

 I as their teacher can say, They know far more of
 Christian Science than he who deprecates their condition
 appears to, and my heart pleads for them to possess
15 more and more of Truth and Love; but mixing all grades
 of persons is not productive of the better sort, although
 he who has self-interest in this mixing is apt to pro-
 pose it.

 Whoever desires to say, “good right, and good wrong,”
20 has no truth to defend. It is a wise saying that “men
 are known by their enemies.” To sympathize in any
 degree with error, is not to rectify it; but error always
 strives to unite, in a definition of purpose, with Truth,
 to give it buoyancy. What is under the mask, but error
25 in borrowed plumes?

“Christ And Christmas”

 An Illustrated Poem

 This poem and its illustrations are as hopelessly origi-
 nal as is “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-

Page 372

1 tures.” When the latter was first issued, critics declared
 that it was incorrect, contradictory, unscientific, unchris-
 tian; but those human opinions had not one feather’s
 weight in the scales of God. The fact remains, that
5 the textbook of Christian Science is transforming the

 “Christ and Christmas” voices Christian Science
 through song and object-lesson. In two weeks from the
 date of its publication in December, 1893, letters extoll-
10 ing it were pouring in from artists and poets. A mother
 wrote, “Looking at the pictures in your wonderful book
 has healed my child.”

 Knowing that this book would produce a stir, I sought
 the judgment of sound critics familiar with the works
15 of masters in France and Italy. From them came such
 replies as the following: “The illustrations of your poem
 are truly a work of art, and the artist seems quite familiar
 with delineations from the old masters.” I am delighted
 to find “Christ and Christmas” in accord with the
20 ancient and most distinguished artists.

 The Christian Science Journal gives no uncertain dec-
 laration concerning the spirit and mission of “Christ and

 I aimed to reproduce, with reverent touch, the modest
25 glory of divine Science. Not by aid of foreign device
 or environment could I copy art, — never having seen
 the painter’s masterpieces; but the art of Christian
 Science, with true hue and character of the living God,
 is akin to its Science: and Science and Health gives
30 scopes and shades to the shadows of divinity, thus im-
 parting to humanity the true sense of meekness and

Page 373

1 One incident serves to illustrate the simple nature of

 I insisted upon placing the serpent behind the woman
 in the picture “Seeking and Finding.” My artist at the
5 easel objected, as he often did, to my sense of Soul’s
 expression through the brush; but, as usual, he finally
 yielded. A few days afterward, the following from Roth-
 erham’s translation of the New Testament was handed
 to me, — I had never before seen it: “And the serpent
10 cast out of his mouth, behind the woman, water as a
 river, that he might cause her to be river-borne.” Neither
 material finesse, standpoint, nor perspective guides the
 infinite Mind and spiritual vision that should, does, guide
 His children.

15 One great master clearly delineates Christ’s appear-
 ing in the flesh, and his healing power, as clad not in
 soft raiment or gorgeous apparel; and when forced out
 of its proper channel, as living feebly, in kings’ courts.
 This master’s thought presents a sketch of Christian-
20 ity’s state, in the early part of the Christian era, as
 homelessness in a wilderness. But in due time Chris-
 tianity entered into synagogues, and, as St. Mark
 writes, it has rich possession here, with houses and
 lands. In Genesis we read that God gave man do-
25 minion over all things; and this assurance is followed
 by Jesus’ declaration, “All power is given unto me
 in heaven and in earth,” and by his promise that the
 Christlike shall finally sit down at the right hand of the

30 Christian Science is more than a prophet or a proph-
 ecy: it presents not words alone, but works, — the daily
 demonstration of Truth and Love. Its healing and sav-

Page 374

1 ing power was so great a proof of Immanuel and the
 realism of Christianity, that it caused even the publi-
 cans to justify God. Although clad in panoply of power,
 the Pharisees scorned the spirit of Christ in most of its
5 varied manifestations. To them it was cant and carica-
 ture, — always the opposite of what it was. Keen and
 alert was their indignation at whatever rebuked hypocrisy
 and demanded Christianity in life and religion. In view
 of this, Jesus said, “Wisdom is justified of all her
10 children.”

 Above the fogs of sense and storms of passion, Chris-
 tian Science and its art will rise triumphant; ignorance,
 envy, and hatred — earth’s harmless thunder — pluck
 not their heaven-born wings. Angels, with overtures,
15 hold charge over both, and announce their Principle and

 It is most fitting that Christian Scientists memorize
 the nativity of Jesus. To him who brought a great light
 to all ages, and named his burdens light, homage is in-
20 deed due, — but is bankrupt. I never looked on my
 ideal of the face of the Nazarite Prophet; but the one
 illustrating my poem approximates it.

 Extremists in every age either doggedly deny or fran-
 tically affirm what is what: one renders not unto Cæsar
25 “the things that are Cæsar’s;” the other sees “Helen’s
 beauty in a brow of Egypt.”

 Pictures are portions of one’s ideal, but this ideal is
 not one’s personality. Looking behind the veil, he that
 perceives a semblance between the thinker and his thought
30 on canvas, blames him not.

 Because my ideal of an angel is a woman without
 feathers on her wings, — is it less artistic or less natu-

Page 375

1 ral? Pictures which present disordered phases of ma-
 terial conceptions and personality blind with animality,
 are not my concepts of angels. What is the material ego,
 but the counterfeit of the spiritual?

5 The truest art of Christian Science is to be a Chris-
 tian Scientist; and it demands more than a Raphael to
 delineate this art.

 The following is an extract from a letter reverting to
 the illustrations of “Christ and Christmas”:—

10 “In my last letter, I did not utter all I felt about the
 wonderful new book you have given us. Years ago,
 while in Italy, I studied the old masters and their great
 works of art thoroughly, and so got quite an idea of
 what constitutes true art. Then I spent two years in
15 Paris, devoting every moment to the study of music and

 “The first thing that impressed me in your illustra-
 tions was the conscientious application to detail, which is
 is the foundation of true art. From that, I went on to
20 study each illustration thoroughly, and to my amazement
 and delight I find an almost identical resemblance, in
 many things, to the old masters! In other words, the art
 is perfect.

 “The hands and feet of the figures — how many times
25 have I seen these hands and feet in Angelico’s “Jesus,”
 or Botticelli’s “Madonna”!

 “It gave me such a thrill of joy as no words can ex-
 press, to see produced to-day that art — the only true
 art — that we have identified with the old masters, and
30 mourned as belonging to them exclusively, — a thing of
 the past, impossible of reproduction.

 “All that I can say to you, as one who gives no mean

Page 376

1 attention to such matters, is that the art is perfect. It
 is the true art of the oldest, most revered, most authen-
 tic Italian school, revived. I use the words most au-
in the following sense: the face, figure, and
5 drapery of Jesus, very closely resemble in detail the
 face, figure, and drapery of that Jesus portrayed by the
 oldest of the old masters, and said to have been authen-
 tic; the face having been taken by Fra Angelico from
 Cæsar’s Cameo, the figure and garments from a descrip-
10 tion, in The Galaxy, of a small sketch handed down
 from the living reality. Their productions are expres-
 sionless copies of an engraving cut in a stone. Yours
 is a palpitating, living Saviour engraven on the heart.
 You have given us back our Jesus, and in a much better
15 is form.”

Sunrise At Pleasant View

 Who shall describe the brave splendor of a November
 sky that this morning burst through the lattice for me,
 on my bed? According to terrestrial calculations, above
20 the horizon, in the east, there rose one rod of rainbow
 hues, crowned with an acre of eldritch ebony. Little
 by little this topmost pall, drooping over a deeply daz-
 zling sunlight, softened, grew gray, then gay, and glided
 into a glory of mottled marvels. Fleecy, faint, fairy
25 blue and golden flecks came out on a background of
 cerulean hue; while the lower lines of light kindled into
 gold, orange, pink, crimson, violet; and diamond, topaz,
 opal, garnet, turquoise, and sapphire spangled the gloom
 in celestial space as with the brightness of His glory.
30 Then thought I, What are we, that He who fashions for-

Page 377

1 ever such forms and hues of heaven, should move our
 brush or pen to paint frail fairness or to weave a web
 of words that glow with gladdening gleams of God, so
 unapproachable, and yet so near and full of radiant relief
5 in clouds and darkness!

Inklings Historic

Page 378

1 About the year 1862, while the author of this work
 was at Dr. Vail’s Hydropathic Institute in New
 Hampshire, this occurred: A patient considered incur-
 able left that institution, and in a few weeks returned
5 apparently well, having been healed, as he informed
 the patients, by one Mr. P. P. Quimby of Portland,

 After much consultation among ourselves, and a struggle
 with pride, the author, in company with several other
10 patients, left the water-cure, en route for the aforesaid
 doctor in Portland. He proved to be a magnetic practi-
 tioner. His treatment seemed at first to relieve her, but
 signally failed in healing her case.

 Having practised homœopathy, it never occurred to the
15 author to learn his practice, but she did ask him how
 manipulation could benefit the sick. He answered kindly
 and squarely, in substance, “Because it conveys electricity
 to them.” That was the sum of what he taught her of
 his medical profession.

20 The readers of my books cannot fail to see that meta-
 physical therapeutics, as in Christian Science, are farther
 removed from such thoughts than the nebulous system
 is from the earth.

Page 379

1 After treating his patients, Mr. Quimby would retire
 to an anteroom and write at his desk. I had a curiosity
 to know if he indited anything pathological relative to
 his patients, and asked if I could see his pennings on
5 my case. He immediately presented them. I read the
 copy in his presence, and returned it to him. The com-
 position was commonplace, mostly descriptive of the gen-
 eral appearance, height, and complexion of the individual,
 and the nature of the case: it was not at all metaphysi-
10 cal or scientific; and from his remarks I inferred that
 his writings usually ran in the vein of thought presented
 by these. He was neither a scholar nor a metaphysician.
 I never heard him say that matter was not as real as Mind,
 or that electricity was not as potential or remedial, or
15 allude to God as the divine Principle of all healing. He
 certainly had advanced views of his own, but they com-
 mingled error with truth, and were not Science. On
 his rare humanity and sympathy one could write a

20 I had already experimented in medicine beyond the
 basis of materia medica, — up to the highest attenuation
 in homoeopathy, thence to a mental standpoint not un-
 derstood and with phenomenally good results;(7) mean-
 while assiduously pondering the solution of this great
25 question: Is it matter, or is it Mind, that heals the

 It was after Mr. Quimby’s death that I discovered,
 in 1866, the momentous facts relating to Mind and its
 superiority over matter, and named my discovery Chris-
30 tian Science. Yet, there remained the difficulty of ad-
 justing in the scale of Science a metaphysical practice,

Page 380

1 and settling the question, What shall be the outward
 sign of such a practice: if a divine Principle alone heals,
 what is the human modus for demonstrating this, — in
 short, how can sinful mortals prove that a divine Principle
5 heals the sick, as well as governs the universe, time,
 space, immortality, man?

 When contemplating the majesty and magnitude of
 this query, it looked as if centuries of spiritual growth
 were requisite to enable me to elucidate or to dem-
10 onstrate what I had discovered: but an unlooked-for,
 imperative call for help impelled me to begin this stu-
 pendous work at once, and teach the first student in
 Christian Science. Even as when an accident, called
 fatal to life, had driven me to discover the Science of
15 Life, I again, in faith, turned to divine help, — and com-
 menced teaching.

 My students at first practised in slightly differing
 forms. Although I could heal mentally, without a sign
 save the immediate recovery of the sick, my students’
20 patients, and people generally, called for a sign — a ma-
 terial evidence wherewith to satisfy the sick that something
 was being done for them; and I said, “Suffer it
 to be so now,” for thus saith our Master. Experience,
 however, taught me the impossibility of demonstrating
25 the Science of metaphysical healing by any outward form
 of practice.

 In April, 1883, a bill in equity was filed in the United
 States Circuit Court in Boston, to restrain, by decree and
 order of the Court, the unlawful publishing and use of an
30 infringing pamphlet printed and issued by a student of
 Christian Science.

 Answer was filed by the defendant, alleging that the

Page 381

1 copyrighted works of Mrs. Eddy were not original with
 her, but had been copied by her, or by her direction,
 from manuscripts originally composed by Dr. P. P.

5 Testimony was taken on the part of Mrs. Eddy, the
 defendant being present personally and by counsel. The
 time for taking testimony on the part of the defendant
 having nearly expired, he gave notice through his counsel
 that he should not put in testimony. Later, Mrs.
10 Eddy requested her lawyer to inquire of defendant’s
 counsel why he did not present evidence to support his
 claim that Dr. Quimby was the author of her writings!
 Accordingly, her counsel asked the defendant’s counsel
 this question, and he replied, in substance, “There is
15 no evidence to present.”

 The stipulation for a judgment and a decree in favor
 of Mrs. Eddy was drawn up and signed by counsel.
 It was ordered that the complainant (Mrs. Eddy)
 recover of the defendant her cost of suit, taxed at
20 ($113.09) one hundred thirteen and 9/100 dollars.

 A writ of injunction was issued under the seal of the
 said Court, restraining the defendant from directly or
 indirectly printing, publishing, selling, giving away,
 distributing, or in any way or manner disposing of,
25 the enjoined pamphlet, on penalty of ten thousand

 The infringing books, to the number of thirty-eight
 hundred or thereabouts, were put under the edge of
 the knife, and their unlawful existence destroyed, in
30 Boston, Massachusetts.

 It has been written that “nobody can be both founder
 and discoverer of the same thing.” If this declaration

Page 382

1 were either a truism or a rule, my experience would
 contradict it and prove an exception.

 No works on the subject of Christian Science existed,
 prior to my discovery of this Science. Before the publi-
5 cation of my first work on this doctrine, a few manu-
 scripts of mine were in circulation. The discovery and
 founding of Christian Science has cost more than thirty
 years of unremitting toil and unrest; but, comparing those
 with the joy of knowing that the sinner and the sick are
10 helped thereby, that time and eternity bear witness to
 this gift of God to the race, I am the debtor.

 In the latter half of the nineteenth century I discov-
 ered the Science of Christianity, and restored the first
 patient healed in this age by Christian Science. I taught
15 the first student in Christian Science Mind-healing; was
 author and publisher of the first books on this subject;
 obtained the first charter for the first Christian Science
 church, originated its form of government, and was its
 first pastor. I donated to this church the land on which
20 in 1894 was erected the first church edifice of this denomination
 in Boston; obtained the first and only charter
 for a metaphysical medical college, — was its first and
 only president; was editor and proprietor of the first
 Christian Science periodical; organized the first Christian
25 Scientist Association, wrote its constitution and by-
 laws, — as also the constitution and by-laws of the
 National Christian Science Association; and gave it
 The Christian Science Journal; inaugurated our denom-
 inational form of Sunday services, Sunday School, and
30 so the entire system of teaching and practising Christian

 In 1895 I ordained that the Bible, and “Science and

Page 383

1 Health with Key to the Scriptures,” the Christian Science
 textbook, be the pastor, on this planet, of all the churches
 of the Christian Science denomination. This ordinance
 took effect the same year, and met with the universal ap-
5 proval and support of Christian Scientists. Whenever
 and wherever a church of Christian Science is established,
 its pastor is the Bible and my book.

 In 1896 it goes without saying, preeminent over igno-
 rance or envy, that Christian Science is founded by its
10 discoverer
, and built upon the rock of Christ. The el-
 ements of earth beat in vain against the immortal parapets
 of this Science. Erect and eternal, it will go on with the
 ages, go down the dim posterns of time unharmed, and
 on every battle-field rise higher in the estimation of
15 thinkers and in the hearts of Christians.


Page 384

Come Thou

2 Come, in the minstrel’s lay;
 When two hearts meet,
 And true hearts greet,
5 And all is morn and May.

 Come Thou! and now, anew,
 To thought and deed
 Give sober speed,
 Thy will to know, and do.

10 Stay! till the storms are o’er—
 The cold blasts done,
 The reign of heaven begun,
 And Love, the evermore.

 Be patient, waiting heart:
15 Light, Love divine
 Is here, and thine;
 You therefore cannot part.

 “The seasons come and go:
 Love, like the sea,
20 Rolls on with thee,—
 But knows no ebb and flow.

Page 385

1 “Faith, hope, and tears, triune,
 Above the sod
 Find peace in God,
 And one eternal noon.”

5 Oh, Thou hast heard my prayer;
 And I am blest!
 This is Thy high behest:
 Thou, here and everywhere.

Meeting Of My Departed Mother And Husband

10 “Joy for thee, happy friend! thy bark is past
 The dangerous sea, and safely moored at last—
 Beyond rough foam.
 Soft gales celestial, in sweet music bore—
 Spirit emancipate for this far shore—
15 Thee to thy home.

 “You’ve travelled long, and far from mortal joys,
 To Soul’s diviner sense, that spurns such toys,
 Brave wrestler, lone.
 Now see thy ever-self; Life never fled;
20 Man is not mortal, never of the dead:
 The dark unknown.

 “When hope soared high, and joy was eagle-plumed,
 Thy pinions drooped; the flesh was weak, and doomed
 To pass away.
25 But faith triumphant round thy death-couch shed
 Majestic forms; and radiant glory sped
 The dawning day.

Page 386

1 “Intensely grand and glorious life’s sphere,—
 Beyond the shadow, infinite appear
 Life, Love divine,—
 Where mortal yearnings come not, sighs are stilled,
5 And home and peace and hearts are found and filled,
 Thine, ever thine.

 “Bearest thou no tidings from our loved on earth,
 The toiler tireless for Truth’s new birth
10 Our joy is gathered from her parting sigh:
 This hour looks on her heart with pitying eye,—
 What of my child?”

 “When, severed by death’s dream, I woke to Life,
 She deemed I died, and could not know the strife
15 At first to fill
 That waking with a love that steady turns
 To God; a hope that ever upward yearns,
 Bowed to His will.

 “Years had passed o’er thy broken household band,
20 When angels beckoned me to this bright land,
 With thee to meet.
 She that has wept o’er thee, kissed my cold brow,
 Rears the sad marble to our memory now,
 In lone retreat.

25 “By the remembrance of her loyal life,
 And parting prayer, I only know my wife,
 Thy child, shall come—
 Where farewells cloud not o’er our ransomed rest—
 Hither to reap, with all the crowned and blest,
30 Of bliss the sum.

Page 387

1 “When Love’s rapt sense the heart-strings gently sweep,
 With joy divinely fair, the high and deep,
 To call her home,
 She shall mount upward unto purer skies;
5 We shall be waiting, in what glad surprise,
 Our spirits’ own!”


 Brood o’er us with Thy shelt’ring wing,
 ’Neath which our spirits blend
10 Like brother birds, that soar and sing,
 And on the same branch bend.
 The arrow that doth wound the dove
 Darts not from those who watch and love.

 If thou the bending reed wouldst break
15 By thought or word unkind,
 Pray that his spirit you partake,
 Who loved and healed mankind:
 Seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain,
 That make men one in love remain.

20 Learn, too, that wisdom’s rod is given
 For faith to kiss, and know;
 That greetings glorious from high heaven,
 Whence joys supernal flow,
 Come from that Love, divinely near,
25 Which chastens pride and earth-born fear,

Page 388

1 Through God, who gave that word of might
 Which swelled creation’s lay:
 “Let there be light, and there was light.”
 What chased the clouds away?
5 ’Twas Love whose finger traced aloud
 A bow of promise on the cloud.

 Thou to whose power our hope we give,
 Free us from human strife.
10 Fed by Thy love divine we live,
 For Love alone is Life;
 And life most sweet, as heart to heart
 Speaks kindly when we meet and part.

Woman’s Rights

 Grave on her monumental pile:
15 She won from vice, by virtue’s smile,
 Her dazzling crown, her sceptred throne,
 Affection’s wreath, a happy home;

 The right to worship deep and pure,
 To bless the orphan, feed the poor;
20 Last at the cross to mourn her Lord,
 First at the tomb to hear his word:

 To fold an angel’s wings below;
 And hover o’er the couch of woe;
 To nurse the Bethlehem babe so sweet,
25 The right to sit at Jesus’ feet;

Page 389

1 To form the bud for bursting bloom,
 The hoary head with joy to crown;
 In short, the right to work and pray,
 “To point to heaven and lead the way.”

The Mother’s Evening Prayer

 O gentle presence, peace and joy and power;
 O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour,
 Thou Love that guards the nestling’s faltering flight!
 Keep Thou my child on upward wing to-night.

10 Love is our refuge; only with mine eye
 Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall:
 His habitation high is here, and nigh,
 His arm encircles me, and mine, and all.

 O make me glad for every scalding tear,
15 For hope deferred, ingratitude, disdain!
 Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear
 No ill, — since God is good, and loss is gain.

 Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing;
 In that sweet secret of the narrow way,
20 Seeking and finding, with the angels sing:
 “Lo, I am with you alway,”—watch and pray.

 No snare, no fowler, pestilence or pain;
 No night drops down upon the troubled breast,
 When heaven’s aftersmile earth’s tear-drops gain,
25 And mother finds her home and heavenly rest.

Page 390


 Whence are thy wooings, gentle June?
 Thou hast a Naiad’s charm;
 Thy breezes scent the rose’s breath;
5 Old Time gives thee her palm.
 The lark’s shrill song doth wake the dawn;
 The eve-bird’s forest flute
 Gives back some maiden melody,
 Too pure for aught so mute.

10 The fairy-peopled world of flowers,
 Enraptured by thy spell,
 Looks love unto the laughing hours,
 Through woodland, grove, and dell;
 And soft thy footstep falls upon
15 The verdant grass it weaves;
 To melting murmurs ye have stirred
 The timid, trembling leaves.

 When sunshine beautifies the shower,
 As smiles through teardrops seen,
20 Ask of its June, the long-hushed heart,
 What hath the record been?
 And thou wilt find that harmonies,
 In which the Soul hath part,
 Ne’er perish young, like things of earth,
25 In records of the heart.

Page 391

Wish And Item

 Written to the Editor of the Item, Lynn, Mass.

 I hope the heart that’s hungry
 For things above the floor,
5 Will find within its portals
 An item rich in store;

 That melancholy mortals
 Will count their mercies o’er,
 And learn that Truth and wisdom
10 Have many items more;

 That when a wrong is done us,
 It stirs no thought of strife;
 And Love becomes the substance,
 As item, of our life;

15 That every ragged urchin,
 With bare feet soiled or sore,
 Share God’s most tender mercies,—
 Find items at our door.

 Then if we’ve done to others
20 Some good ne’er told before,
 When angels shall repeat it,
 ’T will be an item more.

Page 392

The Oak On The Mountain’s Summit

 Oh, mountain monarch, at whose feet I stand,—
 Clouds to adorn thy brow, skies clasp thy hand,—
 Nature divine, in harmony profound,
5 With peaceful presence hath begirt thee round.

 And thou, majestic oak, from yon high place
 Guard’st thou the earth, asleep in night’s embrace,—
 And from thy lofty summit, pouring down
 Thy sheltering shade, her noonday glories crown?

10 Whate’er thy mission, mountain sentinel,
 To my lone heart thou art a power and spell;
 A lesson grave, of life, that teacheth me
 To love the Hebrew figure of a tree.

 Faithful and patient be my life as thine;
15 As strong to wrestle with the storms of time;
 As deeply rooted in a soil of love;
 As grandly rising to the heavens above.

Isle Of Wight

 Written on receiving a painting of the Isle

20 Isle of beauty, thou art singing
 To my sense a sweet refrain;
 To my busy mem’ry bringing
 Scenes that I would see again.

Page 393

1 Chief, the charm of thy reflecting,
 Is the moral that it brings;
 Nature, with the mind connecting,
 Gives the artist’s fancy wings.

5 Soul, sublime ’mid human débris,
 Paints the limner’s work, I ween,
 Art and Science, all unweary,
 Lighting up this mortal dream.

 Work ill-done within the misty
10 Mine of human thoughts, we see
 Soon abandoned when the Master
 Crowns life’s Cliff for such as we.

 Students wise, he maketh now thus
 Those who fish in waters deep,
15 When the buried Master hails us
 From the shores afar, complete.

 Art hath bathed this isthmus-lordling
 In a beauty strong and meek
 As the rock, whose upward tending
20 Points the plane of power to seek.

 Isle of beauty, thou art teaching
 Lessons long and grand, to-night,
 To my heart that would be bleaching
 To thy whiteness, Cliff of Wight.

Page 394


 ’T is borne on the zephyr at eventide’s hour;
 It falls on the heart like the dew on the flower,—
 An infinite essence from tropic to pole,
5 The promise, the home, and the heaven of Soul.

 Hope happifies life, at the altar or bower,
 And loosens the fetters of pride and of power;
 It comes through our tears, as the soft summer rain,
 To beautify, bless, and make joyful again.

10 The harp of the minstrel, the treasure of time;
 A rainbow of rapture, o’erarching, divine;
 The God-given mandate that speaks from above,—
 No place for earth’s idols, but hope thou, and love.


 “The flowers of June
 The gates of memory unbar:
 The flowers of June
 Such old-time harmonies retune,
 I fain would keep the gates ajar,—
20 So full of sweet enchantment are
 The flowers of June.”

Page 395

To Mr. James T. White

2 Who loves not June
 Is out of tune
 With love and God;
5 The rose his rival reigns,
 The stars reject his pains,
 His home the clod!

 And yet I trow,
 When sweet rondeau
10 Doth play a part,
 The curtain drops on June;
 Veiled is the modest moon—
 Hushed is the heart.


15 Written in childhood, in a maple grove

 Quickly earth’s jewels disappear;
 The turf, whereon I tread,
 Ere autumn blanch another year,
 May rest above my head.

20 Touched by the finger of decay
 Is every earthly love;
 For joy, to shun my weary way,
 Is registered above.

 The languid brooklets yield their sighs,
25 A requiem o’er the tomb
 Of sunny days and cloudless skies,
 Enhancing autumn’s gloom.

Page 396

1 The wild winds mutter, howl, and moan,
 To scare my woodland walk,
 And frightened fancy flees, to roam
 Where ghosts and goblins stalk.

5 The cricket’s sharp, discordant scream
 Fills mortal sense with dread;
 More sorrowful it scarce could seem;
 It voices beauty fled.

 Yet here, upon this faded sod,—
10 O happy hours and fleet,—
 When songsters’ matin hymns to God
 Are poured in strains so sweet,

 My heart unbidden joins rehearse;
 I hope it’s better made,
15 When mingling with the universe,
 Beneath the maple’s shade.

Christ My Refuge

 O’er waiting harpstrings of the mind
 There sweeps a strain,
20 Low, sad, and sweet, whose measures bind
 The power of pain,

 And wake a white-winged angel throng
 Of thoughts, illumed
 By faith, and breathed in raptured song,
25 With love perfumed.

Page 397

1 Then His unveiled, sweet mercies show
 Life’s burdens light.
 I kiss the cross, and wake to know
 A world more bright.

5 And o’er earth’s troubled, angry sea
 I see Christ walk,
 And come to me, and tenderly,
 Divinely talk.

 Thus Truth engrounds me on the rock,
10 Upon Life’s shore,
 ’Gainst which the winds and waves can shock,
 Oh, nevermore!

 From tired joy and grief afar,
 And nearer Thee,—
15 Father, where Thine own children are,
 I love to be.

 My prayer, some daily good to do
 To Thine, for Thee;
 An offering pure of Love, whereto
20 God leadeth me.

"Feed My Sheep”

 Shepherd, show me how to go
 O’er the hillside steep,
 How to gather, how to sow,—
 How to feed Thy sheep;

Page 398

1 I will listen for Thy voice,
 Lest my footsteps stray;
 I will follow and rejoice
 All the rugged way.

5 Thou wilt bind the stubborn will,
 Wound the callous breast,
 Make self-righteousness be still,
 Break earth’s stupid rest.
 Strangers on a barren shore,
10 Lab’ring long and lone,
 We would enter by the door,
 And Thou know’st Thine own;

 So, when day grows dark and cold,
 Tear or triumph harms,
15 Lead Thy lambkins to the fold,
 Take them in Thine arms;
 Feed the hungry, heal the heart,
 Till the morning’s beam;
 White as wool, ere they depart,
 Shepherd, wash them clean.

Communion Hymn

 Saw ye my Saviour? Heard ye the glad sound?
 Felt ye the power of the Word?
 ’T was the Truth that made us free,
25 And was found by you and me
 In the life and the love of our Lord.

Page 399

1 Mourner, it calls you,—“Come to my bosom,
 Love wipes your tears all away,
 And will lift the shade of gloom,
 And for you make radiant room
5 Midst the glories of one endless day.”

 Sinner, it calls you,—“Come to this fountain,
 Cleanse the foul senses within;
 ’Tis the Spirit that makes pure,
 That exalts thee, and will cure
10 All thy sorrow and sickness and sin.”

 Strongest deliverer, friend of the friendless,
 Life of all being divine:
 Thou the Christ, and not the creed;
 Thou the Truth in thought and deed;
15 Thou the water, the bread, and the wine.

Laus Deo!

 Written on laying the corner-stone of The Mother Church

 Laus Deo, it is done!
 Rolled away from loving heart
20 Is a stone.
 Lifted higher, we depart,
 Having one.

 Laus Deo, — on this rock
 (Heaven chiselled squarely good)
25 Stands His church,—
 God is Love, and understood
 By His flock.

Page 400

1 Laus Deo, night star-lit
 Slumbers not in God’s embrace;
 Be awake;
 Like this stone, be in thy place:
5 Stand, not sit.

 Grave, silent, steadfast stone,
 Dirge and song and shoutings low
 In thy heart
 Dwell serene, — and sorrow? No,
10 It has none,
 Laus Deo!

A Verse


 Father-Mother God,
15 Loving me,—
 Guard me when I sleep;
 Guide my little feet
 Up to Thee.


20 Father-Mother good, lovingly
 Thee I seek,—
 Patient, meek,
 In the way Thou hast,—
 Be it slow or fast,
25 Up to Thee.

Page 401

Chapter XII. Testimonials


 The Editor of The Christian Science Journal (Falmouth and St.
 Paul Streets, Boston, Mass.) holds the original of most of the letters
 that authenticate these.

 IT is something more than a year and a half since I was
 cured of a complication of diseases through reading
 "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."

 Becoming at an early age disgusted with drugs, I learned
 hygiene, and practised it faithfully for over twenty years;
 then I began to lose all faith in its efficacy, became
 greatly discouraged, and, as I had never been cured of
 a single ailment, I rapidly grew worse in health. Hear-
 ing of this, a dear sister brought me Science and Health.
 Her admonition was, "Now read it, E — ; I have heard
 that just the reading of that book has been known to heal
 the sick."

 I had read to, and through, the chapter on Healing and
 Teaching,(1) and was so deeply interested that I began
 reading that blessed chapter over again, — when I found
 I was cured of my dyspepsia, that I could use my strength
 in lifting without feeling the old distressing pain in my
 side, and also that the pain in the kidneys only came on

 (1) Page 292 of the revised edition of 1890.

Page 402

 at night, waking me out of sleep. Then I began my first
 conscious treatments: of course I followed no formula,
 and I needed none. A cry for help, knowing it would
 be answered; precious texts from the Bible, which had
 already become like a new book to me; sweet assurance
 of faith by the witnessing Spirit; strong logical conclu-
 sions, learned from Science and Health: what a wealth
 of material! Before finishing the book, all tendency to
 my old aches and pains had left me, and I have been a
 strong, healthy woman ever since.

 My first demonstration with another than myself was
 also before I had finished my first reading. My husband
 was cured of the belief of bilious fever by not over ten
 minutes' treatment; the fever and pain in head and limbs
 disappearing in that instantaneous way as soon as I
 could summon sufficient courage to offer my services in
 this, to us, new but glorious work. He slept soundly
 that night (the treatment was given about 10 A. M.), and
 ate and worked as usual the next day, with no symptoms
 of a relapse then or afterward. That was in March, 1888;
 in the following August I met in one of our Rocky Moun-
 tain berry patches a lady who complained so bitterly that
 I felt compelled to offer her treatment. Her words, when
 I visited her at her home during Christmas week, will
 give some idea of the result: —

 "Yes, I am doing three women's work, — attending to
 my own and my son's housework, and caring for his wife
 and new-born babe; but I am equal to it, when I think
 of all the Lord has done for me! Why, Mrs. S., I was
 cured with that first treatment you gave me, I know;
 because I went out to gather berries that day and was
 caught in a drenching shower, — and for ten years before

Page 403

 I could not bear the least exposure without suffering
 from those dreadful headaches I told you about, and
 from dysentery, — but that day I had neither. I had
 once been laid out for dead, — lying there perfectly con-
 scious, hearing my friends grieving over me, — but I did
 not want to come to, I suffered so. No, I never have any
 of those ailments. I am a well, hearty woman, — and
 that is not all. I had been seeking religion for more than
 twenty years, but I never knew how Christians felt till I
 told you I was cured that day on the camp-ground."
 On the first of this year I was so blessed as to receive
 a course of lessons from one of our teacher's students.
 Now I am only trusting that the time will come when I
 may be enabled to teach others the way of Truth, as well
 as to add to the many demonstrations God has given
 me. — E. D. S.

 A student of Christian Science was employed in the
 Massachusetts State Prison at Charlestown, to teach the
 prisoners to make shoes. He carried his copy of "Science
 and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and the Journal
 with him, and as he had the opportunity would tell the
 men what this wonderful truth could do for them, set-
 ting them free in a larger and higher sense than they had
 dreamed of.

 We make extracts from a number of letters that one
 of the prisoners has written to those who are interesting
 themselves in this work.

 "Editor of The Christian Science Journal: — At the
 prison, once a week, there are Christian papers given
 to the inmates. But none of those papers point out so

Page 404

 clearly the fallibility of the mortal or carnal mind, and
 the infallibility of the divine Mind, as does the teaching
 of Christian Science.

 "I was strangely blind and stupid. I loved sin, and
 it seemed as though I never would be able to forsake it.
 I did everything that would be expected of one entirely
 ignorant of God.

 "I also had a complication of diseases. I could not
 begin to describe the medicines I have taken.
 "I no longer look for material treatment, but hum-
 bly seek for the divine assistance of Jesus, through the
 way Christian Science has taught me. I am, indeed,
 an altered man. I now have no more doubt of the
 way of salvation than I have of the way to the prison

 "I am very grateful to the students of Christian Science,
 for the interest they have taken in me and my fellow-
 prisoners. Their letters and books have been of great
 profit, and in accordance with their wish I have done what
 I could for the others.

 "I gave the Journal to every man who would accept
 it, and related my experience to those who would listen.
 I told them they need go no farther than myself to see
 what the demonstration was; for not only have my eyes
 been healed, but many other ailments have disappeared.
 "Some of the fellows told me I was becoming reli-
 giously insane, but acting upon your advice, I did not stop
 to argue with those opposed; and I am glad to be able to
 tell you that those who expressed interest were more than
 those who opposed.

 "The chaplain told me I could keep Science and
 Health until I got through with it. I never should

Page 405

 get through with that book, but, as others were waiting
 for it, I did not like to keep it too long. God bless the

 "I need have no fear after leaving here; I feel that
 I can make an honest living. I can honestly add, that
 my bad reputation is largely due to my lack of educa-
 tion. What little I do know, I learned here and in the
 House of Correction. I tell you this, for I feel that I
 must be honest with the kind friends who have done so
 much for me.

 "Providing I should not be paroled, I shall remain
 here until the 24th of next December. God bless you
 all. — J. C."

 I am glad to tell how I was healed. Beliefs of con-
 sumption, dyspepsia, neuralgia, piles, tobacco, and bad
 language held me in bondage for many years. Doctors
 that were consulted did nothing to relieve me, and I
 constantly grew worse. Nearly two years ago a lady
 told me that if I would read a book called "Science and
 Health with Key to the Scriptures" I would be healed.
 I told her I would "go into it for all it is worth," and
 I have found that it is worth all. I got the book, and
 read day and night. I saw that it must be true, and be-
 lieved that what I could not then understand would be
 made clear later.

 After some days' reading I was affected with drowsi-
 ness, followed by vomiting. This lasted several hours;
 when I fell into a sleep, and awoke healed. The good I
 have received, and that I have been able to do in healing
 others, has all come from Science and Health. I received
 some instructions from teachers; but they did me more

Page 406

 harm than good: I asked for bread, but they gave me a
 stone. I held to what I could understand of Science and
 Health; and the truth does not forsake me, but enables
 me to heal others.

 Last February, I was called to treat a child that the
 M. D.'s said was dying from lung fever; after the third
 treatment the child got up and ran about, completely
 healed. Another child was brought to me, with rupture;
 after the second treatment the truss was thrown away.
 An aged lady was healed of heart disease and chills, in
 one treatment. These cases brought me many more, that
 were also healed.

 The husband of a lady in the State Lunatic Asylum
 asked me to treat her; she had been for two years and
 a half in the asylum, and though taken home in this time
 once or twice, she had had to be taken back. After two
 weeks of absent treatment, the husband visited her, and
 the doctor reported great improvement during the pre-
 ceding two weeks. At the end of another two weeks I
 went with the husband to the asylum, and the doctor told
 us that she was well enough to go home. The husband
 asked the doctor how it was that she had improved so
 rapidly, and he said that he could not account for it. We
 said nothing about the Christian Science treatment, and
 took the lady home. This was about a year ago, and she
 has remained perfectly well.

 Many cases as striking as this can be referred to in
 this town, as evidence that Truth is the healer of sickness
 as well as of sin. — J. B. H.

 No. 1. A lady friend, who was found to have a severe
 attack of dysentery, was assured that such attacks could

Page 407

 be cured without medicine, and advised to take no more.
 She was more than astonished at the result; for in less
 than an hour all pain and other symptoms of the trouble
 ceased, and she felt perfectly well the next day.
 No. 2. While she was visiting relatives in the country,
 an infant of theirs was attacked severely with croup,
 and appeared to be on the verge of suffocation, giving
 its parents much alarm. The infant was taken in
 the arms of the lady, in thirty minutes was completely
 relieved, went to sleep, and awoke in good health the
 next morning.

 No. 3. The mother of this child was subsequently
 attacked with a scrofulous swelling on the neck, just
 under the ear, which was very painful and disfiguring;
 the side of the face, also, being badly swollen. It was
 feared that this would develop into and undergo the
 usual phenomenon of abscess, as other similar swellings
 had done previously. She had great faith in the meta-
 physical treatment, because of the experience which she
 had had with her baby, and wrote a letter describing her
 case. This was immediately answered, and absent
 treatment was begun. In twenty-four hours after receipt
 of the letter, to the astonishment of herself and family,
 the tumor had entirely disappeared: there was not a
 trace of it left; although the day before it was fully as
 large as a hen's egg; red, and tender to the touch.
 These instances are only a few of the many cures which
 have been performed in this way, and they are mentioned
 simply to show what good work may be done by any
 earnest, conscientious person who has gained by reading
 my works the proper understanding of the Principle of
 Christian Science.

Page 408

 What a wonderful field for enlightenment and profit
 lies open to those who seek after Truth. Alas, that the
 feet of so few enter it!

 Rev. M. B. G. Eddy: — Will you kindly spare me a few
 moments for the perusal of these lines from a stranger, —
 one who feels under a debt of gratitude to you, — for,
 through the divine Science brought to light by you, I have
 been "made whole." I have been cured of a malignant
 cancer since I began to study Christian Science, and have
 demonstrated the truth of it in a number of cases. I have
 only studied your good books, having been unable to take
 the lectures for want of means. I dare not think of these,
 for there is no prospect that I shall be in a position to
 take the course at all. I do not allow myself to com-
 plain, but cheerfully take up my books and study, and
 feel thankful for this light.

 M. E. W., Canon City, Col.

 Dear Madam: — May I thank you for your book,
 "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and
 say how much I owe to it — almost my very life — at a
 most critical time . . . .

 If it were not for the heat of your American summers
 (I had nine attacks of dysentery in the last one), and the
 expense, I should dearly like to learn from you person-
 ally; but I must forego this, — at any rate, for the pres-
 ent. If you would write me what the cost would be for a
 course on divine metaphysics, I would try to manage it
 later on.

Page 409

 Meanwhile, I should be grateful if you would refer me
 to any one in this country who is interested similarly,
 for I get more kicks than halfpence in discussing it.

 Your obliged friend, (REV.) I. G. W. BISHOP,
 Bovington Vicarage, Hemel Hempstead,
 Herts, England

 Extract from a letter to Rev. M. B. G. Eddy

 A gentleman here had hired all the most skilled doctors
 in the United States — nothing helped him. He was a
 ghost to look upon. I told him just to read my copies
 of your books. I talked to him, told him what he could
 do for himself if he but tried. He laughed at me. I was
 willing he should laugh, for it was very unusual for him
 to do this. He had your books two months, and last Sun-
 day he returned them. I wish you could see him: he is
 well. He is happy, and told me he was going to write to
 you for the books for himself this week. — E. E. B.

 Dear Madam: — I have been a sickly person all my
 life, until a few months ago, and was confined to my
 bed every little while. It was during one of many attacks
 that your book, "Science and Health with Key to the
 Scriptures," was handed me. I read it only a very short
 time, when I arose, well, went out into the kitchen, pre-
 pared a large dinner, and ate heartily of it.
 I have been up and well ever since, — a marvel to my
 friends and family, and sometimes they can hardly be-
 lieve it is I; and feeling so grateful, I must tell you of

Page 410

 it. I wish everybody in the world would read your book,
 for all would be benefited by it.

 Gratefully yours,ANNA M. SMITH

 Dear Madam: — About seven years ago I was com-
 pelled to go to an oculist and have an operation performed
 upon my eyes. He fitted me with glasses, which I wore
 for a considerable time, and then removed; but the pain
 and difficulty returned, and I was obliged to go again to
 the oculist, who advised me never to take my glasses off

 I continued wearing them for fully five years longer,
 until some time in last January, when, upon reading your
 book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
 I again took them off. Since that time, though I have been
 in the courts reporting, and reading fine notes frequently,
 I have experienced no difficulty with my eyes.

 Very respectfully,

 WILLIAM A. SMITH, Wilmington, Del.

 Dear Mrs. Eddy: — We have been studying "Science
 and Health with Key to the Scriptures" for a year, and
 I cannot tell you how much it has done for us; giving us
 health instead of sickness, and giving us such an under-
 standing of God as we never had before. Christian
 Science was our only help two weeks ago, when our baby
 was born. My husband and myself were alone. I dressed
 myself the next day; commenced doing my work the
 third day, and am well and strong. It must be pleasing
 to you to know how much good your work is doing.

 KITTIE BECK, Elmwood, Cass Co., Neb.

Page 411

 I was a helpless sufferer in August, 1883, and had been
 so for many years. The physicians said I had cancer
 of the uterus. I heard of your book, "Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures," bought a copy, began read-
 ing it, and a great light seemed to break through the
 darkness. I cried aloud in joy, "This is what I have
 been hungering for, these many years!" I studied it
 closely, and healed myself and several of my friends be-
 fore I had taken instruction of any teacher.
 MRS. S. A. McMAHON, Wyandotte, Kans.

 I was healed thoroughly of the belief of chronic hepati-
 tis and kidney disease, by reading "Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures." I have never, to this day,
 had the slightest return of it.
 J. P. FILBERT, Council Bluffs, Iowa

 You, dear Mrs. Eddy, have saved my life, through
 Science and Health; and I feel that the patients healed
 through me should give the first thanks to God and to
 you. — MRS. D. S. HARRIMAN, Kansas City, Mo.

 How grand your book, "Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures," is! It is a translation of Truth. No
 amount of money could buy the book of me, if I could not
 get another. No matter what suffering comes, physical
 or mental, I have only to take Science and Health, and
 almost invariably the first sentence brings relief. It

Page 412

 seems to steady the thought. I do not think any student
 old enough to neglect reading it. When we think we are
 advanced far enough to let that book alone, then are
 we in danger.

 MRS. ELLEN P. CLARK, Dorchester, Mass.

 Many thanks for the good received from your books.
 When I commenced reading them, I was carrying about
 a very sick body. Your books have healed me. I am
 now in perfect health. People look at me with surprise,
 and say they do not understand it; but when they see
 the sick ones made well, they are not always willing to
 believe it.

 MRS. JOSEPH TILLSON, South Hanson, Mass.

 Rev. M. B. G. Eddy: — I add one more testimony of
 a cure from reading your book, "Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures." Five years ago I lay pros-
 trate with piles and inflammation of the bowels. All
 the coating came off, apparently. A stricture was formed,
 beyond medical reach. I then lived in Chicago; one
 of the best physicians, who made a specialty of treating
 piles, attended me. The pain was relieved, but my
 bowels were inactive, and remained so until New Year's

 I determined to trust all to God, or die before I would
 take any more medicine, as I never had an action unless
 I took a free dose of some laxative. If I forgot to take
 the medicine one night, or allowed myself to be without
 it, I had a terrible sick headache for two or three days,
 and terrible backache. I never had backache at any

Page 413

 other time, and the piles would be so much inflamed, in
 two days' time, that I could hardly tell where I suffered
 the worst.

 Since I have learned to trust all to God, I have not
 had the least trouble with the piles, nor one twinge of
 the backache. I have an easy action of the bowels each
 morning. It was five days after I resolved to leave medi-
 cine alone, before a natural movement took place; and
 ever since I have been perfectly regular. It was a great
 effort for me to take that step, for I knew I was running
 the risk of throwing myself back into all misery, and
 perhaps into a worse state than before. By reading
 Science and Health, I learned that God was able to save
 the body as well as the soul, and I believed His promises
 were for me.

 MATTIE E. MAYFIELD, Des Moines, Iowa

 For the Cause of Truth, I submit the following testi-
 monial for publication; may it bring one more, at least,
 into the fold of divine Science ! The truth, as it is stated
 in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
 has done much towards making our home the abiding-
 place of peace and harmony. I now write of the wonder-
 ful demonstration of Truth over the birth of my baby
 boy, two weeks ago. Sunday, September 23, we went
 for a long drive of three hours; at night I retired at the
 usual hour; toward morning I was given a little warn-
 ing; when I awoke at seven o'clock, the birth took place.
 Not more than ten minutes after, I ate a hearty break-
 fast, and then had a refreshing sleep; at ten o'clock
 walked across the room while my bed was dressed; at

Page 414

 twelve took a substantial dinner; most of the afternoon
 sat up in bed, without any support but Truth; at six
 in the evening dressed myself and walked to the dining-
 room, and remained up for two hours. Next morning
 I arose at the usual hour, and have kept it up ever since,
 — was not confined to my bed one whole day. The
 second day was out walking in the yard, and the third
 day went for a drive in the morning and received callers
 in the afternoon. If it had not been for the presence of
 my young hopeful, it would have been hard to believe
 that there had so recently been a belief of a birth in the
 house; but then, I was sustained by Love, and had no
 belief of suffering to take my strength away. Before
 baby was two weeks old, I cooked, swept, ran the sew-
 ing machine, etc., assisting with the housework gen-
 erally. How grateful I am for the obstetrics of this
 grand Science! Mothers need no longer listen to the
 whispering lies of the old serpent, for the law of mortal
 mind is broken by Truth.

 MRS. DORA HOSSICK, Carrolton, Mo.

 My wife and I have been healed by reading your book,
 "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." We
 both feel very grateful to you.

 Five months ago my wife gave birth to a child, with-
 out pain or inconvenience, has done all the housework
 since, and has been every minute perfectly well. Neither
 she nor the child have been ill, — as was constantly the
 case with former children, — so we have thought it right
 to name the child Glover Eddy.

 We have been reading Science and Health nearly

Page 415

 two years, and have sold several copies to others. We
 are reading the Journal also this year.

 Yours respectfully, JOHN B. HOUSEL, Lincoln, Neb.

 Dear Mother: — The most blessed of women! Oh,
 how I long to sit within range of your voice and hear the
 truth that comes to you from on high! for none could
 speak such wondrous thoughts as have come from your
 pen, except it be the Spirit that speaketh in you.
 Two years ago last October, while laboring under a
 great strain of care and anxiety in regard to financial
 affairs, I heard of Christian Science. I borrowed "Sci-
 ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and began
 to read. I bless God that I was driven to it by such an
 extremity. After reading some one hundred and fifty
 pages, I was convinced that it was the truth for which
 I had searched during twenty years. While I was read-
 ing the chapter on Imposition and Demonstration, (1) I
 was healed of endometritis and prolapsus uteri of over
 twenty years' standing, pronounced incurable by emi-
 nent physicians. Professor Ludlam, the dean of Hahne-
 mann Medical College, of Chicago, Ill., was one of my

 Before I was healed, to walk seven or eight blocks
 would so fatigue me that it would take me a week to
 recover. I now started out and walked, and was on my
 feet all day and for several succeeding days, but felt no
 weariness from my labors.

 I felt, after being healed, I must have a Science and
 Health of my own. I had no money to buy it, so earned

 (1) Page 234, revised edition of 1890.

Page 416

 it by getting subscribers for the Journal. It has gone
 with me everywhere I have been. I have been well ever

 I had suffered from bodily ailments, but they were
 nothing compared to my mental trials. Grief, hatred,
 jealousy, and revenge had well-nigh bereft me of reason.
 I had lost a home of plenty, been reduced to almost abject
 poverty, and had become a cheerless woman, — could
 not smile without feeling I had sinned.

 All my griefs and sorrows are now turned to joy, and
 my hatred is changed to love. "Glory to God in the
 highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." I
 read Science and Health, and all your other books, to-
 gether with the New Testament, every minute I can
 get. — E. B. C., Omaha, Neb.

 I must add one more to your great pile of letters, to
 tell you what your book, "Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures," has done for me and my family. More
 than a year ago, my husband was suffering from an injury
 received about a year previous, and he went to Mrs. B. for
 treatment. His shoulder had been fractured, his collar-
 bone broken, and he had sustained internal injuries. Sev-
 eral M. D.'s had attended him, but had given him very
 little relief. Mrs. B. treated him a short time, and he
 received much benefit. He bought Science and Health.
 From reading it, I was cured of a belief of chronic liver
 complaint. I suffered so much from headaches and con-
 stipation, and other beliefs, that I seldom ever saw a well
 day; but, thanks to you and divine Principle, I now
 seldom ever have a belief of feeling badly.

Page 417

 November 4th, last, I was confined. I was alone,
 because I knew no one whose thought was in harmony
 with Science. I thought I could get along without help,
 and I did. My little girl was sleeping in the same room
 with me, and after the birth she called a woman who
 was asleep upstairs, to take care of the baby. This
 woman was much frightened; but, on seeing how com-
 posed I was, she got over her fright. I was sitting up
 in bed, holding the child, and feeling as well as I ever
 did in my life. I never had seen a Scientist nor been
 treated, but got all my ideas from Science and Health.
 My baby was born on Sunday morning, and I got up
 Monday at noon, and stayed up. I never got along so
 well with a baby as I did with this one.

 I am very thankful for the knowledge of Science I
 have gained through your book. I want so much to be
 a Scientist; but we are very poor. My husband is a
 brakeman on the railroad; and I have very little educa-
 tion. There is comfort in the thought that, if I can't be
 a Scientist, my children may be.

 Yours with much love,

 C. A. W., Lexington, Mo.

 In the February Journal it appears there is some one
 who says that "Science and Health with Key to the
 Scriptures" is hard to understand, and who thinks she
 can explain it. Perhaps my experience with Science
 and Health may help some one who might otherwise
 take up this thought, and so be led away from the truth.
 After reading and studying it for some time, and talking
 to the Scientists I met in my travels, the thought came
 to me, "Why not try these truths on yourself ?" I did

Page 418

 so, and to my surprise and great joy I found immediate
 relief. Dyspepsia (the trouble of most commercial travel-
 lers), catarrh, and many lesser beliefs, left me, so that in
 a short time I was a well man, and by no other means
 than trusting to the Saviour's promises as explained in
 Science and Health. This took place while I was travel-
 ling about the country.

 On my return home, I gave my wife treatments. In
 many instances the blessing came before the treatment
 was finished, and often we proved that only a thought
 of the power of Truth was sufficient to give relief.
 One Sunday morning, soon after my return, a friend
 called and asked if I could give him anything to relieve
 his wife, who, he said, had been suffering for some days
 with rheumatism in her shoulder, so severely that she
 could neither dress alone nor comb her hair. I told him
 that the only medicine we had in the house was Chris-
 tian Science. He laughed at the idea; but before he
 left, he asked if I would give his wife a treatment. I
 told him I was very young in Science, but if she wished
 it, I would. He went home, but returned immediately,
 saying she wished me to come. Then I asked help from
 the fountain of Truth, and started for my first treatment
 to be given away from home. When I left their room
 fifteen minutes later, she was shaking her hand high
 above her head, and exclaiming, "I am all right; I am
 well!" That was in November, 1887, and she has had
 no return of the belief since.

 A friend told me that his son, twelve years old, had
 catarrh so badly that his breath was very offensive, his
 throat troubled him all the time, and that he had been
 deaf since he had the measles. In less than three weeks

Page 419

 both beliefs vanished. This was a case of absent treat-
 ment. I could give you other cases, but I think I have
 said enough to prove that Science and Health is not
 hard to understand, for my work has all been done with-
 out my ever attending class.

 A lady, with no other instructor than "Science and
 Health with Key to the Scriptures," has demonstrated
 beyond many who have taken numerous lessons. Per-
 suaded, through her reading, of the allness of God, —
 and the perfectness of idea, — she would know nothing
 else. A daughter, so badly affected by poison oak (ivy)
 that for weeks death was feared from blood-poisoning,
 had recovered with a terrible dread of that plant. As
 the next season's picnic time drew near, she was regret-
 ting that she dared not go again. The mother, with her
 new-born faith in the Science of being, said, "Certainly
 you can go, for nothing can harm you." Assured by
 these words, the daughter went, and in her rambles fell
 into a mass of the dreaded plant; but trusting to the
 word of Truth, she thought nothing of it till one who
 knew of her previous trouble said, in her mother's pres-
 ence, "See, her face is showing red already." But the
 mother was prompt in denial and assurance. Next morn-
 ing, old symptoms were out in force, but they yielded
 at once and finally to the positive and uncompromising
 hold on Truth. Another daughter, that was thought
 too delicate to raise, from bronchial and nervous troubles,
 always dosed with medicine and wrapped in flannels,
 now runs free and well without either of these, winter

Page 420

 and summer. The mother was recently attacked by
 mesmerism from the church that believed she was in-
 fluencing her daughter to leave. She overcame by the
 same unwavering trust in God, seeing Truth clearer than
 ever before. Her demonstrations come through no form
 of treatment, but by letting the Spirit bear witness, —
 by the positive recognition and realization of no reality
 but ever-present good.

 The other night her husband was attacked with an
 old belief, similar to one that some time before had ended
 in a congestive chill which the doctor thought very seri-
 ous, and from which he had been a long time in recover-
 ing. The wife simply recognized no reality in the belief,
 and, seeing only perfect being, felt no fear. She did
 nothing, — no "treating" in the usual sense. There is
 nothing to do but to understand that all is harmony,
 always. He felt the presence that destroys the sense of
 evil, and next morning — there was nothing left to re-
 cover from.

 A lady, while doing some starching, thoughtlessly put
 her hand into the scalding starch to wring out a collar.
 Recalled to mortal sense by the stinging pain, she imme-
 diately realized the all-power of God. At once the pain
 began to subside; and as she brushed off the scalding
 starch, she could see the blister-swelling go down till
 there was but a little redness to show for the accident;
 absorbed in her thankfulness, she mechanically wrung
 out the collar with the same hand, and with no sense of
 pain, thus verifying the demonstration. This woman
 (not reading English) only knows Science as she has re-
 ceived it from her practitioner during the treatments
 received within the last month. So much has come to

Page 421

 her from Spirit through her loyalty to Christ, in so far
 as she could understand.

 A case of ulcerated tooth and neuralgic belief would
 only partially yield after repeated treatments, till it was
 discovered that the patient was antagonizing Truth by
 holding the thought that her old remedy, laudanum,
 would give relief; treated from this standpoint, relief was
 immediate and final.

 One morning after Rev.— had been preaching to
 thousands for several days, he told them that he had
 never felt such a sense of depression nor had so little
 showing of results. Some Scientists hearing this, at once
 saw his trouble. He had been fearlessly exposing and
 denouncing evil; and it had turned on him, till the mes-
 merism was likely to overcome him entirely, for he did
 not understand the seeming power. The effect of the
 silent word to uplift and sustain, was very manifest that
 evening in his preaching, and was a beautiful demon-
 stration of Science. He probably only felt Spirit-inspira-
 tion as he had not before, without a thought as to what
 had broken the evil spell; but we never know the what,
 or when, or where, of the harvest we can sow — "God
 giveth the increase." — E. H. B., Sacramento

 I had two German patients who were anxious to have
 you publish "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-
 tures" in their language. I advised them to buy it and
 try to read it. They commenced reading, and now can

Page 422

 read all of Science and Health, but do not read well any
 other book or paper, and they do not need to. With
 great love. — M. H. P.

 I sold three copies of "Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures" to friends, not long ago. One of them,
 fifty years of age, said to me, "I never had one day's
 sickness in my life; but after reading Science and Health
 I found that I was bruised and mangled, from the crown
 of my head to the soles of my feet. I have been reach-
 ing after something that, before reading Science and
 Health, seemed to me unattainable;" and with tears
 in her eyes, she rejoiced in the God of her salvation.
 Did not Jesus say, "If these should hold their peace, the
 stones would immediately cry out"?

 P. L., Lexington, Ky.

 For eight years I suffered terribly with my eyes; I
 could not read fifteen minutes without the most agoniz-
 ing sick headache. Oculists called it a case of double
 vision, and said that the only chance for a cure lay in
 cutting the muscles of the eyes. This was done, but the
 pain was worse than before. One of the most famous
 oculists of New York said I would simply have to endure
 it for life, as it was a case of severe astigmatism.
 I suffered so that my health gave way. A friend spoke
 to me of Christian Science, but I scoffed at the idea.
 Later on, in desperation, I asked her to lend me "Science
 and Health with Key to the Scriptures," thinking I might
 be able to read five minutes a day in it. I opened the

Page 423

 book at the chapter on Physiology, and began. Time
 passed unnoticed: every page seemed illuminated. I
 said, "This is everything or nothing; if everything, then
 you need no glasses." I took off the heavy ground glasses,
 and went on. What a terrible headache I had the next
 morning! but I fought it with the truth laid down in the
 book. I said again, "This is everything or nothing,"
 and the truth triumphed. The headache ceased, but I
 felt miserably. I recalled what was said about chemicali-
 zation, and persevered.

 In four days my eyes were well; I read as many hours
 a day as I pleased; my strength returned. I conquered
 one belief after another, until now, strong and well, I
 meet every belief with confidence. "I will fear no evil:
 for Thou art with me." For two years I have realized
 the peace and confidence which the knowledge that God
 is all-powerful and always present alone can give. Feel-
 ing a great desire to spread Christian Science, that it
 may do the good to others that it has to me, not only
 physically but spiritually, I ask if you have any mission-
 aries in the work. Being a member of the Episcopal
 Church, I have always sent what I could to help foreign
 missions through that church. Will it do the most good
 to continue so doing, as our foreign missionaries are de-
 voted men, or have you Christian Science missionaries
 who devote their lives to the work?

 An answer addressed to me, or published in the Journal,
 would help one who is seeking to do right.

 Yours sincerely, K. L. T.

 I do wish to add my testimony of being healed by
 reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-

Page 424

 tures." I had been an invalid for over twenty years,
 and had given up all hope of ever being well again. I
 had read the book about six weeks, when it seemed
 I was made all over new, and I could "run, and not be
 weary; and . . . walk, and not faint." I did not under-
 stand it, but it was the savior from death unto life with
 me; I have remained well ever since I was healed, —
 more than five years ago. I commenced to treat others
 as soon as I was born anew into the kingdom of Truth.
 My patients were healed right along, before I had taken
 lessons in a class, and they have remained well to this

 Christian Science has made me as young as a girl of
 sixteen. If this should meet the eye of any sufferers
 who may be led to go and do as I did, they will be
 healed. — N. A. E.

 Language is inadequate when bearing grateful testi-
 mony to the book "Science and Health with Key to the
 Scriptures." By its simple reading, I was healed of ills
 which baffled the skill of specialists and all curatives
 that love and money could command. After eighteen
 years of invalidism, and eight years of scepticism, with-
 out hope, with no God, — except a First Cause, — I was
 given up to die.

 A loving friend told me of this book, which was soon
 brought; and thirty-five pages of the first chapter were
 read to me that evening. The next morning I got up,
 walked, and read the book for myself.

 I mention the chapter, for the reason that nearly two
 years have passed since those wonderful words of Life

Page 425

 were first read to me, and still their sacred sweetness is
 ever the same. Now I exclaim, God is All!


 It is impossible for me to keep still any longer. In
 1885, when I had not known a well day in five years,
 "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" was
 placed in my hands by a dear lady who insisted upon
 my reading it, saying she believed it would heal me. Like
 many, I was afraid of it, — until I learned what it really
 was. The friend's words were verified. I was healed
 by the reading of the book, and for one year continued
 to read nothing whatever but the Bible and Science
 and Health. They were my constant study. Through the
 understanding gained, that God is All, I came to demon-
 strate with great success, and with but one thought, —
 for I knew nothing about giving a "treatment;" I wish
 I knew as little now, for I believe that healing in Christian
 Science is to be done in a moment. I became anxious to
 learn more, to study with the teacher, but funds would
 not allow, — and I thought to substitute a course in
 Chicago, perhaps. Every time I would speak of it, how-
 ever, my dear mother would say, "You have Science and
 Health and the Bible, and God for your teacher — what
 more do you need? If I could not go to the teacher, I
 would not go to any one."

 If I had only heeded the blessed counsel of Truth!
 I went to Chicago, however, so full of confidence in
 Christian Science that I supposed every one who had
 studied with Mrs. Eddy must be right. Unfortunately,
 I took my course with a spiritualist who had been through

Page 426

 two of her classes; discovered my mistake, and went to
 a mind-cure, — only to find the mistake repeated. Being
 an earnest seeker for Truth, I tried again to go to the
 Massachusetts Metaphysical College; but it was un-
 certain when there would be a class, so I took a course
 with one of Mrs. Eddy's students in Boston. The dark-
 ness now rolled away. Science and Health once more
 revealed the light to me as of old.

 All this time, the mind-curers had me in view, and
 were sending me reading-matter; but, praise the Lord!
 Truth is victorious.

 My dear brothers and sisters, let us be safely guided
 by the counsels of our Mother, in Science and Health!
 I, for one, am astounded that I was so led astray; but I
 did it all through ignorance, — and the sincere desire to
 know the truth and to do it, saved me.

 Your sister in truth,R. D.

 I have been reading Science and Health for one year
 and a half, and have had some wonderful demonstra-
 tions. People here are antagonistic to the Science, and
 tell me that I am a "fit subject for the asylum." Physi-
 cians threaten me with arrest, also, but I walk straight
 on, knowing well in whom I trust.

 E. I. R., Wauseon, Ohio

 A little over two years ago, while living in Pittsburgh,
 my wife and I had Christian Science brought to our at-
 tention. We were at once interested, and bought a copy
 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."

Page 427

 At the time, Mrs. A— was suffering with severe belief
 of astigmatism of the eyes. She had been treated by a
 number of specialists, during seven years, the last being
 the late Dr. Agnew of New York, who prescribed two
 sets of glasses. He said that he could do nothing more
 for her, as the trouble was organic; that she must wear
 glasses constantly; that if she attempted to go without,
 she would become either blind or insane. The glasses
 were in operation, and still life had become a burden
 from constant pain, when Christian Science came to our
 relief. Mrs. A— had not in years read for two con-
 secutive minutes, and could not use her eyes in sewing
 at all. The lady that told us of the Science, insisted that
 she could read Science and Health, which she actually
 did, — reading it through twice, and studying it carefully
 each time. After the second reading, there came the
 thought that she did not need the glasses, and she at once
 abandoned them, and went about her usual duties. In
 about two weeks from that day the eyes were perfectly
 healed, and are well and strong to-day.

 E. G. A., New York City

 My Dear Teacher: — Yours without date is at hand.
 Could you know out of what depths of material débris
 the first reading of the first volume of Science and Health,
 six years ago last December, lifted me, you would be-
 lieve it had always been "all I could ask." It was only
 words from the pen of uninspired writers that gave me
 pain. As the revelation of the All-good appeared to
 me, all other books, all forms of religion, all methods
 of healing, to my sense became void. Chronic beliefs of

Page 428

 disease of twenty years' standing, dimness of sight from
 the belief of age, all disappeared instantly; indeed,
 material life seemed a blank. The why? I could not
 explain, but this I did know, in this realm of the real I
 found joy, peace, rest, love to all, unbounded, unspeak-
 able. Human language had lost its power of expression,
 for no words came to me; and in all this six years of bliss
 I still have found no words to tell my new-found life in
 God. The most chronic forms of disease have some-
 times been healed instantly and without argument. With
 great love and gratitude. — M. H. P.

 I take great comfort in reading "Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures," and will cling firmly to
 the light I have, knowing that more will be given me.
 While in Salt Lake City, I met at the hotel a lady who
 had been an invalid all her life. I talked with her about
 Christian Science, and loaned her Science and Health,
 together with the Journals I had with me. She had
 become very much discouraged, having lost all faith
 in doctors and medicine, and did not know where to
 turn next. She became very much absorbed in the book,
 feeling she had found salvation. She at once laid aside
 the glasses she was wearing, and now reads readily with-
 out them. She and her husband have accepted this truth
 beautifully. — MRS. G. A. G., Ogden, Utah

 On a trip through Mexico I met a woman who told me
 that, although she did not believe in Christian Science,
 on her way from Wisconsin, her home, she had bought

Page 429

 a copy of Science and Health. When she reached M—,
 she met a minister from the North, whom the M. D.'s
 had sent there because of consumption, — they had given
 him two months to live. She gave him Science and
 Health, and while doing so, felt it was all absurd. The
 minister read it, and was healed immediately. Was not
 this a beautiful demonstration of the power of Truth,
 and good evidence that Science and Health is the word
 of God?

 I had while in Mexico a glorious conquest over the
 fear of smallpox. There were hundreds of cases in some
 small towns where we were. After the fear was cast
 out, never a thought of it as real came to me or my hus-
 band, or troubled us in any way. On the street I met
 three men who were being taken to the pest-house with
 that loathsome disease. — F. W. C.

 A lady to whom I sold "Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures," writes me: "My longing to know
 God has been answered in this book; and with the answer
 has come the healing." She is an intimate friend of
 Will Carleton, the poet. This is doing much good in
 the social circles. He has for a long time been interested,
 but his wife has declared it could not heal, and was not
 Christian. She will now be obliged to acknowledge this
 healing, for the lady above referred to has been, to sense,
 a great sufferer. — P. J. L.

 Some of the experiences given in the Journal have
 been so helpful to me, I have been moved to give to its

Page 430

 readers a little experience of my own, which occurred
 when I first began the study of "Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures."

 I had already been healed of sick headache, almost
 instantly, by declaring that I was God's child, and, as
 God is perfect, His child must be perfect also. This had
 given me great happiness, and a quiet, peaceful state of
 mind I never had known before. My family did not
 seem to see anything good in Christian Science, but to
 me it was sacred.

 One Monday morning, I awoke feeling very ill indeed.
 The morning was warm and sultry. I thought I cer-
 tainly could not wash that day; but when I went down-
 stairs, I found my daughter had made preparations for
 such work. I thought, "Well, if she feels like washing,
 I will not say anything; perhaps I shall get over this."
 After breakfast I went about my work, thinking I could
 lean against the tub and wash with more ease than I
 could do up the morning work. I tried to treat myself
 as I had done before, — tried to realize that "all is Mind,
 there is no matter;" that "God is All, there is nothing
 beside Him," but all to no purpose. I seemed to grow
 worse all the time. I did not want my family to know
 how badly I was feeling, and it was very humiliating to
 think that I must give up and go to bed.

 All at once these questions came to me, as though
 spoken by some one, taking me away from my line of
 thought entirely: How is God an ever-present help?
 How does He know our earnest desires? Then, with-
 out waiting for me to think how, the answer came in
 the same way, God is conscious Mind. Instantly the
 thoughts came: Is God conscious of me? Can I be

Page 431

 conscious of Him? I was healed instantly: every bad
 feeling was destroyed. I could see that the morning
 had not changed a particle, but I was oblivious of the
 weather. It did not seem that I had anything more to
 do with that washing. It was finished in good season,
 while I was "absent from the body, and present with the

 That was the beginning of the battle with sin and
 self, but at the same time it was the dawning of the resur-
 rection. Since then (over four years) I have had many
 experiences, some of which seem too sacred to give to the
 world. False literature has caused me much suffering;
 sorrow has visited my home; but, through all this, the
 light that came to me on that Monday morning — that
 new and precious sense of omnipresent Life, Truth,
 and Love — has never left me one moment. It was the
 light that cannot be hid.

 MRS. H. B. J., Cambridge, Ill.


 Four years ago I learned for the first time that there
 was a way to be healed through Christ. I had always
 been sick, but found no relief in drugs; still, I thought
 that if the Bible was true, God could heal me. So, when
 my attention was called to Christian Science, I at once
 bought "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
 studied it, and began to improve in health. I seemed
 to see God so near and so dear, — so different from
 the God I had been taught to fear. I studied alone night
 and day, until I found I was healed, both physically and

Page 432

 Then came a desire to tell every one of this wonder-
 ful truth. I expected all to feel just as pleased as
 I did; but to my sorrow none would believe. Some,
 it is true, took treatment and were helped, but went
 on in the old way, without a word of thanks. But still
 I could not give up. I seemed to know that this was
 the way, and I had rather live it alone than to follow
 the crowd the other way. But as time passed, I had
 some good demonstrations of this Love that is our

 I am the only Scientist in Le Roy, as yet, but the good
 seed has been sown, and where the people once scoffed
 at this "silly new idea," they are becoming interested,
 and many have been healed, and some are asking about
 it. One dear old lady and I study the Bible Lessons
 every Tuesday afternoon. She came to call, and as we
 talked, she told me of her sickness of years' standing;
 and was healed during our talk, so that she has never felt
 a touch of the old trouble since.

 One lady, whom I had never seen, was healed of con-
 sumption in six weeks' treatment. She had not left
 her bed in four months, and had been given up by many


 I like the Journal and Quarterly, and have many of
 Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy's works, which make my little
 world. I have a great desire to learn more of this Love
 that casts out all fear, and to work in this Science. It is
 the greatest pleasure I have, to talk this truth, as far as
 I understand it, to any who will listen; and am waiting
 for others to learn of this blessed Science.

Page 433

 I give my experience in reading "Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures" aloud to a little child. A
 letter published in the Journal, written by a lady who
 had relieved a two-year-old child by reading to her, first
 suggested this course to me. At the time, my little one
 was a trifle over a year old. I was trying to overcome
 for him a claim which, though not one of serious illness,
 was no small trial to me, because of its frequent occur-
 rence and its seeming ability to baffle my efforts. One
 day as I sat near and treated him, it occurred to me to
 read aloud. I took up one of the older editions of Science
 and Health lying near, began at the words, "Brains
 can give no idea of God's man," and read on for two
 or three paragraphs, endeavoring — as the writer suggested
 — to understand it myself; yet thinking, perchance,
 the purer thought of the babe might grasp the underlying
 meaning sooner than I. So it proved. Before the dis-
 turbance felt by me had been calmed, the weary expres-
 sion on the face of the child was replaced by one of evident

 When putting him to sleep, I had often repeated the
 spiritual interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. One night
 he was very restless, fretful, and cried a great deal,
 while I seemed unable to soothe him. At last I per-
 ceived that he was asking for something, and it dawned
 upon me that the Prayer might be his desire. I began
 repeating it aloud, endeavoring to mean it also. He
 turned over quietly, and in a few minutes was sweetly

 The last time my attention was specially called to
 this subject, was about a year after the first experience.
 Various hindrances had been allowed to keep me from

Page 434

 Science and Health all day; and it was toward even-
 ing when I recognized that material sense had been
 given predominance, and must be put down. I soon felt
 drawn to read the book. The little boy had seemed
 restless and somewhat disturbed all day; but without
 thinking specially of him, rather to assist in holding my
 own thought, I began to read aloud, "Consciousness
 constructs a better body, when it has conquered our
 fear of matter." In a minute or two a little hand had
 touched mine, and I looked down into a sweet face fairly
 radiant with smiles. I read it over. The child was evi-
 dently delighted, and was restful and happy all the rest
 of the day. — A. H. W., Deland, Florida

 A week ago a friend wrote to me on business, and in
 the letter stated that his wife had been very ill for six
 weeks. At once the thought came, "Tell her to read the
 chapter on Healing, in Science and Health." In my
 answer to his letter I obeyed the thought. A few days
 after, I had occasion to call; found her much better, and
 reading Science and Health. They had done as directed,
 and had received the promise. — R., New York

 The first allusion to Christian Science reached me in
 an article I read on that subject. Later, a friend came
 to visit me, bringing a copy of "Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures." For two weeks I read it eagerly;
 then I sent for a copy for myself. When it came, I
 began to study it. The Bible, of which I had had but
 a dim understanding, began to grow clearer. The light

Page 435

 grew brighter each day. Finally, I began to treat my-
 self against ills that had bound me for twenty-eight
 years. At the end of six weeks I was healed, much to the
 amazement of all who knew me. From that time, my
 desire was to help others out of their suffering, and to
 talk this wonderful truth. After a while I took the class
 lectures, and am doing what I can to spread this healing
 gospel. — A. M. G.

 Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy

 My Dear Leader: — I will try to tell you how I was
 led to Christian Science. Heretofore I have not tried to
 lead a Christian life, but have always firmly believed
 that if one truly desired and needed help, he would get
 it from God by asking for it. I suffered, as I think but
 very few have, for fourteen years; yet I did not think it
 sufficient to warrant me in asking God to help me, until
 I gave up all hope elsewhere, — and this occurred in the
 spring of 1891. I then thought that the time had come
 to commit myself to God. Being at home alone, after
 going to bed I prayed God to deliver me from my tor-
 ments, this sentence being the substance of my prayer,
 "What shall I do to be saved?"

 I repeated that sentence, I suppose, until I fell asleep.
 About twelve o'clock at night, I saw a vision in the form
 of a man with wings, standing at the foot of my bed, —
 wings partly spread, — one arm hanging loosely at his
 side, and one extended above his head. At the same
 time there was a bright light shining in my room, which
 made all objects shine like fire. I knew where I was,
 and was not afraid. The vision (for such it was), after

Page 436

 looking directly at me for some time, spoke this one sen-
 tence, and then disappeared: "Do right, and thou shalt
 be saved."

 I immediately tried to live according to that precept,
 and found relief in proportion to my understanding.
 I soon after learned of Christian Science. One of my
 brothers in Kansas, having been healed by it, persuaded
 me to buy "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-
 tures," wherein I learned that the above precept was the
 key to Christian Science; that it is Christian Science to
 do right, and that nothing short of right living has any
 claim to the name.

 I have been learning my way in Christian Science
 about one year, and have been successful in healing. I
 have all of your books, and am a subscriber for the Jour-
 nal and Quarterly Bible Lessons. Some of the cases
 I have treated have yielded almost instantly. I am a
 stranger to you, but I have told you the truth, just as it
 occurred. Yours in truth,

 SAM SCHROYER, Oklahoma City, Okla.

 I desire to make known the great good I have re-
 ceived by reading the blessed book "Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures." Four years have now
 passed since I began to read it. It has been my only
 healer and teacher, as I never have had an opportunity
 to go through a class; but I find that the "Spirit of truth"
 will teach us all things if we will but practise well what
 we know. After two years and a half of study, I thought,
 as many beginners think, that I had travelled over the
 worst part of this narrow path.

Page 437

 Soon after, it came about that I was separated from
 every one who had ever heard of Christian Science; and,
 as I lived in the country, no one came to visit me for
 about eight months. At first, I thought the Lord had
 wrought a great evil. I had no one to talk to, but would
 take my Science and Health every morning, before go-
 ing about my work, and read; yet mortal mind would
 say, "You can do no good, with no one to talk with."
 At last, one morning after listening to the serpent's voice,
 I looked out at the little wild flowers as they waved to
 and fro; they seemed to be a living voice, and this is what
 they said: "On earth peace, good will toward men."

 There was also a mocking-bird that would sit on the
 house and sing. For the first time, I realized that divine
 Love was the only friend I needed. Soon after, I sent
 the Journal to my nearest neighbor, by her little son
 who came to play with my children. Afterward she
 told me that when she began to read it she said to the
 family, "God has sent this book to me." Calling to see
 her one evening, I found her suffering from heart dis-
 ease. I began talking to her about Christian Science,
 and in less than an hour she declared herself healed.
 She is to-day a happy woman. I would say to all suf-
 fering ones, that if you will buy a copy of this wonderful
 book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
 by the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, and study it, and
 practise its teachings, you will find it a pearl of great

 MRS. FANNIE MEEKS, Bells, Grayson Co., Texas

 On my arrival in New York, last July, my brother
 spoke to me of "Science and Health with Key to the

Page 438

 Scriptures;" and, coming in contact with a number of
 Scientists, all wishing me to procure the book, I did so.
 I read it through in the same manner in which I would
 read any other book, to find out the contents.
 Before I got to the end, having partly understood its
 meaning, I began to demonstrate over old physical trou-
 bles, and they disappeared. A belt that I had worn for
 over twelve years, I took off, and threw overboard (being
 a seafaring man).

 Up to that time I had been a constant smoker, and
 chewed tobacco; but I gradually lost all pleasure in it,
 and now look upon it with disgust.

 I was brought up in the Lutheran doctrine, and when
 a boy received a good knowledge of Scripture; but I
 never understood it until explained to me in Science and
 Health. H. F. WITKOV,

 27 Needham Road, Liverpool, England

 In a letter received a few days ago from one of my
 absent patients, there was such a glorious testimonial
 for Science and Health that I feel as if I ought to send
 it in for the pages of our Journal, trusting it may be the
 means of helping many others to turn for help and com-
 fort, in every emergency, to this book.

 In her letter, this lady says: "A few days since, I had
 quite a serious claim attack me. I left my mending, took
 Science and Health and read all the afternoon and even-
 ing; when all trace of the claim was gone, and I have
 felt nothing of it since."

 When this dear woman applied to Truth, she was a
 great sufferer. Her gratitude knows no bounds. Many

Page 439

 chronic ailments, which have bound her with heavy
 chains for many years, are being removed one by one.
 It is such a sweet privilege to lead her out of this bond-
 age of flesh, for she turns with such childlike trust and
 obedience to the book, and looks to that for aid in every
 trial and affliction. It is beautiful to see, and is a rebuke
 to some of us older in the thought, who depend so much
 on personality.

 She is far away, in a little country town where Science
 has hardly been heard of; but she is so happy with her
 book that she has no desire for other reading.

 I have always tried to show her that God was with her
 there as well as with us here; that in Him she possesses
 all; and that with her Bible and Science and Health no
 harm can befall her, for the remedy for every ill she has
 at hand. — MRS. C. H. S., Woburn, Mass.

 I have been an interested reader of the Journal for
 some time, and thought I would contribute my mite by
 giving one of my latest demonstrations in Christian

 An accident occurred as follows: Officers, while hunt-
 ing for a criminal in thick underbrush, fired upon each
 other through mistake, and it was found that one was
 shot six times; two of the bullets passing through the
 abdomen, and one through the hips.

 Two physicians who examined him had no hope. He
 asked me to help him. I took the case. Relief came
 almost instantly. I treated him for eight days; the
 fifth, I heard one of three physicians, who held a private
 consultation over my patient, ask him this question:

Page 440

 "Mr. F— , have you not got one bit of pain?" I was
 rewarded by hearing him answer, "No, sir; not the least
 bit." No one else seemed to have any hope for him; but
 I held firmly to the thought that God is an ever-present
 help, never doubting, and Christian Science has again
 won a victory. Many people call it a miracle, and it
 has set them to thinking.

 The harvest is now ripe and ready for the reaper. I
 wish some good Christian Science teacher would come
 and help us. I can help in my own way, but am not
 advanced enough to lead and teach others. I have only
 studied Science and Health a little over a year, and have
 not been through a class yet.

 S. G. SCHROYER, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

 I became interested in Christian Science through be-
 ing healed. I had no faith in doctors, therefore would
 not consult any; but felt that something must be done,
 or I would soon follow a brother and sister who had
 passed on with the same claim. In my extremity I thought
 of the "great Physician," and took my case to Him, and
 realized that He alone could help me.

 A relative, finding I would not consult a doctor or
 take any drug, gave me "Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures" to read; saying that, although a dear
 friend thought she was greatly helped by a Christian
 Scientist, he himself had no faith in that kind of treat-
 ment, and had no use for the book.

 I had heard of the people called Christian Scientists,
 and of their textbook, Science and Health, but knew
 nothing about either; yet I wanted to know, and took

Page 441

 the book gladly, and was soon deeply interested in it.
 It was a revelation to me. Although I could only under-
 stand it in part, I knew it was the truth, and the truth
 was making me free. I felt that I had been bound and
 in prison; and that now, one after another, the bonds
 were being broken, and I was lifted into the pure air
 and light of heaven. I was healed before I had read
 half-way through the precious volume; for I was obliged
 to read slowly, and some passages over and over again.
 When I came to page 304, line 10 (47th edition), I then
 and there felt that I must add my testimony, though
 already there were "heaps upon heaps;" but since then,
 I have tried to put the thought of those dark days away
 from me, and only refer to them now in the hope that
 some one who is bound may be released and brought
 into the light of divine Love, which alone can heal, and
 make us "every whit whole."

 L. M. C., Brooklyn, N. Y.

 I have been thinking for a long time that I would give
 my experience in coming out of sickness into the knowl-
 edge of health by reading "Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures."

 I was sixty years old (as we mortals count time) be-
 fore I ever read one word of Christian Science. On July
 2, 1890, I met a Scientist who gave me a pamphlet called
 "Christian Healing," by the Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy.

 At that time I was almost helpless. This lady advised
 me to buy Science and Health. I did so, and tried to
 read it; but my hands were so lame I could not hold it,
 and I let it fall to the floor so often that it became un-
 bound, and I laid it away and resumed my medicine.

Page 442

 The following May, the Scientist visited in this city
 again. She advised me to burn all my medicines and to
 lean unreservedly on the promises of God. I took her
 advice; had my book rebound in three volumes, so I
 could hold it more easily, and now read it constantly,
 reading nothing else. Sometimes I would suffer intensely,
 then I would get a little better; then more suffering, and
 so on, until August, 1891, when all pain left me. I have
 had no return of it, and no disagreeable sensations of any
 kind, and am perfectly well in all respects.

 Surely, if we will but trust our heavenly Father, He is
 sufficient for us. I hope some one of, or near, my age,
 who is afflicted, may read this and take courage; for I
 have demonstrated the fact that, by reading Science and
 Health, in connection with the Bible, and trying to follow
 the teaching therein, one in the autumn of life may be
 made over new. I am so thankful to God for my great

 That remark of Sojourner Truth helps me to a better
 understanding of Life in God: "God is the great house
 that holds all His children; we dwell in Him as the fishes
 dwell in the seas." — P. T. P.

 Until about one year ago, I had no thought of investi-
 gating Christian Science. Previous to that time it had
 been presented to me in such a way that I condemned it
 as unreasonable and absurd. At that time it was pre-
 sented to me in a more reasonable light. I determined
 to divest myself of prejudice (as far as was possible)
 and investigate it, thinking that if there was anything
 in it, it was for me as well as others; that I surely needed

Page 443

 it, and if I found no good in it, I could then with some
 show of reason condemn it.

 I had been reading Science and Health about two
 weeks, when one morning I wanted my cane. It had
 been misplaced; and while looking for it the thought
 came to me, If all is Mind, I need no cane. I went out
 without it, have not used it at all since, and do not need
 it as a support; but for a time I did miss it from my
 hand. I had used it for years as a support to a very
 lame back.

 I before went much stooped, because it pained me to
 straighten up; but from the time I laid my cane aside I
 straightened up, free from pain. Occasionally I have a
 slight pain in my back, but it is nothing to compare with
 what it had been.

 In a short time after laying my cane aside, my pipe
 and tobacco went out into the street and have not re-
 turned. I had smoked for sixty-five years, and chewed
 for fifty. I have no desire for either of them; in fact,
 the smoke is offensive to me.

 Many times before I had tried to quit, but the desire
 for it was so strong that I would go back to it; and when
 I tried to "taper off," I would make the taper end the

 Many other physical claims have disappeared, and it
 is a common thing for acquaintances to say when they
 meet me, "You look better than I have seen you for
 years; what have you been doing?" My reply is, I not
 only look better, but feel better, and am better; and
 Christian Science has done it.

 With all this, I seem to have very little spiritual under-
 standing of the truth; am endeavoring to get more, but

Page 444

 it seems slow. If there is a shorter road to it than I have
 found, I should like to be directed to it.

 J. S. M., Joplin, Mo.

 Four years ago I was healed by reading "Science and
 Health with Key to the Scriptures." The third day,
 one of my worst claims gave way. The book was full of
 light, and disease vanished as naturally as darkness gives
 place to light, although it was about six months before
 I was entirely healed.

 Seeing this truth in its purity, showed me where to
 take my stand; and in defending it I have the prince of
 this world to meet. Mortal mind has even called me
 crazy; but what a blessing to know the nothingness of
 that mind, and that divine Principle governs all its ideas,
 and will place each where it belongs!

 If our Master was persecuted, can his servants hope to
 escape? I know in some degree what Paul meant when
 he said he rejoiced in tribulations, "for when I am weak,
 then am I strong."

 Many claims that have baffled the skill of the physi-
 cians have disappeared through my understanding of
 Truth. What a blessing that we can break the bread of
 Life to others, and so add to our crown of rejoicing!

 S. E. R., Kansas City, Mo.

 A dear little six-year old boy of my acquaintance was
 invited by his teacher, with the rest of his class in kinder-
 garten school, to attend a picnic one afternoon. He did
 not feel that he wanted to go; seemed dumpish, and

Page 445

 according to mortal belief was not well; at noon, he said
 he wanted to go to sleep.

 His mother took him in her lap and began to read to
 him from "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-
 tures." Very soon he expressed a wish to go to the
 picnic, and did go. His father, happening to pass the
 place where the little ones were spending the afternoon,
 and somewhat surprised to see him playing, as happy
 and active as any there, called to him and asked, "How
 long did you sleep?" The little fellow replied, "I did
 not sleep at all; mamma read to me from Science and
 Health, and I was well in a minute." — K. L. H.

 One evening I was calling on a neighbor, and some-
 how the subject of Christian Science came up. I asked
 her what it was, and what they believed.

 She then told me of a friend of hers who had become
 a Christian Scientist. This friend had passed through
 great sorrow and disappointment; her health had failed
 her, and her cheerful disposition had entirely changed;
 she could talk of nothing but her troubles, and was a
 most unhappy woman. A few years ago she visited my
 neighbor, who, greatly surprised at her changed appear-
 ance, — for she was happy and well, — asked where her
 troubles were. The reply was, "I have no troubles. I
 have found true happiness; for I have become a Chris-
 tian Scientist."

 I became deeply interested, and asked if the students
 in Clinton had public meetings on Sundays. She replied
 that they had, and told me where they were.

 The next Sunday, I went. All was quiet when I en-

Page 446

 tered, for they were engaged in silent prayer. Soon they
 repeated the spiritual interpretation of the Lord's Prayer.
 I shall never forget the impression that made on me; all
 the next week I heard the leader's voice repeating the
 first sentence.

 I was invited to come again, and did so. One of the
 ladies loaned me "Science and Health with Key to the
 Scriptures," and offered to get me one; which she did
 the next week. I have studied it in connection with the
 Bible. I have greatly improved in health, having had
 only one attack of a physical trouble which caused great
 suffering, since that time, and that was a year ago.
 At first, I did not think anything about being healed,
 or of my physical infirmity. I only loved the sacred teach-
 ing. How true, that God's word does not return unto
 Him void! The words of truth that my neighbor's
 friend spoke to her, were what first awakened me. If
 the one who first hears it does not receive it, it goes to
 some one who is ready, and it takes root and bears fruit.
         Mrs. G. H. I., Clinton, N. Y.

 About three years ago I was near death's door with
 various troubles; also, was seventy years old. I had a
 desire to know something of Christian Science.
 I procured the textbook, and studied it with a desire
 to know the truth. At first all was dark; but light began
 slowly to come, and at the end of three months I found
 my physical claims all gone and my eyesight restored.
 At the end of three months more, I had gained thirty-
 five pounds in weight.

 I had been an infidel, and the change from that came
 more slowly; but now I know that my Redeemer lives,

Page 447

 and I am able by divine grace to make very convincing
 demonstrations. — J. S., Rudd, Iowa

 For a long time I have felt that I must in some way
 express my great debt of gratitude for Christian Science.
 I know no better way to do so than to give an account,
 through the Journal, of some of the many blessings I
 have received as a result of our Leader's untiring toil
 and self-sacrificing love for suffering mortals, in giving
 to us the wonderful book, "Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures."

 When I first heard of Christian Science, about six
 years ago, I was satisfied that it was the religion of Christ
 Jesus, because Jesus had so plainly said, "And these
 signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall
 they cast out devils; . . . they shall lay hands on the
 sick, and they shall recover."

 I had been a church-member since my girlhood, but
 was not satisfied that my belief would take me to
 heaven, as I did not have these "signs following" — and
 this had always troubled me; so, when I heard that an
 old acquaintance living at a distance had not only been
 raised from a dying condition to health, but her life had
 been changed and purified through Christian Science, I
 could hardly wait to know more of this Christlike religion
 which was casting out evils and healing the sick. I
 searched every bookstore in the city for Science and
 Health, at last found a copy, and was delighted to get hold
 of it, but little realized what a treasure it was to be to me
 and my household.

 At first it was like Greek to me, and I could not un-

Page 448

 derstand much of it, but gleaned enough to keep on
 reading, and longed for some one to talk to me of it.
 After I had been reading it about a year's time, I
 suddenly became almost blind. I knew no Scientist to go
 to, so went to physicians; they told me that my case was
 hopeless, that it was certain my sight never could be
 restored, and the probabilities were that I would soon be
 totally blind.

 I felt sure that Christian Science would help me if I
 could only fully understand it; but there was no one
 from whom I could ask help, that I knew of. I gave all
 the time that I could use my eyes to studying Science
 and Health, — which at first was not more than five
 minutes two, and sometimes three, times a day; gradu-
 ally my sight returned, until it was fully restored.
 During this time God and the "little book" were my
 only help. My understanding was very limited; but like
 the prodigal son, I had turned away from the husks,
 towards my Father's house, and while I "was yet a great
 way off" my Father came to meet me. When this great
 cloud of darkness was banished by the light of Truth,
 could I doubt that Christian Science was indeed the
 "Comforter" that would lead us "into all truth"?
 Again I lay at the point of death; but holding stead-
 fastly to the truth, knowing, from the teaching of this
 precious book, that God is Life and there is no death, I
 was raised up to health, — restored to my husband and
 little children, all of whom I am thankful to say are now
 with me in Science.

 I had no one to talk with on this subject, knew no one
 of whose understanding I felt sure enough to ask for
 help; but I was careful from the first not to read or

Page 449

 inquire into anything except genuine Christian Science,
 and how thankful I am for it! Since then, I have been
 through a class.

 I cannot express in words what Christian Science has
 done for my children, or my gratitude that the light of
 Truth has come to them in their innocent childhood, —
 healing all claims of sickness, and showing us how to over-
 come the more stubborn claims of sin. — L. F. B.

 It is a little over one year since a very esteemed friend,
 of this city, invited me to partake of the heavenly manna
 contained in the revelation of "Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures." I had, up to that time, been
 for fifteen years a victim of hip-joint disease; this even-
 tually confining me to my bed, where I had been ten
 months when the "book of prophecy" was opened for
 me. I was not long in finding the light I needed, — that
 gave "feet to the lame," enabling me now to go, move,
 and walk, where I will, without crutch or support of any
 description, save the staff of divine Science.
 In proportion as my thoughts are occupied with the
 work in Science, does the peace and joy come inwardly
 that transforms the blight of error externally.

 T. G. K., Tacoma, Wash.

 I wish to acknowledge the blessings which Christian
 Science has brought to me through reading "Science and
 Health with Key to the Scriptures." My first demon-
 stration was over the tobacco habit; I had smoked for
 at least fifteen years: I have now no desire for tobacco.

Page 450

 I was then healed of two claims which had bound me
 for ten years. My prayer is that I may be so filled with the
 truth that I can carry the message to my brother man.

 F. W. K., Angelica, N. Y.

 I take advantage of the great privilege granted us,
 to give my testimony for Christian Science through the
 pages of our much loved Journal. The blessing has
 been so bountiful that words can but poorly express my

 A little over six years ago, a relative came from Den-
 ver, Colorado, to visit us. She was a Christian Scientist,
 having herself been healed of a severe claim that M. D.'s,
 drugs, and climate could not relieve; and her husband
 having been in the drug business, she had had a chance
 to give them a fair trial.

 My sister-in-law did not talk much on the subject, as
 I remember; but what was better, lived the truth before
 us as she realized it.

 One day (a blessed day to me), I ventured to open
 Science and Health, and read the first sentence in the
 Preface. I closed the book, wondering what more it could
 contain, this seeming to cover the whole ground. When
 my sister-in-law returned to the room, I asked her if I
 might read it. Her reply was, "Yes; but begin at the

 That night, after all had retired, I began to read;
 within forty-eight hours I destroyed all drugs, appli-
 cations, etc., notwithstanding the fact that my husband
 had just paid fifty dollars to a travelling specialist for
 part of a treatment. With the drugs disappeared ail-

Page 451

 ments of nine years' standing, which M. D.'s had failed
 to relieve.

 I now understand that my sudden healing was due to
 my turning completely away from material methods;
 for I was convinced I should never use them again. I
 realized that God was my health, my strength, my Life,
 therefore All. As I read Science and Health, I won-
 dered why others had not discerned this truth, — physi-
 cians, ministers, and others who had devoted their lives
 to benefit mankind. Yes! why? Because they had
 been seeking in the opposite direction to Truth, namely,
 for cause and effect in matter, when all cause and effect
 are mental.

 I mention physicians and ministers, because one class
 claims to heal disease, the other claims to heal sin; but
 Christian Science heals physically and morally, — it con-
 tains all; "its leaves are for the healing of the nations."

 L. B. A., Memphis, Tenn.

 I was for years a great sufferer. I called doctor after
 doctor, getting no help. The last one, after treating me
 for one year, told me he would give me one year more
 to live.

 One evening a near neighbor came in and asked me
 to go home with her; and as it was only a few steps, I
 did so.

 She took up a new book, Science and Health, read me
 a few chapters, and then gave me some Christian Science
 tracts, which I read, and one of them I almost committed
 to memory.

 I bought a copy of "Science and Health with Key to

Page 452

 the Scriptures," and studied it carefully. I am healed
 of all those claims which troubled me so long. I was
 lifted out of darkness into light.

 M. J. P., Burns, Oregon

 Chicago, March 19, 1894

 Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy, Boston, Mass.: — I wish to
 thank you for the true light that was revealed to me by
 reading your book, "Science and Health with Key to the
 Scriptures," and at once adopting its teaching. It was
 one year ago to-day that I put on the armor, determined
 never to surrender to the enemy; and you may know I
 have looked forward to this day with a great deal of
 pleasure, to show my friends that the Lord is constantly
 with me to help overcome all evil.

 Some said, when I first started in this new path, "Wait
 until you get one of your stomach attacks, and you will
 change your mind." For months they have waited, and
 are beginning to see the truth in my actions, that speak
 for themselves, and show that all is Mind.

 For nearly thirty years I had been a sufferer from
 throat and stomach troubles; bronchitis, dyspepsia, gas-
 tralgia, and gastritis, etc., were the terms applied by
 my physicians. About eighteen years of that time I was
 engaged in the drug business, had constant opportunities
 for consulting the best physicians, and took such medicine
 as I felt assured would cure me; but only to be disap-
 pointed each time.

 The last few years I had been living on oatmeal crackers
 and hot water; suffering more or less all the time, and
 could not eat anything else without suffering intense

Page 453

 pain. I felt as though I could not live many months
 more, and was getting ready to give up the fight
 when a dear friend and neighbor, Mrs. Corning, left
 a copy of Science and Health at our home. At first I
 did not care to read it; having been educated, for many
 years, in the belief that medicine can cure all diseases, I
 could not conceive of anything else to cure the sick.
 One Sunday I had the curiosity to know something
 about this Christian Science, and read Science and Health.
 The more I read, the more interested I became, and
 finally said to myself, "I will try it." I took a large
 porous plaster and four thicknesses of flannel off my
 stomach, and threw them in the corner, saying, "Now
 it shall be Mind over matter; no more matter over Mind."
 I filled a large basket full of bottles containing medicine,
 and put it in the shed (where all medicine should be).
 From that day I have eaten of everything on the table,
 and all I wished. Coffee was my worst enemy, and I
 had not tasted it for years without suffering untold agony.
 Several days passed before I cared to drink it; then, one
 morning, I told my family I would commence to use it;
 I did, and have used it every day since, and don't know
 that I have a stomach, as it never has caused me any
 trouble since that morning.

 I am happy to say I have not used a drop of any kind
 of medicine, internally or externally, from that day, and
 I know that all is Mind. I read the Bible and Science
 and Health nearly every day, thanking the Lord for the
 years of suffering which have led me to the truth as taught
 by our Saviour; for I feel it was only through its victory
 over the suffering that the truth could have been revealed
 in my case.

Page 454

 I have had some demonstrations to make over error,
 but each time it becomes easier. God is ever present
 and ready to help me, and I trust in Him; my faith is
 planted on a rock that is immovable.

 Yours truly, FRANK S. EBERHART

 P. S. If you think this letter, or any part of it, will help
 some one out of darkness into the light of Truth, you
 are at liberty to have it published.

 Having so many occupations and interruptions, I have
 not found time to read "Science and Health with Key to
 the Scriptures" sufficiently, but will not on that account
 delay thanking you for its excellence.

 HENRY W. LONGFELLOW, Cambridge, Mass.
 I am an old-school practitioner; have served as surgeon
 in two European wars; practised medicine for about
 ten years in New York city and Brooklyn, until my health
 compelled me to relinquish my profession. I became
 a victim of the morphia habit, taking daily thirty grains
 of that drug. My physicians declared me consumptive,
 and abandoned all hopes of recovery. Shortly after
 this I made the acquaintance of a student of the author
 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
 who presented me with her works; and as drugs did me
 no good, I stopped taking any whatever, save morphia,
 without which I thought it impossible to get along, and
 to my astonishment began to gain in flesh, and my am-
 bition returning in proportion. I finally felt that I would
 stop my loathsome habit of morphia-eating, and did so

Page 455

 in one week, without any discomfort worth mentioning.
 For a test I administered one fourth of a grain of morphia
 to the aforesaid Scientist, hypodermically, without the
 slightest physiological effect, clearly proving the existence
 of metaphysical laws. I have read Science and Health
 carefully, and consider my present improved health solely
 due to mental influence.

 OTTO ANDERSON, M. D., Cincinnati, Ohio

 The profound truths which you announce, sustained
 by facts of the immortal life, give to your work the seal
 of inspiration — reaffirm in modern phrase the Christian
 revelations. In times like these, so sunk in sensualism,
 I hail with joy your voice, speaking an assured word for
 God and immortality, and my joy is heightened that these
 words are of woman's divinings.

 A. BRONSON ALCOTT, Concord, Mass.

 I was sick six years; tried many physicians and reme-
 dies, but received no lasting benefit from any of them,
 and concluded I must remain sick the rest of my life.
 In this condition, I purchased the book "Science and
 Health with Key to the Scriptures," read it, was deeply
 interested, and noticed that my health began to improve;
 and the more I read the book, the better I became in
 health. This I can say truly: it did more for my health
 than all the physicians and remedies that I had ever
 tried. — DR. S. G. TODD, 11 School St., Newburyport
 I had been a nervous sufferer for nine years; had a
 belief of incurable disease of the heart, and was subject

Page 456

 to severe nervous prostration if I became the least weary.
 I was told that if I should read your books they would
 cure me. I commenced reading them: in ten days I was
 surprised to find myself overcoming my nervous spasms
 without the aid of medicine; and ever since then I have
 been improving, and I now can walk twenty miles without
 fatigue, and have been able to rise above all ailments.


 Central Village, Westport, Mass.

 I would inform my friends and the public, that after
 twelve years of sickness I am restored to health; and,
 with renewed vigor and keen enjoyment, take up the
 pleasures and duties of life once more; all labor now
 seems less arduous, and all happiness more perfect. To
 Christian Science, as taught in "Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures," I am indebted for my restoration.
 I can cordially recommend this book to all.


 When I commenced reading "Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures," I could sit up but a very short
 time, and could not eat the most simple food without
 great distress. In a few days there was a great change,
 and I have been growing better ever since.

 E. D. RICHARDSON, Merrimac, Mass.

 I have not been as well for years as I have been since
 reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
 all of which I impute to its teaching.

 (MRS.) MARY A. WILLIAMS, Freeport, Ill.

Page 457

 Had been in ill-health for several years; had been
 confined to my bed three months, when I got your book
 and read it. At first I was unable to read it myself, and
 others read it to me, and the truth revealed in your book
 restored me to health.

 (COL.) E. J. SMITH, Washington, D. C.

 I have been perusing with great interest your work
 on metaphysical Science, for the last four months, and
 to great advantage; you make the path to health so plain,
 that a wayfaring man, though a fool, cannot err therein.

 R. I. BARKER, Bethel, Me.

 "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" "is
 a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path;" your
 missiles of Mind have battered down the illusions of sense,
 allowing Life to appear an eternal monument, whose
 spirited hieroglyphics, Truth and Love, unlike those cut
 in marble, shall grow more luminous to consciousness as
 sickness, sin and death fade out of belief.


 Office of Associated Charities, Cincinnati, O.

 "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" is
 beautiful in its form of thought and expression. I have
 perused it with interest. Your book tends to lead us to
 new thoughts and practices in the healing art, and for
 many maladies I have no doubt the treatment your ex-
 cellent work introduces will be the only remedy.

 (COL.) ROB'T B. CAVERLY, Centralville, Mass.

Page 458

 Undoubtedly "Science and Health with Key to the
 Scriptures" is the greatest and grandest book ever pub-
 lished; and that by pulpit and press it will be so ac-
 knowledged, is only a question of time. Yours has,
 indeed, been a pioneer work, and will be; and I believe
 that you, of all the millions, are selected and chosen be-
 cause of your peculiar fitness for this great work — this
 grand work of opening the gates and leading the way,
 that fallen humanity may follow step by step; reach up
 to Christ, and be made whole! That all this should be
 systematized and proven with mathematical precision, —
 that there can be no guesswork or quackery, — is simply
 astounding. Science and Health has given me a new
 impetus heavenward.

 M. A. HINKLEY, Williamsport, Pa.

 The book "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-
 tures" is the most wonderful work that has been written
 in the past five thousand years. I wish you could get
 ten dollars per copy. I am of the opinion that I can heal
 the sick on its basis, from reading the work.

 H. D. DEXTER, M. D., Dundee, N. Y.

 Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy's book, "Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures," has been duly catalogued
 and placed on our shelves for use. In behalf of the trus-
 tees, let me convey cordial thanks to the earnest-minded
 author for this interesting contribution. My own idea
 is, that the power of Mind or Spirit is supreme in char-
 acter, and destined to supremacy over all that is adverse

 to divine order. WILLIAM H. KIMBALL,
 Librarian New Hampshire State Library

Page 459

 I am reading the work, "Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures," for the third time; and I am
 convinced of the truth of the Science of which it treats,
 — instructing us how to attain holiness of heart, purity
 of life, and the sublime ascendency of soul over body.

 C. CLEMENT, McMinnville, Warren Co., Tenn.

 I was sick for a number of years with what some of
 the most skilful physicians pronounced an incurable
 disease. The more I tried to get help, the worse I be-
 came, until a life of pain and helplessness seemed un-
 avoidable. Two years ago I heard of "Science and
 Health with Key to the Scriptures," began reading it
 and trying to live up to its teachings. At first, my be-
 liefs were so strong I made but little progress; but grad-
 ually my disease gave way, and finally disappeared, and
 to-day I am a well woman. I cannot express the grati-
 tude I feel for what the light shining through the teachings
 of that book did for me.

 (MRS.) EMILY T. HOWE, Norway, Me.

 I have been reading "Science and Health with Key
 to the Scriptures," and feasting—like a starving, ship-
 wrecked mariner, on the food that was to sustain him
 — on truths which ages to come will appreciate, under-
 stand, and accept. Many of the theories which at first
 appear abstruse and obscure, at length become clear and
 lucid. The candle of intellect requires occasional snuff-
 ing to throw the clear light of penetration on the page.

 (MRS.) S. A. ORNE, Malden, Mass.

Page 460

 The mother of a little girl about eight years old told
 me her child was having a severe attack of cold, and
 was delicate and easy to take cold. I told her the little
 girl would be all right; not to give her any medicine, but
 read Science and Health to her. When I next saw the
 mother, she told me the little girl was entirely well; that
 the cold had all disappeared, and with it a claim of night-
 sweats that the child had been under for more than a
 year. The little girl had been out sliding down-hill in
 the snow a number of times; had her feet very wet, but
 it did not affect her at all. They were all pleased, —
 especially the child; her face was beaming with hap-
 piness and smiles. This is just one little instance of the
 good that comes from reading Science and Health.

 T. W. H.


 This is, perhaps, the most remarkable book on health,
 in some respects, which has appeared in this country.
 The author evidently discards physiology, hygiene, mes-
 merism, magnetism, and every form of medication, bath-
 ing, dieting, etc., — all go by the board; no medicine,
 manipulation, or external applications are permitted;
 everything is done through the mind. Applied to cer-
 tain conditions, this method has great value: even the
 reading of the author's book has cured hopeless cases.
 The author claims that her methods are those used by
 Christ and his apostles, and she has established a church
 and school to propagate them. — Herald of Health, N. Y.
 (M. L. HOLBROOK, Publisher)

Page 461

 The Christian Scientists claim that the power of heal-
 ing is not lost, and have supported that claim by induc-
 ing cures astonishingly like those quoted from the New
 Testament. And even more good they hope to achieve,
 as this power which they possess is better understood
 and the new light gains strength in the world. Experi-
 ence has taught us that the nearer we approach to the
 source of a report of miraculous power, the smaller does
 the wonder grow. In the instance of the Christian Sci-
 entists, the result has been rather the reverse; if third
 parties have related a remarkable circumstance, the person
 of whom the fact was alleged has been found to make
 the assertion still stronger. — Boston Sunday Globe
 "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by
 Mary Baker G. Eddy, President of the Massachusetts
 Metaphysical College, is a remarkable publication,
 claiming to elucidate the influence of mentality over
 matter. Mrs. Eddy announces herself as the discoverer
 of this metaphysical Science, and receives students, to
 whom she imparts so much of her metaphysics as their
 minds are capable of receiving. The volumes are a
 vigorous protest against the materialism of our modern
 scientists, Darwin, Huxley, Tyndall, etc. Her Science
 of Mind was first self-applied: having been ill and treated
 by doctors of the various schools without benefit, she
 discovered the grand Principle of all healing to be God,
 or Mind. Relying on this Principle alone, she regained
 her health, and for the last sixteen years has taught
 this theory to others, and has healed the sick in all cases
 where the patient's mentality was sufficiently strong to

Page 462

 understand her teachings and act upon them. — Brooklyn

 The book "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-
 tures" is certainly original, and contains much that
 will do good. The reader will find this work not influ-
 enced by superstition or pride, but striking out boldly,
 — full of self-sacrifice and love towards God and man. —
 Christian Advocate, Buffalo, N. Y.

 The doctrines of "Science and Health with Key to
 the Scriptures" are high and pure, wholly free from
 those vile theories about love and marriage which have
 been so prevalent among the spiritualists. This new
 sect devotes itself to a study of the Bible, and a practice
 of curing disease without mesmerism or spiritualism. It
 treats Darwin and materialists with a lofty scorn. —
 Springfield Republican

 "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" is
 indisputably a wonderful work. It has no equal. No
 one can read the book and not be benefited by it in mind
 and body. The work is endorsed by some of the best
 men of the age. — Star-Spangled Banner

 We shall watch with keen interest the promised results
 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."
 The work shows how the body can be cured, and how

Page 463

 a better state of Christianity can be introduced (which
 is certainly very desirable) . It likewise has a hard thrust
 at spiritualism; and, taken altogether, it is a very rare
 book. — Boston Investigator

 The author of "Science and Health with Key to the
 Scriptures," which is attracting much attention, shows
 her ability to defend her cause with vigor. — Boston
 Weekly Journal
 (By permission)

 My Dear Friend H.: — Your good letter of the 26th
 ult. came duly to hand several days ago, and I am not
 greatly surprised at its contents. You say, in substance,
 that you procured the book, "Science and Health with
 Key to the Scriptures," which I recommended, and
 that to your surprise and disgust you found it to be a
 work on faith-cure, and ask by what process of reason-
 ing I could possibly bring myself to adopt or accept
 such visionary theories. In answer to your very nat-
 ural question, I will try, in my own way, to give you
 what appears to me to be a reason for the hope that is
 in me.

 My religious views of fifteen years ago are too famil-
 iar to you to need any exposition at my hands at this
 time. Suffice it to say that the religion of the Bible,
 as taught by the churches, to my mind appeared to be

Page 464

 self-contradictory and confusing, and their explanations
 failed to explain. During the next eleven years my
 convictions underwent little change. I read everything
 that came in my way that had any bearing upon, or
 pretended in any degree to explain, the problem of life;
 and while I gained some knowledge of a general nature,
 I was no nearer the solution of life's problem than when
 I began my investigations years ago, and I had given
 up all hope of ever being able to come to a knowledge
 of the truth, or a satisfactory explanation of the enigma
 of life.

 In all my intellectual wanderings I had never lost my
 belief in a great First Cause, which I was as well satis-
 fied to call God as anything else; but the orthodox ex-
 planations of His or its nature and power were to my
 mind such a mixture of truth and error, that I could not
 tell where fact left off and fancy began. The whole ef-
 fort of the pulpit being put forth, seemed directed to the im-
 possible task of harmonizing the teachings of Jesus Christ
 with the wisdom of the world; and the whole tendency
 of our religious education was to befog the intellect and
 produce scepticism in a mind that presumed to think
 for itself and to inquire into the why and the wherefore.
 I fully believe that the agnosticism of yourself and my-
 self was produced by the futile attempt to mix and har-
 monize the wisdom of the world with the philosophy of
 the Christ.

 In my investigations into the researches of the savants
 and philosophers I found neither any satisfactory expla-
 nation of things as they seemed to exist, nor any solu-
 tion of the great and all-absorbing question, "What is
 Truth?" Their premises appeared to be sound, and

Page 465

 their reasonings faultless; but in the nature of things,
 no final conclusion of the whole matter could be reached
 from premises based wholly on material knowledge.
 They could explain "matter" and its properties to their
 own satisfaction, but the intelligence that lay behind or
 beyond it, and which was manifested in and through it,
 was to them as much of a mystery as it was to the hum-
 blest of God's creatures. They could prove pretty con-
 clusively that many of the generally accepted theories
 had no basis in fact; but they left us as much in the
 dark regarding Life and its governing Principle as had
 the divines before them.

 About four years ago, while still in the mental condi-
 tion above indicated, my attention was called to what at
 that time appeared to me to be a new phase of spiritism,
 and which was called by those who professed to believe
 in it, Christian Science. I thought that I had given some
 attention to about all the isms that ever existed, and that
 this was only another phantasm of some religionist lost
 in the labyrinths of mental hallucination.

 In my reflections at that time it seemed to me that
 life was an incomprehensible enigma; that the creator
 had placed us on this earth, and left us entirely in the
 dark as to His purpose in so doing. We seemed to be
 cast upon the ocean of time, and left to drift aimlessly
 about, with no exact knowledge of what was required of
 us or how to attain unto the truth, which must certainly
 have an existence somewhere. It seemed to me that in
 the very nature of things there must be a great error
 somewhere in our understanding, or that the creator
 Himself had slipped a cog when He fitted all things into
 their proper spheres. That there had been a grand mis-

Page 466

 take somewhere I had no doubt; but I still had doubt
 enough of my own capabilities and understanding to be-
 lieve that the mistake, whatever it was, was in me and
 not in the creator. I knew that, in a fair measure at
 least, I had an honest desire to live aright, as it was given
 me to see the right, and to strive to some extent to do the
 will of God, if I could only know certainly just what it

 While in this frame of mind, I inwardly appealed to
 the great unseen power to enlighten my understanding,
 and to lead me into a knowledge of the truth, promising
 mentally to follow wherever it might lead, if I could only
 do so understandingly.

 My wife had been investigating Christian Science to
 some extent, but knowing my natural antipathy to such
 vagaries, as I then thought them, had said very little to
 me about it; but one day, while discussing the mysteries
 of life with a judge of one of our courts, he asked me
 whether I had ever looked into the teachings of the Chris-
 tian Scientists. I told him that I had not, and he urged
 me very strongly to do so. He claimed to have investi-
 gated their teachings, and said that he had become a
 thorough believer in them. This aroused my curiosity,
 and I procured the book called "Science and Health
 with Key to the Scriptures," and read it. Before read-
 ing very far in it, I became pretty thoroughly nauseated
 with what I thought the chimerical ideas of the author,
 but kept on reading, — more because I had promised to
 read the book than because of interest in its teachings;
 but before I had gotten through with it, I did become
 interested in the Principle that I thought I discovered
 the author was striving to elucidate; and when I got

Page 467

 through it, I began again and reread it very carefully.
 When I had finished reading this book the second time,
 I had become thoroughly convinced that her explana-
 tion of the religion taught by Jesus Christ, and what
 he did teach, afforded the only explanation which, to
 my mind, came anywhere near harmonizing and making
 cohesive what had always seemed contradictory and
 inexplicable in the Bible. I became satisfied that I had
 found the truth for which I had long been seeking, and
 I arose from the reading of the book a changed man;
 doubt and uncertainty had fled, and my mind has never
 been troubled with a serious doubt upon the subject from
 that day to this.

 I do not pretend to have acquired the power it is claimed
 we may attain to; but I am satisfied that the fault is in
 me, and not in the Principle. I think I can almost hear
 you ask, What! do you believe in miracles? I answer
 unhesitatingly, Yes; I believe in the manifestations of
 the power of Mind which the world calls miraculous;
 but which those who claim to understand the Principle
 through which the works are done, seem to think not
 unnatural, but only the logical result of the application
 of a known Principle.

 It always did seem to me that Truth should be self-
 evident, or at least susceptible of unmistakable proof, —
 which all religions seemed to lack, at least in so far as I
 had known them. I now remember that Jesus furnished
 unmistakable proofs of the truth of his teachings, by his
 manifestations of the power of Mind, or, as some might
 call it, Spirit; which power he plainly taught would be
 acquired by those who believed in the Principle which he
 taught, and which manifestations would follow as signs

Page 468

 that an understanding of his philosophy had been reached.
 It does seem to me, that where the signs do not follow
 professing Christians which Christ said should follow
 them, there must be something wrong, either in his teach-
 ings or their understanding of them; and to say the
 least, the foundations of their faith require a careful re-
 examination, with a view to harmonizing them with the
 plain teachings of the Christ in whose footsteps they
 profess to follow.

 I never could understand how God could be ever-pres-
 ent as a personal Being, but I think I can and do under-
 stand how divine Principle can pervade every thing and

 I never could understand how heaven could be a place
 with gorgeous fittings, but I think I can and do under-
 stand how it might be a spiritual (or if you please mental)
 condition. Jesus said, "The kingdom of God cometh
 not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here!
 or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within

 "Knowledge (or understanding) is power." Since
 adopting the views of life as set forth in "Science and
 Health with Key to the Scriptures," I have seen proofs
 of what can be accomplished through a knowledge of the
 truth, which to my mind amount to demonstrations, and
 which no longer seem incredible, but which I do not ask
 another to accept upon my statements. Every one must
 see or feel for himself in order to be convinced; but I
 am satisfied that any who will lay aside their preconceived
 notions, and deal honestly with themselves and the light
 they have, will come to a knowledge of the truth as illus-
 trated in the teachings and life of Jesus Christ; that is,

Page 469

 that Mind, or Soul, or whatever you may be pleased to
 call it, is the real Ego, or self, and that mortal mind with
 its body is the unreal and vanishing, and eventually goes
 back to its native nothingness.

 Truth is, and ever has been, simple; and because of
 its utter simplicity, we in our pride and selfishness have
 been looking right over it. We have been keeping our
 eyes turned toward the sky, scanning the heavens with
 a far-off gaze in search of light, expecting to see the
 truth blaze forth like some great comet, or in some ex-
 traordinary manner; and when, instead of coming in
 great pomp and splendor, it appears in the simpleness
 of demonstration, we are staggered at it, and refuse to
 accept it; our intellectual pride is shocked, and we are
 sure that there has been some mistake. Human nature
 is ever the same. The Jews were looking for something
 transcendently wonderful, and the absence of it made
 the Christ, Truth, to them a stumbling-block. It was
 foolishness to the Greeks, who excelled in the worldly
 wisdom of that day; but in all ages of the world it has
 ever been the power of God to them that believe, not
 blindly, but because of an enlightened understanding.
 I always did think that there was something beautiful
 in the philosophy of life as taught by Jesus Christ, but
 that it was impracticable and not susceptible of applica-
 tion to the affairs of life in a world constituted as this
 appeared to be. As I now view it, that belief was the
 result of ignorance of the real power that "moves the
 universe," — too much faith in matter or effect, and not
 enough in Mind or cause, which is God.

 To one who can accept the truth that all causation is
 in Mind, and who therefore begins to look away from

Page 470

 matter and into Mind, or Spirit, for all that is real and
 eternal, and for all that produces anything that is last-
 ing, the doubts and petty annoyances of life become
 dissolved in the light of a better understanding, which
 has been refined in the crucible of charity and love; and
 they fade away into the nothingness from whence they
 came, never having had any existence in fact, being only
 the inventions of erring human belief.

 Read the teachings of the Christ from a Christian Science
 standpoint, and they no longer appear vague and mysti-
 cal, but become luminous and powerful, — and, let me
 say, intelligible.

 It is true, as you intimate, that this theory of life is
 much more generally accepted by women than by men,
 and it may be true that as a rule their reasoning is much
 less rigid in its nature than that of the sterner sex, and
 that they may be liable to scan their premises less keenly;
 but may it not also be true, that they are of finer texture
 and more spiritual in their natures, and that they may
 be just as likely to arrive at the truth through their in-
 tuitions, in connection with their logic, as we are through
 the more rugged courses? If it be true that man is the
 more logical, the fallibility of our own reasonings very
 frequently becomes painfully apparent even to ourselves,
 and they are therefore not the safest gauge by which to
 judge others.

 I believe, myself, that when it comes to standing up
 for Truth in the face of the world, and possibly at the
 sacrifice of position and popularity, women possess the
 necessary courage in a much greater degree than do

 I had not intended to weary you with such a long

Page 471

 letter, but after getting into the subject, I hardly knew
 where to stop. As an old and loved friend, I have given
 you a glimpse of my inner life, because I hardly knew
 how to explain my mental condition to you in any other
 way. . . .